Weird behavior with mongoose Schema $inc operator - node.js

I'm working a todo app, it has projects and each project has todolistsand todoListsCount .
When user creates a new todoList I want to increment the project's todoListsCount, the problem I found is that somehow after creating the first todoList the project's todoListsCount successfully increment but the new value is 2 I suppose to what I was expecting which is 2 :
let project= null
await Project.findOneAndUpdate(
{ $inc:{ todoListsCount:1 }},
{ new: true},
(err, doc) => {
if (err)console.log("Something wrong when updating data!");
project =doc
const todoList = new TodoList({
orderInProject : project.todoListsCount,
created_at : new Date(),
progress : 0,
done_at : new Date(),
todos : [],
done : false,
as you can see in the Project schema default value of todoListsCount is 0
import mongoose from 'mongoose'
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
const ProjectSchema = new Schema(
/ of fields
todosCount : {
type : Number ,
required :false ,
default: 0
todoListsCount : {
type : Number ,
required :false ,
default: 0
export const Project = mongoose.model('Project', ProjectSchema);

I guess you are using both await and callback for same function, can be the culprit. Try:
let project = await Project.findOneAndUpdate(
{ $inc:{ todoListsCount:1 }},
{ new: true}).exec();


mongodb issue when using .find()

I am using MongoDB for the first time and I came across an error that I could not solve.
Here is my code:
const mongoose = require('../../common/services/mongoose.service').mongoose;
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
const functions = require('./functions');
const userSchema = new Schema({
email: String,
password: String,
number: String,
state: Boolean
userSchema.virtual('id').get(function () {
return this._id.toHexString();
// Ensure virtual fields are serialised.
userSchema.set('toJSON', {
virtuals: true
userSchema.findById = function (cb) {
return this.model('Users').find({id:}, cb);
const User = mongoose.model('Users', userSchema);
exports.findByEmail = (email) => {
//console.log('hello'); //this works btw
return User.find({email: email});
So in the code above, findByEmail works fine since hello is logged. However, when it gets to return User.find, I get this error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token g in JSON at position 0.
This is what is currently in the DB:
"_id" : ObjectId("6026b813f1828a51f8979616"),
"email" : "",
"password" : "GLImDln1xMKfKS/E99s8qg==$Es3PIHD95vV89973Xq4RecveYMEf22PCH/pFtG1+xq4Gtc4DelA/JXlRNcOR11Rfv/J1uaZCuOplsEmHhY0ehQ==",
"number" : "6969",
"state" : true,
"__v" : 0
I input Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? It would mean a lot to me. I am using node/vue btw.
Error occurs within findByEmail when I run it

Add a deeply embedded document conditionally if unique field value

I have following model and schemas in mongoose :
const Doc = mongoose.model(
new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
subDocs: [SubDoc],
const SubDoc = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
subSubDocs: [SubSubDoc],
const SubSubDoc = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
This code adds a uniquely named embedded SubDoc to the parent Doc. By "uniquely named" I mean it will not create a subdocument if another subdocument in the parent has the same value for "name":
const createUniqueSubDoc = (docId, name) => {
return db.Doc.findOneAndUpdate(
{ _id: docId, "": { $ne: name } },
$push: {
subDocs: {
name: name,
{ new: true, useFindAndModify: false }
const run = async (doc) => {
let doc = await db.Doc.create({name:"Main document"})
createUniqueSubDoc(doc._id, "sub document name");
addToSet doesn't work with dates or id's so I'm $ne as suggested here.
But how do I add a uniquely named embedded SubSubDoc to the already embedded SubDoc's subSubDoc field? You can't query the embedded SubDoc with findOneAndUpdate because it's only a schema not a model like the Doc model.
using MongooseArray methods:
const createUniqueSubSubDoc = async function (docId, subDocId, subSubDoc) {
const doc = await db.Doc.findById(docId);
const subDoc =;
if (subDoc.subSubDocs.find((ssd) => ==
return "oops! you already gave another SubSubDoc this name";
"5f56d9621222bbcc3bf4ee41", // the id for a Doc
"5f56d9631222bbcc3bf4ee42", // the id for a SubDoc of that Doc
{ name: "subSubDoc name" } // the object for the new SubSubDoc
git repo

Mongoose - Can't push a subdocument into an array in parent Document

I am trying to push a subdocument(ApplicationSchema) into my Job schema. But it doesn't seem to work.
Following is my Job Schema :
import mongoose from 'mongoose';
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var ApplicationSchema = require('./Application');
const Job = new Schema({
skills : {
type : Array
active : {
type : Boolean,
default : false
applications: [ApplicationSchema],
userId : {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'User'
},{timestamps : true});
export default mongoose.model("Job", Job)
This is subdocument(ApplicationSchema). I have 5 more subdocuments in this schema.
I am pushing an object with a key-value pair of talentId and its value. But it doesn't work.
I get a new object in the array but the object I'm trying to push is not pushed.
import mongoose from 'mongoose';
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var notesSchema = require('./notesSchema');
var documentSchema = require('./documentSchema');
var assessmentSchema = require('./assessmentSchema');
var interviewScheduleSchema = require('./interviewScheduleSchema');
var referenceSchema = require('./referenceSchema')
const ApplicationSchema = new Schema({
talentId: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Talent'
applicationType: {
type: Number
notes: [notesSchema],
documents: [documentSchema],
assessment: [assessmentSchema],
interviewSchedule: [interviewScheduleSchema],
references: [referenceSchema]
timestamps: true
export default ApplicationSchema;
Following is my code in the API endpoint
.post((req, res, next) => {
.then((job) => {
if (job != null) {
.then((job) => {
res.statusCode = 200;
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
else {
err = new Error('Job ' + req.params.jobId + 'not found')
err.status = 404;
return next(err);
}, (err) => next(err))
.catch((err) => next(err));
req.body contains following object
{ talentId: '5a813e1eb936ab308c4cae51' }
If you already have the id of the job document then you can push application object direct by doing the following:
{ _id: req.params.jobId },
{ $push: { applications: req.body} },
or you can use promise to handle this. and if you are only saving id of the application then you may want to change your job schema to store Id of the applications instead of whole application schema.
Please read the documentation carefully as this is very basic update query.
You have,
talentId: {type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Talent'}
But your req.body contains:
{ talentId: '5a813e1eb936ab308c4cae51' }
It should be:
{ talentId: mongoose.Types.ObjectId('5a813e1eb936ab308c4cae51') }
Turns out there was nothing wrong with code.
I was using import and export default syntax which didn't seem work well with this.
import mongoose from 'mongoose';
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
export default ApplicationSchema;
I replaced them with Common JS syntax and everything worked fine.
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
module.exports = ApplicationSchema;
I did this for Job document file and every subdocument file and the code worked.

MongoDB and Nodejs insert ID with auto increment

I am new to NodeJs and MongoDB, i want to insert row with auto increment primary key 'id'. also defined a function called getNextSequence on mongo server.
this is working perfect on Mongodb server
> db.user.insert({
"id" : getNextSequence('user_id'),
"username" : "test",
"email" : "",
"password" : "test123"
now i want to insert from NodeJs.I have tried this but not working
id : "getNextSequence('user_id')",
username :,
password: query.pass
}, function(err, result) {
assert.equal(err, null);
console.log("row insterted ");
Assuming that getNextSequence is a server-script function (i.e. a method you defined and saved via, it is not callable outside of the server. One way to go is to use eval, which forces the server to evaluate a string as a js code, even though it is not a good practice. Here is an example:
db.eval('getNextSequence(\'user_id\')', function(err, result) {
"id" : result,
"username" : "test",
"email" : "",
"password" : "test123"
Another way is to follow the mongo tutorial and to implement the getNextSequence directly in NodeJS. The syntax is pretty much the same:
function getNextSequence(db, name, callback) {
db.collection("counters").findAndModify( { _id: name }, null, { $inc: { seq: 1 } }, function(err, result){
if(err) callback(err, result);
callback(err, result.value.seq);
} );
You then use it in your nodeJS code like:
getNextSequence(db, "user_id", function(err, result){
"_id": result,
// ...
Note: of course, you need to have set the counters collection as explained in the docs.
You can also use "mongoose-auto-increment".
The code has just 4 lines
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var autoIncrement = require('mongoose-auto-increment');
userSchema.plugin(autoIncrement.plugin, 'user');
example :
npm i mongoose-auto-increment
connections.js :
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const uri = process.env.MONGOURL;
mongoose.connect(uri, { useNewUrlParser: true }, (err) => {
if (!err) { console.log('MongoDB Connection Succeeded.') }
else { console.log('Error in DB connection : ' + err) }
userSchema.js :
var mongoose = require('mongoose'); // 1. require mongoose
var autoIncrement = require('mongoose-auto-increment'); // 2. require mongoose-auto-increment
var userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: { type: String },
password: { type: String },
email: { type: String, unique: true, required: 'This field is required.' },
autoIncrement.initialize(mongoose.connection); // 3. initialize autoIncrement
userSchema.plugin(autoIncrement.plugin, 'user'); // 4. use autoIncrement
mongoose.model('user', userSchema);
To accomplish this, we will create a function that will keep trying to save the document untill it will have been saved with incremented _id
async function retryUntilSave(db, task) {
try {
const index = await db.collection('tasks').find().count() + 1;
const result = await db.collection('tasks').insertOne(Object.assign(task, { _id: index }))
} catch (error) {
if (error.message.includes("_id_ dup key")) {
console.log("ID already exists!")
retryUntilSave(db, task)
} else {
We can use task._id: index instead of Object.assign()
finally you can test this by making some concurrent requests
for (let index = 0; index < 20; index++) {
setTimeout(async () => {
await retryUntilSave(db, { title: "Some Task" })
}, 1000);
This function will handle easily if two or more tasks submitted at the same time because mogod throws error when we try to insert a document with duplicate _id, then we will retry saving the document again with incremented _id and this process will run until we save the document successfully !
You can also use "mongodb-autoincrement" module of node js. For example:
var autoIncrement = require("mongodb-autoincrement");
exports.yourMethod = function(newData, callback) {
autoIncrement.getNextSequence(db, your-collection-name, function (err, autoIndex) { = autoIndex;
//save your code with this autogenerated id
You can use the below package on a model schema to auto-increment your collection field.
mongoose-auto-increment //you can download it from npm
Here I am not focusing on how to connect MongoDB. I just focus on how you can integrate auto increment in your model/collection/table.
const mongoose = require("mongoose"); //
const autoIncrement = require("mongoose-auto-increment");
const post_schema = new mongoose.Schema({
title: {
type: String,
required: true,
min: 3,
max: 225,
slug: {
type: String,
required: true,
post_schema.plugin(autoIncrement.plugin, {
model: "post", // collection or table name in which you want to apply auto increment
field: "_id", // field of model which you want to auto increment
startAt: 1, // start your auto increment value from 1
incrementBy: 1, // incremented by 1
module.exports = mongoose.model("post", post_schema);

MongoDB / Mongoose $pull (remove) Sub Document not working

Smashing my head into the keyboard over this.
Simply need to remove subdocument. Example below only has one item in OnCommands but there could be a many items there. I have tried find, findbyid, updatebyId, pull, one things after another. Tried by _id of subdoc and by generic searchinMost simple run without doing anything no errors.
I would be so greatful if you can show me what I am doing wrong, it's the last part of my code that isn't work.
Sample Data:
> db.EntryPoints.find({_id: ObjectId("569e4fabf1e4464495ebf652")}).pretty()
"__v" : 0,
"_id" : ObjectId("569e4fabf1e4464495ebf652"),
"name" : "bbbb",
"offCommands" : [ ],
"onCommands" : [
"data" : "11111",
"operation" : "on",
"command" : "ISY-HTTPGet",
"_id" : ObjectId("569e4faff1e4464495ebf653")
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema,
ObjectId = Schema.ObjectId;
var onCommandsSchema = new Schema({
command: String
,operation: String
,data: String
var offCommandsSchema = new Schema({
command: String
,operation: String
,data: String
mongoose.model('onCommands', onCommandsSchema);
mongoose.model('offCommands', offCommandsSchema);
// create a schema
var EntryPointsSchema = new Schema({
name: String
,onCommands: [onCommandsSchema]
,offCommands: [offCommandsSchema]
,description: String
}, { collection: 'EntryPoints' });
mongoose.model('EntryPoints', EntryPointsSchema);
var EntryPoints = mongoose.model('EntryPoints');
module.exports = EntryPoints;
Node Post Code:'/webservices/removeCommand', function (req, res) {
var EntryPoints = require('../data_models/automate_entrypoints.js');
{ _id: ObjectId(req.body._id) }
, {
$pull: {
onCommands: { id_: req.body._id }
, function (err, ouput) { console.log("data:", numAffected) }
Your code won't work because of the query part of your update: you want to match on the embedded document's _id, not on the main document. So change it to
var EntryPoints = require('../data_models/automate_entrypoints.js');
{ "onCommands._id": req.body._id },
"$pull": {
"onCommands": { "_id": req.body._id }
function (err, numAffected) { console.log("data:", numAffected) }
