Protect Static Html Files Website in IIS with Basic Authentication - iis

I have a simple Intranet Website that is just a few HTML pages with a little JavaScript and CSS.
If Allow Anonymous is ON, everyone can see it. It works.
In IIS, I turn on Basic Authentication and it only partially works as expected.
The company only allows IE and Edge installed on Windows 10 PCs for now.
Specific users have been added to that server running IIS.
In IE when users go to the website now, they are prompted for their username and password. Then the website loads.
However, in Edge, the users are never prompted for the their username and password. A 401 errors loads instead.
I have already tried putting the username and password in the URL like so: https://username:password#URL but that did not work.
I want the same or similar behavior that works in IE for Edge.

I assume you're using Edge Chromium browser, correct me if I'm wrong. The issue might be related with this policy: AuthSchemes.
You can visit edge://policy in Edge and check if it has an AuthSchemes policy set. The policy can be used to disable Basic Authentication. If your browser has this policy set, you need to enable 'basic' value in the policy.
I don't have this policy set and I visit the test page, the Basic Authentication works well in Edge.
You can also refer to this thread and this thread which have similar issues.


When using IIS, Passport js thinks everyone is same user, doesnt route when using reverse proxy

Having a very confusing issue with passport and our node/express/react application using a domain name we purchased.
On our ip address for the server, we can access the app fine, the post for the /login works, each user gets their own passport session, and can use the logout post fine.
However when we use Microsoft IIS to reverse proxy to http:localhost:3000/ the website will show using the domain, but when we try to login it takes almost 30 seconds before it succeeds, you will have to refresh the page and the user will have their auth and can visit the site. /logout post acts the exact same way. All of the gets work fine.
This is the cache-related issue you could solve the issue by disabling the cache and kernel cache in iis.
1)Open iis manager, select your site.
2)Double click on the output caching from the middle pane.
3)On the right side under Actions, click on Edit Feature Settings
4)Uncheck Enable Cache and Enable kernel cache
5)Click OK
You could also disable client cache in iis:
Client Cache

Authorization doesn't work.

2 weeks ago an authorization on all my sites stopped working. There is no record on log file. Looks like a page is just refreshing, but there is no access. Previously, everything worked fine.
There alco a console message:
This page includes a password or credit card input in a non-secure
context. A warning has been added to the URL bar.
In this time there is an access to CMS site's administration application
Reset all browser cache
Try in different browsers (FF, IE and etc)
Write the authorization script using the API and run it at the root.

IIS forms authentication cross domain not redirecting to correct domain

I have 2 sites running on one instance of IIS 7.
These sites use forms authentication and there is one form for logging in on site A.
So if i try to access a restricted page on site B with URL
i get redirected to
I can then enter username and password to authenticate. So far so good.
After authentication I get redirected to
instead of
Can anyone tell me how i can get around this problem and make IIS redirect me to the correct page?
Note: the authentication works fine - i can go to the page and i am no longer redirected to the login page. So the problem is just redirecting to the wrong site or the value of ReturnUrl should not be a relative path.
A workaround might be to force the user to go back to the last page using JS instead. Not a great answer though i admit. I think this is an IIS bug since the documentation to set up forms authentication with different sub-domains does not mention this problem at all.
A better answer is change the loginUrl to include the domain.
Then handle the redirect client side

IIS 7.5, URL Rewrite 2.0, Kerberos - rewritten URL returning 401.1

I would appreciate any hints regarding the following issue:
The problem summary:
While using Negotiate:Kerberos in IIS 7.5, the authorization works correctly right until we setup URL rewriting (using the MS module "URL Rewrite 2.0") - any rewritten URL then returns "401.1 Unathorized" (requests not matching any rewrite rule keep working though).
The setup:
Windows Server 2008 R2 x64
IIS 7.5
URL Rewrite 2.0
Server is in a domain
SPN exists for HOST/hostname and HOST/hostname.domain (created by default)
Pool is using default ApplicationPoolIdentity (no custom account, not network service)
Kernel mode set to OFF
Authentication providers set to "Negotiate:Kerberos" only (no NTLM or annonymous)
URL Rewrite rule as as "^(.*)/$" => "index?x={R1}"
The result:
1) When accessing any URL not matching any URL rewrite pattern, Kerberos is working correctly, i.e. Kerberos ticket is issued (verified using klist), sent (verified using netmon and HTTP headers) and accepted (verified by URL being accessible and appropriate AUTH_USER property set to my domain account name) => no problem here.
2) When accessing any URL matching URL rewrite pattern, e.g. "hostname/foo" the result is:
HTTP Error 401.1 - Unauthorized
You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.
Module WindowsAuthenticationModule
Notification AuthenticateRequest
Error Code 0x80070055
Requested URL http://hostname/index?x=foo
Physical Path D:\wwwroot\
Logon Method Not yet determined
Logon User Not yet determined
(if we try to access the rewritten URL directly, e.g. hostname/index?x=foo, Kerberos works again normally)
The attempts to solve it so far:
After googling, we have tried several options:
turning kernel mode ON: Kerberos stopped working completely, using either default pool identity or network service (I suppose we would need to setup additional HTTP SPN and/or use custom domain account with additional SPN for that account explicitly)
turning "useAppPoolCredentials" ON: no difference
enabling "Failing Request Tracing": surprisingly these failing 401.1 requests ARE NOT generating any output into the fail logs no matter what rule we try to setup (e.g. 400-999) - the folder is just empty (while other errors, like 404 or even handshake 401.x when accessing not-rewritten URLs are generating logs - very strange)
The conclusion:
So far we have reached a dead end - it may be some weird kind of "double hop" issue requiring using a custom domain account rather than default app pool identity, but as we're in fact accessing the same resources, it seems more like a URL Rewrite issue.
Any tips, hints, pointers? Anything would be highly appreciated.
Best regards,
we face the same issues as you do. By enabling extended error logging, we were able to put the finger on the actual problem, which seems to be a bug in the rewrite module (or at least in some part of IIS, which is related to the module):
When the URL gets rewritten, the access to the new rewritten URL is checked (seemingly hardcoded) using Basic Authentication and NTLM, neither of which has been configured on the Website at hand. The only configured authentication provider is Kerberos. Since the client doesnt send NTLM nor Basic credentials, there is no way this can work.
We (another person on the current project) are sending the issue to Microsoft. I will let you know, when I get any result.
It seems as though you have multiple issues here.
Failed-Request Tracing Logs
To fix your missing logs issue, you must make sure that the user that is running your site's AppllicationPool has read/modify rights to the folder where those logs are generated, otherwise you won't see anything. See the section labeled "Enable Failed-Request Tracing" on this page: Troubleshoot Failed Requests Using Tracing in IIS 7
What isn't clear is the fact that the site's Application Pool Identity (found in Advanced Settings for Application Pool) is the account that needs read/modify rights to that folder.
Once that is fixed you can load the XML logs in IE and see a much clearer picture of what is going on.
401.1 - Unauthorized Issue
A possible fix to your 401 error is to make sure unlisted file name extensions are allowed in Request Filtering. Go to IIS --> Sites --> [your site] --> Request Filtering
You have two options here:
Allow File Name Extension... and add the value "." (minus the quotes), see this answer.
Edit Feature Settings... and enabled the option "Allow unlisted file name extensions"
The 1st option should work well, the 2nd option obviously opens up a gaping hole but allows everything so you should be able to get it working.
I hope that helps.

IIS Page Redirecting for no apparent reason

I'm the IIS admin, not the developer on this site, so the code is opaque to me. I'm stumped, though, for where to look.
Using Windows Forms Authentication, the user is directed to a login page. If their password is expired, they are directed to ChgExpiredPwd.aspx. On our dev and test servers this works. On our production server, the user is redirected to login page again with a "ReturnURL=ChgExpiredPwd.aspx". Not the desired behaviour.
Fiddler says the server is responding with an immediate 302 redirect to the login page. The test server responds with a 200. The IIS properties for the site and for that page have no redirects - all, "The designated file." There's no redirect built into the codebehind so's I can see it. No redirects in the target page, though the redirect is happening server-side, so it has to be in the code somewhere. If I take \bin*.dll from production and put it all on test, it does not reproduce the error.
I'm out of ideas.
Have a look in the web.config file at the root of the site. Forms based authentication is typically configured there and the default behavior is to redirect from a "secure" page to the login to authenticate (if the user has not yet done so), and one of the parameters it passes is the ReturnURL.
This explains it pretty well:
