Deployed REST API does not display in Azure - azure

I'm new to Azure. I have an API that uses REST to post items to a SQL server database. My goal is to deploy it to Azure.
I have tested all day and can successfully deploy every other sort of VS project; Razor based, Blazor based, MVC based. I know they are all basically interchangable but I created unique ones anyway and they all successfully publish to Azure.
The moment I include any REST functionality both VS and Azure say the deployment was successful, there are no errors, but if you click on the link to the site, there is nothing there. No error either. I can't seem to ping the site either. I feel like I'm probably missing something obvious but I can't seem to see it.

It is not a problem that "if you click on the link to the site, there is nothing there."
There is nothing to show because you don't write a index.html web page in the root directory of your project.
Access your api:
You could access your api through your website like this: https://{yourwebname}{yourapi}


.NET5 Blazor Server app in Azure App Services returns "You do not have permission to view this directory or page"

I am trying to deploy a Blazor Server app using .NET5 to an Azure App Service via Azure DevOps.
The Blazor app runs and works correctly locally. The Azure DevOps pipeline appears to also be building and deploying correctly. If I use the console in the Azure portal I can see that the files I would expect are in the wwwroot folder (which I guess is correct?). In Configuration > General Settings I can see that the App Service is correctly configured for .NET 5. On the network side there are currently no access restrictions. I've also turned off all auth in the app for now just to make sure that wasn't having an impact.
When I try to access the site at (not the real url, just an example in case it's relevant) I get a white page with the following text: "You do not have permission to view this directory or page.". When I look in the Diagnostics dump from the Kudu page I can see more detail error pages which say 403.14 - Forbidden and the message "The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory.". If I look in App Insights for the times when I try to access it I can see requests with 403 response too (for some reason with url: http://localhost/). Unfortunately this error seems to cover a multitude of errors and so while I've found various sources with similar problems, none of the solutions I've found so far have had any positive impact.
EDIT: So I did some more digging and I think some files might be missing. I tried creating a new Blazor Server app and publishing it manually via Visual Studio. This worked and the only difference I've found from my app is that I have no web.config, hostingstart.html, or static css/js etc (from wwwroot). None of these files are in the output directory when I build for either my app or the test app I created so it looks like they must be getting added separately by something in the VS manual publish process and Azure DevOps publish step isn't doing it. Still not sure what the correct way to fix this is (or even entirely sure if any or all of this stuff is relevant).
Has anyone out there got any idea what I might be missing?
So after working out what was going on here I was going to delete this but I figured possibly someone else will make the same mistake I did and this might help. Basically I'd copied another deployment pipeline for an Azure function app as the basis for the deployment pipeline for this and in that I just did a dotnet build and that's enough. However it seems for this kind of app to get wholesome output you need to run dotnet publish.

Web app on azure doesn't show my core web app after I have published it without any problems

Landing Page of my web app
I have published my core mvc project in the Azure as web app, however it doesn't show anything. Instead of this it just shows the landing page as there was no code (which is not the case). I have checked few points on stackoverflow, but couldn't find anything, could anyone please help me with that?
There are few reasons causing it, you could refer to the following and troubleshoot it.
Go to your kudu site to check whether all your project file have uploaded to azure.
After publishing webapp to azure, wait for a moment.
Make sure you default page is listed in here and is above hostingstart.html
Deploy Continuous to Azure App Service.
Delete app and republish it.

Azure, App service, the site show the message "This web app has been successfully created" after deployment although localy the site appears

I'm using VS 2013 and SDK 2.2 to deploy to App Services, the site opens in it's address and show the message "This web app has been successfully created".
Like when there is no code in the cloud app. although I can enter the App Service Editor, and see the code is there.
Localy I run the site and it show the Home/index page, but not in the cloud.
It was fine before, until I remove the web project and created another one with the same name instead.
Hope all this clause help to solve..
Since I try to redeploy, the SDK assumed some files are already exists and did not reload them.
They were probably corrupted.
The solution was to delete the complete deplyment, the wwroot directory and redeploy.

Azure Mobile App malfunctioning after migration

A couple weeks back our Mobile App was migrated from the old portal to the new one and it hasn't behaved properly since.
Our main issues are:
We cannot access any logs files, the tab for Diagnostics logs stopped working entirely on Wednesday but even before that we never got any useful data out of this. When something goes wrong with our nodejs backend we can't find any clue as to what went wrong like we could in our old portal under the logs tab.
We are unable to access the FTP server entirely, it just won't let us login even though the credentials are correct and have been reset multiple times in attempts to get them working.
The server is throwing errors about not having enough disk space left even though we should have 53Gb to go (we're currently using 1.05Gb out of 55Gb)
Our deployments slots are not working at all, when we push our code to the deployment slot it just doesn't work, every request we make to the deployment slots tells us we're not allowed to do anything.
We are running a standard tier Mobile App server. The backend is in NodeJS, our CMS is in ASP.Net and our app itself is in Xamarin Forms.
The issues started after we migrated the server a couple weeks back from the portal to
What can we do?
We got through to Microsoft via the payed support plan which we're getting refunded because these are basic functionalities which don't work as advertised after the migration. I've got a call with them in about three hours to get things sorted, if I learn anything we can do ourselves I will update this post to share the knowledge.
This needs to be a support request to Microsoft.
If you can, open an incident with Microsoft Support. If you can't, post a question in the MSDN Community Forum. (We need to ask about particulars of your site and that isn't an appropriate topic for SO)
As the architecture of Mobile Apps is changed from Mobile Services, now the mobile apps migrate to Azure App Services.
Actually the Mobile Apps backend in Node.js is an expressjs project, and the mobile app sdk for node is a middleware of express. So the way for diagnostics and troubleshooting has changed from before we use Mobile Service. You can refer to for details about Debugging and troubleshooting for mobile services.
Additionally, we can leverage the Visual Studio Team Services editor as the section How to: Edit code in Visual Studio Team Services shows in the link above, we can monitor the output of the Mobile Apps backend application. E.G:
About your FTP issue, please double check your deployment Username, when we login to FTP server on Azure, we need to input the full FTP user name which is "app\username":
You can refer to for details.

Unable to Deploy PerformancePoint Dashboard Page to SharePoint 2007

I'm creating a PerformancePoint (henceforth PP) Dashboard that contains a web report to be deployed to the a SharePoint web application that I had created. I followed the instruction in the link below.
Deploy a PerformancePoint dashboard to a SharePoint site
In summary, following the instructions in the link, I published the Dashboard to the PP site. Then, I added my account in PP as Creator in the Application level, Editor in both the Dashboard and the Web Report. In the SharePoint site, I added my account under Contributor. I even added the PerformancePointDefault.master just to be sure.
Now, when I deploy my Dashboard to a Report Library, I was able deploy the folder for the Dashboard, but not the Dashboard Page file.
I googled for this, but I could not find any article helpful.
UPDATE 2009-09-30:
I was able to resolve the issue by creating another site collection. Maybe the first site collection is messed up.
I had the EXACT same problem. I was about to take the best advice I could find and delete my site collection and create a new one from scratch, but by the grace of God, I had one final thought.
In our case, the site created was originally http://ServerName but we later added a host header (i.e. http://BiSite). I had been deploying the dashboard using the host header the entire time, so I decided to try using the original name of the site using the server name and viola, the dashboard finally deployed correctly, pages and all.
When you publish a dashboard in MOSS, you have to make sure that you select Publish a Major Version in the dashboard page's drop-down in the report library.
Why is this a community wiki? Seems like there should be a right answer to this question...
