How do I link a udpsrc to rtpbin in Gstreamer Rust? - rust

I've attempted to create a pipeline for receiving RTP video/audio streams via Gstreamer using the gstreamer-rs crate, but I am not having much luck. Here is a quick distillation of my approach:
let udp_src = ElementFactory::make("udpsrc", Some("udp_src"))?;
udp_src.set_property("port", &5004);
udp_src.set_property("caps", &"application/x-rtp".to_string());
let rtpbin = ElementFactory::make("rtpbin", Some("rtp_bin"))?;
let pipeline = Pipeline::new(Some("RTP Pipeline"));
pipeline.add_many(&[&udp_src, &rtpbin]);;
rtpbin.connect_pad_added(move |src, src_pad| {
println!("Received new pad {} from {}", src_pad.get_name(), src.get_name());
let new_pad_caps = src_pad.get_current_caps().expect("Failed to get caps of new pad");
let new_pad_struct = new_pad_caps.get_structure(0).expect("Failed to get first structure of caps");
let new_pad_type = new_pad_struct.get_name();
println!("{}", new_pad_type);
But I'm not getting anything from the connect_pad_added when I run the code and send UDP signals to the specified port. I'm not even sure if this is the right approach, and would appreciate any directions on where to find examples or pointers on how to use rtpbin with udpsrc.

You're not specifying to which pad of the rtpbin you're linking your udpsrc, so it probably selects the wrong one here (maybe the one for a sender-rtpbin).
Try with udp_src.link_pads(Some("src"), &rtpbin, Some("recv_rtp_sink_%u")) instead. Then you should get a pad-added with a "recv_rtp_src_%u_%u_%u" name. The first number will be 0, the other two will be payload type and the ssrc.

You can link a udp source to an rtpbin via the following:
fn get_static_pad(element: &Element, pad_name: &'static str) -> Result<Pad, Error> {
let pad = element.get_static_pad(pad_name);
pad.ok_or(Error::msg(format!("Failed to get pad: {}", pad_name)))
fn get_request_pad(element: &Element, pad_name: &'static str) -> Result<Pad, Error> {
match element.get_request_pad(pad_name) {
Some(pad) => Ok(pad),
None => {
let element_name = element.get_name();
let rtp_udp_src = ElementFactory::make("udpsrc", Some("rtp_udp_src"))?;
let caps = Caps::new_simple("application/x-rtp", &[("clock-rate", &90000i32)]);
rtp_udp_src.set_property("port", &5006);
rtp_udp_src.set_property("caps", &caps);
let rtpbin = ElementFactory::make("rtpbin", Some("rtp_bin"))?;
rtpbin.connect("request-pt-map", false, |values| {
let pt = values[2].get::<u32>().expect("Invalid argument");
match pt {
Some(100) => Some(
("media", &"video"),
("clock-rate", &90000i32),
Some(96) => Some(
("media", &"video"),
("clock-rate", &90000i32),
("encoding-name", &"VP8"),
_ => None,
let rtp_udp_src_pad = get_static_pad(&rtp_udp_src, "src")?;
let rtp_recv_sink_pad = get_request_pad(&rtpbin, "recv_rtp_sink_0")?;"Failed to link rtp_udp_src_pad and rtpbin");
This will correctly fire off the connect_pad_added sequence and let you use it with other elements.


is it possible using rust to generate jsx AST?

I'm not familiar with rust and trynna using swc to replace the babel
but I found #swc/core doesn't offer the api to generate code AST, so I want to write one using rust, is it possible to generate jsx ast?
Here is a good place to start:
but link can get invalid so I also pasted the code:
use swc_common::{
errors::{ColorConfig, Handler},
FileName, SourceMap,
use swc_ecma_parser::{lexer::Lexer, Capturing, Parser, StringInput, Syntax};
fn main() {
let cm: Lrc<SourceMap> = Default::default();
let handler = Handler::with_tty_emitter(ColorConfig::Auto, true, false, Some(cm.clone()));
// Real usage
// let fm = cm
// .load_file(Path::new("test.js"))
// .expect("failed to load test.js");
let fm = cm.new_source_file(
"interface Foo {}".into(),
let lexer = Lexer::new(
let capturing = Capturing::new(lexer);
let mut parser = Parser::new_from(capturing);
for e in parser.take_errors() {
let _module = parser
.map_err(|e| e.into_diagnostic(&handler).emit())
.expect("Failed to parse module.");
println!("Tokens: {:?}", parser.input().take());
I never really worked or cared about this. All it took was 5min of browsing the repository, all the resources are there but if you are new to rust, I recommend the rust book first.

wgpu WGSL compute shader does not appear to be doing anything

I'm trying to follow along the "hello compute" example from wgpu on Windows 10 (with some minor modifications, mainly gutting the shader so it does basically no actual computing), but when I read the buffer at the end, it's always zeroed out.
This is the shader I'm trying to run, it compiles fine and I think it's correct
struct Numbers
data: [[stride(4)]] array<u32>;
[[group(0), binding(0)]]
var<storage, read_write> numbers: Numbers;
[[stage(compute), workgroup_size(1)]]
fn main()
{[0] =[0] + u32(1);[1] =[1] + u32(1);[2] =[2] + u32(1);
As for the wgpu code, it follows the tutorial quite closely:
I get the instance, device, and queue
let instance = Instance::new(Backends::PRIMARY);
let adapter = block_on(instance
power_preference: PowerPreference::default(),
compatible_surface: None,
let (device, queue) = block_on(adapter
.request_device(&Default::default(), None))
Compile the shader and make a pipeline:
let shader = device.create_shader_module(&ShaderModuleDescriptor
label: Some("shader"),
source: ShaderSource::Wgsl(shader_src.into()),
let pipeline = device.create_compute_pipeline(&ComputePipelineDescriptor
label: None,
layout: None,
module: &shader,
entry_point: "main",
Make the staging and storage buffer. The dbg!(size) prints 12, which should be correct for a 3-length array for 4-byte u32s.
let buffer = [1u32, 2, 3];
let size = std::mem::size_of_val(&buffer) as u64;
let staging_buffer = device.create_buffer(&BufferDescriptor
label: None,
size: size,
usage: BufferUsages::MAP_READ | BufferUsages::COPY_DST,
mapped_at_creation: false,
let storage_buffer = device.create_buffer_init(&BufferInitDescriptor
label: Some("storage buffer"),
contents: cast_slice(&buffer),
usage: BufferUsages::STORAGE
| BufferUsages::COPY_DST
| BufferUsages::COPY_SRC,
set up the bind group:
let bg_layout = pipeline.get_bind_group_layout(0);
let bind_group = device.create_bind_group(&BindGroupDescriptor
label: None,
layout: &bg_layout,
entries: &[BindGroupEntry
binding: 0,
resource: storage_buffer.as_entire_binding(),
Get the encoder and create the compute pass. The copy_buffer_to_buffer should copy the storage buffer to the staging buffer so I can read it at the end.
let mut encoder = device.create_command_encoder(&CommandEncoderDescriptor
label: None,
let mut cpass = encoder.begin_compute_pass(&ComputePassDescriptor
label: None
cpass.set_bind_group(0, &bind_group, &[]);
cpass.dispatch(1, 1, 1);
&storage_buffer, 0,
&staging_buffer, 0,
And then submit the compute pass and block for the result:
let buf_slice = staging_buffer.slice(..);
let buf_future = buf_slice.map_async(MapMode::Read);
if let Ok(()) = block_on(buf_future)
let data = buf_slice.get_mapped_range();
let result = cast_slice::<u8, u32>(&data).to_vec();
println!("{:?}", result);
The error case isn't reached, and the program terminates with no errors, but the result is always printed [0, 0 ,0], when it should be [2, 3, 4].
What am I doing wrong?
The program works fine when I'm running it on my discrete graphics card, but wgpu is bugged on my integrated Intel HD Graphics 630, which is why the program appeared not to work.

Gstreamer Editing Service rust bindings error while setting render settings

I'm very new to gstreamer and rust and am trying to render a video made from sections of other videos. Based on the docs, gstreamer-rs examples, and this question about doing the same thing in python, I think my code looks pretty good, but throws errors.
This is my code:
use gstreamer as gst;
use gstreamer::{ElementExt, ElementExtManual, GstObjectExt};
use gstreamer_editing_services as ges;
use gstreamer_editing_services::{GESPipelineExt, LayerExt, TimelineExt};
use gstreamer_pbutils as gst_pbutils;
use gstreamer_pbutils::{EncodingProfileBuilder};
pub fn clip_video() {
match gst::init() {
Err(e) => eprintln!("{:?}", e),
_ => (),
match ges::init() {
Err(e) => eprintln!("{:?}", e),
_ => (),
let timeline = ges::Timeline::new_audio_video();
let layer = timeline.append_layer();
let pipeline = ges::Pipeline::new();
match pipeline.set_timeline(&timeline) {
Err(e) => eprintln!("{:?}", e),
_ => (),
let video_profile = gst_pbutils::EncodingVideoProfileBuilder::new()
.format(&gst::caps::Caps::new_simple("video/x-h264", &[]))
let audio_profile = gst_pbutils::EncodingAudioProfileBuilder::new()
&[("mpegversion", &"1"), ("layer", &"3")],
let contianer_profile = gst_pbutils::EncodingContainerProfileBuilder::new()
&[("variant", &"iso")],
let asset = ges::UriClipAsset::request_sync("file:///home/ryan/repos/auto-highlighter-processing-service/input/test-video.mp4").expect("Failed to create asset");
match layer.add_asset(
0 * gst::SECOND,
10 * gst::SECOND,
10 * gst::SECOND,
) {
Err(e) => eprintln!("{:?}", e),
_ => (),
match pipeline.set_render_settings("file:///home/ryan/repos/auto-highlighter-processing-service/output/test-video.mp4", &contianer_profile){
Err(e) => eprintln!("{:?}", e),
_ => (),
match pipeline.set_mode(ges::PipelineFlags::RENDER) {
Err(e) => eprintln!("{:?}", e),
_ => (),
match pipeline.set_state(gst::State::Playing) {
Err(e) => eprintln!("{:?}", e),
_ => (),
let bus = pipeline.get_bus().unwrap();
for msg in bus.iter_timed(gst::CLOCK_TIME_NONE) {
use gst::MessageView;
match msg.view() {
MessageView::Eos(..) => break,
MessageView::Error(err) => {
"Error from {:?}: {} ({:?})",
err.get_src().map(|s| s.get_path_string()),
_ => (),
The errors that I am getting:
BoolError { message: "Failed to set render settings", filename: "/home/ryan/.cargo/registry/src/", function: "gstreamer_editing_services::auto::pipeline", line: 228 }
I'm struggling to find what to do about these errors or what the problem could be. From what I know I'm using the set_render_settings() and set_mode() functions correctly.
I didn't try running your code, but one problem I found when reading was the following
&[("mpegversion", &"1"), ("layer", &"3")],
The "mpegversion" and "layer" fields of the caps are not strings but integers. If you use them as such it should work (or at least work better)
&[("mpegversion", &1i32), ("layer", &3i32)],
Everything else looks correct to me.
You can find more details about such errors by making use of the GStreamer debugging system. You can enable that via the GST_DEBUG environment variable, e.g. by setting that to 6.
Although this answer is over a year late, I thought I'd post anyway, as examples in Rust for GES are sparse, with only a single (though good) example of applying a 'agingtv' effect on the gstreamer-rs repo. Additionally, the OP's sample code above will result in rendering 10 seconds of black video, and does not, as the OP mentioned, result in the desired output.
Using the example listed in the original question above:
On gstreamer-rs 0.19:
Build video profile (note the caps now must be passed via builder() ):
let video_profile = gstreamer_pbutils::EncodingVideoProfile::builder(
Build the Audio profile:
let audio_profile = gstreamer_pbutils::EncodingAudioProfile::builder(
&gstreamer::Caps::new_simple("audio/x-aac", &[]),
Build the Container profile:
let container_profile = gstreamer_pbutils::EncodingContainerProfile::builder(
&gstreamer::Caps::new_simple("video/x-matroska", &[]),
Note: as an alternative you can build the whole encoding profile in one go from the DiscovererInfo if you ran the gst-discover on the media first. This will result in an output file very similar to the input file in it's encoding settings.
let encoding_profile =
The following example will clip the video, add a transition, and merge in an additional clip to fade to:
let timeline = ges::Timeline::new_audio_video();
let layer = timeline.append_layer();
let pipeline = ges::Pipeline::new();
let audio_profile = gstreamer_pbutils::EncodingAudioProfile::builder(
&gstreamer::Caps::new_simple("audio/x-aac", &[]),
let video_profile = gstreamer_pbutils::EncodingVideoProfile::builder(
let container_profile = gstreamer_pbutils::EncodingContainerProfile::builder(
&gstreamer::Caps::new_simple("video/x-matroska", &[]),
/* alternatively
let encoding_profile = gstreamer_pbutils::EncodingProfile::from_discoverer(&m_info.discover_info)?;
/* original video */
let clip = ges::UriClip::new("file:///home/ryan/repos/auto-highlighter-processing-service/input/test-video.mp4")?;
/* video to transition to with a fade */
let clip_transition_to = ges::UriClip::new("/some/2/second/video/file.mp4")?;
clip_transition_to.set_start(gst::ClockTime::from_seconds(9)); //this should overlap the original video clip, but not completely
pipeline.set_render_settings("file:///home/ryan/repos/auto-highlighter-processing-service/output/test-video.mp4", &container_profile)?; //or &encoding_profile
let bus = pipeline
.expect("Pipeline without bus. Shouldn't happen!");
for msg in bus.iter_timed(gst::ClockTime::NONE) {
use gst::MessageView;
match msg.view() {
MessageView::Eos(..) => break,
MessageView::Error(err) => {
match err.details() {
Some(details) if == "error-details" => details
.expect("error-details message without actual error"),
_ => Err({
let err_src = msg
.map(|s| String::from(s.path_string()))
.unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("None"));
"A GStreamer Error was Encountered {}",
ErrorMessage {
src: err_src,
error: err.error().to_string(),
debug: err.debug(),
source: err.error(),
MessageView::StateChanged(state_changed) => {
// if state_changed.src().map(|s| s == decodebin).unwrap_or(false)
// && state_changed.current() == gst::State::Playing
// {
// // Generate a dot graph of the pipeline to GST_DEBUG_DUMP_DOT_DIR if defined
// let bin_ref = decodebin.downcast_ref::<gst::Bin>().unwrap();
// bin_ref.debug_to_dot_file(gst::DebugGraphDetails::all(), "PLAYING");
// }
let msg = format!(
"State changed from {:?}: {:?} -> {:?} ({:?})",
state_changed.src().map(|s| s.path_string()),
log!(Level::Debug, "{}", msg)
_ => (),
let log_msg = "Play run complete, changing state...";
log!(Level::Info, "{}", &log_msg);
The result will be a 10 second video, with a fade out to a 2 second video (e.g. something that says "the end", etc).
I hope this helps someone. It took a some reading and research to achieve the desired effect, and hopefully this will help someone else on the same journey.
gstreamer is excellent software and, although it's been a bit of work to get things functional, it's been great to work with the rust bindings.

How can I pull data out of an Option for independent use?

Is there a way to 'pull' data out of an Option? I have an API call that returns Some(HashMap). I want to use the HashMap as if it weren't inside Some and play with the data.
Based on what I've read, it looks like Some(...) is only good for match comparisons and some built-in functions.
Simple API call pulled from crate docs:
use std::collections::HashMap;
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let resp = reqwest::blocking::get("")?
.json::<HashMap<String, String>>()?;
println!("{:#?}", resp.get("origin"));
if let Some(origin) = resp.get("origin") {
// use origin
If you can guarantee that it's impossible for the value to be None, then you can use:
let origin = resp.get("origin").unwrap();
let origin = resp.get("origin").expect("This shouldn't be possible!");
And, since your function returns a Result:
let origin = resp.get("origin").ok_or("This shouldn't be possible!")?;
Or with a custom error type:
let origin = resp.get("origin").ok_or(MyError::DoesntExist)?;
The most common way is with if let:
if let Some(origin) = resp.get("origin") {
For more fine grained control, you can use pattern matching:
match resp.get("origin") {
Some(origin) => origin.do_stuff(),
None => panic!("origin not found!")
You could also use unwrap, which will give you the underlying value of the option, or panic if it is None:
let origin = resp.get("origin").unwrap();
You can customize the panic message with expect:
let origin = resp.get("origin").expect("Oops!");
Or compute a default value with unwrap_or:
let origin = resp.get("origin").unwrap_or(&String::from(""));
You can also return an error instead of panicking:
let origin = resp.get("origin").ok_or(Error::UnknownOrigin)?;
Your options are a plenty.
if let Some(origin) = resp.get("origin") {
// do stuff using origin
origin = resp.get("origin").unwrap()
// will panic if None
resp.get("origin").map(|origin| {
// do stuff using inner value, returning another option
resp.get("origin").and_then(|origin| {
// same as map but short-circuits if there is no inner value

Uncaught Error with Webassembly using Yew Framwork

I'm using Yew to program a theme switcher that by clicking cycles through different themes.
This is my update function. It gets the current theme which is stored in shared state, depending on what would come next inside theme_cycle the theme value inside the shared state gets set to it.
fn update(&mut self, msg: Self::Message) -> ShouldRender {
match msg {
Msg::ChangeTheme => {
let theme_cycle: [&str; 3] = ["light", "dark", "rust"];
let current_theme = self.props.handle.state().theme.clone();
// eval next theme
let next_theme = match theme_cycle.iter().position(|x| x == &current_theme) {
None => theme_cycle[0].to_string(),
Some(i) => {
if i >= (current_theme.len() - 1) {
} else {
theme_cycle[i + 1].to_string()
// set next theme
self.props.handle.reduce(move |state| state.theme = next_theme.clone());
// store it inside localstorage
Msg::ToggleLangDropdown => self.show_dropdown = !self.show_dropdown,
But if the theme val inside shared state is "rust" and I click the button again that calls Msg::ChangeTheme, the theme should be set to "light" but instead my code panics and I get an "Uncaught Error: undefined" inside the Browser Console.
I've found a workaround; instead of using an array and accessing the values, I've tried to do the same task but just with iterators and made sure that the update function takes no ownership of any variable outside the function itself (I don't really know if that is really necessary though...)
fn update(&mut self, msg: Self::Message) -> ShouldRender {
match msg {
Msg::ChangeTheme => {
let theme_cycle = ["light".to_string(), "dark".to_string(), "rust".to_string()];
let current_theme = self.props.handle.state().theme.clone();
let indexof_current_theme = match theme_cycle.iter().position(|x| x.to_string() == current_theme) {
None => 0,
Some(x) => x.clone(),
let next_theme = match theme_cycle.iter().nth(indexof_current_theme + 1) {
None => theme_cycle.iter().nth(0).unwrap().clone(),
Some(x) => x.clone(),
self.props.handle.reduce(move |state| state.theme = next_theme.to_string());
Msg::ToggleLangDropdown => self.show_lang_dropdown = !self.show_lang_dropdown,
Msg::ToggleThemeDropdown => self.show_theme_dropdown = !self.show_theme_dropdown,
Still would be cool if anyone knows what I did wrong in my first attempt.
