How can I convert from a firebase document to a custom class in Node JS - node.js

In node.js I'm getting the error below. Any ideas why?
Conversion of type 'Promise' to type 'Member[]' may be a mistake
because neither type sufficiently overlaps with the other. If this was
intentional, convert the expression to 'unknown' first. Type
'Promise' is missing the following properties from type
'Member[]': length, pop, push, concat, and 26 more.
export async function getFamilyMembers(tenantId: string, familyCode: string): Promise<Member[]> {
return db.collection(`tenants/${tenantId}/members`)
.where('familyCode', '==', familyCode)
.then(snaps => { => {
return { id:,}
}) as Member[];
If I remove the types and change it to
export async function getFamilyMembers(tenantId: string, familyCode: string) {
return db.collection(`tenants/${tenantId}/members`)
.where('familyCode', '==', familyCode)
.then(snaps => { => {
return { id:,}
I just have to deal with the problem later.
I get the error
Property 'length' does not exist on type 'void'.
const familyMembers: Member[] | void = await getFamilyMembers(tenantId, familyCode);
if (familyMembers === null) {
isVerified = false;
verificationFailMessage = `Sorry we can't find this code. Please check it is correct.`;
} else if (familyMembers.length === 0) {

I needed to add Promise in front of Member.
export async function getFamilyMembers(tenantId: string, familyCode: string): Promise<Member[]> {
return db.collection(`tenants/${tenantId}/members`)
.where('familyCode', '==', familyCode)
.then(snaps => { => {
return { id:,}
}) as Promise<Member[]>;


How to test mongoose methods using sinon fakes?

I have the following arrangement of tests using sinon, mocha and chai:
type ModelObject = {
name: string;
model: typeof Categoria | typeof Articulo | typeof Usuario;
fakeMultiple: () => object[];
fakeOne: (id?: string) => object;
const models: ModelObject[] = [
name: 'categorias',
model: Categoria,
fakeMultiple: () => fakeMultiple({ creator: oneCategoria }),
fakeOne: oneCategoria
name: 'articulos',
model: Articulo,
fakeMultiple: () => fakeMultiple({ creator: oneArticulo }),
fakeOne: oneArticulo
name: 'usuarios',
model: Usuario,
fakeMultiple: () => fakeMultiple({ creator: oneUsuario }),
fakeOne: oneUsuario
const randomModel = models[Math.floor(Math.random() * models.length)];
describe(`v1/${}`, function () {
this.afterEach(function () {
context.only("When requesting information from an endpoint, this should take the Model of the requested endpoint and query the database for all the elements of that model", function () {
it.only(`Should return a list of elements of ${} model`, function (done) {
const fakes = randomModel.fakeMultiple();
const findFake = sinon.fake.resolves({ []: fakes });
sinon.replace(randomModel.model, 'find', findFake);
(err, res) => {
I use this to test an endpoint that arbitrary returns information about a given model. In my controllers, I'm using a dynamic middleware to determine which model is going to be queried, for example, if the route consumed is "api/v1/categorias", it will query for Categorias model. If the route consumed is "api/v1/articulos", it will query for Articulos model, and so on.
To make the query, i use the following service:
import { Articulo } from '../models/articulo';
import { Usuario } from '../models/usuario';
import { Categoria } from '../models/categoria';
import logger from '../config/logging';
import { Model } from 'mongoose';
const determineModel = (model: string): Model<any> => {
switch (model) {
case 'articulos':
return Articulo;
case 'usuarios':
return Usuario;
case 'categorias':
return Categoria;
throw new Error(`Model ${model} not found`);
export const getInformation = async (schema: string, page: number, limit: number) => {
try {
const model = determineModel(schema);
const data = await model.find().skip((page - 1) * limit).limit(limit);
const dataLength = await model.find().countDocuments();
return {
total: dataLength,
} catch (err) {
throw err;
The problem here lies when running my tests, it seems that is unable to run the .skip() and .limit() methods for my model.find()
error: model.find(...).skip is not a function
TypeError: model.find(...).skip is not a function
I think that I need to fake those methods, because when running the same test without skip and limit, it works as a charm. My problem lies in the fact that I don't know how to fake those, or to see if my guess is correct.
As a note, I have default params for the variables page and limit (1 and 15 respectively) so I'm not passing empty values to the methods.

How to return a list of objects from Cypress Custom Commands in type script

I am using Cypress for my end to end Integration tests. I have a use case which involves returning a list of objects from Cypress Custom Commands and I have a difficulty in doing so. Here is my code pointer:
declare global {
namespace Cypress {
interface Chainable<Subject> {
getTestDataFromElmoDynamoDB({locale, testType}): Cypress.Chainable<JQuery<expectedData[]>> // ??? not sure what return type should be given here.
Cypress.Commands.add('getTestDataFromDynamoDB', ({locale, testType}) => {
// expectedData is an interface declared. My use case is to return the list of this type.
let presetList: expectedData[]
cy.task('getTestDataFromDynamoDB', {
locale: locale,
testType: testType
}).then((presetData: any) => {
presetList = presetData;
// the whole idea here is to return presetList from cypress task
return cy.wrap(presetList) //??? not sure what should be written here
describe('The Sample Test', () => {
it.only('DemoTest', () => {
locale: env_parameters.env.locale,
testType: "ChangePlan"
}).then((presetlist) => {
// not sure on how to access the list here. Tried wrap and alias but no luck.
presetList.forEach((preset: expectedData) => {
//blah blah blah
Did anyone work on similar use case before?
Here My own command for doing exactly that.
Cypress.Commands.add("convertArrayOfAlliasedElementsToArrayOfInteractableElements", (arrayOfAlliases) => {
let arrayOfRecievedAlliasValues = []
for (let arrayElement of arrayOfAlliases) {
.then(aelement =>{
return cy.wrap(arrayOfRecievedAlliasValues)
The way I do it is to pass it in an array and cy.wrap the array, Because it lets you chain the command with an interactable array.
The key point is - it has to be passed as array or object, because they are Reference types, and in cypress it is hard to work with let/var/const that are value types.
You can also allias the cy.wrapped object if you like.
The way to use it in code is:
What you asked for can be implemented as follows, but I do not know what type expectedData is, so let's assume that expectedData:string [], but you can replace string[] with your type.
module.exports = (on: any, config: any) => {
on('task', {
getDataFromDB(arg: {locale: string, testType: string}){
// generate some data for an example
const list: string[] = [];
list.push('a', 'b');
return list;
declare global {
namespace Cypress {
interface Chainable<Subject> {
getTestDataElmoDynamoDB(arg: {locale: string, testType: string}): Cypress.Chainable<string[]>
Cypress.Commands.add('getTestDataElmoDynamoDB', (arg: {locale: string, testType: string}) => {
let presetList: string[] = [];
cy.task('getDataFromDB', arg)
.then((presetData?: string[]) => {
// if the data is incorrect, the code will break earlier on expect, this line for typescript compiler
if (!presetData || !presetData.length) throw new Error('Present data are undefined or empty');
presetList = presetData;
return cy.wrap(presetList); // or you can return cy.wrap(presetData)
describe('Test database methods', () => {
it('When take some test data, expect that the data was received successfully ', () => {
cy.getTestDataElmoDynamoDB({ locale: 'someEnvVar', testType: 'ChangePlan' })
.then((list) => {
cy.log(list); // [a,b]
// You can interact with list here as with a regular array, via forEach();
You can also access and receive data from cy.task directly in the spec file.
describe('Test database methods', () => {
it('When take some test data, expect that the data was received successfully ', () => {
cy.task('getDataFromDB', arg)
.then((list?: string[]) => {
cy.log(list); // [a,b] — the same list as in the version above

Got TS 2739 error while returning value from promise. Type 'Promise<any>' is missing the following properties from type

Currently I'm writing code for request login to server and receive it's session data and send to global context.
Basic principle is 1)Request and get Promise 2)Validate fetch result itself and response status. 3)Provide value to external component. And I'm working on 1) and 2).
But I got an error about data typing Type 'Promise<any>' is missing the following properties from type 'SessionInfo': userEmail, userName, sessionToken, duets(2739) at code that returns result data to external components. Despite of strict data typing(Maybe I think), I'm not sure why linter says Promise not Promise>. I think TS fails to assert it's type.
When I run very similar code with Javascript(without typing), it works in past. I'm not sure why this happens and I don't know what's wrong. Can you check my code?
Codes are below, there's 4 files -- interface definition file related to User, interface definition for handling response json, Actual request fetch, Response validation and evaluation.
When I checked linting at return at actionHandler.ts, linter succeed to predict it's type. is ResponseSet<SessionInfo>.data?: userTypes.SessionInfo as linter said.
In userTypes.ts
export interface SessionInfo {
userEmail: string,
userName: string,
sessionToken: string,
due: number,
In commonTypes.ts
export interface ResponseSet<T> { // Response wrapper when it returns with code 200
statusCode: ResponseStatusCode, // ResponseStatusCode is custom typed status code not for request it self.
data?: T,
description?: string,
In userReq.ts
const login = async (email: string, password: string): Promise<commonTypes.ResponseSet<userTypes.SessionInfo>> => {
try {
const request: Request = new Request(
composeUri(`user/login`, { email, password }),
method: 'GET',
headers: { 'Content-type': 'application/json' },
mode: 'cors',
const response: Response = await fetch(request);
if (response.status != 200) throw response.status;
return await response.json();
} catch {
return {
statusCode: 1,
In actionHandler.ts
export const doLogin = (email: string, password: string): userTypes.SessionInfo => {
const result: userTypes.SessionInfo = userReq.login(email, password)
.then(res => {
if (res.statusCode != 0) throw new Error(res.description || 'UnknownError');
.catch(err => {
return null;
return result;
Where I got an error is const result:.... I got Type 'Promise<any>' is missing the following properties from type 'SessionInfo': userEmail, userName, sessionToken, due ts(2739). I'm not sure why it is recognized as 'Promise` despite of strict type definition of my code.
the issue is that result isn't SessionInfo. It is a Promise of it.
const result: Promisse<userTypes.SessionInfo | null>;
doLogin is async due to used promise, you should follow async await inside and it can't return userTypes.SessionInfo, result will be a promise.
export const doLogin = async (email: string, password: string): Promise<userTypes.SessionInfo | null> => {
try {
const result: commonTypes.ResponseSet<userTypes.SessionInfo> = await userReq.login(email, password);
if (res.statusCode != 0) throw new Error(res.description || 'UnknownError');
} catch (e) {
return null;
// somewhere in the code (async env)
await doLogin(email, password);

Nestjs/microservice does not create an observable?

I was trying to use streams with grpc.
But when I use the below-published code, it says that subscribe is not a function.
It seems like nestjs/microservice does not create an observable from a stream.
The method used in the docs seems to be outdated.
My code - proto file:
message Rating {
string id = 1;
uint32 value = 2;
string comment = 3;
string type = 4;
service RatingsRpcService {
rpc Test (stream GetRatingRequest) returns (stream Rating);
message GetRatingRequest {
string id = 1;
message Ratings {
repeated Rating items = 1;
And the controller file:
test(msg: Observable<any>, metadata: any): Observable<any> {
const subject = new Subject();
next: (item: any) => {{whatever: 'value'});
error: (err: any) => console.log(err),
complete: () => subject.complete()
return subject.asObservable();
And the error I get: TypeError: msg.subscribe is not a function
Did I miss something?
Okay, I guess I found the issue.
It's kinda strange, but changing the type from Observable fixed the error.
I mean this one: messages: any instead of messages: Observable<any> or messages: Observable<RatingInterface>.
Please find the code presented below:
async findByIdStream(messages: any, metadata: any): Promise<Observable<RatingInterface>> {
const subject = new Subject<RatingInterface>();
next: async (dto: GetRatingDto) => {
const item = await this.ratingsService.findById(;;
error: (err: any) => {
throw new RpcException('Could not process stream.')
complete: () => subject.complete()
return subject.asObservable();

GraphQL Resolver returns error "Cannot read forEach of Undefined"

I have a graphql endpoint that I'm running a query against, and I'm building my resolver that is massaging the data before returning to the client. My query is this:
query getTransactions($transID: String!, $confidence: Float) {
transactions(parentID: $transID, confidence: $confidence) {
childrens {
connectionInfo {
and my resolver is currently looking like this:
const getTransactions = (args: any): any => {
const { parentID, confidence } = args;
const trxs = transactions.filter(t => {
return === parentID;
let finalChildrens: any[] = [];
trxs.forEach(t => {
return trxs;
const filteredChildren = (t: any): any[] => {
log.debug({ typeCheck: typeof t.childrens, children: t.childrens });
let outputChildren: any[] = [];
if (typeof t.childrens !== undefined) {
t.childrens.forEach((c1: any) => {
if (typeof c1.childrens !== undefined) {
} else {
return outputChildren;
} else {
return ['no child'] as any[];
The issue I'm facing is that I'm continually getting this error either in the client or graphiql is this:
"Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined"
I want to say that it has to do with either the forEach in filteredChildren or inside the resolver itself. I'm going through these "gymnastics" in order to get a flat array that is retrieved recursively from the underlying data. How would someone check the array to see if it's filled or not? (or in this case, if the array exists at all?)
The condition typeof t.childrens !== undefined is always true. You should either use typeof t.childrens !== "undefined" or t.childrens !== undefined.
