How do I get the image metadata details such as person uploaded, spatial coordinates,and tags assosciated with the image.I have seen the FlickAPI documentation but I couldn't find any suitable method.
I can use but it doesn't give me the image details.
I believe that has all the information that you are looking for.
I'm not really too familiar with the programming/coding aspect of Computer Vision. What I can tell from a functional perspective is that it's analyzing an image, then outputting tags based on what it sees. The issue is that the Plugin I use in Wordpress doesn't filter the response of that image analysis. It basically takes my API Key and then echoes the response it receives from Computer Vision to display all of the image tags.
That being said, I have a fairly straight-forward yes or no question. Can Computer Vision be set up to only output specific image tags if they are present in the image? If so, where can I find information on how to do this?
I'm looking at the API reference here:
There does not appear to be any setting allowing one to filter the image tags returned by the service. It also appears that the only format it will return a response in is JSON. So the answer would be no.
I am familiar with EXIF Tags and how to get them as a dictionary for an image. There are abundant examples on that topic. What I get is a dictionary with many items pertaining to characteristics of an image, like focus, date and time, geo data and so on. What I DO NOT GET and want to be able to read are descriptions that I assigned to an image like: "Kindergarten, Birthday party, Sailing" or whatever. These are named "Description -> Tags" if you right-click on a picture in Windows and go to the Details tab. In Adobe Bridge they are named keywords.
How can I read them in Python?
I have not tested it but this says there is an EXIF tag named ImageDescription that might be what you're looking for.
PS: I'm not really sure about it so wanted to leave this as a comment...but reputation
I want to use the REST Google Photos API to download original photos or videos from Goolge Photos, and I found there is no way to achieve it with the "baseUrl".
I have checked the following pages, but there is not a definitive answer:
So if there is indeed a way to get the original photos and videos or if there will be one?
The addition of '=d' will not give you the original file! I tested it. The quality and resolution of the image seems to match the original one, but some information like exif metadata (geo location) is missing. As a result, the file size is also smaller than the original. This makes is not usable for backup synchronization where I want the original file.
Actually, I expect from google that they give me automated access to my own original data. It looks like that is currently not the case.
I'm afraid there are currently only two options how to get the original fotos:
Manual download on Google Fotos
Manual download via Google Takeout
Very disappointing!
So I just read through the issue tracker answers you provided, and I noticed that one reply was to add '=d'to the baseUrl.
So example: GET
Lately some of the articles have imbedded videos, but they are not listed in the JSON responses when querying the API; not even in a "related videos" type of attribute. Only the normal videos are available via the API.
Unfortunately I don't think there is. For our older articles, which are just a blob of HTML, /api/v1/articles/<id> will give you a htmlContent field will presumably contain some iframe. For our newer articles, the perseusContent field has the data we use to render it; I don't know that we document the format anywhere but the code that renders it is open-source so you could take a look at that, or just look at some actual articles with videos and see what they look like. Sorry we don't have a more direct way to do this!
I am working with dbpedia. In my work, my program need to read a dbpedia json file like( and extract all the information as a key value pair, same as dbpedia page( But I am facing some problem. For example, if you see the json file(please use some json viewer to make it human readable.), if i want to get the language(search language in the file), you will see it is in the json array, so i have to extract that information from the Array. On the other hand, if you search seeAlso, then you will find that you have to go one level up and find the information. Further more , there are some information in the HTML page( but that is not found in the metadata json
file( For example, "birthPlace" is in html page but not in the json file. I am totally confused that, how i will code that can read and store(as key value mapping) the data as like as seen in the html page.
DBpedia data is organized by resource, where each "resource" is a page on Wikipedia and (presumably) a thing in the real world. Each resource is referred to with a URL. The JSON file contains a whole bunch of resources (such as that have some link with the resource you're interested in, I think this is supposed to include all the information at, but clearly some entries -- such as db:Anja_Kling -- are missing. I'm not sure why that is, but it might be a bug -- if you don't get a better answer here, you should try e-mailing your questions to the dbpedia-discussion mailing list at Hope that helps!