Not able to make mSuperdrive and mBeam API Calls in the Postman Collection - edgeengine

I am trying to make mSuperdrive and mBeam API Calls as in the Smart-car-use case ( [ Group C – Car 1] in the postman Collection). When I made the [C1] → mSuperdrive LOCAL DISCOVERY api call (to see the Link Local clustering) I can find both of my devices in the response object,
but along with the response I am getting the following error.

This is an error coming from postman's "Tests" tab, we have put some code in there to extract data from response body in order to set environment variables. If you are getting a 200 OK response with your devices showing you can simply ignore this error. You can also comment out the code in "Test" tab and you will not see the error for that call again. Please periodically check here for new updates to the collection that will fix these issues in the future.


(Asana) XML is invalid: Headers are not supported on this surface

I am pretty sure I am using exactly the same code in the following two cases, as I tested it on Postman first.
The first time I tried to create a task from Postman, it has no issue.
The next time I tried to do the same from my NodeJS server, and it shows this error. I tried the client SDK package and manually calling through Axios, both are not working and throwing the same error.
Is the Asana API not callable from NodeJS server?
It turns out the "Headers" does not indicate the Headers sent with the request, but the "Headers" HTML Element inside the rich text field. Ensure there's no h1-h6 element in your html_notes can solve this issue.

Getting error while making mSuperdrive and mBeam API Calls in Postman Collection

I am working on mimik Smart-car-use-case Postman Simulation. As in [C2] → mSuperdrive mimik add a media Obj locally (Car 1), I have added an image locally on Car 1, and Check the mimiked file by calling [C3]
and then I made [C4] → mbeam NODE1 GET play_queue api call and got the list of files in mBeam play_queue as below.
After that I deleted the image which I have added in [C2] Api Call,
and again I hit Send on [C3] , I am getting the following error,
Since the image is in mBeam play_queue why am I getting error, when i delete the actual image?
Regardless of the image being added to play_queue, the physical file still needs to reside in origin. The reason you are getting 404 is because the the actual file is gone due to your deletion.

Multiple api call

I'm trying to build a nodejs app that runs and if statement to query multiple api's to return a result. Example, running yelps api first, if it finds then break, else continue query another api such as google places or white pages api until it finds a result.
I am passing in either a name of a business, address to return a telephone number. the results expected are in json. I am drawing a blank.
so the way to achieve this is you should be able to make http req from your server side and when a result comes with a response then you should check that response. If your requested answer is not in it then you should keep on trying other API end points untill u come across with a suitable response..
so here are some npm packages to achieve this simply
http - node js built in package
Axios - here
request - here
try using one of these packages .. I would use axios .. read their doc and try to do it .. It should clear somethings out for you

Outlook REST API is returning 404 for event in message

I have the following case:
I use the Outlook REST API (without any library) to visualize the users' emails - including Event invites. First, I make a call to get only the message properties and if the message has MeetingMessageType value, then another request is sent to:<messageId>?$select=Microsoft.OutlookServices.EventMessage/MeetingMessageType&$expand=Microsoft.OutlookServices.EventMessage/event($select=Id,SeriesMasterId,iCalUID,Type,CreatedDateTime,LastModifiedDateTime,WebLink,Calendar,Start,End,IsAllDay,IsCancelled,Organizer,Attendees,Location,Subject,ResponseStatus,OnlineMeetingUrl,Recurrence,ResponseRequested)
to get the Event information and provide the customer with the option to respond to the invite.
The problem:
Since yesterday one of our clients reported that he can't see the event information. It turns out that the request for getting this information is returning 404.
The response body:
"error": {
"code": "ErrorItemNotFound",
"message": "The specified object was not found in the store., The process failed to get the correct properties."
The event is shown in the Outlook desktop mail client.
The client also shared that they have enabled ATP (advance threat protection) at his company. Not sure if this can have anything to do with the problem.
I see that other clients also have this problem.
I asked the user to try the following requests from the Outlook sandbox:<messageId>
This request returns the EventMessage with "MeetingMessageType": "MeetingRequest".
Then when he tried accessing the Event:<messageId>?$select=Microsoft.OutlookServices.EventMessage%2FMeetingMessageType&$expand=Microsoft.OutlookServices.EventMessage%2Fevent
The Outlook REST API returns 404.
For me, the same formatted requests work, so I can't really understand what is going on.
Please, any information will be well appreciated!

How to send POST variables with Nipple on NodeJS

I am trying to use nipple to post to an url within my nodejs application, which itself is running on hapi.js
The documentation essentially doesn't seem to spell it out.
I tried passing it as payload inside options but that, while not returning an error, returns a 400. Can someone provide a correct example doing a post using nipple?
Essentially, I have two variables that I need to send - let's call the var1 and var2.
That link says that the project has been renamed to wreck. On wreck's github, several of the tests are for a post requests, including this one:
If you are still scratching your head, you could also try using curl or postman to sanity check your URL, regardless of any nipple/wreck errors. If that also gives you a 400, nipple/wreck may not be the culprit.
