I am using PyTorch's BertForTokenClassification pretrained model to do custom word tagging (not NER or POS, but essentially the same). There are 20 different possible tags (using BIO scheme): 9 B's, 9 I's, and an O. Despite there being 19 possible tags, the feed-forward layer that is added on top of BERT has 20 tags. I have used other datasets, too, and the result is the same: there is always one more output than the number of classes. Can anyone tell me why this is?
I figured it out. The reason is because I was not accounting for the PAD token.
If I use two identical models to learn over a dataset, but the order in which the samples are presented differs, would an embedding layer output the exact embeddings?
I think you will not get exact embeddings. The parameters of embeddings depend on how gradient decent selects them, so you probably get different values when the sample batch order is different. Furthermore, there is an initial random weight initialization for embedding layer, which also could contribute to a difference.
However, I would expect that 2 words close in one embedding will be also close in another embedding.
i am working with bert for relation extraction from binary classification tsv file, it is the first time to use bert so there is some points i need to understand more?
how can i get an output like giving it a test data and show the classification results whether it is classified correctly or not?
how bert extract features of the sentences, and is there a method to know what are the features that is chosen?
i used once the hidden layers and another time i didn't use i got the accuracy of not using the hidden layer higher than using it, is there an reason for that?
So I've got a simple pytorch example of how to train a ResNet CNN to learn MNIST labeling from this link:
It's working great, but I want to hack it a bit so that it does 2 things. First, instead of predicting digits, it predicts animal shapes/colors for a project I'm working on. That's already working quite well already and am happy with it.
Second, I'd like to hack the training (and possibly layers) so that predictions is done in parallel on multiple images at a time. In the MNIST example, basically prediction (or output) would be done for an image that has 10 digits at a time concatenated by me. For clarity, each 10-image input will have the digits 0-9 appearing only once each. The key here is that each of the 10 digit gets a unique class/label from the CNN/ResNet and each class gets assigned exactly once. And that digits that have high confidence will prevent other digits with lower confidence from using that label (a Hungarian algorithm type of approach).
So in my use case I want to train on concatenated images (not single images) as in Fig A below and force the classifier to learn to predict the best unique label for each of the concatenated images and do this all at once. Such an approach should outperform single image classification - and it's particularly useful for my animal classification because otherwise the CNN can sometimes return the same ID for multiple animals which is impossible in my application.
I can already predict in series as in Fig B below. And indeed looking at the confidence of each prediction I am able to implement a Hungarian-algorithm like approach post-prediction to assign the best (most confident) unique IDs in each batch of 4 animals. But this doesn't always work and I'm wondering if ResNet can try and learn the greedy Hungarian assignment as well.
In particular, it's not clear that implementing A simply requires augmenting the data input and labels in the training set will do it automatically - because I don't know how to penalize or dissalow returning the same label twice for each group of images. So for now I can generate these training datasets like this:
print (train_loader.dataset.data.shape)
print (train_loader.dataset.targets.shape)
torch.Size([60000, 28, 28])
And I guess I would want the targets to be [60000, 10]. And each input image would be [1, 28, 28, 10]? But I'm not sure what the correct approach would be.
Any advice or available links?
I think this is a specific type of training, but I forgot the name.
I'm trying to build a keras model to classify text for 45 different classes. I'm a little confused about preparing my data for the input as required by google's BERT model.
Some blog posts insert data as a tf dataset with input_ids, segment ids, and mask ids, as in this guide, but then some only go with input_ids and masks, as in this guide.
Also in the second guide, it notes that the segment mask and attention mask inputs are optional.
Can anyone explain whether or not those two are required for a multiclass classification task?
If it helps, each row of my data can consist of any number of sentences within a reasonably sized paragraph. I want to be able to classify each paragraph/input to a single label.
I can't seem to find many guides/blogs about using BERT with Keras (Tensorflow 2) for a multiclass problem, indeed many of them are for multi-label problems.
I guess it is too late to answer but I had the same question. I went through huggingface code and found that if attention_mask and segment_type ids are None then by default it pays attention to all tokens and all the segments are given id 0.
If you want to check it out, you can find the code here
Let me know if this clarifies it or you think otherwise.
Referring to the documentation of the awesome Transformers library from Huggingface, I came across the add_tokens functions.
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')
model = BertModel.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')
num_added_toks = tokenizer.add_tokens(['new_tok1', 'my_new-tok2'])
I tried the above by adding previously absent words in the default vocabulary. However, keeping all else constant, I noticed a decrease in accuracy of the fine tuned classifier making use of this updated tokenizer. I was able to replicate similar behavior even when just 10% of the previously absent words were added.
My questions
Am I missing something?
Instead of whole words, is the add_tokens function expecting masked tokens, for example : '##ah', '##red', '##ik', '##si', etc.? If yes, is there a procedure to generate such masked tokens?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
If you add tokens to the tokenizer, you indeed make the tokenizer tokenize the text differently, but this is not the tokenization BERT was trained with, so you are basically adding noise to the input. The word embeddings are not trained and the rest of the network never saw them in context. You would need a lot of data to teach BERT to deal with the newly added words.
There are also some ways how to compute a single word embedding, such that it would not hurt BERT like in this paper but it seems pretty complicated and should not make any difference.
BERT uses a word-piece-based vocabulary, so it should not really matter if the words are present in the vocabulary as a single token or get split into multiple wordpieces. The model probably saw the split word during pre-training and will know what to do with it.
Regarding the ##-prefixed tokens, those are tokens can only be prepended as a suffix of another wordpiece. E.g., walrus gets split into ['wal', '##rus'] and you need both of the wordpieces to be in the vocabulary, but not ##wal or rus.