Having both X and Y axes' Scales in Altair respond to a selection interval - altair

I'm bringing this question from Altair's github. (https://github.com/altair-viz/altair/issues/2456) Is there a way to get the Scale on Y-axis in the bottom chart to respond to the selection brush? I'd like to be able to pan around the top chart with a selection and see the zoomed-in results in the bottom chart. If I uncomment the alt.Y, then both the X and Y axes show Years and it's messed up. Is there a way to pass just an X or Y value in the 'brush' maybe? Thank you very much!
brush = alt.selection_interval(init={'x':[1950, 1970], 'y':[1500000, 2500000]}, encodings=['x', 'y'])
base = alt.Chart().mark_line().encode(
x=alt.X('Year:Q', title=None),
base.add_selection(brush).encode().properties(height=150, width=150),
alt.X('Year:Q', scale=alt.Scale(domain=brush)),
#alt.Y('Deaths:Q', scale=alt.Scale(domain=brush)) # (un)commenting this line makes it work/fail only along the x-axis
height=500, width=500

Yes, see Open the Chart in the Vega Editor
It filters the data of the 2nd chart using a filter transform on the brush param.


Shared axis labels with independent scale

When facet/concat-ing charts, I would like the axis labels to be shared (so only 1 label per column/row, here: Horsepower), but the scale to be independent. Is this possible?
I thought a combination of resolve_axis and resolve_scale would be the way to go, as the title is a part of Axis, but I didn't get it to work.
I'm also wondering what resolve_axis actually does different than resolve_scale, anyone has an example?
base = alt.Chart(source).mark_circle().encode(
width=200, height=100
x='shared' # doesn't do anything obvious
Open the Chart in the Vega Editor
I found a hacky way to do this, by misusing the facet header:
base = alt.Chart(source).mark_circle(size=60).encode(
column=alt.Column('Origin:N', header=alt.Header(title='Miles_per_Gallon')),
width=200, height=200
I don't know of any way to do what you're hoping for (independent scales with only a single outer axis title) via scale and guide resolution.
As to your question of the difference between resolve_scale and resolve_axis, an example may help.
Here's a chart with independent y scale:
import altair as alt
from vega_datasets import data
source = data.cars()
base = alt.Chart(source).mark_circle().encode(
width=150, height=150
And here's one with independent y axis:
In both cases, each chart gets its own axis (because independent scales imply independent axes), but only with an independent scale do the axes scales differ from each other.

Ticks on color bar are overlapping because the values are very close to each other

I'm trying to display the exact values on one axis of the color bar and a basic scale on the other. However, some of the exact values are so close together their names overlap on the color bar. Is there a way for me to make the overlapping names appear as a list or just to the side the other values name? I've already tried rotation of the labels, setting vmin/vmax in the color bar method, and setting the ylim's of the second axis. I'm at a lose at what to try next. It feels like this is something matplotlib would allow but I can't find what method or kwargs that allow this manipulation. Many of the commented out tlines are the attempts I've made with help from many posts on StackOverflow. Thank you!!
Previous code deleted for clarity
UPDATE: Paul H here is a workable example with the same issue I'm trying to fix
# Make random data with same issue
x, y = np.linspace(-3, 1.5, 20), np.linspace(0, 0.5, 20)
# two different ranges used to simulate the same issue in my data
fake_phase = np.append(np.random.random_sample(15), np.arange(0.0, .005, 0.001))
fake_labels = np.array(['V439Oph', 'ALVir', 'YZVir', 'XXVir', 'V716Oph', 'BFSer', 'BLHer',
'RXLib', 'CEHer', 'V465Oph', 'V1180Sgr', 'CSCas', 'DQAnd', 'IXCas',
'UYEri', 'TWCap', 'AUPeg', 'MZCyg', 'SWTau', 'TXDel'], dtype=object)
# Plot data
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(15,10))
plt.plot(x, y, marker='.', ms=17, mew=2, linestyle='none')
# Make the same colorbar
norm = cm.colors.Normalize(vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0, clip=False)
cbar = fig.colorbar(cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap='rainbow'), ax=ax, extend='both',
orientation='vertical', pad=0.005, use_gridspec=True)
cbar.ax.tick_params(which='major', labelsize='large', width=1.5, length=6)
cbar.set_label(label='Phase', size='xx-large', labelpad=40)
ax2 = cbar.ax.twinx()
pos = cbar.ax.get_position()
pos.x0 += 0.1
The output of this code: Output of workable example
My issue is that the secondary axis on the colorbar (left axis) has values that are so close together their labels overlap. I'm hoping to find a way to space the labels so they are readable. I thought I found a way to accomplish this using axis.set_ticklabels() (set_ticklabels() documentation. In the **kargs section of the doc it references using text properties. In the text properties documentation text properties doc the property 'y' says you can set the y-position of the text. However, when I add this keyword to set_ticklabels() I get an error that the keyword is not recognized.. I've tried adding the property 'y' as a keyword and attribute but I get a keyword error or does not have that attribute error...
I'm calling the property wrong but I've never gotten this detailed in editing these parameters. I honestly don't know if this is the best way to solve this, but it's the closest I've gotten so far. I was hoping to use it to offset the labels so they were stacked vertically on top of each other in the same order but far enough apart that the label is readable.
Thanks for any input!

Tooltips not appearing for secondary plot

I’m curious why the tooltips of the 2nd plot (point_max) are not appearing in the final plot though the data points themselves are fine.
The tooltips for the first plot (rule_q) are active in the combined plot and when plotting ‘point_max’ on its own the tooltips do appear normally.
Even if the tooltips for ‘rule_q’ are removed, those for the ‘point_max’ chart never show up in the combined plot.
The relevant code:
base = alt.Chart(yrDF,title=titStr).transform_calculate(
color = 'datum.Complete > 0.95 ? "#f4be2b" : "lightgray"'
rule_q= base.mark_rule(size=3).encode(
alt.Tooltip('date:T', title='Date',format='%b %d, %Y'),
point_max= alt.Chart(yrDF).mark_point(size=12).encode(
chart= rule_q + point_max
This is a known bug in Vega-Lite; see https://github.com/vega/vega-lite/issues/5732
A potential workaround is to add interactive() separately to each chart, rather than adding it to the base chart. See also Altair - Unable to get tooltips for one layer in a line chart.

How to increase size of text value on top of MPAndroid Bar Chart?

I have created a chart using MPAndroid Chart. I want to know how can I increase the size of text value on top of each bar in MPAndroid Bar Chart? Which API should I use? I have circled the value in the attached picture in Red circle
you can try it by using
where barDataset is BarDataSet
I was able to find the answer to my question after some trials. This is the code to set the font size of left and right Y-axis on a MPAndroidChart
import com.github.mikephil.charting.charts.CombinedChart;
//Code snippet
CombinedChart combinedChart = (CombinedChart) findViewById(R.id.chart);
YAxis yaLeft = combinedChart.getAxisLeft();
YAxis yaRight = combinedChart.getAxisRight();

Plot points playing games when I try to size by a value count in bokeh

I'm trying to get the plot points in a scatter graph to size according to the frequency of values in a column of data. The data is coming from a questionnaire.
My questions are: What am I doing wrong, and what can I do to fix it?
I can push out a simple plot with x and y values coming from 2 columns of data. The X axis represents a level (1-100), and the Y axis represents a choice users can make for each level (1-4). For this plot I want to track how many people choose 1-4 on each level - so I need to capture that 1-4 has been selected, then indicate how many times.
Simple plot works fine, though those points have multiple occurrences.
Here's the code for that:
# Set up the graph
WT_Number = data.wt # This is the X axis
CFG_Number = data.cfg # This is the Y axis
wt_cfg_plot = figure(plot_width=1000, plot_height=400,
title="Control Form Groups chosen by WT unit")
# Set up the plot points, including the Hover Tool
cr = wt_cfg_plot.scatter(WT_Number, CFG_Number, size=7,
line_color=None, alpha=0.7, hover_fill_color="firebrick",
hover_line_color=None, hover_alpha=1)
Problem: I then added a value count and set it as the size, to get the plot points to adjust according to the value frequency. But now it pumps out this chart and throws an error:
Plot points are reacting to the code, but now they're doing their own thing.
I added a variable for the value counts (cfg_freq), and used that as the size:
cfg_freq = data['cfg'].value_counts()*4
cr = wt_cfg_plot.scatter(WT_Number, CFG_Number, size=cfg_freq, fill_color="blue",
line_color=None, alpha=0.7, hover_fill_color="firebrick",
hover_line_color=None, hover_alpha=1)
Here's the the last part of the error being thrown:
File "/Applications/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/bokeh/core/properties.py", line 722, in setattr
(name, self.class.name, text, nice_join(matches)))
AttributeError: unexpected attribute 'size' to Chart, possible attributes are above, background_fill_alpha, background_fill_color, below, border_fill_alpha, border_fill_color, disabled, extra_x_ranges, extra_y_ranges, h_symmetry, height, hidpi, left, legend, lod_factor, lod_interval, lod_threshold, lod_timeout, logo, min_border, min_border_bottom, min_border_left, min_border_right, min_border_top, name, outline_line_alpha, outline_line_cap, outline_line_color, outline_line_dash, outline_line_dash_offset, outline_line_join, outline_line_width, plot_height, plot_width, renderers, responsive, right, tags, title, title_standoff, title_text_align, title_text_alpha, title_text_baseline, title_text_color, title_text_font, title_text_font_size, title_text_font_style, tool_events, toolbar_location, tools, v_symmetry, webgl, width, x_mapper_type, x_range, xgrid, xlabel, xscale, y_mapper_type, y_range, ygrid, ylabel or yscale
