GitLab fails on install and/or reconfigure - gitlab

For a college assignment I had to configure gitlab on my virtual machine that’s hosted on google cloud engine and is currently running Ubuntu 20.04.
I tried to install gitlab twice but the install fails (first it got stuck for at least 5 minutes on unpacking github-ce (13.10.2-ce.0) then it failed.
Reconfiguring gets me the same message but without any context, I don’t know where the error is, what is causing it and how to fix it.
I did research this error but the only thing that I found out is that it’s probably related with the config file. Only line in my config line that’s not commented out is the external url and it has a value so I have no idea what to do.

I guess something on the machine is fup. Try the same on a known-good new machine / fresh install.
Ubunut 20.04
Sounds like a fun OS.


Please add a #NgModule annotation but I cannot figure why

I have a Node/Angular app which works locally in a Docker instance. For deployment to a Google VM, we have a script which checks out the Git files, compiles them, copies the outputs into an nginx folder and restarts the nginx.
I have (what I thought was) identical setups on two different VMs. I test any changes on the "staging" VM and then if all is working correctly, I run them on the "production" VM.
Yesterday, this system broke. My staging VM pulls, compiles and runs the code without any issues or even warnings. The production VM gives errors during the compilation
The compilation line is
sudo $(npm bin)/ng build --prod --output-path=dist
and the first error I see is
ERROR in : Unexpected value 'AngularFireDatabaseModule in /home/redacted/ng-app/node_modules/#angular/fire/database/angular-fire-database.d.ts' imported by the module 'AppModule in /home/redacted/ng-app/src/app/app.module.ts'. Please add a #NgModule annotation.
So, I saw this question which said I should move import to the declarations section. I did this for AngularFireDatabaseModule and then it would not compile on my (working) staging server, giving me an error
Please add a #Pipe/#Directive/#Component annotation
Which this answer says means I need to move the declaration back to the imports!
My assumption is that my two supposedly identical VMs have something different about them, but I am having difficulty figuring out what.
Is there some kind soul who can help me figure out what the difference is?
Both VMs: Running Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.11.0-1028-gcp x86_64)
Both VMs up to date
Both VMs: node --version
Both VMs: sudo node --version
Both VMs: npm -v
Both VMs: sudo npm -v
What else should I be checking for?
OK, I can't be sure what exactly fixed it, but in the end, I had to go into the folder where the compilation was occurring and run
sudo npm update
which seemd to fix the problems. Could've sworn I did that a few times before, but ¯\(ツ)/¯
Leaving this for anyone who is despairing - the simple answers seem to work best

how to update etherpad-lite properly?

I keep totally failing to update an etherpad-lite server. The problem: Even a Google search for the update procedure brings up hardly any information, only that one should run "git pull origin".
I have now tried this in many different ways. The update usually works, but afterwards one of these errors occurs:
Plugins can no longer be installed
The service can no longer be started (TypeError: log4js.replaceConsole is not a function)
The entire admin panel no longer works.
I tried uninstalling or updating all plug-ins before, but both hardly brought any improvements, only other errors. The update of the plugins in the admin console fails, I tried it via the script. Here a message appears that at least etherpad-lite 1.8,6 must be installed. I am currently at version 1.8.4 and would like to update to the latest version 1.8.12. However, some of the plug-ins are still updated. A very strange behaviour.
I would be happy if someone could tell me how to properly update the etherpad-lite instance step by step. (ubuntu 20)
Thank you!
I have recently updated Etherpad-lite from version 1.8.6 to 1.8.13.
For me, executing git pull origin and then checking out the 1.8.13 release tag, with git checkout 1.8.13, made the work.
It is important, despite having Etherpad configured as a service, to run it for the first time using:
Node v12.22.1
npm 6.14.12
Ubuntu 20.04.2
I hope it has been useful to you.

Node isn't recognized

Referring to the above picture, can someone please tell my why my NPM script would continually fail saying that node is not recognized.
nodejs is clearly in my $PATH and it correctly identifies where it is on my computer outside of an npm script.
I am using Git Bash inside ConEMU on Windows Version 10.0.17134 Build 17134.
I wouldn't be surprised if the issue is with Windows, as the problem seems to have popped up since the latest OS update, installed just over a week ago (I've been having this issue for around that same amount of time)
I have finally got it working! It is, unsurprisingly, a Windows issue.. Because I had a few entries in my $PATH, and the nodejs one was at the end, Windows would silently fail when reading the entire path, and not get as far as the nodejs entry. The fix was to move the nodejs in the Environment Variables control panel to the very top

centOS7 netinstall with kickstart fails to get installation source

I'm trying to install CentOS7 using a kickstart file with a VM. I am using a netinstall version of the ISO.
When I try to put the URL in the kickstart file, it will take a long time to check the installation source, and then fail.
I have checked the ISO, installing successfully without kickstart and using this address for the source:
url --url=""
However, when using kickstart file, I install and then fail with below error message -
Error setting up base repository
Even if I manually type it in after it errors out.
Does anyone have any ideas? I have reduced my kickstart file to just that one line and it still shows the same behaviour. I don't have this problem with kickstart using the minimal or full install ISO's.
I'm just learning Linux so I didn't realize you could switch into another screen and monitor the install/run commands simultaneously.
After doing so I realised it wouldn't resolve names.
My DNS is dead/isn't responding. Used kickstart to manually assign another DNS server to the interface. This allowed the install to resolve the url. This would explain why the install worked with the netinstall iso on its own, as it was using default settings.
Hope this helps someone.

Installing gitorious issue

I am struggling with the installation of gitorious (on an Ubuntu 12.04 distribution) on my local server following this tutorial :
After fixing some some config, I went running this command : env RAILS_ENV=production /etc/init.d/git-daemon start, I keep on having this message Starting git-daemon: FAILURE!!!, without finding any log message. After googling, I found it could be a config problem in the /etc/init.d/git-daemon config file : I put it here
Hmm... Can't say I can pinpoint the problem. Can you get any messages out of dmesg | tail?
I remember having some problems with the git-daemon, and I think they boiled down to some problem with ActiveMQ. Unfortunately, I can't remember how I fixed it.
There also seems to be a pretty neat, concise install script that streamlines the setup process for Ubuntu 12.04:
PS: You might want to get an account on pastebin to make your config file more easily accessible.
