How to get WM_COPYDATA in python - python-3.x

i'm trying to do (what should be) some minor work with win32. I basically just need to send a message and wait for a response.
I need the HWND or window handle of my python script/program to actually send the message.
I need to receive a WM_COPYDATA message from the end program.
I'm able to find the HWND of my python program with a script provided by ColonelFai1ure#0706 on the python discord server:
#gets the HWND of the active window
def getActiveWinID():
return ctypes.windll.user32.GetForegroundWindow()
Although I have to keep my PyCharm instance as the active window, it works fine, i'm able to send a message with the HWND now!
So I send a message with:
import ctypes
import subprocess # can be async
from ctypes import wintypes
from ctypes import *
with subprocess.Popen(r"C:\Users\lafft\Downloads\2021-04-11\3.35\ProxyTool\ProxyAPI.exe "
r"-changeproxy/US/NY/'New York' -citynolimit -proxyport=5001 -hwnd=330320",
stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as process:
for line in process.stdout:
It works! The end program receives my message and performs the work I need it to do, this is the output:
b'Api executed successfully.\r\n'
Now I need to receive WM_COPYDATA from the end program to my hwnd, I modified some py2 code I found here:
class ACOPYDATASTRUCT(Structure):
_fields_ = [
('dwData', c_ulong),
('cbData', c_ulong),
('lpData', c_void_p)
class Listener:
def __init__(self):
message_map = {
win32con.WM_COPYDATA: self.OnCopyData
wc = win32gui.WNDCLASS()
wc.lpfnWndProc = message_map
wc.lpszClassName = 'MyWindowClass'
hinst = wc.hInstance = win32api.GetModuleHandle(None)
classAtom = win32gui.RegisterClass(wc)
self.hwnd = 330320
def OnCopyData(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
pCDS = cast(lparam, PCOPYDATASTRUCT)
status = wstring_at(pCDS.contents.lpData)
return 1
l = Listener()
Unfortunately, the message never comes in. I'm using PyCharm to run this, if it makes a difference.
I have 0 idea what to do now, and tutorials on the internet for this is sparse or written in python 2. Any help is appreciated, a link to a tutorial, some code, anything.


How to bring python message box in front?

I am trying to get windows message box pop in front but every time the message box is called it just pops up in the background on another monitor.
import ctypes
from time import sleep
sleep(5) # for switching to another window
ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW(None, "This should be in top", "Very important messsage", MB_SETFOREGROUND)
Using MB_SYSTEMMODAL worked to bring the window to the front.
import ctypes
from time import sleep
sleep(5) # for switching to another window
MB_SYSTEMMODAL = 0x00001000
ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW(None, "This should be in top", "Very important message", MB_SYSTEMMODAL)
I always recommend using .argtypes and .restype to ensure parameters are marshaled correctly between Python and C and it allows ctypes to better error check parameters:
import ctypes as ct
import ctypes.wintypes as w
import time
dll = ct.WinDLL('user32', use_last_error=True)
dll.MessageBoxW.argtypes = w.HWND, w.LPCWSTR, w.LPCWSTR, w.UINT
dll.MessageBoxW.restype = ct.c_int
MB_SYSTEMMODAL = 0x00001000
IDOK = 1
result = dll.MessageBoxW(None, "This should be in top", "Very important message", MB_SYSTEMMODAL)
print(result == IDOK)

Python ctypes EnumThreadWindows failing with error 87 (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)

I can't seem to get EnumThreadWindows to work. It keeps failing with error 87. Code:
error = ctypes.WinDLL('Kernel32').GetLastError
enum_func = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(wintypes.BOOL,
def callback(hwnd, lParam):
length = ctypes.WinDLL('User32').GetWindowTextLengthW(hwnd) + 1
buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(length)
ctypes.WinDLL('User32').GetWindowTextW(hwnd, buf, length)
worker = enum_func(callback)
test = ctypes.WinDLL('User32').EnumThreadWindows(6000, worker, None)
I've tried pid = wintypes.DWORD(6000), test = ctypes.WinDLL('User32').EnumThreadWindows(pid.value, worker, None) to no avail.
What am I doing wrong?
Here's working code. Make sure to pass a valid thread ID.
You might be interested in the fact that an LPARAM can be anything, including a python object, so if you pass a Python object it can be manipulated in the callback:
import ctypes
from ctypes import wintypes
from collections import namedtuple
Window = namedtuple('Window','hwnd title')
ctypes.py_object) # to allow any Python object.
u32 = ctypes.WinDLL('user32',use_last_error=True) # to ensure GetLastError was captured
# Declaring arguments and return type helps catch errors and support 64-bit.
# HWND is 64-bit on 64-bit Python, and could get truncated if left to ctypes default
# of c_int (32-bit). This code works on Python 2.7 and 3.9.
u32.GetWindowTextLengthW.argtypes = wintypes.HWND,
u32.GetWindowTextLengthW.restype = ctypes.c_int
u32.GetWindowTextW.argtypes = wintypes.HWND,wintypes.LPWSTR,ctypes.c_int
u32.GetWindowTextW.restype = ctypes.c_int
u32.EnumThreadWindows.argtypes = wintypes.DWORD,WNDENUMPROC,ctypes.py_object # to pass Python object
u32.EnumThreadWindows.restype = wintypes.BOOL
#WNDENUMPROC # decorator makes this a ctypes-compatible function
def callback(hwnd, lParam):
length = u32.GetWindowTextLengthW(hwnd) + 1
buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(length)
u32.GetWindowTextW(hwnd, buf, length)
lParam.append(Window(hwnd,buf.value)) # append data to the callback parameter
return True # return True to continue enumeration
result = [] # A python object
if u32.EnumThreadWindows(6332, callback, result): # 6332 was a thread in my explore.exe
for wnd in result: # list results when enumeration complete
print('error:',ctypes.get_last_error()) # print error of EnumThreadWindows.
# Python could use a Win32 function that fails in
# between the ctypes call and calling GetLastError
# directly.
Window(hwnd=65832, title='')
Window(hwnd=65838, title='')
Window(hwnd=131174, title='')
Window(hwnd=65682, title='')
Window(hwnd=65678, title='')
Window(hwnd=65826, title='Program Manager')
Window(hwnd=196928, title='MSCTFIME UI')
Window(hwnd=65680, title='Default IME')

Can't receive the data from device RFB2000 in python

I am using the module "ctypes" to load RFBClient.dll,I use windll and the convention is stdcall. I want to remote control the device RFB2000 with these commands below:
first step for connection
All the commands
for my programme, the connection is successful but the problem is that i can't recieve the data, when I want to get temperature value, I call the function but it always returns 0, the restype is c_double and the argtypes is none, I can't see there is any problem. English is not my native language; please excuse typing errors.
import ctypes
import time
libc = ctypes.WinDLL("X:\\RFBClient.dll")
#connect to RFB software
#check if connection successful
#Set parameters
#num_automeas = 1; %Number of auto-measurement runs.
completion_count = 2; #% Number of On-Off pairs within each auto-measurement run.
OnHalfCycleTimeCount = 40; # set 2s on
OffHalfCycleTimeCount = 40; # set 2s off
while libc.Zeroing()== -1:
print("measurement start")
while libc.Measuring() == -1:
getTemperature = libc.GetTemperature
getTemperature.restype = ctypes.c_double
getTemperature.argtypes = []

pyqt thread qRegisterMetaType warning/crash

I'm writing a pyqt program utilising the Qwizard. From one screen I am running a thread and starting a command line program via Popen. However I'm getting the following warning message:
QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'QTextCursor'
(Make sure 'QTextCursor' is registered using qRegisterMetaType().)
The program usually continues but crashes sporadically immediately after this point, leading me to feel that it is related.
As the code of the program is too much to attach, here are the relevant snippets:
class Fee(QThread):
def __init__(self, parent=None, options=None):
QThread.__init__(self, parent)
#set the given options
if options:
self.__options = options
def copy(self, devicename, outputfilename):
self.__device = devicename
self.__outputfile = outputfilename
def run(self):
cmd = self.__getCommandLine(self.options, self.__device, self.__outputfile)"Running Fee with command %s" % (cmd))
#start the process
output = ""
process = Popen(shlex.split(cmd), stdout= PIPE, stderr= STDOUT)
stderr = process.communicate()[1]
class FeeManager(QtCore.QObject):
def copyAndVerify(self):
self.__fee = Fee(self, self.options)
self.connect(self.__fee, QtCore.SIGNAL("finished()"), self._setCopyFinished)
self.connect(self.__fee, QtCore.SIGNAL("progressUpdated(QString, int, QString)"), self._setCopyProgress)
devicename = self.device.blockdevice
self.__image_outputfilename = "output_file.img")
self.__fee.copy(devicename, self.__image_outputfilename)
class FeeWizardPage(QtGui.QWizardPage):
def initializePage(self):
#already earlier in another wizard page is the following: self.feemanager = FeeManager(self, info)
self.connect(self.wizard().feemanager, QtCore.SIGNAL("copyProgressUpdated(QString, int, QString)"), self.updateCopyProgress)
self.connect(self.wizard().feemanager, QtCore.SIGNAL("verifyProgressUpdated(QString, int, QString)"), self.updateVerifyProgress)
self.connect(self.wizard().feemanager, QtCore.SIGNAL("finished(PyQt_PyObject)"), self.setDone)
What am I doing wrong? How can I avoid this message and hopefully bring some stability to the program. I've searched the internet and this forum, and while I've tried a number of suggestions for others, none have worked for this problem. Even when I comment out all signals and connects, I still get the same warning message.
Can someone help?
Thanks a lot.

PyQt threaded ftp: Cannot queue arguments of type 'QUrlInfo'

I have the need to download all files in an ftp directory. I don't know the files in the dir at the time my program starts, so I want the program to list the contents of the dir, then download each of the files it finds.
I've made a little demo script that downloads a file from ftp & updates a progress bar while doing so. The downloading & updating the progress bar works fine, however, I'm trying to do the next step which is to list the contents of some dir & download the files, and that part isn't working.
At the moment, I'm just trying to do a list on any directory & print the results to the command line.
When I try to do a listInfo.connect, I get an error message:
QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'QUrlInfo'
(Make sure 'QUrlInfo' is registered using qRegisterMetaType().)
... as I understand it, qRegisterMetaType is not something that can be done in PyQt & is also a sign of a fundamental problem, and herein lies my problem. I can do a commandFinished.connect and dataTransferProgress.connect without issue, but listInfo.connect doesn't seem to work (as I would expect it).
Any ideas how to correct this?
Here's some example code (pardon the length). I would like to be able to print the listed files/urls from the function "lister". Ultimately, I'd like to then have that function formulate new urls & pass them back to connectAndDownload to download each of the files (of course, this will require modifications to connectAndDownload, but we're not there yet).
#!/usr/bin/env python
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui, QtNetwork
class FtpWorker(QtCore.QThread):
dataTransferProgress = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int,int)
def __init__(self,url,parent=None):
self.ftp = None
self.outFile = None
self.get_index = -1
self.url = url
def run(self):
def ftpCommandFinished(self, command_index, error):
print "-----commandfinished-----",command_index
if self.ftp.currentCommand == QtNetwork.QFtp.ConnectToHost:
if error:
QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, "FTP",
"Unable to connect to the FTP server at %s. Please "
"check that the host name is correct.")
if self.ftp.currentCommand == QtNetwork.QFtp.Get or command_index == self.get_index:
if error:
print "closing outfile prematurely"
print "closed outfile normally"
self.outFile = None
def ftpDataTransferProgress(self,a,b):
def lister(self,url_info):
def connectAndDownload(self):
if self.ftp:
self.ftp = None
self.ftp = QtNetwork.QFtp()
url = QtCore.QUrl(self.url)
print "connect",self.ftp.connectToHost(, url.port(21))
print "login",self.ftp.login(url.userName(), url.password())
print "Connecting to FTP server %s..." % str(
import os
fileName = os.path.basename(self.url)
if QtCore.QFile.exists(fileName):
print "removing '%s'" % fileName
self.outFile = QtCore.QFile(fileName)
if not
QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, "FTP",
"Unable to save the file %s: %s." % (fileName, self.outFile.errorString()))
self.outFile = None
tmp = self.ftp.list()
print "starting list",tmp
print "ftp.get(%s,%s)" % (str(url.path()), self.outFile)
self.get_index = self.ftp.get(url.path(), self.outFile)
class AddProgresWin(QtGui.QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(AddProgresWin, self).__init__(parent)
self.thread = FtpWorker(url="")
self.nameLabel = QtGui.QLabel("0.0%")
self.nameLine = QtGui.QLineEdit()
self.progressbar = QtGui.QProgressBar()
mainLayout = QtGui.QGridLayout()
mainLayout.addWidget(self.progressbar, 0, 0)
mainLayout.addWidget(self.nameLabel, 0, 1)
def updateDataTransferProgress(self, readBytes, totalBytes):
perct = "%2.1f%%" % (float(readBytes)/float(totalBytes)*100.0)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.path)
pbarwin = AddProgresWin()
It appears that this is a Qt bug. From Phil Thompson, "It's arguably a Qt bug -it should call qRegisterMetaType() itself for any types used in signal arguments."
It was also brought to my attention that for this purpose, there's no need to thread, as QFtp is asynchronous & comes with its own signals. I've reimplemented the ftp.list() (and associated signal handling) in the main thread & all is well.
