Chromecast debug- can cast but cannot inspect - google-cast

I have a gen3 chromecast device (whitelisted) and have had no issues inspecting traffic using chrome://inspect in the past. Now all of a sudden I just cannot seem to debug the CC device.
When I “chrome://inspect” I can see the device (not by its name that I have setup. It just says Chromecast) but when I start playing I don’t see the inspect option to start inspecting
I have tried the following:
Updated chrome
Re-booted the CC device
Re-booted wifi router
Tried it on a different TV
Also when I try to adb connect it throws an error saying that the device rejected connection. What does this mean and how do I resolve this?

I was having the same issue, there are a few things you need to make sure are set up correctly.
For the Chromecast:
Make sure the Chromecast is registered to your account on
Double-check the serial as it can mix O and 0, 1 and l, etc.
(Not sure if 100% it's necessary) Enabled "send statistics to Google" in the settings.
Once the device is "Ready For Testing" reboot it.
For the app:
The app must be registered to the same account as the device.
If you don't have an app (e.g. just want to test casting from your website), you need to create one. You can make it a "Styled Media Receiver" so you don't need to host JS anywhere. It's basically the same as the default receiver.
Make sure your app is published. Once it is, reboot the Chromecast.
The app must already be running before you can inspect it.
To make sure the issue is not coming from your website, you can use (replace the appID with yours).
Start casting, then head to chrome://inspect/#devices and the "inspect" button should hopefully be there.


Connecting in a Linux box to AWS-VPN using OKTA Push Authentication

First of all, a rookie, related to VPN/Security issues, so really
forgive me for whatever error I make while describing my problem,
and hope I'm able to make it clear.
Our contractors changed AVIATRIX-OKTA VPN for AWS-VPN with OKTA
Authentication, they send as an .ovpn file, that works ok for
Windows/MAC using AWS-Vpn-Client application software, but a
couple of us using Linux boxes (Ubuntu specifically) run the
described method in AWS which is: openvn config-file.ovpn,
and it does not work.
It simply asks for usr/pwd an then it fails with auth error (we use our OKTA credentials)
, seems nothing is configured to go to OKTA, open a browser or whatever it needs to do.
As an aside note, we can connect without any trouble to our k8s cluster using OKTA
client libraries, no sure is this is useful or not, just in case.
The .ovpn file looks like this
dev tun
proto tcp
remote 443
resolv-retry infinite
remote-cert-tls server
cipher AES-256-GCM
verb 5
auth-retry interact
reneg-sec 0
An interesting thing to notice is that openvpn complains about auth-federate
seems not to recognize it, so I started using gnome network-manager which seems
to accept this configuration, but getting Auth error too.
After this I tried openvpn3 which didn't complain about configuration,
but still getting the same error.
I also tried adding TOPT token to password and the same problem
Any help on how to configure it, or just know if it is possible, will be greatly welcome
, seems there is very little information around this in the net
and we are really stuck on this, we are willing not to change OS or machines as they
are asking to, or using VM just to connect.
Thanks in advance,
We have tried the solution mentioned in the following URL and it worked for us:
The detailed working of this solution is explained in :
We have made few changes in the configuration files to make it work.
Removed the following lines in vpn.conf.
Made the following change in line 38 in the script
open "$URL"
xdg-open "$URL"
Finally I got an answer from AWS people:
If the Client VPN endpoint is configured using SAML-based
authentication (such as Okta), then you have to use the AWS-provided
client to connect:
And the promise to update del client documentation with a WARNING about

Hard-coded URL to test connectivity

I was looking at the code here from xamarin training here and as I'm going through the code (for my own educational purposes), I noticed this line (line 42)
public async virtual Task Sync()
var connected = await Plugin.Connectivity.CrossConnectivity.Current.IsReachable("");
if (connected == false)
I could be wrong..but to me, it looks like the only purpose of it to test connectivity. Is there a better way to do this than hard-code just to see if there is a connection? Is there a flag somewhere that one can test for that? What if google is down (ignore the tear in space-time continuum)?
If you are testing connectivity so that you can test that your Azure Mobile App is up, replace with the URL of the service. It seems that is really want you want to be testing.
It's not uncommon. For instance, iOS and Mac will make a connection to or or some other URL on behalf of the user when joining a Wi-Fi network to see if the network has Internet connectivity and also to detect captive portals. Microsoft and Android devices do something similar, just with a different known URL.
It's probably best to try and connect to a service you control, since in general if your app is useless if it can't make a connection to, it's best to make sure you can connect to
Doing the test to see if is available is a reasonable fallback to see if the device has 'connectivity', though.

Whitelisted chromecast works with default tictactoe app ID but not mine

I am trying to get the tic tac toe demo from github working on my Chromecast after changing only the app id of the clients. With the default app id, I have been able to launch and play the game with an android client and a mac client.
I have:
Added my Chromecast device on the developer console (it has a green status indicator)
Set (via the Android Chromecast app) the Chromecast to send the device serial number
Verified that the serial number is correct
Verified with both the Android and Windows Chromecast apps that the serial# setting is retained
Power cycled the Chromecast
Setup an app id in the developer console (status is a grey circle labeled 'Unpublished')
Entered an internet accessible (not local) URL for the app id
Installed the receiver app at the above url and verified I can access it from a browser on the same network as the Chromecast
Also tried a local IP address (192.168.x.x) which I understand is supported as well
Modified the web client ttt.js file to use my app id (and verified app id is correct)
Modified the android client ( to use my app id (and verified app id)
Did a git diff to make sure that I didn't inadvertently change anything else
Verified that my local copy of the source is the latest from git
When running the android client I can connect to my Chromecast but the Chromecast home screen shows "Brain Freeze", "We're sorry, but something could not load", "Activity aborted".
The logcat console in eclipse for the android device reports, "ConnectionResultCallback. Unable to launch the game. statusCode: 2002".
The web client on the Mac results in the same messages on the Chromecast and
on the web page output.
Is there a way to get more information from the Chromecast to indicate what is going wrong with the launch?
Follow Up
It turns out that the issue was in my network setup and not in my chromecast setup. After sniffing the network traffic with wireshark, I could see that the ARP request to retrieve the MAC address of my server was not getting a response. I am running my server on Virtualbox with a bridged adapter but needed to turn on promiscuous mode (allow all). Now the chromecast successfully launches the receiver app and I can play the tic tac toe game when using an HTTP based URL. (I need to fix the certificate for HTTPS).
Thanks Les, for the effort.
Did you verify that [x] send my serial # to Google has been checked (using the setup app)?
Also, did you wait 15 minutes and then restart your device (power cycle)?

Whitelisting additional Chromecast doesn't work

I have successfully witelisted my first Chromecast a while ago and my app development is well on its way. Recently I requested to add another device to my whitelist. The request went through, I've got a response. I can access my new device on port 9222, however my app fails to start the Receiver App # URL listed in AppId when connected to new Chroemcast (it still works fine with the old one).
How can I verify that the new whitelisted device connected to the same old AppID or Developer ID?
After a request to the ChromeCast team fixed the problem on their side. Thanks.

Roving Networks RN240 Bluetooth Adapter - AT Command Get Connection Status (GK) Returning "4"

We have a custom embedded device that uses Roving Networks' RN240 bluetooth adapter on an RS232 port to communicate with another device via bluetooth. It is working well, but I am attempting to "bulletproof" the management of the bluetooth connection as there is an occasional hiccup and I need to handle these circumstances.
In the flow I'm working on, I put the adapter into Command mode and get back the proper response:
< $$$
I am then able to issue commands to it to Get or Set information. One of the things we do is specify which bluetooth device to pair to using these commands. The device may already have a valid pairing, and is set to Auto Master mode. When the device powers up, it may automatically connect to our other bluetooth device (as designed). I need to know if the dongle has paired when I am attempting to perform certain functions.
The command set specification specifically says that when the Get command
> GK
< 1
is sent to the device (to obtain current connection status), it will respond with a "0" for "Not Connected" or "1" for "Connected"
I am occasionally getting a "4" when the device is either connecting or connected, and I've been unable to isolate why. Once I start getting a "4", I keep getting a "4" every time I inquire after that. I have to power down the dongle (ie: reset my test scenario) to get a different behavior.
I've poked through other Advanced User Guides on Roving Networks' website, and googled as many variations as I can think of to find what this status means. It seems when I get back "4", I can no longer control the Bluetooth Adapter as I need to. I would like to know what "4" means, and what I can do to recover the device so I can make it do what I want to!
Thanks! I appreciate any help.
(For reference, here's the page for this adapter, along with links for downloading the command set: Roving Networks RN240 Bluetooth Adapter)
EDIT: I have heard back from Microchip Engineering Support. Their answer was that "4" is an undocumented state, as it shouldn't be visible to the user. "4" means the chip in in a connecting state, and that if the module is getting into this state, it is recommended that the module be rebooted (with the "R,1" command).
