Varnish-modules make check fails completely - varnish

I have a new server, ubuntu 20.04.02.lts, fully patched. I've installed varnish 6.6.0 and it starts correctly. I've downloaded the varnish-modules file from github, 0.18.0.tar.gz, and unzipped it (varnish-modules-0.18.0).
I've installed all the prerequisites identified here:
Compiling, testing and installing relies on the autotools suite and requires:
the usual autotools dependencies (make, automake, libtool)
the Varnish development files (varnish-dev or varnish-devel)
rst2man (python-sphinx) (actually for 20.04 it was sphinx-common)
I follow these steps:
./configure # run "configure -h" first to list options
make check # optional (tests).
all the tests (55 total) fail. the make command appears to be fine.
i discovered this error in the test-suite.log file - /root/tmp/varnish-modules-0.18.0/src/.libs/ cannot open shared object file: Permission denied
I'm running as root. The file exists and has these permissions:
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 75256 Apr 7 05:09 /root/tmp/varnish-modules-0.18.0/src/.libs/

Apparently, there was some security on the /root partition that was preventing the make check command from reading any file in the root/tmp/varnish-modules-0.18.0/src/.libs folder.
I moved the varnish-modules folder to my home folder and could successfully run the make check command.


Simple guide for installing Eclipse multi-user on Linux

Is there a simple guide available anywhere on how to install a recent version of Eclipse on Linux as a "normal" application?
The version in the Debian repositories, even for Debian 9, is a 3.X version of Eclipse, which must be very old, as they are now at V4.7.
The default method for the "" versions to install themselves is to put everything in the home directory, which is not a great approach for a system where the home directory is supposed to only contain user data (e.g. the whole home directory is backed up daily)
I can't believe that something so widely used does not have any good instructions for how to install it as a normal application would be - where all the application files are in a shared folder under /opt, and only user data is stored in the home folder.
I have found this thread, which may be promising:
And a previous question seemed reasonably good, but on trying to follow it, the installer screens have changed, and everything about "bundle pools" became very confusing!
Not sure if you are still looking for an answer. This is how I have been doing for a few years now.
Download it from website and extract eclipse folder under /opt
Change ownership of the folder to your user and make it readonly recursively.
Create a desktop file to launch it as a regular user.
You can make the folder writable once in a month to make sure latest updates are installed then make the folder readonly again.
TL;DR give up now
I found this when Googling for how to do a multi-user install on Linux Mint 20.
Although Eclipse publish specific documentation on how to do a multi-user installation this little correlation with the current reality.
I first tried installing the package version of Eclipse. That installed the flatpak package, not a native package. It turns out that flatpak has a bug (opened in 2017) whereby it creates a new image each time you run the binary - and at 1.2G that was eating my enterprise storage very quickly. Although the package installed from the command line use apt it did not add any record to the installed package list - so I couldn't uninstall it with apt (using flatpak uninstall eclipse seems to have worked).
I then downloaded the tarball eclipse.
This has a GUI installer which would not run via [x]sudo - so I had to subvert the usual security model on Mint/Ubuntu and make the root user a logon account.
I specified the install location as /usr/local/eclipse. The installer did its thing. Sadly it did not provision a menu entry for the program. Since it actually installs in a sub-directory of the target named with versioning information (/usr/local/eclipse/jee-2019/12/) I created a shell script in /usr/local/bin/ to point to the binary (so when I upgrade, I just need to change the shell script to point to the new location). I then created a .desktop entry to run the shell script and ran:
xdg-desktop-menu install --novendor eclipse.desktop
I also copied the eclipse.desktop file to /etc/skel/Desktop and to /root/Desktop
From my root session, opening the .desktop file by double clicking, or running the shell script started eclipse.
Sadly, this did not create a start menu entry (it has worked for me with other applications).
Logging on a different user, copying the .desktop file to ~/Desktop and running it resulted in....
(Of course it would have been far too easy to display the failure reason in the dialog, or even put the path to the log file in a widget where I could copy and paste it)
Looking at /usr/local/eclipse/jee-2019/12//eclipse.ini, I find this:
There is a whole catalog of issues here.
I replaced the relative path for -startup with an absolute one, copied /root/.p2/pool to /usr/local/eclipse/pool and updated the -startup and -showsplash entries in the file.
I got a whole new error message:
!SESSION Fri Feb 19 11:11:27 GMT 2021 ------------------------------------------
!ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.launcher 4 0 2021-02-19 11:11:27.893
!MESSAGE Could not find extension: reference:file:org.eclipse.osgi.compatibility.state_1.1.600.v20190814-1451.jar
!ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.launcher 4 0 2021-02-19 11:11:28.070
!MESSAGE Exception launching the Eclipse Platform:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter
at java.base/
I get exactly the same error after converting the Fedora 33 RPM to a .deb and installing that.
I'm going to go check the price of intellij licences.

Docker - /bin/sh: <file> not found - bad ELF interpreter - how to add 32bit lib support to a docker image

UPDATE – Old question title:
Docker - How to execute unzipped/unpacked/extracted binary files during docker build (add files to docker build context)
I've been trying (half a day :P) to execute a binary extracted during docker build.
My dockerfile contains roughly:
COPY setup /tmp/setup
unzip -q /tmp/setup/x/ -d /tmp/setup/a/b
Within directory b is a binary file imcl
Error I'm getting was:
/bin/sh: 1: /tmp/setup/a/b/imcl: not found
What was confusing, was that displaying the directory b (inside the dockerfile, during build) before trying to execute the binary, showed the correct file in place:
RUN ls -la /tmp/setup/a/b/imcl
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 63050 Aug 9 2012 imcl
RUN file /tmp/setup/a/b/imcl
ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, not stripped`
Being a Unix noob at first I thought it was a permission issue (root of the host being different than root of the container or something) but, after checking, the UID was 0 for both so it got even weirder.
Docker asks not to use sudo so I tried with su combinations:
su - -c "/tmp/setup/a/b/imcl"
su - root -c "/tmp/setup/a/b/imcl"
Both of these returned:
stdin: is not a tty
-su: /tmp/setup/a/b: No such file or directory
Well heck, I even went and defied Docker recommendations and changed my base image from debian:jessie to the bloatish ubuntu:14.04 so I could try with sudo :D
Guess how that turned out?
sudo: unable to execute /tmp/setup/a/b/imcl: No such file or directory
Randomly googling I happened upon a piece of Docker docs which I believe is the reason to all this head bashing:
"Note: docker build will return a no such file or directory error if the file or directory does not exist in the uploaded context. This may happen if there is no context, or if you specify a file that is elsewhere on the Host system. The context is limited to the current directory (and its children) for security reasons, and to ensure repeatable builds on remote Docker hosts. This is also the reason why ADD ../file will not work."
So my question is:
Is there a workaround to this?
Is there a way to add extracted files to docker build context during a build (within the dockerfile)?
Oh and the machine I'm building this is not connected to the internet...
I guess what I'm asking is similar to this (though I see no answer):
How to include files outside of Docker's build context?
So am I out of luck?
Do I need to unzip with a shell script before sending the build context to Docker daemon so all files are used exactly as they were during build command?
Meh, the build context actually wasn't the problem. I tested this and was able to execute unpacked binary files during docker build.
My problem is actually this one:
CentOS 64 bit bad ELF interpreter
Using debian:jessie and ubuntu:14.04 as base images only gave No such file or directory error but trying with centos:7 and fedora:23 gave a better error message:
/bin/sh: /tmp/setup/a/b/imcl: /lib/ bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory
So that led me to the conclusion that this is actually the problem of running a 32-bit application on a 64-bit system.
Now the solution would be simple if I had internet access and repos enabled:
apt-get install ia32-libs
yum install glibc.i686
However, I dont... :[
So the question becomes now:
What would be the best way to achive the same result without repos or internet connection?
According to IBM, the precise libraries I need are gtk2.i686 and libXtst.i686 and possibly libstdc++
[root#localhost]# yum install gtk2.i686
[root#localhost]# yum install libXtst.i686
[root#localhost]# yum install compat-libstdc++
So the question becomes now:
What would be the best way to achive the same result without repos or internet connection?
You could use various non-official 32-bit images available on DockerHub, search for debian32, ubuntu32, fedora32, etc.
If you can't trust them, you can build such an image by yourself, and you can find instruction on DockerHub too, e.g.:
on f69m/ubuntu32 home page, there is a link to GitHub repo used to generate images;
on hugodby/fedora32 home page, there is an example of commands used to build the image;
and so on.
Alternatively, you can prepare your own image based on some official image and add 32-bit packages to it.
Say, you can use a Dockerfile like this:
FROM debian:wheezy
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y ia32-libs
...and use produced image as a base (with FROM directive) for images you're building without internet access.
You can even create an automated build on DockerHub that will rebuild your image automatically when your Dockerfile (posted, say, on GitHub) or mainline image (debian in the example above) changes.
No matter how did you obtain an image with 32-bit support (used existing non-official image or built your own), you can then store it to a tar archive using docker save command and then import using docker load command.
You're in luck! You can do this using the ADD command. The docs say:
If <src> is a local tar archive in a recognized compression format
(identity, gzip, bzip2 or xz) then it is unpacked as a directory... When a directory is
copied or unpacked, it has the same behavior as tar -x: the result is
the union of:
Whatever existed at the destination path and
The contents of the
source tree, with conflicts resolved in favor of “2.” on a
file-by-file basis.

Error when running emacs make install on remote machine

I am trying to install emacs on a machine that I'm accessing through ssh.
I downloaded the emacs-24.5.tar.gz which I transferred to the root directory of my remote machine.
I ran the ./configure command and then navigated to the emacs-24.5 folder and ran the make install command
I unfortunately ran into this error
/bin/mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/local/share/icons': Permission denied
/usr/bin/install: cannot create regular file `/usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/emacs.png': No such file or directory
make: *** [install-etc] Error 1
How do I get emacs working on the remote machine now?
Your description of what steps you took make it a little difficult to know if you missed anything. For example, I'm assuming you ran tar on the tarball before you ran configure or make? Also, little concerned when you say you ran configure and THEN navigated to the 24.5 directory? You should be running make install from the same directory/folder where you ran configure. You also didn't indicate you had run make bootstrap.
The steps should be
scp emacs-24.5.tar.gz user#remote-host:~
ssh user#remote-host
tar xzf emacs-24.5.tar.gz
cd emacs-24.5
make bootstrap
sudo make install
Notice in the output from the make install there are directions on an additional command you need to run to set movemail permissions. This command also needs to be run under sudo
I'm assuming your not ssh'ing intot the remote host as root as this would be a bad practice. This means that when you do the make install, you need to run the process with root privileges, so you need to use sudo.
You should also check the output from configure and make sure there are no errors. Configure will also list emacs features which are turned on/off depending on whether you have various supporting libraries installed. If you scroll the terminal output from configure up a couple of pages, you will see the printout. If there are features listed with a 'no' which you want/expect, you will need to go through the documentation and work out which additional supporting libraries you need. However, most of the time, with modern linux distros setup for desktop use, everything will likely already be there. Might be different on a server and I can't speak about Windows and what it might require.

RCP P2 updates in multi-user environment from read-only installation

I have created an Ubuntu package to install my RCP app. The installed files are owned by root. Is it possible for a user to subsequently install updates through P2? Documentation about Eclipse multi-user installs suggests that it is possible, along with the answer to this question.
However, when I start up the application, it does not automatically check for updates as usual, and the Update Site that I had specified in p2.inf is not listed in the "Install New Software..." dialog.
Using the -configuration or -data runtime options did not help.
I can make it work with a hack by running sudo chown -R <my_username> /opt/<my_app_installation>. When I subsequently launch the application, it does properly check for updates on startup, and my update site is properly listed in the "Install New Software..." dialog. Certainly I would prefer that whatever data it is writing to that installation directory be instead written to the user's home directory.
Supplementary info:
Here is a list of files and folders that showed up in my installation directory only after the directory was given ownership by <my_username> and the program was run.
More experimental results:
Even with a writable (chown'd) installation directory, no files are placed there when the
-configuration $HOME/.my_app_files runtime option is supplied.
There are lots of limitation of p2 itself for share install. AFAIK there is no significant improvement in latest release Juno as well.
But a guy from Redhat is working on p2 install with RPM package, you can read his progress in his blog post. The work and idea could be shared with Debian package.

How to delete some extra folder using rpm

I am using Fedora 10, I have created an rpm file for my software. It removes all the files from the installed directory. If i use yum remove command or rpm -e command. but after installation my application automatically creates some extra folders in home directory. If I uninstall my application then file from home directories do not get removed. So what I have to do. Is there anything that I have to write in my spec file?
You need to create a post-uninstall script inside your rpm.
The %postun Script
The %postun script executes after the package has been removed. It is the last chance for a package to clean up after itself. Quite often, %postun scripts are used to run ldconfig to remove newly erased shared libraries from
See: Maximum RPM: Taking the Red Hat Package Manager to the Limit
