Azure DevOps dashboard markdown widget - adding custom image - azure

I'd like to be able to add custom images in my markdown widget from the dashboard using files I can upload somewhere in Azure DevOps so that the URL references the filename (e.g. /.../../sample.png). Is there any way to host an image file on Azure that can be referenced in the markdown widget?

You can upload your images to your repository or wiki. For example:
1.Upload files:
2.Right click the image and copy the image address.
3.Add a markdown widget and insert the image:![Text](URL)
Here is the document.


Can't access images via web with Azure storage and Django

I want to access the path of the image/blog in the browser, I am using Django rest API and the package Azure storage, I tried to make the container storage public, but still had no luck in accessing the image, what could be wrong?
This is an example of the image I want to access, it's there in the storage but can't access it :
If you store your images in a container of a storage account and grant public to the container then you can access the images using a URL.
First create a container under the Containers tab in the storage and then set the access level to container .
Now click on the newly created container and then click on upload and upload images in the container .
Here I have uploaded two images If you click on the images a pop will immerge with the url of the that image
This url is publicly accessible and you can make get request to it in you django app
In Browser :
In Postman :
you don't even need to go the storage account for url
the urls will be of format :
https://<Storage Acount Name><Container>/<Image Name>
#Siddhartha Vikram answer is also correct using the azure storage.blob

Cannot edit config after creating Azure app service yaml file

In Azure I created a container (Web App for containers) and under the docker tab added yaml file for the docker config. However after creating the container I cannot find anywhere to edit this yaml file. Is the only option to delete the container and create another one ?
This seems simple but I cannot find anything despite searching online and on Azure
To edit the YAML, select Deployment Center and the Settings tab. The YAML will be displayed in the Config textbox.

How to create local file link in description section of work item within Azure Devops?

I am trying to create a link to a local file within the description section of a task in Azure DevOps.
I have tried using the extension file:///H:\Documents\test.xlsx The link appears as a hyperlink, however it is not clickable.
How to create local file link in description section of work item
within Azure Devops?
I am afraid this is not achievable in Azure devops. The description section of the work item cannot add the link associated with the local file.
You can attach local files as attachments to work item.
Choose the Attachment tab icon to attach a file with supplemental information.

No option to copy artifacts download URL in new Azure DevOps Builds

How can I copy artifacts download URL in new Azure Devops Builds?
Currently there is no option to directly copy the download url of artifacts. From the page, we can only download it by clicking the download button.
To solve this issue, we need to press F12 in the browser then select Network to capture the download url .
Directly using the api captured in the above image, I can successfully download the artifact.
You can try to construct your own link with format:{org_name}/{team_project_name}/_apis/build/builds/{build_id}/artifacts?artifactName={artifact_name}&api-version=5.1&%24format=zip
{org_name} - name of your azure devops account
{team_project_name} - name of team project where your build runs
{build_id} - id of your build that contains your files to download. You can find it in the link:
{artifact_name} - name of your artifact (by default drop). You van find it in the published artifacts:

Know number of images in Azure Container Registry

Im new to Azure Container Registry. How can I know the number of images per repository? It is possible by Portal? And also I want to know to do it by command-line
Well, I will show you something to you to understand what is the difference between the image tag and the repository.
When you create an image, it must have a tag, then you push the image with the tag to Azure Container Registry. This time, there will be a repository with the name of your image to store the image manifest and tag.
Here will be two conditions:
If you update the image with a new tag and do not change the image name, then you push it to Azure Container Registry. The image will still store in the old repository with the new tag. Now your Azure Container Registry has one repository with two tags for the image.
If you update the image with a new tag or still the old one and change the image name, then you push it to Azure Container Registry. It will create a new repository to store the image with the new name. Now you have two repositories, and each one has a tag for the image.
Now, come back to your question:
How can I know the number of images per repository?
If you want to know the number of the images in the same repository, you just need to calculate the number of the tags.
If you want to know the number of the image with different names, you need to calculate the number of repositories.
There is no Azure command to get the number of the images directly, you need to do it yourself. For example, use Azure CLI in bash:
az acr repository list -n yourACR | wc -l
This command will show you a number, but it's not the real number of the repositories. You need to subtract 2. Hope it helps :-)
