Timer Trigger Function App is Missing Few Runs - azure

I have a timer trigger Function App ("version": "2.0") in azure which runs every 5 min. Cron Expression Used- 0 */5 * * * *
Its working as expected but sometimes it suddenly stops running. If I disable the function app and re-enable it, its starts working again.
If you see the screenshot below, It stopped working from 2021-04-14 16:54:59.998 to 2021-04-14 20:55:12.139
Any Help will be appreciated.

There could be different reasons for this issue and I will suggest you to review the below document to troubleshoot the issue and see if you are able to find the root cause.
Timer triggered function app uses TimerTriggerAttribute. This attribute consists of the Singleton Lock feature which ensures that only a single instance of the function is running at any given time. If any process runs longer than the scheduled timer, the new incoming process waits for the older process to finish and then uses the same instance. If you are using the same storage account across different timer trigger functions then this could be one of the reasons as mentioned here.
The other reason could be a restart and I will suggest you to check the Web App Restart detection section.


TimerTrigger doesn't always fire in Azure Functions

I'm experiencing TimerTrigger not actually triggering in multiple of my Azure Functions. The flow always looks similar to this:
As shown in the log statements, this timer is configured to trigger every 5 minutes (0 */5 * * * *). It triggers 5:10, 5:15, ... 5:40. But then on 5:45 no trigger. The same goes for 5:50. Then at 5:51 it "wakes up". I have RunOnStartup = true on my trigger, so this is probably caused by the function app being started.
My function app is consumption based, why I would expect the app to simply run on another machine if the current machine is shot down or in other ways unavailable. The app is running on Azure Functions version 3.
Am I missing something here, or does anyone experience similar issues?
AFAIK, There is no specific reason for the timer trigger not firing properly within the given time.
Few of the workaround we can follow,
I have not faced the similar issue yet, would suggest you to please try to restart/refresh your function app.
or, It may be due to of the sync issue with the function which is not happening properly.
As suggested by #Anand Sowmithiran the SO THREAD, #MayankBargali-MSFT suggest about singleton lock i,e;
TimerTrigger uses the Singleton feature of the WebJobs SDK to ensure
that only a single instance of your triggered function is running at
any given time. When the JobHost starts up, for each of your
TimerTrigger functions a blob lease (the Singleton Lock) is taken.
This distributed lock ensures that only a single instance of your
scheduled function is running at any time. If the blob for that
function is not currently leased, the function will acquire the lease
and start running on schedule immediately. If the blob lease cannot be
acquired, it generally means that another instance of that function is
running, so the function is not started in the current host.
Also please try to set runonstartup to false to check whether its behaving the same or not as provided the MS DOC in comment.
For more information Please refer the below links :-
MS Q&A| Azure Timer Trigger not firing
GitHub | azure timer function not executing all of sudden

Timer Trigger Function running long process with Azure Function App with COMSUMPTION plan

I need to develop a process (e.g. Azure fucntion app) that will load a file from FTP once every week, and perform ETL and update to other service for a long time (100mins).
My question is that will Timer Trigger Azure Function app with COMSUMPTION plan works in this scenario, given that the max running time of Azure function app is 10 mins.
My theory of using Timer trigger function with Comumption plan is that if the timer is set to wake up every 4 mins from certain period (e.g. 5am - 10am Monday only), and within the function, a status tells whether or not an existing processing is in progress. If it is, the process continues its on-going job, otherwise, the function exits.
Is it doable or any flaw?
I'm not sure what is your exact scenario, but I would consider one of the following options:
Option 1
Use durable functions. (Here is a C# example)
It will allow you to start your process and while you wait for different tasks to complete, your function won't actually be running.
In case durable functions doesn't suit your needs, you can try to use a combination of a timer triggered function and ACI with your logic.
In a nutshell, your flow should looks something like this:
Timer function is triggered
Call an API to create the ACI
End of timer function.
The service in the ACI starts his job
After the service is done, it calls an API to remove it's own ACI.
But in anyway, durable functions usually do the trick.
Let me know if something is unclear.
Good luck. :)
With Consumptions plan, the azure function can run for max 10 minutes, still, you need to configure in host.json
You can go for the App Service Plan which has no time limit. Again you need to configure function timeout property in host.json
for more seed the following tutorial

Azure Function app periodically not firing on trigger or timer

I have an Azure Function app with 4 functions
one triggered on a timer every 24 hours
one triggered on events from IoT Hub
two others triggered on events from Service Bus as a result of the previous function
All functions work as expected when first deployed but after a period of time the functions stop running and the app appears to be scaled down with no servers online. At this point the functions are never triggered again unless I either restart the app, or drill into a function and view details of it (supposedly, forcing the function to start up).
I have the exact same code deployed to a different environment and it runs perfectly and has never encountered this issue. I've checked all the settings and configuration and can't see any material differences between the two.
This is really frustrating and is becoming a big issue. Any help would be much appreciated.
Function App is hosted in Australia Southeast.
This is the last execution (as of now)
10:45 PM UTC - Function started (Id=4d29555b-d3af-43d7-95e9-1a4a2d43dc46)
The event triggered function should run every few minutes as the IoT Hub it's triggering from has a steady stream of events coming in. When I prod the function (or restart it) and it comes to life it quickly churns through a backlog of messages queued in the IoT Hub.
I see the problem: you have comments in your host.json, which makes it invalid and throws off the parser at the scale controller level.
Admittedly, the error handling is quite poor here. But anyway, remove the commented out logger, and it should all work.

Queue trigger in azure apparently not clearing up after succesful functions run

I am very new to Azure so I am not sure if my question is stated correctly but I will do my best:
I have an App that sends data in the form (1.bin, 2.bin, 3.bin...) always in consecutive order to a blob input container, when this happens it triggers an Azure function via QueueTrigger and the output of the function (1output.bin, 2output.bin, 3output.bin...) is stored in a blog output container.
When azure crashes the program tries 5 times before giving up. When azure succeeds it will run just once and that's it.
I am not sure what happened last week but since last week after each successful run, functions is idle like for 7 minutes and then it starts the process again as if it was the first time. So for example the blob receives 22.bin and functions process 22.bin and generates 22output.bin, it is supossed to stop after that but after seven minutes is processing 22.bin again.
I don't think is the app because each time the app sends data, even if it is the same one it will name the data with the next number (in my example 23.bin) but this is not the case it is just doing 22.bin again as if the trigger queue was not clear after the successful azure run, and it keeps doing it over and over again until I have to stop functions and make it crash i order to stop it.
Any idea in why is this happening and what can I try to correct it is greatly appreciated. I am just starting to learn about all this stuff.
One thing that could be possibly happening is that, the function execution time is exceeding 5 mins. Since this is a hard limit, function runtime would terminate the current execution and restart the function host.
One way to test this would be to create a Function app using Standard App Service plan instead of Consumption plan. Function app created with standard plan does not have execution time limit. You can log function start time and end time to see if it is taking longer than 5 mins to complete processing queue message.

Azure Function - stopped invocation without any reason

I setup an Azure function which is set to run with a timer trigger every 10 minutes (CRON schedule is set to 0 */10 * * * *) . The function is running and everything works well, but suddenly after 3 days, the function is no longer invoked. When I restarted the service, it returns to normal and runs every 10 minutes. This problem happened 3 times.
Is there any explanation for it ?
Are you running on consumption plan or a dedicated web app?
I'm assuming this is dedicated web app, as consumption has a built in timeout of 5 min to avoid runaway functions.
You can set a timeout value for functions in host.json which will kill these runaway functions and restart automatically. You can also add verbose logging settings in host.json to help determine why these functions aren't completing.
