How to resolve external API latency while calling from Azure deployed application? - azure

Info :
I have below 2 method which is part of Web API (not core API) and it is deployed in Azure
Method 1 :
public async Task<bool> ProcessEmployee(list<employee> EmployeeList)
var tasks = new List<Task<EmployeeResponseModel>>();
HttpClient localHttpClient = new HttpClient();
localHttpClient.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(100);
foreach (var employee in EmployeeList) // **having 1000 calls**
var responses = await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
Method 2 :
private async Task<EmployeeResponseModel> GetAddressResponse(url, HttpClient client)
var response = new EmployeeResponseModel();
using (HttpResponseMessage apiResponse = await client.GetAsync(**url**))
if (apiResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var res= await apiResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<EmployeeResponseModel>(res);
return response;
catch (Exception ex)
return response;
If i monitor from Azure -> Diagnose and Solve Problem -> Web App Slow all external API calls is showing latency issue
But if i am calling same external API from Postman is is quite fast and having less latency
method 1 and method 2 is part of one web api and it is deployed on Azure AppService.
getAddress is external API which is been deployed in other environment and don't have much information
if we are calling external API i.e 'getAddress' from 1) we are facing high latency more than 5 sec.
if we are calling external API i.e 'getAddress' from Postman we receive response in 303 ms.

I guess it results from the location of the service plan.
If the location of the service plan is far away from you position, it may cause the latency. But it can't rule out other possibilities, so my suggestion is debug in localhost first to rule out the possibility of the code.


How to speed up calls to microsoft graph endpoints?

We make calls to the groups and users endpoints for Microsoft Graph and they are taking 200+ ms to complete. The web application making the calls is hosted as an App Service in Azure (South Central US). For some users we need to make multiple calls per user request and it is slowing down our application significantly. I have reviewed the best practices and known issues with MS Graph and have found no resolution. Is caching the only way to speed this up?
Documentation we have reviewed:
The endpoints we are seeing this delay with are:
We have seen the same delay with both HttpClient REST calls and the SDK. We get the same delay if we make a call for a single user or all users.
Code using HttpClient that takes 200+ ms within an Azure data center:
var accessToken = await GetBearerAccessToken();
var url = "" + id;
using (var client = new HttpClient())
using (var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, url))
request.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", accessToken);
using (var response = await client.SendAsync(request))
if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
var json = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Salesperson>(json);

Azure Durable Function (external functions)

I developed a couple of microservice using Azure functions, every service has independent use case and different programming language.
Now I have a use case to use all service in below order, So I developed one more Azure function to use all service in given order. below code running well.
public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "post", Route = null)]HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log)
string returnValue = string.Empty;
dynamic data = await req.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
if (data == null)
return req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Please pass a value in the request body");
string body = data.ToString();
var transformResult = await HttpRestHelper.CreateRequestAsync(AppConfiguration.TransformServiceEndPoint, body, HttpMethod.POST);
var validationResult = await HttpRestHelper.CreateRequestAsync(AppConfiguration.ValidationServiceEndPoint, transformResult.Result.ToString(), HttpMethod.POST);
if (validationResult.Result != null && Convert.ToBoolean(validationResult.Result))
var encryptionResult = await HttpRestHelper.CreateRequestAsync(AppConfiguration.EncryptionServiceEndPoint, transformResult.Result.ToString(), HttpMethod.POST);
var storageResult = await HttpRestHelper.CreateRequestAsync(AppConfiguration.StorageServiceEndPoint, encryptionResult.Result.ToString(), HttpMethod.POST);
returnValue = storageResult.Result.ToString();
returnValue = "Validation Failed";
return req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, returnValue, "text/plain");
If every microservice takes 1 min to execution, I have to wait ~4min in my Super Service and billed for 4+ min. (We don't need to pay for waiting time :)
I want to use Azure Durable functions here but didn't get any method to call external url.
Please help me or suggest a better solution.
Thanks In Advance
Durable Orchestration Functions don't work with arbitrary HTTP endpoints. Instead, you need to create individual functions as Activity-triggered.
Orchestration will use message queues behind the scenes rather than HTTP. HTTP is request-response in nature, so you have to keep the connection and thus pay for it.
Queue-based orchestrator can also give you some extra resilience in face of intermittent failures.

.net core webapi causes iis application pool to shutdown

I'm building a .net core webapi does practically nothing more than checking if a given URL exists and returns the result. If a URL exists and is a redirect (301, 302), the api follows the redirect and returns that result as well. The webapi is called by an SPA which does an api-call for every given url in a checkrequest-queue. So, if someone adds 500 urls to the queue the SPA will loop through it and will send 500 calls to the API – something I could improve upon.
The problem:
My IIS application pool is being shut down on a regular basis due to high CPU usage and/or memory usage:
A worker process serving application pool '' has requested a recycle because it reached its private bytes memory limit.
The only way to get my API going again is to manually restart the application. I don't think the operations performed by the API are that demanding, but I surely must be doing something wrong here. Can somebody help me please? The code called by the SPA is:
var checkResponse = new CheckResponse();
var httpMethod = new HttpMethod(request.HttpMethod.ToUpper());
var httpRequestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(httpMethod, request.Url);
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls;
var httpResponseMessage = await httpClient.SendAsync(httpRequestMessage);
checkResponse.RequestMessage = httpResponseMessage.RequestMessage;
checkResponse.Headers = httpResponseMessage.Headers;
checkResponse.StatusCode = httpResponseMessage.StatusCode;
switch (httpResponseMessage.StatusCode)
case HttpStatusCode.Ambiguous:
case HttpStatusCode.Found:
case HttpStatusCode.Moved:
case HttpStatusCode.NotModified:
case HttpStatusCode.RedirectMethod:
case HttpStatusCode.TemporaryRedirect:
case HttpStatusCode.UseProxy:
var redirectRequest = new CheckRequest
Url = httpResponseMessage.Headers.Location.AbsoluteUri,
HttpMethod = request.HttpMethod,
CustomHeaders = request.CustomHeaders
checkResponse.RedirectResponse = await CheckUrl(redirectRequest);
The Action on my ApiController:
public async Task<IActionResult> Post([FromBody] CheckRequest request)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return BadRequest(ModelState);
var result = await CheckService.CheckUrl(request);
return Ok(result);

Subscribing to Service Fabric cluster level events

I am trying to create a service that will update an external list of Service Endpoints for applications running in my service fabric cluster. (Basically I need to replicate the Azure Load Balancer in my on premises F5 Load Balancer.)
During last month's Service Fabric Q&A, the team pointed me at RegisterServiceNotificationFilterAsync.
I made a stateless service using this method, and deployed it to my development cluster. I then made a new service by running the ASP.NET Core Stateless service template.
I expected that when I deployed the second service, the break point would hit in my first service, indicating that a service had been added. But no breakpoint was hit.
I have found very little in the way of examples for this kind of thing on the internet, so I am asking here hopping that someone else has done this and can tell me where I went wrong.
Here is the code for my service that is trying to catch the application changes:
protected override async Task RunAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var fabricClient = new FabricClient();
long? filterId = null;
var filterDescription = new ServiceNotificationFilterDescription
Name = new Uri("fabric:")
fabricClient.ServiceManager.ServiceNotificationFilterMatched += ServiceManager_ServiceNotificationFilterMatched;
filterId = await fabricClient.ServiceManager.RegisterServiceNotificationFilterAsync(filterDescription);
long iterations = 0;
while (true)
ServiceEventSource.Current.ServiceMessage(this.Context, "Working-{0}", ++iterations);
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), cancellationToken);
if (filterId != null)
await fabricClient.ServiceManager.UnregisterServiceNotificationFilterAsync(filterId.Value);
private void ServiceManager_ServiceNotificationFilterMatched(object sender, EventArgs e)
Debug.WriteLine("Change Occured");
If you have any tips on how to get this going, I would love to see them.
You need to set the MatchNamePrefix to true, like this:
var filterDescription = new ServiceNotificationFilterDescription
Name = new Uri("fabric:"),
MatchNamePrefix = true
otherwise it will only match specific services. In my application I can catch cluster wide events when this parameter is set to true.

How to enable App Service Mobile App SSO for UWP

I am building a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app that uses the Azure App Service Mobile App backend as well as the user's OneDrive account. I have 2 requirements for authentication:
If the user is logged in to their UWP device with a Microsoft account (e.g. Windows 10) then I don't want them to be presented with a login prompt (i.e. Single Sign On, re-using their Microsoft account credentials).
I want to have a single authentication event across Azure & OneDrive, i.e. the user authorises once and I re-use that token for both services.
I did this in Windows Phone 8 with an Azure Mobile Service by logging in with the Live SDK and then passing the returned token to the MobileServiceClient.LoginAsync() method, however I can't get this to work in UWP with an Azure Mobile App. When I call that same method I receive a 401 Unauthorised response.
I have associated my UWP app with the store and set up the
application at the Microsoft Account Developer Centre, including
adding the redirect URI from the Azure Mobile App.
I have set up the Azure App Service Mobile App, including adding the
Client ID & Secret from the Microsoft Account Developer Centre.
I have tried numerous ways to retrieve the token, including the
OnlineIdAuthenticator, WebAuthenticationCoreManager and
WebAuthenticationBroker. None has worked so far.
I currently use the following code in a class LiveAuthenticationService to retrieve an access token:
public async Task<bool> LoginAsync()
AccessToken = null;
bool success = false;
OnlineIdAuthenticator onlineIdAuthenticator = new OnlineIdAuthenticator();
EventWaitHandle waithandle = new ManualResetEvent(false);
OnlineIdServiceTicketRequest serviceTicketRequest = new OnlineIdServiceTicketRequest(scopes, "DELEGATION");
UserIdentity result = await onlineIdAuthenticator.AuthenticateUserAsync(serviceTicketRequest);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result?.Tickets[0]?.Value))
currentUserId = result.SafeCustomerId;
AccessToken = result.Tickets[0].Value;
success = true;
await logger.LogErrorAsync("Error signing in to Microsoft Live",
new Dictionary<string, string> { { "errorCode", result?.Tickets[0]?.ErrorCode.ToString() } });
waithandle.WaitOne(10000); //10 second timeout
return success;
And then this to attempt to login to my Azure Mobile App with that token, which uses LiveAuthenticationService from above:
private async Task RefreshUserIdAndAccessToken()
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<MobileServiceUser>();
var authService = new LiveAuthenticationService();
await UiDispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal,
async () =>
await authService.LoginAsync();
var jsonAuthenticationToken = JObject.Parse(#"{""authenticationToken"": """ + authService.AccessToken + #"""}");
tcs.SetResult(await mobileService.LoginAsync(MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider.MicrosoftAccount, jsonAuthenticationToken));
catch (Exception ex)
var user = await tcs.Task;
currentUserId = user.UserId;
AccessToken = user.MobileServiceAuthenticationToken;
catch (Exception ex)
await logger.LogExceptionAsync(ex,
currentUserId = null;
AccessToken = null;
As stated this results in a 401 Unauthorised response from Azure. I have run Fiddler and the request seems to be correct, the expected authentication token is included in a JSON payload with the request.
One thing I can see is that the token issued by the code above is almost 900 characters long, all in the form YnElFkAAcK8bRSQab/FK+PT5n/wA4CPU..., while the token issued if I let Azure Mobile App handle the authentication, i.e. call MobileServiceClient.LoginAsync() without passing a token, is only about 350 characters long and in the form hbGciOi.eyJmdWWxsIiwiRGJn... (notice the period towards the beginning).
This issue is really causing me problems now. I can't release the app without the authentication working and I can't figure out how to fix it. Any help will be appreciated.
This was a tough one for me to solve as I was facing this problem too.
The most important part is the OnlineIdServiceTicketRequest the request should look like this:
var mobileServicesTicket = new OnlineIdServiceTicketRequest("", "JWT");
Note that we are specifying your endpoint and also requesting a JWT token instead of delegation. This will get the 350ish character token you were looking for.
Here is a full code sample of what I'm doing:
public async Task<bool> LoginAsync()
var authenticator = new Windows.Security.Authentication.OnlineId.OnlineIdAuthenticator();
var mobileServicesTicket = new Windows.Security.Authentication.OnlineId.OnlineIdServiceTicketRequest("", "JWT");
var ticketRequests = new List<OnlineIdServiceTicketRequest>() { mobileServicesTicket };
var authResult = await authenticator.AuthenticateUserAsync(ticketRequests, CredentialPromptType.PromptIfNeeded);
if ((authResult.Tickets.Count == 1) && (authResult.Tickets[0].ErrorCode == 0))
var accessToken = authResult.Tickets[0];
var res = await _mobileServiceClient.LoginWithMicrosoftAccountAsync(accessToken.Value);
return true;
return false;
_mobileServiceClient is injected into the class and is a reference to Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MobileServices.MobileServiceClient object within the WindowsAzure.MobileServices library.
I actually ended up writing a blog article about this problem here
