I have a dropdown in tkinter, that i have populated with some items.
OPTIONS = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
clicked = tk.StringVar()
clicked.set(OPTIONS[0]) # default value
drop = tk.OptionMenu(frame2, clicked, *OPTIONS)
drop.place(relx = 0.65, rely=0.25, relwidth=0.08, relheight=0.6)
However, when a user selects a value, i want other things to happen as well.
Like returning the value to a global variable, or making the state of a button normal, so it's visible again.
How can i run a function, when an item is selected, or when a different item is selected?
Following the suggestions of TheLizzard, i changed my code to this:
# this function is triggered, when a value is selected from the dropdown
def dropdown_selection():
global dropdown_value
dropdown_value = clicked.get()
print("You changed the selection. The new selection is %s." % dropdown_value)
button_single['state'] = 'normal'
OPTIONS = list(range(8))
clicked = tk.StringVar(master=frame2)
clicked.trace("w", dropdown_selection)
drop = tk.OptionMenu(frame2, clicked, *OPTIONS)
drop.place(relx = 0.65, rely=0.25, relwidth=0.08, relheight=0.6)
However, i get this error:
TypeError: dropdown_selection() takes 0 positional arguments but 3 were given
Try this:
import tkinter as tk
def changed(*args):
print("You changed the selection. The new selection is %s." % clicked.get())
root = tk.Tk()
OPTIONS = list(range(8))
clicked = tk.StringVar(master=root) # Always pass the `master` keyword argument
clicked.set(OPTIONS[0]) # default value
clicked.trace("w", changed)
drop = tk.OptionMenu(root, clicked, *OPTIONS)
In tkinter you can add callbacks to variables like StringVar using <tkinter variable>.trace(mode, callback) for more info read this.
Also always pass in the master keyword argument to all tkinter widgets/variables. You did this with the OptionMenu (it's the first argument usually). But you didn't do it for the StringVar. If you always pass the master keyword argument, you can save yourself a headache.
When tkinter calls the callback when the variable is changed it passes some arguments (I don't think they are useful) so make sure that the callback accepts them. Instead of having def callback() use def callback(*args).
I have made a button within a function and when the button is clicked a command is run to change the button color.
However this does not work as I get an error, but I need to create the button in the function.
It works when the button is defined outside the function and I assume the issue is that the data is forgotten after a function ends.
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
def ColourChange(Letter):
NameButton.config(bg = "red")
def Change():
Letter = "a"
NameButton=Button(root, text = "This", command = lambda Letter = Letter:
When I click the button I would like the color of the background to change.
The actual error is
NameButton.config(bg="red") NameError: name 'NameButton' is not defined"
Set your global variable so it can be access by other function.Also move NameButton.pack() to new line after NameButton=Button(root,text="This",command=lambda Letter=Letter: ColourChange(Letter)).
from tkinter import *
def ColourChange(Letter):
def Change():
global NameButton # global variable
NameButton=Button(root,text="This",command=lambda Letter=Letter: ColourChange(Letter))
What I am trying to do track when any values in a list of StringVar change, even when the list is expanding. Any additions to the list before the trace statement will result in the callback. But any additions afterward, such as when pressing a button, will not cause any callback.
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
frame = tk.Frame(root)
L = []
def add_entry(event):
add = tk.Button(frame,text='add Entry',command='buttonpressed')
for i in range(2):
for i in L:
i.trace('w',lambda *arg:print('Modified'))
Modifying the first two Entry's prints out Modified, but any Entry's after the trace is run, such as the ones produced when a button is pressed, will not.
How do I make it so that trace method will run the callback for the entire list of variables even if the list is expanded?
Simple suggestion, change your add_entry function to something like this:
def add_entry(event):
L[len(L)-1].trace('w',lambda *arg:print('Modified'))
Extra suggestions:
This add = tk.Button(frame,text='add Entry',command='buttonpressed') is assigning a string to command option, means it will try to execute that string when button is clicked(which will do nothing). Instead, you can assign your function add_entry to command option and it will call that function when button is clicked and you can avoid binding Mouse Button1 click to your Button(Note: No need to use argument event in function when using like this). Read more here
Python supports negative indexing of List, so you can call L[-1] to retrieve the last element in the list instead of calling L[len(L)-1]).
Once you change your add_entry function as suggested, you can reduce your code to
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
frame = tk.Frame(root)
L = []
def add_entry():
global L
L[-1].trace('w',lambda *arg:print('Modified'))
add = tk.Button(frame,text='add Entry',command=add_entry)
for i in range(2):
I am writing a program in Python 3.6 using Tkinter where a customer has multiple(11) entry fields. I want these entry fields to only accept integers and also be able to define the maximum amount of characters.
I already have a function that does this. But this function only works for one entry field. I have tried entering variables with calling the function so it changes another entry field for example. I was not able to do this.
This is the function I have that works with 1 entry field.
def limitMuntgeld(self, *args):
value = self.invoerM.get()
if len(value) > 5:
if value.lower() in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-=[];/":
This is the example entry field code that works with the function
self.invoerMuntgeld = Entry(self, font=('Arial', 14), textvariable=self.invoerM)
This is combined with a trace on the entry field posted below.
self.invoerM = StringVar()
self.invoerM.trace('w', self.limitMuntgeld)
I have also tried it with vcmd and validatecommand. However, no good results.
My endresult would be one function working with all entry fields. If anyone has any suggestions, I am all ears!
The proper way to do entry validation is with the validatecommand option rather than using trace. With the validation feature built into the widget you don't need a reference to the widget itself (though you can use it if you want).
When the validatecommand is run, you can have it pass in what the new value will be if the input is valid. You only need to check this value and then return True or False, without having to know which widget it applies to.
For example:
import tkinter as tk
def validate_input(new_value):
valid = new_value .isdigit() and len(new_value) <= 5
return valid
root = tk.Tk()
validate = root.register(validate_input)
for i in range(10):
entry = tk.Entry(root, validate="key", validatecommand=(validate, "%P"))
entry.pack(side="top", fill="x")
For information about what %P represents, and what else can be used as arguments to the command, see this question: Interactively validating Entry widget content in tkinter
import tkinter
window = tkinter.Tk()
def abc(event):
omenu2['menu'].delete(0, 'end')
for number in numberss:
omenu2['menu'].add_command(label=numberss[ans], command=efg)
def efg(event=None):
numbers = ['1','2', '3']
var = tkinter.StringVar(window)
var1 = tkinter.StringVar(window)
omenu = tkinter.OptionMenu(window, var, *numbers, command = abc)
omenu2 = tkinter.OptionMenu(window, var1, *number, command = efg)
after you have entered the first option menu, it will update the second one. when you enter data into the second one, it runs the command, but doesn't show you what you entered. i do not want to include a button, and i know that the command works and not on the second
i found some code that changed the options of the second menu, however when i ran this, the command wouldn't work as it was changed to tkinter.setit (i would also like to know what is does. i do not currently understand it)
omenu2['menu'].add_command(label=numberss[ans], command=tkinter._setit(var1, number))
this has been taken from a larger piece of code, and has thrown the same error
You should set your StringVar(var1) new value.
def abc(event):
omenu2['menu'].delete(0, 'end')
for number in numberss:
omenu2['menu'].add_command(label=number, command=lambda val=number: efg(val))
def efg(val, event=None):
You are using for loop so you don't need ans(at least not in this code) since it iterates over items themselves.
Ive made a sample program on how generally it looks like.. my goal is to have the Data Entry write permanently to the button so dat if I run the program again its update the current price.
from tkinter import*
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.simpledialog
def changeP1(event):
askC1=tk.simpledialog.askfloat('Updating...','What is the current price?')
btnT4=tk.Button(root,text=('RM {:,.2f}'.format(askC1)),width=10)
def changeP2(event):
askC2=tk.simpledialog.askfloat('Updating...','What is the current price?')
btnT4=tk.Button(root,text=('RM {:,.2f}'.format(askC2)),width=10)
def changeP3(event):
askC3=tk.simpledialog.askfloat('Updating...','What is the current price?')
btnT4=tk.Button(root,text=('RM {:,.2f}'.format(askC3)),width=10)
Item=['Kopi O','Teh O','Teh Tarik']
Unit= '1 cup'
for i in range(3):
for x in range(3):
for y in range(3):
for z in range(3):
btnT4=tk.Button(root,text=('RM {:,.2f}'.format(Price[z])),width=10)
if z in range(0,1):
if z in range(1,2):
if z in range(2,3):
and if theres anyway to make this simpler..
You have 2 options (well that I know of) since you're dynamically creating your buttons. Both options only require one function.
If you wish to use bind then you can get the selected widget using event.widget
def onChange(event):
ans = tk.simpledialog.askfloat('Updating...','What is the current price?')
if ans: # checks if None is returned when clicking cancel
event.widget.config(text='RM {:,.2f}'.format(ans))
And so in your loop you'd only have the one bind btnT4.bind('<1>', onChange).
Alternatively use the command attribute for the button to assign the function to be called when the button is pressed. Using command for the button is generally more pythonic than binding.
This requires you to also create a list to store the buttons, to allow the function to know which widget to change.
btn_list = [] # create an empty list for the buttons
# Your for loop will look like this the command parameter instead
# and append the button to the list
for z in range(3):
btnT4=tk.Button(root,text=('RM {:,.2f}'.format(Price[z])),width=10,\
command=lambda i=z: onChange(i))
lambda will pass the value of z into the onChange function to create a unique call for that button. The value of 'z' is relative to the index position of the button in the list.
The onChange function when called will ask for the new input, and if valid will update the button object stored in the list using the index.
# Your change function will look like this
def onChange(i):
ans = tk.simpledialog.askfloat('Updating...','What is the current price?')
if ans:
btn_list[i].config(text='RM {:,.2f}'.format(ans))