First of all now a days I can only use Colab. :-(
I am trying to reproduce a GAN CNN. In order to build this network, i need two inputs, one for the generator and one for the discriminator. And I define this:
def model_inputs(dim_real, dim_z):
real_input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='dim_real')
z_input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='dim_z')
return real_input, z_input
-Then when I later call the funtion in:
input_real, input_z = model_inputs(input_size, z_size)
-The systems says:
module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'placeholder'
Can somebody help me to understand (taking into account I use Colab )
Thanks in advance
I am following this notebook:
One of the method:
def init_hidden(self, batch_size):
''' Initializes hidden state '''
# Create two new tensors with sizes n_layers x batch_size x n_hidden,
# initialized to zero, for hidden state and cell state of LSTM
weight = next(self.parameters()).data
if (train_on_gpu):
hidden = (, batch_size, self.n_hidden).zero_().cuda(),, batch_size, self.n_hidden).zero_().cuda())
hidden = (, batch_size, self.n_hidden).zero_(),, batch_size, self.n_hidden).zero_())
return hidden
I would like to see what type of weight is and how to use new() method, so I was trying to find out the parameters() method as the data attribute comes from paramerters() method.
Surprisingly, I cannot find where it comes from after reading the source code of nn module in PyTorch.
How do you figure out where to see the definition of methods you saw from PyTorch?
so I was trying to find out the parameters() method as the data
attribute comes from paramerters() method.
Surprisingly, I cannot find where it comes from after reading the
source code of nn module in PyTorch.
You can see the module definition under torch/nn/modules/ here at line 178.
You can then easily spot the parameters() method here.
How do you guys figure out where to see the definition of methods you
saw from PyTorch?
The easiest way that I myself always use, is to use VSCode's Go to Definition or its Peek -> Peek definition feature.
I believe Pycharm has a similar functionality as well.
You can also check source code directly from PyTorch documentation.
See here for torch.nn.Module.parameters function (just click orange "Source", which gets you here).
Source is linked if it isn't written in C/C++/low level, in this case you have to go through GitHub and get around the project.
I am currently trying to implement Mask RCNN by following Matterport repo. I have a doubt regarding implementation of tensorboard.
The dataset is similar to coco dataset. Inside under def train, tensorboard is mentioned as
callbacks = [ keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(log_dir=self.log_dir,histogram_freq=0, write_graph=True, write_images=False)
But What else I should mention for using tensorboard? When I try to run the tensorboard, it say log file not found. I know that there is something I am missing some where!!. Please help me out !
In your model.train() ensure you set custom_callbacks = callbacks parameter.
If you specified these parameters exactly like this, then it means that your issue is that you do not properly open the logs directory.
Open (inside Anaconda/PyCharm) or a separate Python terminal and put the absolute path(to make sure it works):
tensorboard --logdir = my_absolute_path/logs/
I was trying to train the Chat Bot built with rasa using the snippet
and got the following error. I Know its not rasa_core error but something related to keras probably.
rasa_core/policies/", line 177, in train
TypeError: fit() got multiple values for keyword argument 'batch_size'
I am new to bot building and never done in deep learning Project before that.Using following dependencies
I had the same error and after several search I did find a solution. It is not the best solution but it can help!
Go to rasa_core\rasa_core\policies\ in lines 172-177 and delete epochs and batch_size arguemnts from
Change this:
params = self._get_valid_params(, **kwargs), shuffled_y,
epochs=self.epochs, batch_size=self.batch_size,
to this :
params = self._get_valid_params(, **kwargs), shuffled_y,**params)
Then you can pass epochos and batch_size arguments in agent.train()
I hope it will help!
My friend had the same issue. He has latest version of rasa_core installed. However the got similar issue. I gave him my version of and he replaced it with my version and it worked. I know it is not right solution, but you can use that as work around
So I get this error TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray' when executing the code below. I searched through Stackoverflow but haven't found a way to fix my problem. The goal is to classify digits via the mnist dataset. The error is in the method (from tflearn). I can attach the full error message of the error if needed. I tried it also with the method were you put the x and y lables in an dictionary and train it with this but it raised another error message. (Note I excluded my predict function in this code).
import tflearn.datasets.mnist as mnist
import tflearn
class Neural_Network():
def __init__(self,x,y):
def main(self):
cnn=tflearn.layers.conv.conv_2d(cnn,32,2, activation="relu")
cnn=tflearn.layers.conv.conv_2d(cnn,32,2, activation="relu")
print("Label for prediction:",Y[1])
So the problem fixed it self. I only restarted my Jupiter-Notebook and everything worked fine. But with a few execptions: 1. I have to restart the Kernel everytime I want to retrain the net, 2. I get another error while I try to load the saved modell, so I can't work on (the error is NotFoundError: Key Conv2D_2/W not found in checkpoint). I will ask another question for this problem. Conclusion: Try to relod your Jupiter Notebook if something is't working well. And if you are want to train a ANN restart your Kernel.
I'm using CNTK as the backend for Keras. I'm trying to use my model which I have trained using Keras in C++.
I have trained and saved my model using Keras which is in HDF5. How do I now use CNTK API to save it in their model-v2 format?
I tried this:
model = load_model('model2.h5'), 'CNTK_model2.pb')
but i got the following error:
TypeError: save() missing 1 required positional argument: 'filename'
If tensorflow were the backend I would have done this:
model = load_model('model2.h5')
sess = K.get_session()
tf_saver = tf.train.Saver(), save_path=checkpoint_path)
How can I achieve the same thing?
As per the comments here, I was able to use this:
import cntk as C
import keras.backend as K
keras_model = K.load_model('my_keras_model.h5')
cntk_model = C.load_model('my_cntk_model')
You can do something like this
I'm assuming here you have called model.compile (i.e. that's the only case I have tried :-)
The reason you see this error is because keras' cntk backend use a user defined function to do reshape on batch axis, which can't been serialized. We have fixed this issue in CNTK v2.2. Please upgrade your cntk to v2.2, and upgrade keras to last master.
Please see this pull request: