Calculate time difference between two datetimes within group - python-3.x

I have a data frame that shows me everyday call records and what happened to that call. I need to group the call records by caller ID, date, and description of the call, count the number of times that caller called in a day, and the time difference between them.
My current dataset is
Call record ID | DiscriptionCallEvent | CallDateTime |
14306187 | CallTerminated | 2021-02-08 17:48:04
14306189 | AbandonedQueue | 2021-02-08 18:18:44
14306189 | AbandonedQueue | 2021-02-08 18:19:20
14306189 | AbandonedQueue | 2021-02-08 18:20:00
14306189 | Caller termintaed | 2021-02-08 19:20:00
The second caller here called 2 times back to back. What I am trying to do is capture the information in this way.
Call record ID | DiscriptionCallEvent | CallDate | #Times | TimeDiff
14306189 AbandonedQueue 2021-02-08 3 2 minutes (say)
14306189 Caller terminated 2021-02-08 1 1 hour
I was able to group by record ID and description and date and count the number of times the call occurred. But I am not able to find the time difference within the group. I tried many StackOverflow solution but did not work.
Currently, I am using this query:
CallsGrouped=df.groupby(["CallRecordID","CallDate","DiscriptionCallEvent "],as_index=False)['Call Record ID'].count()
How do I modify the query such that I can find the time difference as well?


Using multiple parent IDs for cutoff times in deep feature synthesis

My data looks like: People <-- Events <--Activities. The parent is People, of which the only variable is the person_id. Events and Activities both have a time index, along with event_id and activity_id, both which have a few features.
Members of the 'People' entity visit places at all different times. I am trying to generate deep features for people. If people is something like [1,2,3], how do I pass cut off times that create deep features for something like (Person,cutofftime): [1,January2], [1, January3]
If I have only 3 People, it seems like I can't pass a cutoff_time dataframe that has 10 rows (for example, person 1 with 10 possible cutoff times). Trying this gives me the error "Duplicated rows in cutoff time dataframe", despite dropping duplicates from my cutoff_times dataframe.
Must I include time index in the People Entity? This would leave my parent entity with multiple people in the index, although they would have different time index. My instinct is that the people entity should not include any datetime column. I would like to give cut off times to the DFS function.
My cutoff_times df.head looks like this, and has multiple instances of some people_id:
| person_id time label |
| 0 f_GZSVLYU 2019-12-06 0.0 |
| 1 f_ATBJEQS 2019-12-06 1.0 |
| 2 f_GLFYVAY 2019-12-06 0.5 |
| 3 f_DIHPTPA 2019-12-06 0.5 |
| 4 f_GZSVLYU 2019-12-02 1.0 |
The Parent People Entity is like this:
| person_id |
| 0 f_GZSVLYU |
| 1 f_ATBJEQS |
| 2 f_GLFYVAY |
| 3 f_DIHPTPA |
| 4 f_DVOYHRQ |
How can I make featuretools understand what I'm trying to do?
'Duplicated rows in cutoff time dataframe.' I have explored my cutoff_times df and there are no duplicate rows. Person_id, times, and labels all have multiple occurrences each but no 2 rows are the same. Could these duplicates the error is referring to be somewhere else in the EntitySet?
The answer is one row of the cutoff_df had the same ID and time but with different labels. That's a problem.

Spark Structured Streaming ignore old records

I am new to spark and help me to arrive in solutions for this problem. I am receiving the input file it has information about an event occurred and the file itself has the timestamp value. Event Id is the primary column for this input. Refer below the sample input (the actual file has many other columns).
Event_Id | Event_Timestamp
1 | 2018-10-11 12:23:01
2 | 2018-10-11 13:25:01
1 | 2018-10-11 14:23:01
3 | 2018-10-11 20:12:01
When we get the above input we need to get the latest record based on event id, timestamp and the expected output would be
Event_Id | Event_Timestamp
2 | 2018-10-11 13:25:01
1 | 2018-10-11 14:23:01
3 | 2018-10-11 20:12:01
Hereafter whenever I receive the event information which has timestamp value less than the above value I need to ignore, for example, consider the second input
Event_Id | Event_Timestamp
2 | 2018-10-11 10:25:01
1 | 2018-10-11 08:23:01
3 | 2018-10-11 21:12:01
Now I need to ignore event_id 1 and 2 since it has the old timestamp that the state what we have right now. Only the event 3 would be passed and the expected output here is
3 | 2018-10-11 21:12:01
Assume we have n number of unique(10 billion) event id how it would be stored in spark memory, is there something needs to be taken care.
Thanks in advance
We can take max timestamp and use persist() method with disk_only or disk_only2 storage levels... In that case, we can achieve this I think...
Since it's an streaming data, we can try with memory_only or memory_only2 storage levels too...
Please try and update..

How to cycle a Pandas dataframe grouping by hierarchical multiindex from top to bottom and store results

I'm trying to create a forecasting process using hierarchical time series. My problem is that I can't find a way to create a for loop that hierarchically extracts daily time series from a pandas dataframe grouping the sum of quantities by date. The resulting daily time series should be passed to a function inside the loop, and the results stored in some other object.
The initial dataset is a table that represents the daily sales data of 3 hierarchical levels: city, shop, product. The initial table has this structure:
| Id_Level_1 | Id_Level_2 | Id_Level_3 | Date | Quantity |
| Rome | Shop1 | Prod1 | 01/01/2015 | 50 |
| Rome | Shop1 | Prod1 | 02/01/2015 | 25 |
| Rome | Shop1 | Prod1 | 03/01/2015 | 73 |
| Rome | Shop1 | Prod1 | 04/01/2015 | 62 |
| ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
| Milan | Shop3 | Prod9 | 31/12/2018 | 185 |
| Milan | Shop3 | Prod9 | 31/12/2018 | 147 |
| Milan | Shop3 | Prod9 | 31/12/2018 | 206 |
Each City (Id_Level_1) has many Shops (Id_Level_2), and each one has some Products (Id_Level_3). Each shop has a different mix of products (maybe shop1 and shop3 have product7, which is not available in other shops). All data are daily and the measure of interest is the quantity.
Hierarchical Index (MultiIndex)
I need to create a tree structure (hierarchical structure) to extract a time series for each "node" of the structure. I call a "node" a cobination of the hierarchical keys, i.e. "Rome" and "Milan" are nodes of Level 1, while "Rome|Shop1" and "Milan|Shop9" are nodes of level 2. In particulare, I need this on level 3, because each product (Id_Level_3) has different sales in each shop of each city. Here is the strict hierarchy.
Nodes of level 3 are "Rome, Shop1, Prod1", "Rome, Shop1, Prod2", "Rome, Shop2, Prod1", and so on. The key of the nodes is logically the concatenation of the ids.
For each node, the time series is composed by two columns: Date and Quantity.
# MultiIndex dataframe
Liv_Labels = ['Id_Level_1', 'Id_Level_2', 'Id_Level_3', 'Date']
df.set_index(Liv_Labels, drop=False, inplace=True)
The I need to extract the aggregated time series in order but keeping the hierarchical nodes.
Level 0:
Level_0 = df.groupby(level=['Data'])['Qta'].sum()
Level 1:
# Node Level 1 "Rome"
Level_1['Rome'] = df.loc[idx[['Rome'],:,:]].groupby(level=['Data']).sum()
# Node Level 1 "Milan"
Level_1['Milan'] = df.loc[idx[['Milan'],:,:]].groupby(level=['Data']).sum()
Level 2:
# Node Level 2 "Rome, Shop1"
Level_2['Rome',] = df.loc[idx[['Rome'],['Shop1'],:]].groupby(level=['Data']).sum()
... repeat for each level 2 node ...
# Node Level 2 "Milan, Shop9"
Level_2['Milan'] = df.loc[idx[['Milan'],['Shop9'],:]].groupby(level=['Data']).sum()
I already tried creating dictionaries and multiindex, but my problem is that I can't get a proper "node" use inside the loop. I can't even extract the unique level nodes keys, so I can't collect a specific node time series.
# Get level labels
Level_Labels = ['Id_Liv'+str(n) for n in range(1, Liv_Num+1)]+['Data']
# Initialize dictionary
TimeSeries = {}
# Get Level 0 time series
TimeSeries["Level_0"] = df.groupby(level=['Data'])['Qta'].sum()
# Get othe levels time series from 1 to Level_Num
for i in range(1, Liv_Num+1):
TimeSeries["Level_"+str(i)] = df.groupby(level=Level_Labels[0:i]+['Data'])['Qta'].sum()
Desired result
I would like a loop the cycles my dataset with these actions:
Creates a structure of all the unique node keys
Extracts the node time series grouped by Date and Quantity
Store the time series in a structure for later use
Thanks in advance for any suggestion! Best regards.
I'm currently working on a switch dataset that I polled from an sql database where each port on the respective switch has a data frame which has a time series. So to access this time series information for each specific port I represented the switches by their IP addresses and the various number of ports on the switch, and to make sure I don't re-query what I already queried before I used the .unique() method to get unique queries of each.
I set my index to be the IP and Port indices and accessed the port information like so:
def yield_df(df):
for ip in df.index.get_level_values('ip').unique():
for port in df.loc[ip].index.get_level_values('port').unique():
yield df.loc[ip].loc[port]
Then I cycled the port data frames with a for loop like so:
for port_df in yield_df(adb_df):
I'm sure there are faster ways to carry out these procedures in pandas but I hope this helps you start solving your problem

Spark: count events based on two columns

I have a table with events which are grouped by a uid. All rows have the columns uid, visit_num and event_num.
visit_num is an arbitrary counter that occasionally increases. event_num is the counter of interactions within the visit.
I want to merge these two counters into a single interaction counter that keeps increasing by 1 for each event and continues to increase when then next visit has started.
As I only look at the relative distance between events, it's fine if I don't start the counter at 1.
|uid |visit_num|event_num|interaction_num|
| 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
| 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
| 1 | 2 | 1 | 3 |
| 1 | 2 | 2 | 4 |
| 2 | 1 | 1 | 500 |
| 2 | 2 | 1 | 501 |
| 2 | 2 | 2 | 502 |
I can achieve this by repartitioning the data and using the monotonically_increasing_id like this:
.sort("visit_num", "event_num")\
.withColumn("iid", fn.monotonically_increasing_id())
However the documentation states:
The generated ID is guaranteed to be monotonically increasing and unique, but not consecutive. The current implementation puts the partition ID in the upper 31 bits, and the record number within each partition in the lower 33 bits. The assumption is that the data frame has less than 1 billion partitions, and each partition has less than 8 billion records.
As the id seems to be monotonically increasing by partition this seems fine. However:
I am close to reaching the 1 billion partition/uid threshold.
I don't want to rely on the current implementation not changing.
Is there a way I can start each uid with 1 as the first interaction num?
After testing this some more, I notice that some of the users don't seem to have consecutive iid values using the approach described above.
Edit 2: Windowing
Unfortunately there are some (rare) cases where more thanone row has the samevisit_numandevent_num`. I've tried using the windowing function as below, but due to this assigning the same rank to two identical columns, this is not really an option.
iid_window = Window.partitionBy("uid").orderBy("visit_num", "event_num")
df_sample_iid=df_sample.withColumn("iid", fn.rank().over(iid_window))
The best solution is the Windowing function with rank, as suggested by Jacek Laskowski.
iid_window = Window.partitionBy("uid").orderBy("visit_num", "event_num")
df_sample_iid=df_sample.withColumn("iid", fn.rank().over(iid_window))
In my specific case some more data cleaning was required but generally, this should work.

Excel to calculate capacity levels

I have a table in excel setup as followed:
01/01/15 | 13:00 | AB1234 | A
01/01/15 | 13:01 | AC1234 | A
01/01/15 | 13:03 | AD1234 | A
01/01/15 | 13:05 | AE1234 | A
01/01/15 | 13:09 | AF1234 | A
01/01/15 | 13:10 | AB1234 | L
01/01/15 | 13:15 | AG1234 | A
01/01/15 | 13:13 | AC1234 | L
The table shows when people arrive and leave a medical ward. The ward holds 36 patients and I'm wanting to get an idea of how close it is to capacity (it's normally always full). The ward is open 24/7 and has patients arriving 24/7 but I'd like to show the time it is at the certain capacities.
For example if we inputted 24 hours of data
36 patients (0 empty beds) - 22hr 15min
35 patients (1 empty bed) - 01hr 30min
34 patients (2 empty beds) - 00hr 15min
I'm thinking we just need a count for every time some arrives and a negative count when they leave but I can't figure out how to extract the time from that.
This is going to be pretty ugly (NB using your columns from above):
order the entries sequentially
you can keep a running tally in column E of patients on hand currently with E1 = 36(or whatever starting value you have) and =IF(D2="A",E1+1,E1-1).
Get the time elapsed since the previous entry with =(B3-B2) and put that in column F
Count the chunks where you had less than a full house with =SUMIF(F:F, "<36")
