Find angle of rotation, inverted y axis, between two points in 2D - graphics

Background :
I am implementing an application where I need to do affine transformations on a selected line. Line is represented using 2 points. All the code is done in mouse events.
void mousePressEvent(){
lastPoint = event.point();
void mouseMoveEvent(){
currentPoint = event.point();
//Do transformations here.
translate_factor = currentPoint - lastPoint
scale_factor = currentPoint / lastPoint
rotation_angle = f(current_point,last_point) //FIND f
//Apply transformation
lastPoint = currentPoint
I have two points, p1 and p2. The X axis increases from left to right. Y axis increases top to bottom. I have a point d around which I want to rotate a set of points p_set .
How do I find the angle of rotation from p1 to p2 about d .
What I am doing is translate p1 , p2 by -d and calculate theta by using atan2f as shown in the following code.
Note that y is inverted : goes from top to bottom.
Here is the code
const auto about = stroke->getMidPoint();
Eigen::Affine2f t1(Eigen::Translation2f(0-about.x(),0-about.y()));
Eigen::Vector3f p1 = t1.matrix()*Eigen::Vector3f(lastPoint.x(),lastPoint.y(),1.0);
Eigen::Vector3f p2 = t1.matrix()*Eigen::Vector3f(currentPoint.x(),currentPoint.y(),1.0);
float theta = atan2f(p2[1]-p1[1],p2[0]-p1[0]);
When I transform using this, I get very weird rotations.
What I want is to find angle as a function of current and last points

It seems to me that you're finding the slope of the vector p2-p1.
If I understood correctly, you want the difference of the slopes of the two vectors p2-d and p1-d, so the rotation angle is something like atan((p2.y-d.y)/(p2.x-d.x)) - atan((p1.y-d.y)/(p1.x-d.x))


How do you calculate the x,y points of all corners of a square from two only a pair of x,y points (see pic)

I have the green x,y points, how would I get the missing red?
You can rotate the two known points of 90° around their midpoint.
In pseudo code:
// Evaluate the midpoint from the coordinates of points a and b,
h_x = (b_x - a_x) / 2;
h_y = (b_y - a_y) / 2;
m_x = a_x + h_x;
m_y = a_y + h_y;
// Apply a rotation of 90 degree around the midpoint to find c and d
c_x = m_x - h_y;
c_y = m_y + h_x;
d_x = m_x + h_y;
d_y = m_y - h_x;
This result can be formally derived in terms of homogeneous coordinates and transfomation matrices.
The midpoint m, expressed in homogeneous coordinates, can be calculated as
To rotate a vector around the origin of an angle α, we apply a rotation matrix like
If another center of rotation is needed (the midpoint, in our case), we need to translate from the original position to the origin, apply the rotation and translate back again. The translation matrices are
The complete transformation can be expressed as
So that we can evaluate, let's say d, with

Fill the circular paths in image [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have many images consisting of circles(varying from 1 to 4) in each image. I am trying to get a clear circle images by filling the missed pixels along the circle path.
I have tried Hough-transform, but its parameters are image specific: for each image I have to change the parameters. With this problem I am unable keep them in a single for loop.
Please provide some method to do it. Thanks
imfindcircles Does not work
The most "natural" way to approach this problem is to use Matlab's imfindcircles. However, that function assume the circles in the image are "full", yet in your examples you only have the (incomplete) boundaries of the circles, thus imfindcircles cannot be directly applied to your data.
Alternative Approach
You can use ransac to fit circles to your data. Fit one circle at a time to as many points as you can, terminate when there are too few points left that fit no circle at all.
To use RanSac you basically need to implement two methods:
Model fitting method, fitFcn, Given a small sample of your points - fit a circle to them.
Distance to model method, distFcn, Given a circle ("model") find the distance of each point to that circle.
Once you have these two methods, RanSac operates roughly like:
- randomly sample very few points
- use fitFcn to fit a circle to these sampled points
- use distFcn to compute the distance of all points to estimated circle
- if enough points are close to the circle, accept this circle and remove all point that "belongs" to that circle
- terminate if no circle was found or not enough "unexplained" points
This can be easily implemented in Matlab.
First consider fitFcn: we need a function that compute (cx, cy, r) - the three parameters of a 2D circle (center and radii). Given a point (x, y) it fits a circle iff
(x - cx)^2 + (y - cy)^2 = r^2
We can write this equation as a linear relation between known points (x, y) and unknown circle (cx, cy, r) in the following manner
[-2*x, -2*y, 1] [ cx ;
cy ; = [-x^2-y^2]
cx^2 + cy^2 - r^2 ]
Using a least squares estimation (in a similar manner as in this answer), we can recover the circle parameters given enough points (at least 3) on the circle
This is how the code actually looks like
function crc = fit_circle(xy) % xy is n-by-2 matrix of point coordinates
% fit in least squares sens
x = xy(:, 1);
y = xy(:, 2);
X = [-2*x, -2*y, ones(size(x))];
Y = -x.^2 - y.^2;
crc = (X\Y).'; % least squares solution
r2 = -crc(3) +crc(1).^2 + crc(2).^2;
if r2 <= 0
crc(3) = 0;
crc(3) = sqrt(r2);
% output crc is a 3 vector (cx, cy, r)
Now that we can fit a circle to points, we need to compute the distance using distFcn that is quite simple
function dst = distFcn(crc, xy)
% how good a fit circle for points
x = xy(:, 1) - crc(1);
y = xy(:, 2) - crc(2);
dst = abs(sqrt(x.^2 + y.^2) - crc(3));
Putting it all together with matlab's ransac:
function circles = find_circles(bw)
% parameters
sample_size = 4;
max_distance = 10;
min_num_points_in_circle = 50;
[y, x] = find(bw > max(bw(:))/2); % all edges in the image
circles = {};
counter = 0;
while numel(x) > 10 * sample_size && counter < 10
[circle, inlierIdx] = ransac([x, y], #fit_circle, #distFcn, ...
sample_size, max_distance);
% refit using only inliers
circle = fit_circle([x(inlierIdx) y(inlierIdx)]);
dst = distFcn(circle, [x y]);
founfit = dst < max_distance;
if sum(founfit) > min_num_points_in_circle
% this model fits enough points
circles{end+1} = circle;
x(founfit) = [];
y(founfit) = [];
counter = counter + 1;
circles = vertcat(circles{:});
And the output of this function on your data is (using viscircles to plot the circles):

Given a list of points of a polygon how do find which ones are part of a concave angle?

I have a list of consecutive points and I need to find the coordinates of a polygon some size larger. I can calculate each of the points in the new polygon if it has convex angles, but I'm not sure how to adjust for when the angles are concave.
Concave angles can be treated in exactly the same way as convex ones: For each vertex you generate lines that are parallel to the two original segments but shifted by your offset value. Then the vertex is replaced with the intersection of these two lines.
The difficulty is that the resulting polygon can have intersections if the original one has one or more concave angles. There are different ways to handle these intersections. Generally they can produce inner contours (holes in the polygon) but maybe you are only interested in the outer contour.
In any case you have to find the intersection points first. If you don't find any, you are finished.
Otherwise find a start point of which you can be sure that it is on the outer contour. In many cases you can take the one with smallest X coordinate for that. Then trace the polygon contour until you get to the first intersection. Add the intersection to the polygon. If you are only interested in the outer contour, then skip all following vertices until you get back to the intersection point. Then continue to add the vertexes to the resulting polygon until you get to the next intersection and so on.
If you also need the inner contours (holes) it gets a bit more complicated, but I guess you can figure this out.
I also need to add that you should pe prepared for special cases like (almost) duplicate edges that cause numerical problems. Generally this is not a trivial task, so if possible, try to find a suitable polygon library.
For this problem I found a relatively simple solution for figuring out whether the calculated point was inside or outside the original polygon. Check to see whether the newly formed line intersects the original polygon's line. A formula can be found here
Suppose your polygon is given in counter-clockwise order. Let P1=(x1,y1), P2=(x2,y2) and P3=(x3,y3) be consecutive vertices. You want to know if the angle at P2 is “concave” i.e. more than 180 degrees. Let V1=(x4,y4)=P2-P1 and V2=(x5,y5)=P3-P2. Compute the “cross product” V1 x V2 = (x4.y5-x5.y4). This is negative iff the angle is concave.
Here is a code in C# that receives a list of Vector2D representing the ordered points of a polygon and returns a list with the angles of each vertex. It first checks if the points are clockwise or counterclockwise, and then it loops through the points calculating the sign of the cross product (z) for each triple of angles, and compare the value of the cross product to the clockwise function result to check if the calculated angle to that point needs to be the calculated angle or adjusted to 360-angle. The IsClockwise function was obtained in this discussion: How to determine if a list of polygon points are in clockwise order?
public bool IsClockwise(List<Vector2> vertices)
double sum = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++)
Vector2 v1 = vertices[i];
Vector2 v2 = vertices[(i + 1) % vertices.Count];
sum += (v2.x - v1.x) * (v2.y + v1.y);
return sum > 0.0;
List<float> estimatePolygonAngles(List<Vector2> vertices)
if (vertices.Count < 3)
return null;
//1. check if the points are clockwise or counterclockwise:
int clockwise = (IsClockwise(vertices) ? 1 : -1);
List<float> angles = new List<float>();
List<float> crossProductsSigns = new List<float>();
Vector2 v1, v2;
//2. calculate the angles between each triple of vertices (first and last angles are computed separetely because index of the array):
v1 = vertices[vertices.Count - 1] - vertices[0];
v2 = vertices[1] - vertices[0];
angles.Add(Vector2.Angle(v1, v2));
crossProductsSigns.Add(Vector3.Cross(v1, v2).z > 0 ? 1 : -1);
for (int i = 1; i < vertices.Count-1; i++)
v1 = vertices[i-1] - vertices[i];
v2 = vertices[i+1] - vertices[i];
angles.Add(Vector2.Angle(v1, v2));
crossProductsSigns.Add(Vector3.Cross(v1, v2).z > 0 ? 1 : -1);
v1 = vertices[vertices.Count - 2] - vertices[vertices.Count - 1];
v2 = vertices[0] - vertices[vertices.Count - 1];
angles.Add(Vector2.Angle(v1, v2));
crossProductsSigns.Add(Vector3.Cross(v1, v2).z > 0 ? 1 : -1);
//3. for each computed angle, check if the cross product is the same as the as the direction provided by the clockwise function, if dont, the angle must be adjusted to 360-angle
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++)
if (crossProductsSigns[i] != clockwise)
angles[i] = 360.0f - angles[i];
return angles;

Best fit square to quadrilateral

I've got a shape consisting of four points, A, B, C and D, of which the only their position is known. The goal is to transform these points to have specific angles and offsets relative to each other.
For example: A(-1,-1) B(2,-1) C(1,1) D(-2,1), which should be transformed to a perfect square (all angles 90) with offsets between AB, BC, CD and AD all being 2. The result should be a square slightly rotated counter-clockwise.
What would be the most efficient way to do this?
I'm using this for a simple block simulation program.
As Mark alluded, we can use constrained optimization to find the side 2 square that minimizes the square of the distance to the corners of the original.
We need to minimize f = (a-A)^2 + (b-B)^2 + (c-C)^2 + (d-D)^2 (where the square is actually a dot product of the vector argument with itself) subject to some constraints.
Following the method of Lagrange multipliers, I chose the following distance constraints:
g1 = (a-b)^2 - 4
g2 = (c-b)^2 - 4
g3 = (d-c)^2 - 4
and the following angle constraints:
g4 = (b-a).(c-b)
g5 = (c-b).(d-c)
A quick napkin sketch should convince you that these constraints are sufficient.
We then want to minimize f subject to the g's all being zero.
The Lagrange function is:
L = f + Sum(i = 1 to 5, li gi)
where the lis are the Lagrange multipliers.
The gradient is non-linear, so we have to take a hessian and use multivariate Newton's method to iterate to a solution.
Here's the solution I got (red) for the data given (black):
This took 5 iterations, after which the L2 norm of the step was 6.5106e-9.
While Codie CodeMonkey's solution is a perfectly valid one (and a great use case for the Lagrangian Multipliers at that), I believe that it's worth mentioning that if the side length is not given this particular problem actually has a closed form solution.
We would like to minimise the distance between the corners of our fitted square and the ones of the given quadrilateral. This is equivalent to minimising the cost function:
f(x1,...,y4) = (x1-ax)^2+(y1-ay)^2 + (x2-bx)^2+(y2-by)^2 +
(x3-cx)^2+(y3-cy)^2 + (x4-dx)^2+(y4-dy)^2
Where Pi = (xi,yi) are the corners of the fitted square and A = (ax,ay) through D = (dx,dy) represent the given corners of the quadrilateral in clockwise order. Since we are fitting a square we have certain contraints regarding the positions of the four corners. Actually, if two opposite corners are given, they are enough to describe a unique square (save for the mirror image on the diagonal).
Parametrization of the points
This means that two opposite corners are enough to represent our target square. We can parametrise the two remaining corners using the components of the first two. In the above example we express P2 and P4 in terms of P1 = (x1,y1) and P3 = (x3,y3). If you need a visualisation of the geometrical intuition behind the parametrisation of a square you can play with the interactive version.
P2 = (x2,y2) = ( (x1+x3-y3+y1)/2 , (y1+y3-x1+x3)/2 )
P4 = (x4,y4) = ( (x1+x3+y3-y1)/2 , (y1+y3+x1-x3)/2 )
Substituting for x2,x4,y2,y4 means that f(x1,...,y4) can be rewritten to:
f(x1,x3,y1,y3) = (x1-ax)^2+(y1-ay)^2 + ((x1+x3-y3+y1)/2-bx)^2+((y1+y3-x1+x3)/2-by)^2 +
(x3-cx)^2+(y3-cy)^2 + ((x1+x3+y3-y1)/2-dx)^2+((y1+y3+x1-x3)/2-dy)^2
a function which only depends on x1,x3,y1,y3. To find the minimum of the resulting function we then set the partial derivatives of f(x1,x3,y1,y3) equal to zero. They are the following:
df/dx1 = 4x1-dy-dx+by-bx-2ax = 0 --> x1 = ( dy+dx-by+bx+2ax)/4
df/dx3 = 4x3+dy-dx-by-bx-2cx = 0 --> x3 = (-dy+dx+by+bx+2cx)/4
df/dy1 = 4y1-dy+dx-by-bx-2ay = 0 --> y1 = ( dy-dx+by+bx+2ay)/4
df/dy3 = 4y3-dy-dx-2cy-by+bx = 0 --> y3 = ( dy+dx+by-bx+2cy)/4
You may see where this is going, as simple rearrangment of the terms leads to the final solution.
Final solution

Simulating 3D 'cards' with just orthographic rendering

I am rendering textured quads from an orthographic perspective and would like to simulate 'depth' by modifying UVs and the vertex positions of the quads four points (top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right).
I've found if I make the top left and bottom right corners y position be the same I don't get a linear 'skew' but rather a warped one where the texture covering the top triangle (which makes up the quad) seems to get squashed while the bottom triangles texture looks normal.
I can change UVs, any of the four points on the quad (but only in 2D space, it's orthographic projection anyway so 3D space won't matter much). So basically I'm trying to simulate perspective on a two dimensional quad in orthographic projection, any ideas? Is it even mathematically possible/feasible?
ideally what I'd like is a situation where I can set an x/y rotation as well as a virtual z 'position' (which simulates z depth) through a function and see it internally calclate the positions/uvs to create the 3D effect. It seems like this should all be mathematical where a set of 2D transforms can be applied to each corner of the quad to simulate depth, I just don't know how to make it happen. I'd guess it requires trigonometry or something, I'm trying to crunch the math but not making much progress.
here's what I mean:
Top left is just the card, center is the card with a y rotation of X degrees and right most is a card with an x and y rotation of different degrees.
To compute the 2D coordinates of the corners, just choose the coordinates in 3D and apply the 3D perspective equations :
Original card corner (x,y,z)
Apply a rotation ( by matrix multiplication ) you get ( x',y',z')
Apply a perspective projection ( choose some camera origin, direction and field of view )
For the most simple case it's :
x'' = x' / z
y'' = y' / z
The bigger problem now is the texturing used to get the texture coordinates from pixel coordinates :
The correct way for you is to use an homographic transformation of the form :
U(x,y) = ( ax + cy + e ) / (gx + hy + 1)
V(x,y) = ( bx + dy + f ) / (gx + hy + 1)
Which is fact is the result of the perpective equations applied to a plane.
a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h are computed so that ( with U,V in [0..1] ) :
U(top'',left'') = (0,0)
U(top'',right'') = (0,1)
U(bottom'',left'') = (1,0)
U(bottom'',right'') = (1,1)
But your 2D rendering framework probably uses instead a bilinear interpolation :
U( x , y ) = a + b * x + c * y + d * ( x * y )
V( x , y ) = e + f * x + g * y + h * ( x * y )
In that case you get a bad looking result.
And it is even worse if the renderer splits the quad in two triangles !
So I see only two options :
use a 3D renderer
compute the texturing yourself if you only need a few images and not a realtime animation.
