I'm trying to make a "very simple" syntax highlight for "cottle" (which is a script language used in a text-to-speech app dedicated to Elite:Dangerous).
All i want (at least at the beginning) is to have three different colours: Comments, "non-strings", and strings.
I started trying with the ST3 wiki, youtube tutorials, questions here.... but i can't sort out how to do it, 'cause the way the language work.
I'll try to show you an example
{ everything_between_a_pair_of_brackets_is_code }
everything outside all pairs of bracket is a string {_ and this is a comment. It begins with "_" and ends at the closing bracket }
{ This_is_code("but this is a string")
This_is_still_code("this is also a string {but_this_is_code(\"and a string\")} and this the end of the string")
My problem is how to define this kind of "nidification" in my cottle.sublime-syntax file. I managed to get the comment, but only the first one.
- EDIT -
This is a real script:
{if event.repairedfully:
fully repaired
partially repaired
OneOf("to ", "at "),
Humanise(event.health * 100),
" percent functionality"
cat(OneOf(", ", "and is"), " ready for re-activation")
The output of this script could be "Engine module fully repaired." or "Engine module partially repaired, and is ready for re-activation."
Please note the last dot of the phrase, which in the code is after the last bracket.
This is another sample, with strings passed to functions inside other strings:
{OneOf("{ShipName()} has", "")}
{OneOf("left supercruise", "{OneOf(\"entered\", \"returned to\", \"dropped to\")} normal space")}
My question is:
how sublime-syntax files handle this kind of nidification?
Looking at the overview of the templating language over at https://cottle.readthedocs.io/en/stable/page/01-overview.html, it seems to be an easy syntax for which to write a .sublime-syntax for, but given the utter lack of resources for knowing how syntax files works in ST, I can understand it can be sometimes difficult to start or even understand.
So, I took the liberty of creating a starter syntax definition (the result of an hour & a half of boredom on a Saturday evening), which you can take and work upon. Note that I have not used the language and as such made it by just reading the docs and looking over code snippets.
You can find a gist for it here (https://gist.github.com/Ultra-Instinct-05/96fa99e1aaeb32b12d1e62109d61fcc2)
Here is a screenshot showing it in the color scheme I use (which follows the official scope naming guidelines).
It still lacks support for user defined functions (as I came to know from the docs) (and probably a few other things), but maybe that's something you can add to it !
Note that to use it, save the file as Cottle.sublime-syntax in your User package. Right now files having a .cottle extension are highlighted (because I don't know how you create a cottle file).
The syntax definition doesn't use any new feature added in ST4, so it should work the same in both ST3 & ST4.
There's a coding language called SugarCube designed for use in the Twine engine, which is used for text adventure games. Here's the Documentation for it. I'm not exactly an experienced coder - all I have is a few months in C# making a game in Unity - but I'd like to help a friend with his game, and hopefully writing his code in an editor instead of plaintext will help.
The only kind of code that matters is all marked with double angle brackets. Variables are marked with dollar signs $exampleVarand are declared and assigned using
<<set $exampleVar = "foo">>.
If and switch statements use closing tags similar to HTML:
<<if $exampleVar == "foo">>
// code
<<switch $exampleVar>>
<<case "foo">>
// code
The guides I've found for custom syntax (including official documentation) are either outdated or assume you already know everything about YAML, which I don't. Advice?
I need to get the pieces of text out of text)). Very simple example actually, but gives me quite some pain.
Here is the sample text, it is an email template:
Hi hi there {!Account.Id + 'cool'}.
Very interesting stuff - {!Contact.Description}
Now we get {!Contact.Description + Contact.Email__c}
So I need all the occurances of text like Account.Name, but only those which are within opening "{!" and closing "}" tags.
What is the simplest/starting approach to do it? Note that in case of the last line, I need to get the two occurances, Contact.Description and Contact.Email__c.
Thanks a lot for any help!
I would just do a plain text search for {...} blocks and parse their content with a simple expression parser. Don't try to come up with a parser that gets all the text and must be prepared to deal with any rubbish that can come in outside of the blocks (which could ultimatively lead to security problems).
A friend of mine sended bunch of code for me to build a software. However, I do not recognize language and my friend is no coder. One thing I'm sure about though. The code is something like 20-40 years old.
Code was originally used in electrical works.
Character limit per line seems to be 20 characters.
Can someone recognize this language? I'm also looking for manuals for this language if possible.
10:"K": PAUSE "IK":
T, 0=NO? ";P
20:DIM L(20),R(20),X(20
22:IF P=1 INPUT "K. /DA
TE? ";O$(0)
24:IF P=0 GOTO 30
"; O$(1)
30:INPUT "(KVA)? ";S
40:R=3.31 :Z=4
I searched for this language and PowerBasic seems to be close to it, but it contains many other features what this code lacks. Any guesses?
Edit 1
It seems that there were typos. No wonder "P=!" or "0$(0) didn't make any sense.
Edit 2
I accepted Gaby's answer because code seems to be very close to GW-Basic. Also found a manual for the language which works perfectly: http://www.antonis.de/qbebooks/gwbasman/
Thanks for the help!
Edit 3
Got some new information. Language might actually be something called "Nova Basic" from 1975. I'm unable to find manual for that language, but at least this gives me a new direction.
It's definitely a BASIC variant, one of those like in the early micro-computer days, before things like VB and structured coding came into play :-)
However, it has a few non-recognisable aspects such as:
the statement "K".
the assignment P=!, unless that ! should be a 1.
the use of variables starting with a numeric: 0$(0), unless you've mistakenly typed an O (owe) in as a 0 (zero).
None of those were very common in BASICs of the day though keep in mind the language wasn't standardised to the same level as something like C is nowadays. Everything else seems pretty standard: input, printing, assignment, array dimensioning, and so on.
Given the line length limit, the domain (KKS and KVA are both electrical terms) and the weird syntax variations, I'd say it was for one of the early programmable calculators, such as Casio, Texas Instruments or Sharp (though not necessarily those specific brands).
It reminds me of GW-BASIC
Example code at http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/GW-BASIC
Not a lot information in your code. Maybe QBASIC ? http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/QBasic
Consider the following sample codes:
var IsAdminUser = (User.Privileges == AdminPrivileges)
? 'yes'
: 'no';
var IsAdminUser = (User.Privileges == AdminPrivileges)?'yes': 'no';
The 2nd sample I am very comfortable with & I code in that style, but it was told that its wrong way of doing without any supportive reasons.
Why is it recommended not to use a single line ternary operator in Node.js?
Can anyone put some light on the reason why it is so?
Advance Thanks for great help.
With all coding standards, they are generally for readability and maintainability. My guess is the author finds it more readable on separate lines. The compiler / interpreter for your language will handle it all the same. As long as you / your project have a set standard and stick to it, you'll be fine. I recommend that the standards be worked on or at least reviewed by everyone on the project before casting them in stone. I think that if you're breaking it up on separate lines like that, you may as well define an if/else conditional block and use that.
Be wary of coding standards rules that do not have a justification.
Personally, I do not like the ternary operator as it feels unnatural to me and I always have to read the line a few times to understand what it's doing. I find separate if/else blocks easier for me to read. Personal preference of course.
It is in fact wrong to put the ? on a new line; even though it doesn’t hurt in practice.
The reason is a JS feature called “Automatic Semicolon Insertion”. When a var statement ends with a newline (without a trailing comma, which would indicate that more declarations are to follow), your JS interpreter should automatically insert a semicolon.
This semicolon would have the effect that IsAdminUser is assigned a boolean value (namely the result of User.Privileges == AdminPrivileges). After that, a new (invalid) expression would start with the question mark of what you think is a ternary operator.
As mentioned, most JS interpreters are smart enough to recognize that you have a newline where you shouldn’t have one, and implicitely fix your ternary operator. And, when minifying your script, the newline is removed anyway.
So, no problem in practice, but you’re relying on an implicit fix of common JS engines. It’s better to write the ternary operator like this:
var foo = bar ? "yes" : "no";
Or, for larger expressions:
var foo = bar ?
"The operation was successful" : "The operation has failed.";
Or even:
var foo = bar ?
"Congratulations, the operation was a total success!" :
"Oh, no! The operation has horribly failed!";
I completely disagree with the person who made this recommendation. The ternary operator is a standard feature of all 'C' style languages (C,C++,Java,C#,Javascript etc.), and most developers who code in these languages are completely comfortable with the single line version.
The first version just looks weird to me. If I was maintaining code and saw this, I would correct it back to a single line.
If you want verbose, use if-else. If you want neat and compact use a ternary.
My guess is the person who made this recommendation simply wasn't very familiar with the operator, so found it confusing.
Because it's easier on the eye and easier to read. It's much easier to see what your first snippet is doing at a glance - I don't even have to read to the end of a line. I can simply look at one spot and immediately know what values IsAdminUser will have for what conditions. Much the same reason as why you wouldn't write an entire if/else block on one line.
Remember that these are style conventions and are not necessarily backed up by objective (or technical) reasoning.
The reason for having ? and : on separate lines is so that it's easier to figure out what changed if your source control has a line-by-line comparison.
If you've just changed the stuff between the ? and : and everything is on a single line, the entire line can be marked as changed (based on your comparison tool).
I have seen a lot of C/C++ based solutions to this problem where we have to write a program that upon execution prints its own source.
some solutions --
Quine Page solution in many languages
There are many more solutions on the net, each different from the other. I wonder how do we approach to such a problem, what goes inside the mind of the one who solves it. Lend me some insights into this problem... While solutions in interpreted languages like perl, php, ruby, etc might be easy... i would like to know how does one go about designing it in compiled languages...
Aside from cheating¹ there is no difference between compiled and interpreted languages.
The generic approach to quines is quite easy. First, whatever the program looks like, at some point it has to print something:
print ...
However, what should it print? Itself. So it needs to print the "print" command:
print "print ..."
What should it print next? Well, in the mean time the program grew, so it needs to print the string starting with "print", too:
print "print \"print ...\""
Now the program grew again, so there's again more to print:
print "print \"print \\\"...\\\"\""
And so on.
With every added code there's more code to print.
This approach is getting nowhere,
but it reveals an interesting pattern:
The string "print \"" is repeated over and over again.
It would be nice to put the repeating part
into a variable:
a = "print \""
print a
However, the program just changed,
so we need to adjust a:
a = "a = ...\nprint a"
print a
When we now try to fill in the "...",
we run into the same problems as before.
Ultimately, we want to write something like this:
a = "a = " + (quoted contents of a) + "\nprint a"
print a
But that is not possible,
because even if we had such a function quoted() for quoting,
there's still the problem that we define a in terms of itself:
a = "a = " + quoted(a) + "\nprint a"
print a
So the only thing we can do is putting a place holder into a:
a = "a = #\nprint a"
print a
And that's the whole trick!
Anything else is now clear.
Simply replace the place holder
with the quoted contents of a:
a = "a = #\nprint a"
print a.replace("#", quoted(a))
Since we have changed the code,
we need to adjust the string:
a = "a = #\nprint a.replace(\"#\", quoted(a))"
print a.replace("#", quoted(a))
And that's it!
All quines in all languages work that way
(except the cheating ones).
Well, you should ensure that you replace only
the first occurence of the place holder.
And if you use a second place holder,
you can avoid needing to quote the string.
But those are minor issues
and easy to solve.
If fact, the realization of quoted() and replace()
are the only details in which the various quines really differ.
¹ by making the program read its source file
There are a couple of different strategies to writing quines. The obvious one is to just write code that opens the code and prints it out. But the more interesting ones involve language features that allow for self-embedding, like the %s-style printf feature in many languages. You have to figure out how to embed something so that it ends up resolving to the request to be embedded. I suspect, like palindromes, a lot of trial and error is involved.
The usual approach (when you can't cheat*) is to write something that encodes its source in a string constant, then prints out that constant twice: Once as a string literal, and once as code. That gets around the "every time I write a line of code, I have to write another to print it out!" problem.
'Cheating' includes:
- Using an interpreted language and simply loading the source and printing it
- 0-byte long files, which are valid in some languages, such as C.
For fun, I came up with one in Scheme, which I was pretty proud of for about 5 minutes until I discovered has been discovered before. Anyways, there's a slight modification to the "rules" of the game to better count for the duality of data and code in Lisp: instead of printing out the source of the program, it's an S-expression that returns itself:
((lambda (x) (list x `',x)) '(lambda (x) (list x `',x)))
The one on Wikipedia has the same concept, but with a slightly different (more verbose) mechanism for quoting. I like mine better though.
One idea to think about encoding and how to give something a double meaning so that it can be used to output something in a couple of forms. There is also the cavaet that this type of problem comes with restrictions to make it harder as without any rules other than the program output itself, the empty program is a solution.
How about actually reading and printing your source code? Its not difficult at all!! Heres one in php:
header("Content-Type: text/plain");
echo fgetc($f);
In python, you can write:
inspired from this self printing pseudo-code:
Print the following line twice, the second time with quotes.
"Print the following line twice, the second time with quotes."
I've done a AS3 example for those interested in this
var program = "var program = #; function main(){trace(program.replace('#',
String.fromCharCode(34) + program + String.fromCharCode(34)))} main()";
function main(){
trace(program.replace('#', String.fromCharCode(34) + program + String.fromCharCode(34)))
In bash it is really easy
touch test; chmod oug+x test; ./test
Empty file, Empty output
In ruby:
puts File.read(_ _ FILE _ _)