Python regex multiple matches occurrences between two strings - python-3.x

I have a multi-line string with my start/end magic strings ("X" and "Y"). I'm trying to capture all occurrences but I'm experiencing some issues.
Here is the code
pattern = re.compile(r'(.*)X(.*)Y(.*)', re.MULTILINE)
match =, testString)
print # output: DDDDD
print # output: EEEEEEXFFF
Basically, I'm trying to capture all occurrences of the following (And I have to maintain text order):
Text before the magic start string (e.g.: AAAAA, CCCCC, EEEEEE)
Text between start/end magic strings (e.g.: BBBBB, DDDDD, FFF\nFFF)
Text after the magic start string (e.g.: CCCCC, GGG)
So I'm trying to print the following output: (what's in between brackets below is just a comment)
AAAAA (before magic string)
BBBBB (between magic strings)
CCCCC (before/after magic strings, it does not matter. Just the order matters.)
DDDDD (after magic string)
And so on. Printing them in that order would solve the issue. (Then I can pass each to other functions, ...etc.)
The code works nicely when the text is as simple as for example "AAXBBYCC", but with complicated strings I'm losing control.
Any ideas or alternative ways to do this?

You could match any character except X or Y in group 1 and then match X and do the same for Y. The "after the magic string" part you could capture in a lookahead with a third group.
The negated character class using [^ will also match an newline to match the FFFFFF part.
([^XY]+)X Capture group 1, match 1+ times any char except X or Y, then match X
([^XY]+)Y Capture group 2, match 1+ times any char except X or Y, then match Y
(?= Positive lookahead, assert what is directly to the right is
([^XY]+) Capture group 3, match 1+ times any char except X or Y
) Close lookahead
Regex demo | Python demo
import re
regex = r"([^XY]+)X([^XY]+)Y(?=([^XY]*))"
matches = re.findall(regex, s)

So I'm trying to print the following output: (what's in between brackets below is just a comment)
AAAAA (before magic string)
BBBBB (between magic strings)
CCCCC (before/after magic strings, it does not matter. Just the order matters.)
DDDDD (after magic string)
And so on.
Since it doesn't matter whether before or after start or end, it is as simple as:
import re
o = re.split("X|Y", testString)
print(*o, sep='\n')

Can't you just use:
pattern = re.compile(r'[^XY]+')
match = re.findall(pattern, testString)


Split string with commas while keeping numeric parts

I'm using the following function to separate strings with commas right on the capitals, as long as it is not preceded by a blank space.
def func(x):
y = re.findall('[A-Z][^A-Z\s]+(?:\s+\S[^A-Z\s]*)*', x)
return ','.join(y)
However, when I try to separate the next string it removes the part with numbers.
Input = '49ersRiders Mapple'
Output = 'Riders Mapple'
I tried the following code but now it removes the 'ers' part.
def test(x):
y = re.findall(r'\d+[A-Z]*|[A-Z][^A-Z\s]+(?:\s+\S[^A-Z\s]*)*', x)
return ','.join(y)
Output = '49,Riders Mapple'
The output I'm looking for is this:
'49ers,Riders Mapple'
Is it possible to add this indication to my regex?
Thanks in advance
Maybe naive but why don't you use re.sub:
def func(x):
return re.sub(r'(?<!\s)([A-Z])', r',\1', x)
inp = '49ersRiders Mapple'
out = func(inp)
# Output
49ers,Riders Mapple
Here is a regex re.findall approach:
inp = "49ersRiders"
output = ','.join(re.findall('(?:[A-Z]|[0-9])[^A-Z]+', inp))
print(output) # 49ers,Riders
The regex pattern used here says to match:
[A-Z] a leading uppercase letter (try to find this first)
| OR
[0-9] a leading number (fallback for no uppercase)
[^A-Z]+ one or more non capital letters following

find better way to find the text in string contains multi same signs

I have below text which each info (text and length) between "|" is different by time , only the number of "|" is fixed. I can retrieve the info i want ("XYZGM")but do we have better way to do ?
Current code i used:
# get text from 6th position to 7th position of "|"
for i in range(z,len(text)):
pos=text.find('|', z, len(text))
if pos>0:
if pos_count==6:
if pos_count==7:
print("X: {}, Y: {}".format(x,y))
and the result is : "XYZGM"
Another option could be using a pattern:
^ Start of string
{# Match {#
(?:[^|]*\|){6} Repeat 6 times any char except | then match |
([^|]+) Capture group 1, match 1+ times any char except |
Regex demo
import re
pattern = r"^{#(?:[^|]*\|){6}([^|]+)"
s = "{#BATCH|ABCDEF|01|12|1||XYZGM|210401113439|online|ATGHDGV03|QGH83826|RevA|||"
match = re.match(pattern, s)
if match:
No need using regex:
if text.startswith("{#"):
Make sure there is {# text at the beginning, split the rest with |, and get the sixth value.
Python code.

Using the OR (|) function in regex [duplicate]

The source string is:
# Python 3.4.3
s = r'abc123d, hello 3.1415926, this is my book'
and here is my pattern:
pattern = r'-?[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]*)?|-?\\.[0-9]+'
however, can give me correct result:
m =, s)
print(m) # output: <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(3, 6), match='123'>
re.findall just dump out an empty list:
L = re.findall(pattern, s)
print(L) # output: ['', '', '']
why can't re.findall give me the expected list:
['123', '3.1415926']
There are two things to note here:
re.findall returns captured texts if the regex pattern contains capturing groups in it
the r'\\.' part in your pattern matches two consecutive chars, \ and any char other than a newline.
See findall reference:
If one or more groups are present in the pattern, return a list of groups; this will be a list of tuples if the pattern has more than one group. Empty matches are included in the result unless they touch the beginning of another match.
Note that to make re.findall return just match values, you may usually
remove redundant capturing groups (e.g. (a(b)c) -> abc)
convert all capturing groups into non-capturing (that is, replace ( with (?:) unless there are backreferences that refer to the group values in the pattern (then see below)
use re.finditer instead ([ for x in re.finditer(pattern, s)])
In your case, findall returned all captured texts that were empty because you have \\ within r'' string literal that tried to match a literal \.
To match the numbers, you need to use
The regex matches:
-? - Optional minus sign
\d* - Optional digits
\.? - Optional decimal separator
\d+ - 1 or more digits.
See demo
Here is IDEONE demo:
import re
s = r'abc123d, hello 3.1415926, this is my book'
pattern = r'-?\d*\.?\d+'
L = re.findall(pattern, s)
s = r'abc123d, hello 3.1415926, this is my book'
print re.findall(r'-?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?|-?\.[0-9]+',s)
You dont need to escape twice when you are using raw mode.
Output:['123', '3.1415926']
Also the return type will be a list of strings. If you want return type as integers and floats use map
import re,ast
s = r'abc123d, hello 3.1415926, this is my book'
print map(ast.literal_eval,re.findall(r'-?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?|-?\.[0-9]+',s))
Output: [123, 3.1415926]
Just to explain why you think that search returned what you want and findall didn't?
search return a SRE_Match object that hold some information like:
string : attribute contains the string that was passed to search function.
re : REGEX object used in search function.
groups() : list of string captured by the capturing groups inside the REGEX.
group(index): to retrieve the captured string by group using index > 0.
group(0) : return the string matched by the REGEX.
search stops when It found the first mach build the SRE_Match Object and returning it, check this code:
import re
s = r'abc123d'
pattern = r'-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|-?\.[0-9]+'
m =, s)
print(m.string) # 'abc123d'
print( # REGEX matched 123
print(m.groups()) # there is only one group in REGEX (\.[0-9]*) will empy string tgis why it return (None,)
s = ', hello 3.1415926, this is my book'
m2 =, s) # ', hello 3.1415926, this is my book'
print(m2.string) # abc123d
print( # REGEX matched 3.1415926
print(m2.groups()) # the captured group has captured this part '.1415926'
findall behave differently because it doesn't just stop when It find the first mach it keeps extracting until the end of the text, but if the REGEX contains at least one capturing group the findall don't return the matched string but the captured string by the capturing groups:
import re
s = r'abc123d , hello 3.1415926, this is my book'
pattern = r'-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|-?\.[0-9]+'
m = re.findall(pattern, s)
print(m) # ['', '.1415926']
the first element is return when the first mach was found witch is '123' the capturing group captured only '', but the second element was captured in the second match '3.1415926' the capturing group matched this part '.1415926'.
If you want to make the findall return matched string you should make all capturing groups () in your REGEX a non capturing groups(?:):
import re
s = r'abc123d , hello 3.1415926, this is my book'
pattern = r'-?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?|-?\.[0-9]+'
m = re.findall(pattern, s)
print(m) # ['123', '3.1415926']

How to better code, when looking for substrings?

I want to extract the currency (along with the $ sign) from a list, and create two different currency lists which I have done. But is there a better way to code this?
The list is as below:
Python code:
pp_list = []
up_list = []
for u in usual_price_list:
rep = u.replace("\n","")
rep = rep.replace("\t","")
s = rep.rsplit("$",1)
For this kind of problem, I tend to use a lot the re module, as it is more readable, more maintainble and does not depend on which character surround what you are looking for :
import re
pp_list = []
up_list = []
for u in usual_price_list:
prices = re.findall(r"\$\d{2}\.\d{2}", u)
length_prices = len(prices)
if length_prices > 0:
if length_prices > 1:
Regular Expresion Breakdown
$ is the end of string character, so we need to escape it
\d matches any digit, so \d{2} matches exactly 2 digits
. matches any character, so we need to escape it
If you want it you can modify the number of digits for the cents with \d{1,2} for matches one or two digits, or \d* to match 0 digit or more
As already pointed for doing that task re module is useful - I would use re.split following way:
import re
data = ['\n\n\t\t\t\t\t$59.90\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t$68.00\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\n',
prices = [re.split(r'[\n\t]+',i) for i in data]
prices0 = [i[1] for i in prices]
prices1 = [i[2] for i in prices]
['$59.90', '$55.00', '$38.50', '$49.00', '$68.80', '$49.80']
['$68.00', '$68.00', '$49.90', '$62.00', '', '$60.50']
Note that this will work assuming that there are solely \n and \t excluding prices and there is at least one \n or \t before first price and at least one \n or \t between prices.
[\n\t]+ denotes any string made from \n or \t with length 1 or greater, that is \n, \t, \n\n, \t\t, \n\t, \t\n and so on

Find and append characters of a String by matching with a List in Python 2.7

There is a list contains with character sequences such below:
seq_list = ['C','CA','CAF','CMMVF','E','CMM','CMMF','CMMFF',...]
and a string can be defined as below:
The problem is to match the longest character sequence of seq_list in a_str from left to right iteratively, and then a character('|') should be appended if it's found.
For example,
a_str begins with 'C' but the actual character sequence is 'CAF' because 'CAF' has the longer sequence than 'C',
so that it should be achieved such below:
a_str = 'CAF|CMMVFCMMECMMFFCCAF' #actual sequence match
'C|AFCMMVFCMMECMMFFCCAF' #false sequence match
Then, remaining a_str_r should be like this a_str_r = 'CMMVFCMMECMMFFCCAF' after a character '|' has been appended. So that the iterative process has to start over again by matching the longest sequence from the list until the end of the string, and the final result should be like this:
This was one of the attempts for this problem, and still couldn't get right!
a_str_r = []
for each in seq_list:
for i in a_str:
if each in i:
return a_str_r
You want to search for leftmost longest match. That is a standout for a regular expression search.
import re
seq_list = ['C','CA','CAF','CMMVF','E','CMM','CMMF','CMMFF']
# Sort to put longer match strings before shorter ones
sseq_list = sorted(seq_list, key=lambda a: len(a), reverse=True)
# Turn list into a regular expression string
sseq_re = '|'.join(sseq_list)
# Compile regular expression string
rx = rx = re.compile(sseq_re)
# Put pipe characters between the matches
print '|'.join(rx.findall('CAFCMMVFCMMECMMFFCCAF'))
