Pass runtime arguments in Gatling - performance-testing

I am trying to pass runtime args while running gatling tests for couple of fields. For example I am trying to pass number of users dynamically when running the test. How can I do that?

This is documented in the official documentation:
This can be done very easily with additional JAVA_OPTS in the launch script:
JAVA_OPTS="-Dusers=500 -Dramp=3600"
val nbUsers = Integer.getInteger("users", 1)
val myRamp = java.lang.Long.getLong("ramp", 0L)
// Of course, passing a String is just as easy as:
val foo = System.getProperty("foo")

The easiest way is going for Java system properties, for example if you have workload model defined as:
if you change it from hard-coded to dynamic reading of the system property like:
you will be able to pass the desired number of users dynamically via -D command-line argument like:
gatling.bat -DuserCount=5 -s computerdatabase.BasicSimulation
More information: Gatling Installation, Verification and Configuration - the Ultimate Guide


JDBC variable names when called in the groovy script not giving the correct value for a CSV parameterization

I have a JMeter test where a CSV file containing multiple rows of comma separated values example:- internalID,drivername, usreg,canadareg. I am basically using the CSV file to compare the values with the database table values. To compare the values to database values, I am adding a JDBC request with a query 'select internalID,drivername,usreg,canadareg from data where internalid ='${internalID'}' and providing the variables names to store the column data result. I use the groovy JSR233 and call the variables names in the script by declaring String a = vars.get("dintID_${counter}") where dintID is the variable name provided in the JDBC . The issue is when I run the script the first line of data in CSV files gets executed successfully, then the second line data in CSV file is passed to SQL statement correct, however the vars.get("dintid_${counter}") always stays at previous record meaning it does not go to next internalid(dintID). I have checked that my counter is incrementing. No idea how to resolve the issue. Does anyone know what mistake I am doing.
If you take a look at JSR223 Sampler documentation you will see that:
The JSR223 test elements have a feature (compilation) that can significantly increase performance. To benefit from this feature:
Use Script files instead of inlining them. This will make JMeter compile them if this feature is available on ScriptEngine and cache them.
Or Use Script Text and check Cache compiled script if available property.
When using this feature, ensure your script code does not use JMeter variables or JMeter function calls directly in script code as caching would only cache first replacement. Instead use script parameters.
So if the counter is a JMeter Variable - it will always be the initial value and it won't increment on subsequent iterations.
So you need to change the line to:
String a = vars.get('dintID_' + vars.get('counter'))
More information on Groovy scripting in JMeter: Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It

How to run cucumber scenario's based on Test Case ID that is appended with the Scenario name?

I wanted to run Cucumber Feature file based on the Test case ID that scanerio name contains.
I know we can use #CucumberOptions 'features' tag and specify the line number to execute e.g "src/test/resources/Folder/myfile.feature:7:12"
This will run scenarios at line 7 and 12. But i wanted to run based on the TC ID.
Below is the feature file code
Feature: Login Functionality
Scenario: First Test Case(TC.No:1)
Given I perform action 1
Scenario: Second Test Case(TC.No:2)
Given I perform action 2
Scenario: Third Test Case(TC.No:3)
Given I perform action 3
Scenario: Fourth Test Case(TC.No:4)
Given I perform action 4
Scenario: Fifth Test Case(TC.No:5)
Given I perform action 5
All the scenario's are in a single feature.
For the feature file code above i wanted some way through which i can execute based on TC Id. E.g I only want to execute TC1,TC2 and TC5( TC id's picked up from scenario names).
There is a property file that contains the TC Id's to be executed. My code should read the file and then execute only those TC id's.
This can help me in reducing the number of automation TC's to be run.
Is it possible?
You can use the name property of #CucumberOptions or use the '-n' option if you are using the cli option. It also supports regular expressions.
To run TC.No:1 and TC.No:4 use something like this
#CucumberOptions(name = { "TC.No:1|TC.No:4" })
#CucumberOptions(name = { "TC.No:1","TC.No:4" })
You can get more details at this link.
As you are reading the ids from a file, the second option is the best. Use the cucumber.api.cli.Main class main() method to execute the features. You can create the options dynamically. Refer to this post.
CLI reference docs.
Not familiar with cucumber-jvm.
But, here is the general logic which should work (based on my ruby Cucumber knowledge)
In the hook, you can write the logic to under before method to get the scenario name and then extract the TC.No. Compare the TC.No and skip if it's not part of your list.
Here is the link which will give information how to skip the scenario (use this class in the before method)
However, the best practice is to use the tags, it would have been easy if you had #TCId-xx tag. Still you can write a simple program that will scan all the feature files and update the scenarios with the tag based on the TC.No in the scenario name.

How to order control m job using REXX? like Control m utility CTMAPI

I have to order few jobs in control m from different scheduling tables. this is manual task so i want to automate it using rexx.
I found below in 'Order or Force under Batch, REXX or CLIST' section of 'CONTROL M USERGUIDE'
I could not find syntax to call CMTAPI using rexx.
ADDRESS 'LINKMVS' is the equivalent of // EXEC PGM=something,PARM='whatever' in REXX. I don't know what the variable is supposed to be, but since this is Control-M, I am going to assume job name. A very simple example:
say 'Enter name of job'
pull jobname
parmvar = 'ORDER' jobname
Please note that for LINKMVS, the variable name goes inside the string passed. The LINKMVS environment substitutes the variable automatically. For example, if I entered MYJOB to the prompt, LINKMVS will build a PARM string of `ORDER MYJOB'. This is the exact equivalent of
This IBM® Knowledge Center page for the z/OS 2.3 TSO/E REXX Reference manual shows several examples of calling a program in the same manner as // EXEC PGM=,PARM= (item 1). Items 5 through 9 show different ways of using ADDRESS 'LINKMVS'; note how variables are treated in each example.
After suggestions from NicC, zarchasmpgmr and few research, finally i am able to order job with CTMJOB utility. I searched for the loadlib and called TSO using REXX.
Details found in INCONTROL for ZOS utilities guide. This document was very useful.

Parameterized job using Uno-choice plugin

I'm using Uno choice plugin to select parameter values based on previous selections.
(This plugin helped me to reduce parameter count. I can reuse same parameter for multiple platform based on the platform selection)
I used the groovy script to select parameter values.
But it takes too much time to load parameters.
Is there any way to speed up this process?
I had faced similar issues and I was also using groovy scripts to cal shell scripts.I did the following things to reduce time:-
When you click on build with Parameters all task(scripts run at once together) are performed at once.
Use else conditions properly.
Also use Fallback script.
For eg:-
you have parameters such as
1) country
2) state
3) city
each parameter depends on the previous values.
1) Try to only display contents on Jenkins front-end.(cat command).
2) Call a script if only it matches valid values in the previous parameter.
3) minimum on the fly scripts.
4) optimize delays/sleep according to your load time.
5) Remove any extensions whether in chrome/Firefox.
5) Try using the same page in incognito mode.
6) If options are invalid through invalid option without going into any computation.
7) Uninstall plugin which are not required.
Will add more suggestions as I find.
I would request you also to please update if you find any method to optimize time.

getting name of previous test step in SoapUI groovy script

I'm new to groovy scripting in SoapUI and a bit confused regarding the amount of information available, so I may just have overlooked the answer to this.
There is a method context.getCurrentStep() available in scripts which loaded the GroovyUtils. But in a script step this, of course, returns the name of the script step itself.
Now I want to access the name (more precisely the response) of the previous step without using it's name explicitly. Is there an easy method to acchieve this?
You could do something like:
def currentStepInd = context.currentStepIndex
def previousStep = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepAt(currentStepInd - 1)
More information is available in the API JavaDocs.
You would want to do the following in your script:
def response = context.expand( '${previous_step_name#Response#}' )
