Android Studio - cannot create a new directory in android studio - android-studio

String imageFileName = "JPEG_" + timeStamp + ".jpg";
File storageDir = new File(Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(
+ File.separator + "/MyCamera");
Log.d("PATH", storageDir.getAbsolutePath());
boolean success = true;
if (!storageDir.exists()) {
success = storageDir.mkdirs();
Log.d("MAKE DIR", storageDir.mkdirs() + "");
System.out.println(" "+imageFileName);
// Save the new Bitmap
if (success) {
this is the code to create a new directory in the path given
but it does not create a new one
D/PATH: /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/MyCamera
D/MAKE DIR: false
I/System.out: JPEG_20210406_051715.jpg
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.hardware.CAMERA" android:required="true" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
But I don't know why it could not create the folder. I also used mkdir() as well as mkdirs() but the result is the same.

File fileName = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/" + "FILENAME");
if (!fileName.exists())


How to get the full path of current target file using NLog at runtime in .NET Core 7?

I have an application in .NET Core Console that is working fine in .NET Core 6. I am testing the conversion of this app in the newly released .NET Core 7 and all works fine except the part where I dynamically get the path of the NLog target.
My NLog.config is like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<nlog xmlns=""
<add assembly="NLog.Extensions.Logging" />
<target xsi:type="File" name="allfile" fileName="${shortdate}.log"
layout="${longdate}|${event-properties:item=EventId.Id}|${logger}|${uppercase:${level}}|${message} ${exception}"
<!--All logs, including from Microsoft-->
<logger name="*" minlevel="Trace" writeTo="allfile" />
The code that works in .NET Core 6:
if (LogManager.Configuration != null)
Target target = LogManager.Configuration.FindTargetByName("allfile");
var logEventInfo = new LogEventInfo { TimeStamp = DateTime.Now };
FileTarget? fileTarget;
// Unwrap the target if necessary.
if (target is not WrapperTargetBase wrapperTarget)
fileTarget = target as FileTarget;
fileTarget = wrapperTarget.WrappedTarget as FileTarget;
if (fileTarget != null)
string fileName = fileTarget.FileName.Render(logEventInfo);
string LogPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName)!;
/* Work with LogPath */
_logger.LogError("Unable to get NLog \"allfile\" base directory.");
_logger.LogError("Unable to read NLog configuration.");
This same code in .NET Core 7 fails because LogManager.Configuration is always null. Is there any way I can still dynamically get the path in .NET Core 7?
NLog.config was not present, hence the failure. This was due to the switch from .NET 6 to .NET 7 and nlog.config property "Copy To Output Directory" set to "Do not copy".

How to share audio files in Android Studio (Kotlin)?

How can I share an audio file in Android Studio? I have tried the following so far, but it doesn't work.
button.setOnLongClickListener(OnLongClickListener {
val sendIntent: Intent = Intent().apply {
action = Intent.ACTION_SEND
var path = "absolute/path"
var uri = Uri.parse(path)
putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, uri)
type = "audio/mp3"
Your code seems fine, but I'd suggest you to try this one:
String sharePath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath()
+ "/Soundboard/Ringtones/custom_ringtone.ogg"; //This is the path of your audio file
Uri uri = Uri.parse(sharePath); //Identifier of the audio file (Uniform Resource Identifier)
Intent share = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); //Create a new action_send intent
share.setType("audio/*"); //What kind of file the intent gets
share.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, uri); //Pass the audio file to the intent
startActivity(Intent.createChooser(share, "Share Sound File")); //Start the intent
If that doesn't work either, make sure that you granted the right permissions in the Manifest.xml file (WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE):
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
I suggest you look into how to use a file provider. You'll find that you won't be able to provide the uri of the file directly as you're only allowed to expose its content uri. Have a look at the Generating the Content URI for a File section
This is worked for me
Call this method onClick Button:
fun shareAudioFile(audioFile: File) {
val uri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(applicationContext,
val shareIntent: Intent = ShareCompat.IntentBuilder.from(this#MainActivity)
startActivity(Intent.createChooser(shareIntent, "Share Sound File"))
I replaced Uri.parse with FileProvider.getUriForFile.
Replace with your package.
Add on Android Manifest:
<application ...>
applicationId is your package
Create file_paths.xml file into xml folder
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<paths xmlns:android="">
path="." />
Share Any File as below ( Kotlin ) :
first create a folder named xml in the res folder and create a new XML Resource File named provider_paths.xml and put the below code inside it :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<paths xmlns:android="">
now go to the manifests folder and open the AndroidManifest.xml and then put the below code inside the <application> tag :
android:resource="#xml/provider_paths" /> // provider_paths.xml file path in this example
now you put the below code in the setOnLongClickListener :
button.setOnLongClickListener {
try {
val file = File("pathOfFile")
if(file.exists()) {
val uri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(this, BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID + ".provider", file)
val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND)
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, uri)
} catch (e: java.lang.Exception) {

Android Plugin for unity not opening permission dialogue in unity?

I just develop android plugin for unity and i am successfully able to exchange data between unity and android plugin.
in my android plugin my code is
String SCOPE = "";
am.getAuthToken(myAccount_[0], "oauth2:" + SCOPE, null, this,
new OnTokenAcquired(), null);
It should prompt me to allow my app to access youtube.
Its working fine for my android application but not be able to ask on unity.
here is my code of android:
public void YoutubeSubscriber() {
AccountManager am = AccountManager.get(context);
Account[] myAccount_ = AccountManager.get(context).getAccountsByType("");
Log.d("==============>all", String.valueOf(myAccount_));
Log.d("==============>single", String.valueOf(myAccount_[0]));
String SCOPE = "";
am.getAuthToken(myAccount_[0], "oauth2:" + SCOPE, null, null,
new OnTokenAcquired(), null);
Toast.makeText(this.context, myAccount_[0].toString(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
and using this in unity is like that.
using (AndroidJavaClass activityClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer"))
info.text = "activity";
activityContext = activityClass.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity");
using (AndroidJavaClass pluginClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.thegamecontriver.androidlib.ToastExample"))
if (pluginClass != null)
toastExample = pluginClass.CallStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("instance");
toastExample.Call("setContext", activityContext);
info.text = "After ";
activityContext.Call("runOnUiThread", new AndroidJavaRunnable(() => {
Note: i am able to see toast but permission is not prompting. please help
You are likely missing the permission required (USE_CREDENTIALS) to use AccountManager.
From getAuthToken SDK reference:
NOTE: If targeting your app to work on API level 22 and before,
USE_CREDENTIALS permission is needed for those platforms. See docs for
this function in API level 22.
1.Go to <UnityInstallationDirecory>\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\Apk, Copy the AndroidManifest.xml file to your <ProjectName>Assets\Plugins\Android
2.Now open the copied Manifest file from <ProjectName>Assets\Plugins\Android and add <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS"/> to it. Save, Build and Run. If this is a permission problem, that should now be solved.
What your AndroidManifest.xml should look like(Unity 5.4):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS"/>
<activity android:name="com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity"
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
<meta-data android:name="unityplayer.UnityActivity" android:value="true" />

Command writing to standard error does not produce output to ccnet project report?

I wrote a small c program like this:
void main()
fputs("test\r\n", stderr);
and included it like this in ccnet.config:
<project name="foobar">
When I forced the foobar project, I got not output whatsoever in the project report.
I may also mention that if I deliberately misspell the exe-filename, I get an exception (which I appreciate).
When debugging CruiseControl.NET, writing a test that tries to run the exe file
that looks like this
public void FooTest()
const string xml = "<exec executable=\"C:\\temp\\test.exe\"><buildArgs></buildArgs></exec>";
task = (ExecutableTask) NetReflector.Read(xml);
var result = (IntegrationResult) IntegrationResult();
result.Label = "1.0";
result.BuildCondition = BuildCondition.ForceBuild;
result.WorkingDirectory = #"c:\temp\";
result.ArtifactDirectory = #"c:\temp\";
Assert.AreEqual(IntegrationStatus.Failure, result.Status);
var firstTaskResult = (ProcessTaskResult)result.TaskResults[0];
The debug console will output xml like this:
<buildArgs />
<baseDirectory />
<dynamicValues />
<environment />
<successExitCodes />
<message level="Error">test</message>
(note, I did beautify this xml before adding it here).

In WiX how can I select an IIS website by name?

What I would like to do is show the installer user a list of the websites on their server and allow them to choose one (using the method described here:, which now seems broken see here for the core code). The installer would then create a virtual directory in the chosen website.
However, my searching seems to have revealed that the only way to specify a website in WiX is by IP, Port, and Header. Asking for these is not very user friendly, so I'm left with the idea of writing a second custom action to get those details from a website name.
Is there a better way?
BTW This needs to work in both IIS6 and IIS7 in case that affects the answer.
OK it is possible (in IIS6 or IIS7 with Metabase compatibility), thanks to this post to the mailing list explaining the slightly bizarre way the iis:Website element works. The useful part is:
Using a fragment like this and test with v3.0.5120.0:*
<iis:WebSite Id="WebSite" Description="Default Web Site" SiteId="*">
<iis:WebAddress Id="TestWebSite" Port="1" />
The following work:
1. If WebSite/#SiteId="*" then a case sensitive match on WebSite/#Description happens.
2. If WebSite/#SiteId matches the site id than WebSite/#Description is ignored and a match on site id happens.
3. If WebSite/#SiteId has any value WebAddress/#Port is ignored (although the syntax requires it and it can't be 0).
4. If WebSite/#SiteId is missing WebAddress/#Port is used and WebSite/#Description is ignored.
5. Once a website is created and gets site id, you can rename it (therefore its site id is not the hash of its name), the WebSite/#SiteId="*" syntax will match on the WebSite/#Description.
So my WiX code ends up looking like:
<DirectoryRef Id="TARGETDIR">
<Component Id="IisSetup" Guid="YOUR-GUID-HERE">
<iis:WebVirtualDir Id="IisVirtualDir" Alias="[IIS_VIRTUALDIRNAME]" Directory="INSTALLLOCATION" WebSite="IisWebsite">
<iis:WebApplication Id="IisWebApplication" Name="[IIS_VIRTUALDIRNAME]" WebAppPool="IisAppPool" Isolation="high"/>
<iis:WebAppPool Id="IisAppPool" Name="[IIS_APPPOOLNAME]" Identity="networkService"/>
<!-- Note that this entry should not be put under a component. If it is WiX
will update the website on install and remove it on uninstall -->
<iis:WebSite Id="IisWebsite" Description="[IIS_WEBSITENAME]" SiteId="*">
<iis:WebAddress Id="IisWebAddress" Port="80" />
The iis:WebAddress element should never be used but is necessary for the project to compile.
In my installer I didnt want to create a Web site. I wanted to allow the user to select an existing website. I did this with a custom action in Javascript, and one custom UI panel.
Custom Action code:
// CustomActions.js
// Custom Actions usable within WIX For IIS installations.
// EnumerateWebSites_CA():
// Adds new UI to the MSI at runtime to allow the user to select a
// website, to which an ISAPI filter will be added.
// UpdatePropsWithSelectedWebSite_CA():
// fills session with properties for the selected website.
// SetAuthProps_CA():
// sets properties for the needed user and group that needs authorization to the created dir.
// original idea from:
// Mon, 23 Nov 2009 10:54
// ===================================================================
var MsiViewModify =
Refresh : 0,
Insert : 1,
Update : 2,
Assign : 3,
Replace : 4,
Merge : 5,
Delete : 6,
InsertTemporary : 7, // cannot permanently modify the MSI during install
Validate : 8,
ValidateNew : 9,
ValidateField : 10,
ValidateDelete : 11
var Buttons =
OkOnly : 0,
OkCancel : 1,
AbortRetryIgnore : 2,
YesNoCancel : 3
var Icons=
Critical : 16,
Question : 32,
Exclamation : 48,
Information : 64
var MsgKind =
Error : 0x01000000,
Warning : 0x02000000,
User : 0x03000000,
Log : 0x04000000
var MsiActionStatus =
None : 0,
Ok : 1, // success
Cancel : 2,
Abort : 3,
Retry : 4, // aka suspend?
Ignore : 5 // skip remaining actions; this is not an error.
// Purpose: Custom action that enumerates the local websites, and stores their
// properties in the ListBox and AvailableWebSites tables.
// Effects: Fills the ListBox table and creates and fills the AvailableWebSites
// tables.
// Returns: MsiActionStatus.Ok if the custom action executes without error.
// MsiActionStatus.Abort if error.
function EnumerateWebSites_CA()
LogMessage("function EnumerateWebSites_CA() ENTER");
var c = 1;
var serverBindings, aBindings;
var listboxesView = Session.Database.OpenView("SELECT * FROM ListBox");
var record = Session.Installer.CreateRecord(4);
record.StringData(1) = "WEBSITE"; // Property
record.IntegerData(2) = c++; // display order
record.StringData(3) = "Server"; // returned bby the selection
record.StringData(4) = "Server-wide"; // displayed in the UI
listboxesView.Modify(MsiViewModify.InsertTemporary, record);
// Create this table dynamically. We could also create this
// custom table in the WiX .wxs file , but that's not necessary.
// old quote: ``````
// my quote: '''''
// var createCmd = Session.Database.OpenView("CREATE TABLE 'AvailableWebSites' ('WebSiteNo' INT NOT NULL, 'WebSiteDescription' CHAR(50), 'WebSitePort' CHAR(50) NOT NULL, 'WebSiteIP' CHAR(50), 'WebSiteHeader' CHAR(50) PRIMARY KEY 'WebSiteNo')")
var createCmd = Session.Database.OpenView("CREATE TABLE AvailableWebSites (Num INT NOT NULL, Name CHAR(64), Desc CHAR(64), Port CHAR(16) NOT NULL, IP CHAR(32), Hostname CHAR(80) PRIMARY KEY Num)")
LogMessage("Table 'AvailableWebSites' has been created");
var websitesView = Session.Database.OpenView("SELECT * FROM AvailableWebSites");
LogMessage("Query from Table 'AvailableWebSites' has returned");
var iis = GetObject("winmgmts://localhost/root/MicrosoftIISv2");
// See the metabase hierarchy diagram here:
// list "virtual servers", which is the same as websites.
var query = "SELECT * FROM IIsWebServerSetting"
// get the list of virtual servers
var results = iis.ExecQuery(query);
LogMessage("WMI Query completed.");
LogMessage("WMI Query results : " + typeof results);
for(var e = new Enumerator(results); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext())
var site = e.item();
// site.Name // W3SVC/1, W3SVC/12378398, etc
// site.Name.substr(6) // 1, 12378398, etc
// site.ServerComment) // "Default Web Site", "Site2", etc
// site.ServerBindings(0).Port // 80, 8080, etc
LogMessage("Web site " + site.Name);
LogMessage("listbox record");
record = Session.Installer.CreateRecord(4);
record.StringData(1) = "WEBSITE";
record.IntegerData(2) = c++;
record.StringData(3) = site.Name.substr(6); // site.Name;
record.StringData(4) = site.ServerComment + " (" + site.Name + ")";
listboxesView.Modify(MsiViewModify.InsertTemporary, record);
LogMessage("websites record");
LogMessage("website(" + site.Name + ") name(" + site.ServerComment + ") port(" + site.ServerBindings(0).Port + ")");
record = Session.Installer.CreateRecord(6);
record.IntegerData(1) = parseInt(site.Name.substr(6)); // WebSiteNo
record.StringData(2) = site.Name; // name, like W3SVC/1
record.StringData(3) = site.ServerComment; // WebSiteDescription
record.StringData(4) = site.ServerBindings(0).Port; // WebSitePort
record.StringData(5) = site.ServerBindings(0).Ip; // WebSiteIP; maybe empty
record.StringData(6) = site.ServerBindings(0).Hostname; // WebSiteHeader; maybe empty
websitesView.Modify(MsiViewModify.InsertTemporary, record);
LogMessage("function EnumerateWebSites_CA() EXIT");
catch (exc1)
Session.Property("CA_EXCEPTION") = exc1.message ;
return MsiActionStatus.Abort;
return MsiActionStatus.Ok;
// Purpose: Custom action that copies the selected website's properties from the
// AvailableWebSites table to properties.
// properties.
// Returns: MsiActionStatus.Ok if the custom action executes without error.
// MsiActionStatus.Abort if error.
function UpdatePropsWithSelectedWebSite_CA()
LogMessage("function UpdatePropsWithSelectedWebSite_CA() ENTER");
var selectedWebSiteId = Session.Property("WEBSITE");
LogMessage("selectedWebSiteId(" + selectedWebSiteId + ") type(" + typeof selectedWebSiteId + ")");
// check if the user selected anything
if (selectedWebSiteId == "")
LogMessage("function UpdatePropsWithSelectedWebSite_CA() EXIT (None)");
return MsiActionStatus.None;
if (selectedWebSiteId.toUpperCase() == "SERVER")
Session.Property("WEBSITE_NAME") = "W3SVC";
Session.Property("WEBSITE_DESCRIPTION") = "Server";
Session.Property("WEBSITE_PORT") = "";
Session.Property("WEBSITE_IP") = "";
Session.Property("WEBSITE_HEADER") = "";
LogMessage("function UpdatePropsWithSelectedWebSite_CA() EXIT (Ok)");
return MsiActionStatus.Ok;
var websitesView = Session.Database.OpenView("SELECT * FROM `AvailableWebSites` WHERE `Num`=" + selectedWebSiteId);
var record = websitesView.Fetch();
LogMessage("website Fetch() complete");
if (record.IntegerData(1) == parseInt(selectedWebSiteId))
Session.Property("WEBSITE_NAME") = record.StringData(2);
Session.Property("WEBSITE_DESCRIPTION") = record.StringData(3);
Session.Property("WEBSITE_PORT") = record.StringData(4);
Session.Property("WEBSITE_IP") = record.StringData(5);
Session.Property("WEBSITE_HOSTNAME") = record.StringData(6);
LogMessage("function UpdatePropsWithSelectedWebSite_CA() EXIT (Ok)");
catch (exc1)
Session.Property("CA_EXCEPTION") = exc1.message ;
return MsiActionStatus.Abort;
return MsiActionStatus.Ok;
// Pop a message box. also spool a message into the MSI log, if it is enabled.
function LogException(exc)
var record = Session.Installer.CreateRecord(0);
record.StringData(0) = "IisEnumSites: Exception: 0x" + decimalToHexString(exc.number) + " : " + exc.message;
Session.Message(MsgKind.Error + Icons.Critical + Buttons.btnOkOnly, record);
// spool an informational message into the MSI log, if it is enabled.
function LogMessage(msg)
var record = Session.Installer.CreateRecord(0);
record.StringData(0) = "IisEnumSites: " + msg;
Session.Message(MsgKind.Log, record);
function decimalToHexString(number)
if (number < 0)
number = 0xFFFFFFFF + number + 1;
return number.toString(16).toUpperCase();
// Testing only
function Test1_CA()
var record = Session.Installer.CreateRecord(0);
record.StringData(0) = "Hello, this is an error message";
Session.Message(msgKindUser + iconInformation + btnOk, record);
return MsiActionStatus.Ok;
Register the Custom Actions like this:
<Wix xmlns="">
<Binary Id="IisScript_CA" SourceFile="CustomActions.js" />
<CustomAction Id="EnumerateWebSites"
Return="check" />
<CustomAction Id="UpdatePropsWithSelectedWebSite"
Return="check" />
This is the .wxs for the UI Panel:
<Wix xmlns="">
<Dialog Id="SelectWebSiteDlg" Width="370" Height="270" Title="Select a Web Site">
<Control Id="Next" Type="PushButton" X="236" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Default="yes" Text="Next" />
<Control Id="Back" Type="PushButton" X="180" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Text="Back" />
<Control Id="Cancel" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Cancel="yes" Text="Cancel">
<Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="CancelDlg">1</Publish>
<Control Id="Description" Type="Text" X="25" Y="23" Width="280" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes" Text="Please select which web site you want to install to." />
<Control Id="Title" Type="Text" X="15" Y="6" Width="200" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes" Text="Select a Web Site" />
<Control Id="BannerBitmap" Type="Bitmap" X="0" Y="0" Width="370" Height="44" TabSkip="no" Text="!(loc.InstallDirDlgBannerBitmap)" />
<Control Id="BannerLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="44" Width="370" Height="0" />
<Control Id="BottomLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="234" Width="370" Height="0" />
<Control Id="SelectWebSiteLabel" Type="Text" X="20" Y="60" Width="290" Height="14" NoPrefix="yes" Text="Select the web site for the filter:" />
<Control Id="SelectWebSiteCombo" Type="ListBox" X="20" Y="75" Width="200" Height="150" Property="WEBSITE" Sorted="yes" />
The UI panel presents a listbox, which is automatically populated with elements from the ListBox table with the first field of WEBSITE. This table is populated at runtime by the custom action in Javascript.
To invoke the custom action at the right time, you need something like this in the main .wxs file:
<Custom Action="EnumerateWebSites" After="CostFinalize" Overridable="yes">NOT Installed</Custom>
Whilst this question and answer are still valid, I think it's worth asking yourself whether you really want to use the website name. I you want to store it for use during uninstallation then saving the site ID is probably a better idea. In which case the website element becomes:
<iis:WebSite Id="IisWebsite" Description="Dummy" SiteId="[IIS_WEBSITEID]">
<iis:WebAddress Id="IisWebAddress" Port="80" />
Reply on For IisEnumSites:Exception: 0x80004005 : Modify, Mode, Record
I have similar experience and what I found so far is the site Id that extract from parseInt:
record = Session.Installer.CreateRecord(6);
record.IntegerData(1) = parseInt(site.Name.substr(6)); // WebSiteNo
I have a website with a name like W3SVC/1528550093 and I suspect 1528550093 is too big for the AvailableWebSites table.
Once I have the if statement to filter out these big number, and the script work fine.
Hope this help for other.
Based on Cheeso's answer and updated custom action to use C# with Microsoft.Web.Administration rather than Javascript with WMI. Tested against IIS 8.5.
public class IISCustomActions
// Purpose: Custom action that enumerates the local websites, and stores their
// properties in the ListBox and AvailableWebSites tables.
// Effects: Fills the ListBox table and sets WEBSITE.
// Returns: MsiActionStatus.Ok if the custom action executes without error.
// MsiActionStatus.Abort if error.
public static ActionResult GetWebsites(Session session)
ActionResult result = ActionResult.Success;
session.Log("Begin GetWebSites");
var c = 1;
var listboxesView = session.Database.OpenView("SELECT * FROM ListBox");
var iisManager = new ServerManager();
SiteCollection sites = iisManager.Sites;
string firstWebSite = String.Empty;
foreach (Site site in sites)
session.Log("Web site " + site.Name);
string itemKey = site.Name;
// Set the default selection if one isn't passed in from the command line
if (("Default Web Site" == itemKey) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(session["WEBSITE"]))
session["WEBSITE"] = itemKey;
// If this is the first item, store it's name so we can select it as the default selection
// if Default Web Site doesn't exist
if (1 == c)
firstWebSite = itemKey;
Record listboxItem = new Record(4);
listboxItem.SetString(1, "WEBSITE"); // Property to update
listboxItem.SetInteger(2, c++); // Display order
listboxItem.SetString(3, itemKey); // Key returned by the selection
listboxItem.SetString(4, site.Name); // Displayed in the UI
listboxesView.Modify(ViewModifyMode.InsertTemporary, listboxItem);
session.Log("website record (" + site.Name + ") id(" + site.Id + ")");
// They musn't have Default Web Site in their list of sites
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(session["WEBSITE"]))
session["WEBSITE"] = firstWebSite;
catch (Exception ex)
result = ActionResult.Failure;
return result;
// Purpose: Custom action that copies the selected website's properties from the
// AvailableWebSites table to properties.
// Effects: Fills the IISROOT and WEBSITE_PORT
// properties.
// Returns: MsiActionStatus.Ok if the custom action executes without error.
// MsiActionStatus.Abort if error.
public static ActionResult UpdatePropsWithSelectedWebSite(Session session)
session.Log("Begin UpdatePropsWithSelectedWebSite");
ActionResult result = ActionResult.Success;
var selectedWebSiteId = session["WEBSITE"];
session.Log("selectedWebSiteId(" + selectedWebSiteId + ")");
var iisManager = new ServerManager();
Site site = iisManager.Sites[selectedWebSiteId];
session["WEBSITE_PORT"] = site.Bindings[0].EndPoint.Port.ToString();
session["IISROOT"] = site.Applications["/"].VirtualDirectories["/"].PhysicalPath;
session.Log("End UpdatePropsWithSelectedWebSite EXIT (Ok)");
catch (Exception ex)
result = ActionResult.Failure;
return result;
Register custom action like this:
<Binary Id='WiXCustomActionsDLL' SourceFile='CustomActions.CA.dll' />
<CustomAction Id="GetWebsitesAction"
DllEntry="GetWebsites" />
<Custom Action='GetWebsitesAction' Before='AppSearch' />
<!-- Updating IISROOT in the UI does not update the value of it's sub-directory INSTALLLOCATION.
So we have this to force the update of INSTALLLOCATION with a custom action. -->
<CustomAction Id="ChangeDir" Directory="INSTALLLOCATION" Value="[IISROOT]ProjectWebSite" />
<Custom Action='ChangeDir' After='CostFinalize'></Custom>
<!-- This populates properties for IISROOT and WEBSITE_PORT after this before files are installed -->
<CustomAction Id="UpdatePropsWithSelectedWebSiteAction"
DllEntry="UpdatePropsWithSelectedWebSite" />
The dialog wxs looks like:
<Dialog Id="IISDlg" Width="370" Height="270" Title="[ProductName] Setup" NoMinimize="yes">
<Control Id="SelectWebSiteLabel" Type="Text" X="20" Y="73" Width="100" Height="15" NoPrefix="yes" Text="Select web site:" />
<Control Id="SelectWebSiteCombo" Type="ListBox" X="20" Y="89" Width="200" Height="150" Property="WEBSITE" Sorted="yes" />
<Control Id="VirtualHostLabel" Type="Text" X="235" Y="73" Width="100" Height="15" TabSkip="no" Text="&Application Path Alias:" />
<Control Id="VirtualHostTextbox" Type="Edit" X="235" Y="89" Height="17" Width="120" Property="IIS_VIRTUAL_DIR" Indirect="no" />
<Control Id="Back" Type="PushButton" X="180" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Text="&Back">
<Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="MaintenanceTypeDlg" Order="1">Installed</Publish>
<Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="LicenseAgreementDlg" Order="2">NOT Installed</Publish>
<Control Id="Next" Type="PushButton" X="236" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Default="yes" Text="&Next">
<Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="CMParametersDlg">1</Publish>
<Publish Event="DoAction" Value="UpdatePropsWithSelectedWebSiteAction">1</Publish>
<Control Id="Cancel" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Cancel="yes" Text="Cancel">
<Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="CancelDlg">1</Publish>
<Control Id="BannerBitmap" Type="Bitmap" X="0" Y="0" Width="370" Height="44" TabSkip="no" Text="WixUI_Bmp_Banner" />
<Control Id="Description" Type="Text" X="25" Y="23" Width="280" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
<Text>Configure settings for your Web Server</Text>
<Control Id="BottomLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="234" Width="370" Height="0" />
<Control Id="Title" Type="Text" X="15" Y="6" Width="200" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
<Control Id="BannerLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="44" Width="370" Height="0" />
Note the DoAction event in the Next button control. This runs the custom action to update properties using the selected website.
And then follow Dan's answer regarding use of SiteId="*' when applying changes.
