I am using the following code to attempt to stream a soundcloud track in an html page, and it continues to fail (error code 403). The documentation is vague, and most of the discussion regarding how to work with the soundcloud api are a few years old.
var soundcloud = require('soundcloud');
client_id: 'MYCLIENTID'
const _sc_track_id = "tracks/986824216";
player.play().then(function( ) {
console.log('Playback started!');
console.error('Playback rejected. Try calling play() from a user interaction.', e);
I would like to stream a track using my own client id on a webpage. What is the expected way to play a track from soundcloud in a webpage?
Unfortunately, it looks SoundCloud stopped supporting its public API. The current work around is mentioned in this answer.
Is there an API in the browser (outside of websockets) which allows us to stream data from a file to the browser? something like this:
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.readAsText(file, "UTF-8");
reader.on('data', d => { // imaginary api
// new line of data d
what could happen is the user selects the local file, and some process on the local OS writes to it. If this doesn't work, then websockets is an option.
Browsers can consume streaming data using the Streams API, here how to use it, from those links:
The basic usage of Streams hinges around making responses available as streams. For example, the response body returned by a successful fetch request can be exposed as a ReadableStream, and you can then read it using a reader created with ReadableStream.getReader(), cancel it with ReadableStream.cancel()
// Fetch the original image
// Retrieve its body as ReadableStream
.then((response) => {
const reader = response.body.getReader();
// …
A good post about the Streams API
Another option could be using server sent events implementing the "streaming" as a sequence of reactions to events (new lines from the file?), still from mdn links EventSource Interface:
Unlike WebSockets, server-sent events are unidirectional; that is, data messages are delivered in one direction, from the server to the client (such as a user's web browser). That makes them an excellent choice when there's no need to send data from the client to the server in message form.
Here a link to another question with a lot of cool info and links
These solutions involve some Server side work of course
I would like to implement a system that allows users to add each other as friends and share data between them. I have gotten the authentication done and currently researching ways to do this real time. This project of mine is purely a learning experience so I am looking for many ways to perform this task to grow my knowledge.
I have experience using Websockets on a previous project and it was easy to use. Websockets seems like the best solution to my problem as it allows the user to send and receive invites through the open socket. However I have also learnt that the downside would be a long open socket connection that might be potentially performance taxing(?) Since I'm only sending/receiving information only when an invite is sent/received, websockets might be overutilized for a simple function.
At the same time I would like to learn about new technologies and I found out about Server Sent Events that would be less performance heavy(?) Using SSE would be much efficient as it only sends HTTP requests to the clients/server whenever the user send the invite.
Please correct me if I'm wrong for what I typed out above as this is what I gathered through my reading online. So now I'm having a hard time understanding whether SSE is better than websocket for my project. If there are other technologies please do let me know too! Thank you
how you doing ?
The best advise would be always to use websocket in this context, cuz your project can grow and need some feature that would be better using websocket
But you got another options, one of the is Firebase, Yes, FIREBASE!
You can do a nice reactive application with firebase, becouse the its observers update data in realtime, just like the websockets do.
But here go some cons and pros.
Websocket: Can make your project escalable, its more complete, you can use it in any context, BUT: is hard to implement and takes more time to be learned and understood.
Firebase, Easy and fast to implement, you can do a chat in 20 minuts, and surelly would help you with your problem, There is Firestore and Reatime database.. even the firestore updates in realtime.. BUT: Firebase costs in a big project can be expensive, i dont think is a good option for a big project.
Thats it.. the better options to do a real time data application to me.
A little bit more about. Firebase vs Websocket
to send a friend invitation, you just send an API request. WebSocket is used for real time communication. From react.js, get the email and send the email to the server
export const sendFriendInvitation = async (data) => {
try {
return axios.post("/friend-invitation", data);
} catch (exception) {
On node.js side, write a controller to control this request:
const invitationRequest = async (req, res) => {
// get the email
const { targetMail } = req.body;
// write code to handle that same person is not sending req to himself
// get the details of user who sent the email
const targetUser = await User.findOne({
mail: targetMail.toLowerCase(),
if (!targetUser) {
return res
.send("send error message");
// you should have Invitations model
// check if invitation already sent.
// check if the user we would like to invite is our friend
// now create a new invitation
// if invitation has been successfully created, update the user's friend
return res.status(201).send("Invitation has been sent");
I'm sending notification to my client app using Cloud Functions and GoogleCloudMessaging in this way:
const notificationContent = {
notification: {
title: `${senderName} has sent you a message`,
body: `${messageString}`,
icon: "default",
sound: "customNotificationSound",
return admin.messaging()
.sendToDevice(notifToken, notificationContent)
.then((result) =>{
console.log("write done correctly");
I want to use a custom notification sound instead of the default one; so I followed some guides online like this, this and this but they don't seem to answer my question.
Since I'm sending the push notification from the cloud function, do I still need to load the sound file in the client Main Bundle (I tried it and in fact it doesn't seem to work).
Or do I have to upload it somewhere else?
P.s. also the sound file extension is .wav so there shouldn't be problems for that matter.
I solved this and the answer is Yes, you still need to upload the music file in your main bundle even tough you're sending the push notification from cloud functions
I am trying to make an API that will send back a real-time JSON. I am using NodeJS with ExpressJS, and Socket.io, and the problem is that res.send can not be sent more than one time; And, I really don't know how to send my (real-time) data without asking the refresh of my page.
Basically, I made a timer that changes the value every second.
I also tried to send a file, but I can't use this method, because my iOS app is asking a JSON data without HTML code
setInterval( function() {
var msg = Math.random().toString();
io.emit('message', msg);
}, 1000);
Maybe, there is another framework than Express than I could use and could refresh my data automatically? The console.log line works well and my data is updated every 1000ms.
Thank you in advance
I am using the sample Video application pulled from GitHub. I am using a node.js server to supply the sample application with the access token. When I use the Twilio Console to generate a video access token and put it in my Node.js server as a literal and return it I am able to run the example application and connect to a room. If I use the sample token generation code in my Node.js server I get 'Invalid Access Token' back in an exception in the onDisconnected method in the Room.Listener.
The following code is what is running in the server to create the access token, I also found a different sample which I tried as well. I have gone back and verified that my data values for the account SID and the API keys are correct. I have a similar method running returning the VoiceGrant access token and that is working, but something about this VideoGrant one is off, I just do not see it.
// ***********************************************************************************
// ***********************************************************************************
// Video Access Token
// ***********************************************************************************
// ***********************************************************************************
var videoCallAccessToken = function(request, response) {
var accessToken = makeVideoAccessToken();
response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
app.get('/twilio/video/accessToken', videoCallAccessToken);
var makeVideoAccessToken = function() {
const AccessToken = twilio.AccessToken;
const VideoGrant = AccessToken.VideoGrant;
const grant = new VideoGrant({configurationProfileSid: accountData.videoConfigurationProfileSid});
const accessToken = new AccessToken(accountData.sid, accountData.videoApiSid, accountData.videoApiSecret);
accessToken.identity = 'ABC123';
return accessToken.toJwt();
FYI...I plan to alter the identity generation, but have not got there yet.
Adding this from my comment as an answer to close this question out, the issue was that the example code was flawed...
Ok, thought I had waited long enough prior to actually sending this, but apparently not. The issue is the example does not work in that the value passed into the VideoGrant constructor needed to have the attribute name quoted, so {configurationProfileSid: accountData.videoConfigurationProfileSid}); needed to be {'configurationProfileSid': accountData.videoConfigurationProfileSid}); Glad I finally found that, wasted a ton of time on it, but at least it is working properly now.