groovy decimal string to integer - groovy

Hi All: I receive a decimal in string format and want to convert it to Integer in groovy. could not find any solution so far. For eg: I get the string value as "100.0" and I need the output as 100. Please help.
I plan to run this groovy script in boomi.

First convert to float, then to integer:
def s = "100.0"
def f = s.toFloat()
def i = f.toInteger() //or (int)f
or one line,
def i = "100.0".toFloat().toInteger()


Python split currency string into currency code and amount

I am trying to split R15.49 to (R, 15.49) or
ZAR15.49 to (ZAR, 15.49)
I have tried one of the solutions here and implememted the function below:
def splitCurrency(string):
match ='([\D]+)([\d,]+)', string)
output = (,',',''))
return output
But I am getting (R, 15) or (ZAR, 15). and its ignoring the digits after the decimal place
If you want to fish out these values from a larger text, then use re.findall:
inp = "R15.49 or ZAR15.49"
matches = re.findall(r'\b([A-Z]+)(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\b', inp)
This prints:
[('R', '15.49'), ('ZAR', '15.49')]

Specific string generation in python of 5 alphabets followed by 4 numbers. example ABCDE1234

I have used the following code but not getting the desired output. please help me.
"{}{}{}".format((random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase)for i in range(5)), random.randint(1000,9999))
I don't know exactly why it doesn't work, but I managed to get it to print the desired result using this code:
x = []
y = ""
for i in range(5):
x += random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase)
x += str(random.randint(1000,9999))
print (y.join(x))
My guess is that it's because you're trying to add a list (your method of string generation produces a list of string characters) and an integer (randint produces an integer) to a string.

How to convert a string value in dataframe to float

I have a csv file and I have to clean data.The problem is that I can fill the empty values by df.fillna() but there are some continious numbers in string which needs to be converted to float or int for further calculations.
I tried couple of methods but cannot find a solution.
Kindly help as I am new in data science field and maybe have made some mistake asking the question.
This column has an string value : df['hum'][316] = '64.70'
type(df['hum'][316]) = str
I stored the string value to a variable and then used float(value) but it gives an error.
value = df['hum'][316]
>>>' "64.70"'
>>> str
>>>ValueError: could not convert string to float: ' "64.70"'
ValueError: could not convert string to float: ' "64.70"'
df['hum'][316] = float(df['hum'][316])
seems the problems is the " inside the string, remove it by using a regular expression
import re
value = df['hum'][316]
instead of float possible to check also astype for cast operations applying on the whole df or series (column)
if you want to change the whole column of df to a float try:
df['hum'] = df['hum'].str.replace('"', '')
regards giulio

Get digits at end of string in a pythonic way

I'm using python 3.x. I'm trying to get the (int) number at the end of a string with format
string_example_1 = l-45-98-567-567-12
string_example_2 = s-89-657
or in general, a single lowercase letter followed by a number of integers separated by '-'. What I need is to get the last number (12 and 657 in these cases). I have archived this with the function
def ending(the_string):
out = ''
while the_string[-1].isdigit():
out = the_string[-1] + out
the_string = the_string[:-1]
return out
but I'm sure there must be a more pythonic way to do this. In a previous instance I check manually that the string starts the way I like by doing something like
if st[0].isalpha() and st[1]=='-' and st[2].isdigit():
I would just split the string on -, take the last of the splits and convert it to an integer.
string_example_1 = "l-45-98-567-567-12"
string_example_2 = "s-89-657"
def last_number(s):
return int(s.split("-")[-1])
# 12
# 657
Without regular expressions, you could reverse the string, take elements from the string while they're still numbers, and then reverse the result. In Python:
from itertools import takewhile
def extract_final_digits(s):
return int(''.join(reversed(list(takewhile(lambda c: c.isdigit(), reversed(s))))))
But the simplest is to just split on a delimiter and take the final element in the split list.

How do I count the number of occurrences of a charSequence in a String in Groovy

For Example if this is my equation string,
I want to count the no:of occurrences of "IF(" string in the equation.
E.g. this way:
def s = "IF(AND(x>0,x<100),5,IF(AND(x>101,x<200),6,10))"
assert 2 == s.count("IF(")
In more advanced example you would probably need to use regex.
