Python Pillow library not saving files with same name in same location - python-3.x

Below is the code I am using to convert a binary data into image and then saving it
img = base64.b64decode(rec.image3)
img_conv =
img_format = img_conv.format'{}/{}'.format(path, rec.image_name), format(img_format))
There are 4 images with same code and I want to handle the scenario where if all the file names are same in the same location, it should force to save the 4 images even though it has duplicate name.
Any suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks.

Supposing that you want to keep each file under a different name: Append '_' to the original filename as long as a file with such a name exists in your directory.
from pathlib import Path
path_to_save = Path(path, rec.image_name)
while path_to_save.exists():
path_to_save = Path(str(path_to_save) + '_'), format(img_format))


PDF parser in pdfs with multiple images and formats with python and tabula (open to other options)

So first off what im trying to do: create a pdf parser that will take ONLY tables out of any given pdf. I currently have some pdfs that are for parts manuals which contain an image of the part and then a table for details of the parts and I want to scrape and parse the table data from the pdf into a csv or similar excel style file(csv, xls etc)
What ive tried/trying: I am currently using python3 and tabula(i have no preference for either of these and open to other options) in which I have a py program that is able to scrape all the data of any pdf or directory of pdfs however it takes EVERYTHING including the image file code that has a bunch of 0 1 NaN(adding examples at the bottom). I was thinking of writing a filter function that removes these however that feels like overkill and was wondering/hoping there is a way to filter out the images with tabula or another library? (side note ive also attempted camelot however the module is not importing correctly even when it is in my pip freeze and this happens on both my mac m1 and mac m2 so assuming there is no arm support)
If anyone could help me or help guide me in a direction of a library or method of being able to iterate through all pages in a pdf and JUST grab the tables for export t csv that would be AMAZING!
current main file:
from import read_pdf;
from traceback import print_tb;
import pandas as pd;
from tabulate import tabulate;
import os
def parser(fileName, count):
print("\nFile Number: ",count, "\nNow parsing file: ", fileName)
df = read_pdf(fileName, pages="all") #address of pdf file
for i in range(len(df)):
def reader(type):
filecount = 1
if(type == 'f'):
file = input("\nFile(f) type selected\nplease enter full file name with path (ex. Users/Name/directory1/filename.pdf: ")
parser(file, filecount)
elif(type == 'd'):
#directory selected
location = input("\nPlease enter diectory path, if in the same folder just enter a period(.)")
print("Opening directory: ", location)
#loop through and parse directory
for filename in os.listdir(location):
f = os.path.join(location, filename)
# checking if it is a file
if os.path.isfile(f):
parser(f, filecount)
filecount + 1
print('\n\n ERROR, path given does not contain a file or is not a directory type..')
print("Error: please select directory(d) or file(f)")
fileType = input("\n-----> Hello!\n----> Would you like to parse a directory(d) or file(f)?").lower()

For Loop to Move and Rename .html Files - Python 3

I'm asking for help in trying to create a loop to make this script go through all files in a local directory. Currently I have this script working with a single HTML file, but would like it so it picks the first file in the directory and just loops until it gets to the last file in the directory.
Another way to help would be adding a line to the string would add a (1), (2), (3), etc. at the end if the names are duplicate.
Can anyone help with renaming thousands of files with a string that is parsed with BeautifulSoup4. Each file contains a name and reference number at the same position/line. Could be same name and reference number, or could be different reference number with same name.
import bs4, shutil, os
src_dir = os.getcwd()
dest_dir = os.mkdir('subfolder')
dest_dir = src_dir+"/subfolder"
src_file = os.path.join(src_dir, 'example_filename_here.html')
shutil.copy(src_file, dest_dir)
exampleFile = open('example_filename_here.html')
exampleSoup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(, 'html.parser')
elems ='.bodycopy')
dst_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, 'example_filename_here.html')
new_dst_file_name = os.path.join(dest_dir, elems[2].getText()+ '.html')
os.rename(dst_file, new_dst_file_name)

Converting multiple files in a directory into .txt format. But file names become Binary

So I am creating plagiarism software, for that, I need to convert .pdf, .docx,[enter image description here][1] etc files into a .txt format. I successfully found a way to convert all the files in one directory to another. BUT the problem is, this method is changing the file names
into binary values. I need to get the original file name which I am gonna need in the next phase.
import os
import uuid
import textract
source_directory = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "C:/Users/syedm/Desktop/Study/FOUNDplag/Plagiarism-checker-Python/mainfolder")
for filename in os.listdir(source_directory):
file, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
unique_filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) + extension
os.rename(os.path.join(source_directory, filename), os.path.join(source_directory, unique_filename))
training_directory = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "C:/Users/syedm/Desktop/Study/FOUNDplag/Plagiarism-checker-Python/trainingdata")
for process_file in os.listdir(source_directory):
file, extension = os.path.splitext(process_file)
# We create a new text file name by concatenating the .txt extension to file UUID
dest_file_path = file + '.txt'
# extract text from the file
content = textract.process(os.path.join(source_directory, process_file))
# We create and open the new and we prepare to write the Binary Data which is represented by the wb - Write Binary
write_text_file = open(os.path.join(training_directory, dest_file_path), "wb")
# write the content and close the newly created file
remove this line where you rename the files:
os.rename(os.path.join(source_directory, filename), os.path.join(source_directory, unique_filename))
that's also not binary, but a uuid instead.

Create folders dynamically and write csv files to that folders

I would like to read several input files from a folder, perform some transformations,create folders on the fly and write the csv to corresponding folders. The point here is I have the input path which is like
"Input files\P1_set1\Set1_Folder_1_File_1_Hour09.csv" - for a single patient (This file contains readings of patient (P1) at 9th hour)
Similarly, there are multiple files for each patient and each patient files are grouped under each folder as shown below
So, to read each file, I am using wildcard regex as shown below in code
I have already tried using the glob package and am able to read it successfully but am facing issue while creating the output folders and saving the files. I am parsing the file string as shown below
f = "Input files\P1_set1\Set1_Folder_1_File_1_Hour09.csv"
f[12:] = "P1_set1\Set1_Folder_1_File_1_Hour09.csv"
filenames = sorted(glob.glob('Input files\P*_set1\*.csv'))
for f in filenames:
print(f) #This will print the full path
print(f[12:]) # This print the folder structure along with filename
df_transform = pd.read_csv(f)
df_transform = df_transform.drop(['Format 10','Time','Hour'],axis=1)
df_transform.to_csv("Output\" + str(f[12:]),index=False)
I expect the output folder to have the csv files which are grouped by each patient under their respective folders. The screenshot below shows how the transformed files should be arranged in output folder (same structure as input folder). Please note that "Output" folder is already existing (it's easy to create one folder you know)
So to read files in a folder use os library then you can do
import os
folder_path = "path_to_your_folder"
dir = os.listdir(folder_path)
for x in dir:
df_transform = pd.read_csv(f)
df_transform = df_transform.drop(['Format 10','Time','Hour'],axis=1)
if os.path.isdir("/home/el"):
df_transform.to_csv("Output/" + str(f[12:]),index=False)
df_transform.to_csv("Output/" + str(f[12:]),index=False)
Now instead of user f[12:] split the x in for loop like
file_name = x.split('/')[-1] #if you want filename.csv
Let me know if this is what you wanted

How to change where the output directory where the new images go

I have a small query I'm hoping someone can help me out within Python 3. I am resizing a dataset of 10000 images to all be 1000x1000 in dimension before I do any pytorch analysis with it. I just wanted to ask how I change my code to save the outgoing images to a new folder I have created ''train_resized'' instead of the same folder as the original files as it is doing now when I run. Thanks
# Testing dataset
from PIL import Image
import os, sys
path = (r'G:\My Drive\CATSVDOGS2.0\test1\\')
dirs = os.listdir( path )
def resize():
for item in dirs:
if os.path.isfile(path+item):
im =
f, e = os.path.splitext(path+item)
imResize = im.resize((1000,1000), Image.ANTIALIAS) + ' resized.jpg', 'JPEG', quality=90)
In your line + ' resized.jpg', 'JPEG', quality=90)
you're setting the path when using the variable f, as f uses the path variable you defined. A quick way to set the path is to do something like:'G:\\My Drive\\Path\\To\\Folder\\' + item + ' resized.jpg', 'JPEG', quality=90)
of course specify the path to be whatever you want. Untested as I don't have Python installed on my work machine, but that is the general gist.
