Migrating SAP Sybase ASE to AZURE - azure

Im new to the cloud universe of Microsoft and confused with their Migration Services, so forgive me if this question seems like there was no effort put into finding an answer myself.
Im evaluating to migratre our Sybase ASE 16 environment to the Cloud, preferably to AZURE, because of Sybase and Microsoft both rely on T-SQL for procedural programming. This being said I was looking through the docs and could not find any out of the box cloud migrating solution for Sybase.
I understand Microsofts definitions of offline and online migration but neither offer a service for Sybase products. I then stumbled up on SSMA ( Micrsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for SAP Sybase ASE). From my understanding this is a tool to migrate a Sybase Database to a Microsoft SQL Server Database and has nothing to with AZURE.
But I could have an AZURE DB sitting in the cloud and just use it as the destination for my migration?
Is this best practice for SAP Sybase ASE migrations to AZURE?

Azure offers a migration tool to migrate to the cloud. If you need to migrate a Sybase Database you will need to use Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for SAP.
In order to migrate your Sybase Database you need to download the SSMA Client and the extension pack for your Microsoft SQL Server.
Inside the SSMA you first have to convert selected database schemas, then synchronize them in the bottom database explorer with your destination database and then you are ready to hit the migration button.
Keep in mind that Microsoft SQL Server is case insensitive by default but you can change the case sensivity on a database level for sysdb in Microsoft SQL Server Manager.
Also it is important to point out that this tool only migrates DDL but not users and permissions.


Difference between Azure database for MySQL and Azure SQL database

I am learning azure from Microsoft learn using this link. Does anyone know the basic difference between "Azure Database for MySQL" and "Azure SQL Database"? Both seem very similar.
As I am a beginner, can anyone explain the difference in an easy way?
Add to #CoderRambo's answer. The difference between Azure Database for MySQL and Azure SQL Database is as follows:
Azure Database for MySQL is powered by the MySQL community edition. We can choose versions 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0.
Azure SQL Database is SQL Server database engine, based on the latest stable Enterprise Edition of SQL Server.
The only similarity is: they are all hosted in the Microsoft cloud and fall into the industry category of Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS). So your question is mysql vs sql server.
ok lets start with what is common for both. with Azure prefixed, both are installed in cloud and managed by Microsoft. Meaning Microsoft is responsible for the databases to be installed, up and running with 0 or minimal downtime. I think this is clear.
Now lets start with differences. Please visit the links below and let me know if you have any issues. Thanks!
Mysql is opensource database, where as when you say SQL it refers to Microsoft SQL Server.
In general both are two different types of databases. Microsoft SQL Server is a licensed version.
When you prefix them with Azure, it means they are hosted on cloud , i.e Azure cloud and Microsoft manages them as PAAS(platform as a service).
Kindly let me know if you need more information.

How to immigrate from current federation system for Web Microsoft Azure databases to the new Elastic scale out in the Basic databases

we discover that the Microsoft Sql Azure Web databases are going to retired in the September 2015.
our application (PHP application) is working on federation mechanism.
how to convert our federation to the new elastic scale out?
is there is a new Sql federation command to create new federations and control them?
is there is an easy way to move data smoothly from the federation mechanism to the new scale out (Web to Basic) databases?
there's no SQL command for doing the migration, the migration steps and a migration utility is available at this link. You will have to do some code changes on your app as well.
The new Elastic Scale features in Azure SQL DB are provided through client libraries that currently are available only with ADO.Net. A complete summary of capabilities can be found at this link. Included are tools that allow migration from federations "in-place". However direct PHP api support is not currently available. I would like to understand your scenario better so please email me directly -- stuarto (at) Microsoft (dot) com.

Can I migrate from sql azure business database edition (old) to sql azure standard database edition (new in preview)?

I have an export .bacpac file from a sql azure business database edition and I want import that file to sql azure standard database edition.
I have tried through Azure but I think that is not supported yet.
I have also tried through Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2012 but Wizard only shows me old editions "web" and "business" for destination database and it is incompatible...
someone answer me in Microsoft forums:
You're right that today you can't easily change an existing web or
business SQL Database into one of the new service tiers. However that
will change in a few days. We have an update that is being deployed
that will allow you to change an existing DB into Basic/Standard.
Until that update is done, we have guidance on using Export/Import
into the new service tiers.
Thanks Guy

How to restore my Local database to Windows Azure Database?

I have uploaded my application to Windows Azure Now I want to store My Local database to Windows Azure Database.
Please Suggest me how do I create table and backup the table there?
There are couple of ways to do that:
The most reliable (that I usually use) is using the SQL Azure Migration Wizard
Then you have the "Generate Scripts" option in your SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2 or later). The generate Scripts option does have a feature to make SQL Azure compliant script. It can also script data. But I suggest using method one if you want to migrate data, too. SQL Azure Migration Wizard uses BCP tool, which dumps the data into binary files, while SSMS just generates inline INSERT Statements
SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) - you can create a Data Transfer task, but I would use it very rare for small DBs.
Export/Import data tier application (using DACPAC package) - this will migrate your schema and can migrate your data as well.
UPDATE 2017-10-24
Azure SQL Database now supports transactional replication from your on-premises SQL Server. You can configure your Azure SQL Database as subscriber and your SQL Server on-premise as publisher. You can read more about database migration options and strategies here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/sql-database/sql-database-cloud-migrate
Update 2017-12-23
SQL Azure Migration Wizard has been replaced by Data Migration Assistant: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/sql-database/sql-database-cloud-migrate
If you already have a database on local machine then you can migrate it directly on Azure using SQL Management Studio. Follow these steps:
Right click on the database name in SSMS
Follow the wizard that appears then
There are a few ways in which to achieve this functionality.
SQL Azure Import/Export. "DACPAC" & "BACPAC"
Microsoft Codename "Data Transfer"
SQL Azure Data Sync Windows Azure SQL Data Sync
Migrating Databases using Import/Export Wizard in SSMS
SQL Azure Migration Wizard (As Mentioned in other Answers)
I'm assuming you're referring to SQL Azure? If so, you'll probably want to use the SQL Azure Migration Wizard # http://sqlazuremw.codeplex.com/
SQL Server 2012 Management Studio and SQL Azure Tools also now has this option I believe.
In SSMS if you right click on the Databases root, there is an option "Import Data-tier Application...", which allows you to restore a BACPAC (you can also right click on a database, and select "Export Data-tier Application..." to export an existing database to a BACPAC).
SQL Server Data Tools enables Visual Studio 2010 with a Data Compare option, which can also be used to move data between two database instances (which would be suited to smaller data patches).

How do I develop for Azure without using a live SQL Azure instance?

I have a BizSpark account and I get some Azure freebies from Microsoft. But, I'm forced to create a live SQL Azure database to use in my local development. This slows me down a bit because I have to read/write over the wire when I'm developing, and I must remain connected at all times.
Is there a way, or a technique, to build locally and have my deployments access the express edition of SQL Server on my machine? I'm using EF4 to access the database.
First of all, as a part of Bizspark, you get 3 SQL Azure databases for free. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/subscriptions/ee461076.aspx
This will allow you to have 1 DB for testing, 1 for dev, and 1 for production
If this does not work out for you, you CAN develop on your local SQL Express and keep deploying your changes to SQL Azure as you deploy your application to Azure. There are two tools that help you here:
1) open-source SQL Azure Migration Wizard: http://sqlazuremw.codeplex.com/ -- we personally do not use this for deployments, so I am not super knowledgeable to comment on this. It is a decent tool to back your SQL Azure database.
2) You can use Red Gate's SQL Compare product, as of v9.0+, they support synchronizing cross SQL Azure and on-prem SQL servers. We use this for AzureWatch and are very happy. It is commercial product and is somewhat pricey.
+1 to Igorek's answer - plenty of good suggestions there.
In addition to his advice, if you are a BizSpark licensee then I suggest you deploy full SQL Server 2008 R2 to a local box and develop against that.
There are differences between full SQL Server and SQL Azure - you should read around to be aware of these - http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/comparing-sql-server-with-sql-azure.aspx
As long as you are aware of the differences (especially the SQL Azure limitations) then migrating back to SQL Azure later, should be reasonable.
