Concurrency in node js express app for get request with setTimeout - node.js

Console log Image
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const port = 4444;
app.get('/', async (req, res) => {
console.log('got request');
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10000));
res.send('Hello World!');
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Example app listening at http://localhost:${port}`);
If I hit get request http://localhost:4444 three times concurrently then it is returning logs as below
got request
got request
got request
Shouldn't it return the output in the below way because of nodes event loop and callback queues which are external to the process thread? (Maybe I am wrong, but need some understanding on Nodes internals) and external apis in node please find the attached image
Javascript Run time environment
got request
got request
got request

Thanks to
I got the reason why it is blocking. I was testing this in chrome. I am making get requests from chrome browser and when I tried the same in firefox it is working as expected.
Reason is because of this
Chrome locks the cache and waits to see the result of one request before requesting the same resource again.
Chrome stalls when making multiple requests to same resource?

It is returning the response like this:
Node.js is event driven language. To understand the concurrency, you should look a How node is executing this code. Node is a single thread language(but internally it uses multi-thread) which accepts the request as they come. In this case, Node accepts the request and assign a callback for the promise, however, in the meantime while it is waiting for the eventloop to execute the callback, it will accept as many request as it can handle(ex memory, cpu etc.). As there is setTimeout queue in the eventloop all these callback will be register there and once the timer is completed the eventloop will exhaust its queue.
Single Threaded Event Loop Model Processing Steps:
Client Send request to the Node.js Server.
Node.js internally maintains a limited(configurable) Thread pool to provide services to the Client Requests.
Node.js receives those requests and places them into a Queue that is known as “Event Queue”.
Node.js internally has a Component, known as “Event Loop”. Why it got this name is that it uses indefinite loop to receive requests and process them.
Event Loop uses Single Thread only. It is main heart of Node JS Platform Processing Model.
Event Loop checks any Client Request is placed in Event Queue. If not then wait for incoming requests for indefinitely.
If yes, then pick up one Client Request from Event Queue
Starts process that Client Request
If that Client Request Does Not requires any Blocking IO Operations, then process everything, prepare response and send it back to client.
If that Client Request requires some Blocking IO Operations like interacting with Database, File System, External Services then it will follow different approach
Checks Threads availability from Internal Thread Pool
Picks up one Thread and assign this Client Request to that thread.
That Thread is responsible for taking that request, process it, perform Blocking IO operations, prepare response and send it back to the Event Loop
You can check here for more details (very well explained).


Concurrent outbound HTTP Request in Node.js makes the response slower

I'm currently load testing one of my API (Node.js + Express). This API makes a HTTP request to another server. Here's an example code:
var start = new Date()
.then(function (response) {
var end = (new Date() - start)/1000'Finished in %ds', end)
During the test, I find out that the more concurrent HTTP requests to the other server (in this example it's, the slower the response becomes. I use Apache Jmeter for testing.
For example, if I do 1 request in one second:
Finished in 0.150s
But if I do 100 requests in one second:
Finished in 0.320s
Finished in 1.190s
Finished in 2.559s
Finished in 1.230s
Finished in 5.530s
At first I thought there must be a problem in the other server but that is not the case, even after I changed it to (as per example), the same thing happened.
The more outbound http request that node.js has to make, the slower the response becomes. I have tried to improve my API by using node cluster, the workers help but I want to improve the response time even further.
Is there anything that I can do? or perhaps an explanation on why does this happen? I thought since my API makes asynchronous http requests, there should be no blocking, thus the response time should not be increased by such a significant amount.
I was facing a similar issue - in my instance I was awaiting each API call rather than allowing them to all occur asynchronously.
To do this you can push all of your async API calls into an array. For example, if you need to call a series of urls:
const requests = []
urls = ['http...a/get','http...b/get'] => {
Now that each of these calls are occurring asynchronously, be sure to wait for all of them to resolve before consuming the data.
const allAPIData = await Promise.all(requests)
Just be sure to handle your promise resolution in the event any of the API calls fail, perhaps with a helper function that nests axios.get(url). Otherwise any failed API promises could cause issues awaiting and resolving the Promise.all() statement.

In Node js, what happens if a new request arrives and event loop is already busy processing a request?

I have this file named index.js:
const express = require('express')
const app = express()
const port = 3000
app.get('/home', (req, res) => {
res.send('Hello World!')
app.get('/route1', (req, res) => {
var num = 0;
for(var i=0; i<1000000; i++) {
num = num+1;
res.send('This is Route1 '+ num)
app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}!`))
I first call the endpoint /route1 and then immediately the endpoint /home. The /route1 has for loop and takes some time to finish and then /home runs and finishes. My question is while app was busy processing /route1, how was the request to /home handled, given node js is single threaded?
The incoming request will be queued in the nodejs event queue until nodejs gets a chance to process the next event (when your long running event handler is done).
Since nodejs is an event-driven system, it gets an event from the event queue, runs that event's callback until completion, then gets the next event, runs it to completion and so on. The internals of nodejs add things that are waiting to be run to the event queue so they are queued up ready for the next cycle of the event loop.
Depending upon the internals of how nodejs does networking, the incoming request might be queued in the OS for a bit and then later moved to the event queue until nodejs gets a chance to serve that event.
My question is while app was busy processing /route1, how was the request to /home handled, given node js is single threaded?
Keep in mind that node.js runs your Javascript as single threaded (though we do now have Worker Threads if you want), but it does use threads internally to manage things like file I/O and some other types of asynchronous operations. It does not need threads for networking, though. That is managed with actual asynchronous interfaces from the OS.
Nodejs has event loop and event loop allows nodejs to perform non blocking I/O operation. Each event loop iteration is called a tick. There are different phases of the event loop.
First is timer phase, since there are no timers in your script event loop will go further to check I/O script.
When you hit route /route1, Node JS Web Server internally maintains a Limited Thread pool to provide services to the Client Requests. It will be placed in FIFO queue then event loop will go further to polling phase.
Polling phase will wait for pending I/O, which is route /route1. Even Loop checks any Client Request is placed in Event Queue. If no, then wait for incoming requests for indefinitely.
Meanwhile next I/O script arrives in FIFO queue which is route /home.
FIFO means, first in first out. Therefore first /route1 will get execute the route /home
Below you can see this via diagram.
A Node.js application runs on single thread and the event loop also runs on the same thread
Node.js internally uses the libuv library which is responsible for handling operating system related tasks, like asynchronous I/O based operation systems, networking, concurrency.
More info
Node has an internal thread pool from which a thread is assigned when a blocking(io or memeory or network) request is sent. If not, then the request is processed and sent back as such. If the thread pool is full, the request waits in the queue. Refer How, in general, does Node.js handle 10,000 concurrent requests? for more clear answers.

what happens if neither res.send() nor res.end() is called in express.js?

I have a security issue that someone is trying to call random APIs that are not supported on our server but are frequently used for administrators API in general. and I set this code below to handle 404 to not respond to this attack
'use strict';
module.exports = function () {
//4XX - URLs not found
return ((req, res, next) => {
what happens to client is that it waits until the server responds but I want to know if this will affect the performance of my express.js server also what happens behind the scene in the server without res.send() or res.end() ?
According to the documentation of res.end().
Ends the response process. This method actually comes from Node core,
specifically the response.end() method of http.ServerResponse.
And then response.end
This method signals to the server that all of the response headers and
body have been sent; that server should consider this message
complete. The method, response.end(), MUST be called on each response.
If you leave your request hanging, the httpserver will surely keep data about it. Which means that if you let hang many requests, your memory will grow and reduce your server performance.
About the client, he's going to have to wait until he got a request timeout.
The best to do having a bad request is to immediately reject the request, which is freeing the memory allowed for the request.
You cannot prevent bad requests (maybe have a firewall blocking requests from certains IP address?). Best you can do is to handle them as fast as possible.

node, is each request and response unique or cached irrespective of url

In an app that I was working, I encountered "headers sent already error" if I test using concurrency and parallel request methods.
ultimately I resolved the problem using !response.headersSent but my question is why am I forced to use it? is node caching similar requests and reuses them for the next repeated call.
if(request.headers.accept == "application/json") {
if(!response.headersSent) {response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'})}
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var server = app.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000, function () {
console.log('Example app listening at http://%s:%s', server.address().address, server.address().port);
Edit 2:
Another problem is while testing using mocha, super agent and while the tests in progress if I just send another request through postman on the side, one of the tests in mocha end with a timeout error. These steps I'm taking to ensure the code is production ready for simultaneous, parallel requests? please advise on what measures I can take to ensure node/code works under stress.
Edit 3:
app.use(function(request, response, next){ = Math.random();
OK, in an attempt to capture what solved this for you via all our conversation in comments, I will attempt to summarize here:
The message "headers sent already error" is nearly always caused by improper async handling which causes the code to call methods on the response object in a wrong sequence. The most common case is non-async code that ends the request and then an async operation that ends some time later that then tries to use the request (but there are other ways to misuse it too).
Each request and response object is uniquely created at the time each individual HTTP request arrives at the node/express server. They are not cached or reused.
Because of asynchronous operations in the processing of a request, there may be more than one request/response object in use at any given time. Code that is processing these must not store these objects in any sort of single global variable because multiple ones can be in the state of processing at once. Because node is single threaded, code will only be running on any given request at any given moment, but as soon as that code hits an async operation (and thus has nothing to do until the async operation is done), another request could start running. So multiple requests can easily be "in flight" at the same time.
If you have a system where you need to keep track of multiple requests at once, you can coin a request id and attach it to each new request. One way to do that is with a few lines of express middleware that is early in the middleware stack that just adds a unique id property to each new request.
One simple way of coining a unique id is to just use a monotonically increasing counter.

How to pause http server and resume it?

I'm trying to make simple http server, that can be pause and resume,, I've looked at Nodejs API,, here
but that couldn't help me,, I've tried to remove event listener on 'request' event and add back,, that worked well but the listen callback call increase every time i try to pause and resume,, here some code i did:
var httpServer = require('http').Server();
var resumed = 0;
function ListenerHandler(){
console.log('[-] HTTP Server running at');
function RequestHandler(req,res){
res.writeHead(200,{'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
res.end('Hello, World');
function pauseHTTP(){
resumed = 0;
console.log('[-] HTTP Server Paused');
function resumeHTTP(){
resumed = 1;
console.log('[-] HTTP Server Resumed');
I don't know quite what you're trying to do, but I think you're working at the wrong level to do what you want.
If you want incoming connection requests to your web server to block until the server is prepared to handle them, you need to stop calling the accept(2) system call on the socket. (I cannot imagine that node.js, or indeed any web server, would make this task very easy. The request callback is doubtless called only when an entire well-formed request has been received, well after session initiation.) Your operating system kernel would continue accepting connections up until the maximum backlog given to the listen(2) system call. On slow sites, that might be sufficient. On busy sites, that's less than a blink of an eye.
If you want incoming connection requests to your web server to be rejected until the server is prepared to handle them, you need to close(2) the listening socket. node.js makes this available via the close() method, but that will tear down the state of the server. You'll have to re-install the callbacks when you want to run again.
