Use a bot as a user on Telegram - node.js

I'm using and I'm able to send message to user and to my channels. I'd like to improve my bot, I want to manage the private messages that my bot receives.
At the moment when the BOT receive a message, I can save on database from my node application, but if I want to manage all messages, I need to build a backoffice.
Is it possible to read the messages from Telegram and impersonate the BOT and start a normal conversation?

Using Telegram bot, Telegram does not provide any function to retrieve old messages. BOT API does not have such feature.
What you need is to use TDlib - The Telegram client API. It supports both bot and normal Telegram account. And it has many features not available in BOT API.

There is an example of creating a Userbot on this github page: UserBot
There is also a library for managing a telegram account, which is used to create cross-platform telegram clients: TDLib


Have my Telegram bot use my credentials to forward a message

I am in a private Telegram channel (of which I'm not an admin), and I need to create a bot which forwards the messages I get in that channel. I cannot make the bot a channel admin.
I've read the API, and couldn't find a hint to serve this purpose.
Is there a way maybe of letting my bot authenticate in telegram using my credentials? That way it receives the messages and can forward them.
Is it even possible to automate this process using a Telegram bot at all?
If you need to make The Bot is Admin you must be the Admin as well

Could Telegram Bot has private chat?

I create a Bot and it able to send messages to my groups.
Now I'd like to create an interaction with it, like keyboard and so on.
I saw some bot that before use keyboard, and after the Human starts the chat in the same chat_id.
How Can I read and write like a human using Bot? Have I save the conversation (chat_id, user_id, messages) in a database and start a chat with API?
You can send message via sendMessage method from telegram bot api (\*BOTTOKEN\*sendmessage)
and to receive you can create api to send a message to your handler, or use getUpdates method from telegram bot api

how to create input submit interface in telegram bot (in Facebook bot available)

I am new to Telegram chatbot development. I want to create input interface for Telegram bot like I've given the image above. The above bot in created in Facebook Messanger bot. But I Want to create it in Telegram.
Is there any way to do like that, in Telegram?
or Any other custom way to use along with Telegram?
Please help me to solve the problem.

How to automate a Telegram bot?

I recently joined a Telegram bot that requires user interaction every few hours.
Basically I Log into the bot, press a button, check text and then press another button.
Is it possible to automate such a task?
Thank you
Telegram Bot API doesn't allow bots to interact with other bots. So bots won't be useful for such task.Only way to do that is to use Telegram Core API (the API used in telegram clients), make a custom Telegram client, and do the task through it.

How to Auth from an external service to the bot framework?

I have an external service with is own database where the users can log in.
Now I have a bot in NodeJS using Bot Builder and the Bot Framework.
I want to link them.
Is there anyway that the bot recognize the users from the other service everytime they open a new conversation and everytime they write something in the bot?
I've just tried with web chat before and I know that with channels that they support like Facebook, Telegram, Skype etc is easy to recognize the users every time they come back, but I don't know how if it is possible to do this with an external service where the users are already logged in and they want to talk with the chatbot.
I don't know how could I generate an authtoken or something that the bot framework read it and recognize the user.
You can use the DirectLine API to allow your bot and a custom client to communicate to each other, a sample can be found here, and here if you want to use WebSockets.
You can also add authentication to your bot via Azure Bot Service to use OAuth as stated here, where you will find samples too.
