How can I get container ID in order to execute command in docker container? - selenium-jupiter

I only seem able to use getContainerId(WebDriver) during the first test. Every subsequent test returns empty e.g. getContainerId(SelenideDriver.getWebdriver)
Ideally I need to be able to execute commands in the docker browser container (for importing certificates etc).
Is this expected or am I doing something wrong?

docker ps -a
This should give you the container id


Options for getting logs in kubernetes pods

Have few developer logs in kubernetes pods, what is the best method to get the logs for the developers to see it.
Any specific tools that we can use?
I have the option of graylog, but not sure if that can be customized to get the developer logs into it.
The most basic method would be to simply use kubectl logs command:
Print the logs for a container in a pod or specified resource. If the
pod has only one container, the container name is optional.
Here you can find more details regarding the command and it's flags alongside some useful examples.
Also, you may want to use:
Logging Using Elasticsearch and Kibana
Logging Using Stackdriver
Both should do the trick in your case.
Please let me know if that is what you had on mind and if my answer was helpful.
If you want to see the application logs - from the development side you just need to print logs to the STDOUT and STDERR streams.
The container runtime (I guess Docker in your case) will redirect those streams
to /var/log/containers.
(So if you would ssh into the Node you can run docker logs <container-id> and you will see all the relevant logs).
Kuberentes provides an easier way to access it by kubectl logs <pod-name> like #WytrzymaƂy_Wiktor described.
(Notice that the logs are being rotated automatically every 10MB so the kubectl logs command will show the log entry from the last rotation only).
If you want to send the logs to a central logging system like (ELK, Splunk, Graylog etc') you will have to forward the logs from your cluster by running log forwarders inside your cluster.
This can be done for example by running a daemonset that manage a pod on each node that will access the logs path (/var/log/containers) by a hostPath volume and will forward the logs to the remote endpoint. See example here.

docker pull from Artifactory results in "net/http: request canceled" inconsistently

We are running Artifactory 5.11.0 (just update to 6.0.2 today and haven't yet seen this) in a docker container and when our automation executes a docker pull from Artifactory, 9/10 times it is successful. Sometimes, even when running the docker pull from the machine hosting Artifactory, the docker pull fails with:
Pulling 'docker.{artifactory url}/staging:latest'...
Error response from daemon: Get http://docker.{artifactory url}/v2/staging/manifests/latest: Get http://docker.{artifactory url}:80/artifactory/api/docker/docker/v2/token?account=admin&scope=repository%3Astaging%3Apull&service=docker.{artifactory url}%3A80:
net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting
Like I said, most of the time this is working perfect, but that 1/10 (probably less) we get the above error during our automated builds. I tried running the docker pull in a while loop over night until it hit a failure and there was no failure. Ran ping overnight and no packets were lost.
OS: Debian 9 x64
Docker version 17.09.0-ce, build afdb6d4 and seems to happen more frequently with Docker version 18.03.1~ce-0~debian, but I have no direct evidence to suggest the client is at fault.
Here is what JFrog provided me to try to resolve this issue. (Note: we were on an older version of Artifactory at the time and they did recommend that we update it to the latest as there were several updates that could help).
The RAM value -Xmx 2g was the default value provided by Artifactory. We can increase that value by going into the Docker container "docker exec -it artifactory bash"
and then $Artifactory_Home/bin/artifactory.default ( Mostly: - /opt/jfrog/artifactory/bin/artifactory.default) and we can change the RAM value accordingly. Please follow this link for more information.
We should also change the access max threads count and we can do that by going to $Artifactory_Home/tomcat/config/server.xml and change it to:
<Connector port="8040" sendReasonPhrase="true" maxThreads="<200>"/>
Also add below line in /var/opt/jfrog/artifactory/etc/
To deal with heavy loads we need to append the below line in /var/opt/jfrog/artifactory/etc/ follow this link for more information.
Also, they told me to be sure that we were using the API Key when authenticating the docker client with Artifactory instead of user/pass login since the latter will go through our ldap authentication and the former will not:
One thing to try would be to use an API Key instead of the plain text password, as using an API key will not reach out to the LDAP server.
We were already doing this, so this had no impact on the issue.
Also posted here:
I hope this helps as it helped us.

node js os.networkInterfaces() not returning any results when called through docker entrypoint on AWS

I have node.js running inside a docker container. When I start docker, it then calls a script that calls node.js (or nodemon) to start.
Inside that node.js one of the first things it does is look for it's IP via
var ifaces = os.networkInterfaces();
But it doens't work all the time, for reasons that mystify me:
AWS+Docker+manualstart node = YES!
AWS+Docker+autostart nodemon= YES
AWS+Docker+autostart node = NO
as 1, and 3 use identical plain commands my best guess is that docker is starting it before the network has been started. So either I can have the init script start the network earlier or poll until something shows up. Does anybody know the linux command to start the network set the ip?
I opted to just setInterval till the os.networkInterfaces returned a non-null value, it varies in time from 100ms to 500ms or so on a slower AWS micro instance.

How to start X application from SSH

I've tried to search this topic in google, but without any signifant results.
I need to start some GUI app from terminal, but I don't care what this app is showing me. In addition, i need to start few instances of this application in diffrent sessions. It's connected with some GUI automated tests, so I know what I want and I'm looking for an answer :).
I think the proper steps should be:
1) Init new X window session 2) Get my new session id 3) export it to env variable (export DISPLAY:13.0) 4) run my app
but I'm stucked at first step. does anybody here had similar problem?
Xvfb is what I was looking for.
Exec a command in virtual x server:
xvfb-run -a -w 10 command

Chef: passing variables

Everytime we create a new server I have a bash script that asks the end-user a set of questions to help chef configure the custom server, his/her answer to those questions needs to be injected into chef so that I can use their responses within my chef script (to set the server "hostname" = "", for instance). There is a json attribute when running chef-client I've read about that may be helpful but I'm not sure how that would work in our environment.
Note: We run chef-client on all of our systems every 15 minutes via cronjob to get updates.
echo -n "What is the server name?"
read hostname
chef-client -j {'hostname' => ENV['$hostname']}
Two issues, first is that -j takes a filename not raw JSON and second is that using -j will entirely override the node data coming from the server which also includes the run list and environment. If this is being done at system provisioning time you can definitely do stuff like this, see my AMI bootstrap script for an example. If this is done after initial provisioning, you are probably best off writing those responses to a file, and then reading that in from you Chef recipe code.
Passing raw json into chef-client is possible, but requires a little creativity. You simply do something like this:
echo '{"hostname": "$hostname"}' | chef-client -j /dev/stdin
The values in your json will be deep merged with the "normal" attributes stored in the chef-server. You can also include a run_list in your json, which will replace (not be merged) the run_list on the chef server.
You can see the run_list replacing the server run list here:
And you can see the deep merge of attributes here:
Also, any attributes you declare in your json will override the attributes already stored on the chef-server.
