I'm running a rather hefty build in my Azure pipeline, which involves processing a large amount of data, and hence requires too much memory for my buildagent to handle. My approach is therefore to start up an linux VM, run the build there, and push up the resulting docker image to my container registry.
To achieve this, I'm using the Azure CLI task to issue commands to the VM (e.g. az vm start, az vm run-command ... etc).
The problem I am facing is that az vm run-command "succeeds" even if the script that you run on the VM returns a nonzero status code. For example, this "bad" vm script:
az vm run-command invoke -g <group> -n <vmName> --command-id RunShellScript --scripts "cd /nonexistent/path"
returns the following response:
"value": [
"code": "ProvisioningState/succeeded",
"displayStatus": "Provisioning succeeded",
"level": "Info",
"message": "Enable succeeded: \n[stdout]\n\n[stderr]\n/var/lib/waagent/run-command/download/87/script.sh: 1: cd: can't cd to /nonexistent/path\n",
"time": null
So, the command succeeds, presumably because it succeeded in executing the script on the VM. The fact that the script actually failed on the VM is buried in the response "message"
I would like my Azure pipeline task to fail if the script on the VM returns a nonzero status code. How would I achieve that?
One idea would be to parse the response (somehow) and search the text under stderr - but that sounds like a real hassle, and I'm not sure even how to "access" the response within the task.
Have you enabled the option "Fail on Standard Error" on the Azure CLI task? If not, you can try to enable it and run the pipeline again to see if the error "cd: can't cd to /nonexistent/path" can make the task run failed.
If the task still is passed, the error "cd: can't cd to /nonexistent/path" should not be a Standard Error. In this situation, you may need to add more command lines in your script to monitor the output logs of the az command. Once there is any output message shows error, execute "exit 1" to exit the script and return a Standard Error to make the task be failed.
I solved this by using the SSH pipeline task - this allowed me to connect to the VM via SSH, and run the given script on the machine "directly" via SSH.
This means from the context of the task, you get the status code from the script itself running on the VM. You also see any console output inside the task logs, which was obscured when using az vm run-command.
Here's an example:
- task: SSH#0
displayName: My VM script
timeoutInMinutes: 10
sshEndpoint: <sshConnectionName>
runOptions: inline
inline: |
echo "Write your script here"
Not that the SSH connection needs to be set up as a service connection using the Azure pipelines UI. You reference the name of the service connection you set up in yaml.
I've learned how to deploy .sh scripts to Azure with Azure CLI. But it seems like I have no clear understanding of how they work.
I'm creating the script that simply unarchives a .tgz archive in a current directory of Azure Web App, and then just deletes it. Quite simple:
New-Item ./startup.sh
Set-Content ./startup.sh '#!/bin/sh'
Add-Content ./startup.sh 'tar zxvf archive.tgz; rm-rf ./archive.tgz'
And then I deploy the script like this:
az webapp deploy --resource-group Group
--name Name
--src-path ./startup.sh
--target-path /home/site/wwwroot/startup.sh
Supposedly, it should appear in /home/site/wwwroot/, but for some reason it never does. No matter how I try. I thought it just gets executed and then deleted automatically (since I specified it as a startup script), but the archive is there, not unarchived at all.
My stack is .NET Core.
What am I doing wrong, and what's the right way to do what I need to do? Thank you.
I don't know if it makes sense, but I think the problem might be that you're using the target-path parameter while you should be using path instead.
From the documentation you cited, when describing the Azure CLI functionality, they state:
The CLI command uses the Kudu publish API to deploy the package and can be
fully customized.
The Kudu publish API reference indicates, when describing the different values for type and especially startup:
type=startup: Deploy a script that App Service automatically uses as the
startup script for your app. By default, the script is deployed to
D:\home\site\scripts\<name-of-source> for Windows and
home/site/wwwroot/startup.sh for Linux. The target path can be specified
with path.
Note the use of path:
The absolute path to deploy the artifact to. For example,
"/home/site/deployments/tools/driver.jar", "/home/site/scripts/helper.sh".
I never tested it, I am aware that the option is not described when taking about the az webapp deploy command itself, and it may be just an error in the documentation, but it may work:
az webapp deploy --resource-group Group
--name Name
--src-path ./startup.sh
--path /home/site/wwwroot/startup.sh
Note that the path you are providing is the default one; as a consequence, you could safely delete it if required:
az webapp deploy --resource-group Group
--name Name
--src-path ./startup.sh
Finally, try including some debug or echo commands in your script: perhaps the problem can be motivated for any permissions issue and having some traces in the logs could be helpful as well.
Our Business Central extension is located on GitLab, and I've been trying to get the CI/CD feature to work. What I'd like to do is to use BcContainerHelper to set up a BC container and run a Test Runner of my choice before letting the pipeline succeed. Unfortunately, I've found very little documentation on this subject, and what I've found was either about BC pipelines in Azure, or pipelines for other projects in GitLab.
When creating the docker container, is it possible to set it up with BcContainerHelper instead so I have BC set up right away? Also, I tried to execute a .ps1 file, but I got the following error message:
Checking out fb0f1471 as 2-implementing-testapp...
Skipping Git submodules setup
Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
Using docker image sha256:13fd310aa3adfd5db7b986cc64b5b6816bea774cf51de468d917e6ef038b418f for ruby:2.5 with digest ruby#sha256:d273723056dda84bda81454eb42743c6c29fdf2c2d4d42bddf8e3dca8bb99aa4 ...
$ ./scripts/create-container.ps1
/bin/bash: line 120: ./scripts/create-container.ps1: Permission denied
Cleaning up file based variables
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1
Is it even possible to run a pipeline for Business Central on GitLab or do I have to use Azure?
I don't know much about GitLab (we use Auzre DevOps with ALOps in our organization) but I can provide my two cents about BcContainerHelper.
BcContainerHelper has a command that will run a full build pipeline (creates the container, compiles the app, runs the tests). It is called Run-AlPipeline.
An example of running it could be:
Run-AlPipeline `
-pipelineName "My Pipeline" `
-licenseFile "c:\temp\license.flf" `
-baseFolder "...path to your project..." `
-appFolders #("app") `
-testFolders #("test") `
-installTestFramework `
-enablePerTenantExtensionCop `
You can read about all the parameters available in this blog post.
I am attempting to deprovision an Azure Linux instance using the Custom Script Extension.
My Script stored in an Anonymous Access Blob:
sudo waagent -deprovision+user -verbose -force
My Command to apply the extension:
az vm extension set --resource-group rg01--vm-name vm01--name CustomScript --publisher Microsoft.Azure.Extensions --version 2.0 --settings "{'fileUris': [ 'https://mystorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net/scripts/Deprovision.sh' ], 'commandToExecute': 'sh Deprovision.sh'}"
When I run the az command, all the /var/log/azure sub directories and logs disappear!. I can tell from the bastion window, something tried to delete my user account, so I am confident the extension is getting provisioned and run.
Unfortunately, the extension, shows all status information as unavailable, and my az command just sits there. The "Create or Update Virtual Machine Extension" item in the VM's activity log also shows no activity once the deprovision starts. The Azure activity log suggest a restart occurred and my account is no longer valid.
Hopefully Linux/Azure folks have a recipe for this...
I saw similar behavior in Windows, and ended up using this script to Sysprep (the -Wait was critical, as it forced the Powershell process to wait for completion, preventing the Agent from returning success/fail until the process completed.), this prevents a restart. I can then script deallocation to occur when the extension completes. I suspect something similar is going on here.
Start-Process -FilePath C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\Sysprep.exe -ArgumentList '/generalize /oobe /quiet /quit' -Wait
While the command:
sudo waagent -deprovision+user -verbose -force
works via SSH, when run via CustomScript extension this command basically kills everything on the machine. The CustomScript extension is not able to acknowledge completion.
Using this script:
sudo shutdown +3
sudo waagent -deprovision+user -verbose -force -start
Line 1, shuts the VM down in 3 minutes(deprovision command seems very fast)
Line 2, adding '-start', runs waagent as a background process. This allows CustomScript extension to acknowledge completion.
Now this command completes (instead of hangs):
var cmd = "sh Deprovision.sh";
var result = vm.Update()
.WithPublicSetting("fileUris", new string[] { blobUri })
.WithPublicSetting("commandToExecute", cmd)
After completion, we must poll Azure for when the VM is Stopped.
private void WaitForVMToStop(IVirtualMachine newVM)
bool stopped = false;
int cnt = 0;
var stoppedVM = Context.AzureInstance.VirtualMachines.GetById(newVM.Id);
stopped = (stoppedVM.PowerState == PowerState.Stopped);
if (!stopped)
Context.Logger.LogInformation($"\tPolling 60 seconds for 'PowerState = Stopped on [{newVM.Name}]...");
if (cnt > 20)
Context.Logger.LogInformation($"\tSysPrep Extension exceeded 20 minutes. Aborting...");
throw new Exception($"SysPrep Extension exceeded 20 minutes on [{newVM.Name}]");
} while (!stopped);
Context.Logger.LogInformation($"\tWaited {cnt} minutes for 'PowerState = Stopped...");
This seems way too complicated to me, but it works. I especially do not like assuming deprovision will occur in 3 minutes or less. If anybody has a better way, please share.
We have a release pipeline in AzureDevops to deploy the microservice to AKS and send the log of the microservice once its deployed.
We are using below command to deploy the deployment with the template kubectl and command as "-f /home/admin/builds/$(build.buildnumber)/Myservice_Deployment.yml --record"
Here we noticed that the task is not waiting for the existing pod to terminate and crate the new pod, but its continuing and just finishing the job.
Our expected scenario
1) Deploy the microservice using kubectl apply -f /home/admin/builds/$(build.buildnumber)/Myservice_Deployment.yml --record
2) wait for the existing pod to terminate and ensure that the new pod is in running status.
3) once the new pod is running status collect the log of the pod by kubectl log command and sent to the team
4) if the pod is not is not in running state, roll back to previous stable state.
I tried with different shell scripts to achieve this in azuredevops, but didnt succeeded
ROLLOUT_STATUS_CMD="kubectl --kubeconfig /home/admin/kubernetes/Dev-kubeconfig rollout status deployment/My-service"
until $ROLLOUT_STATUS_CMD || [ $ATTEMPTS -eq 60 ]; do
ATTEMPTS=$((attempts + 1))
sleep 10
Also need to get the log of the microservice using the kubectl log command and the file should be in the format with Date and need to be shared over mail..
you have several questions mixed up in a single question, but you'd need to configure your deployment with liveness probe for your desired behaviour to happen
Reading: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-liveness-readiness-startup-probes/#define-a-liveness-command
I am trying to run a powershell script which first logins to azure and then deploys the zip file to azure using psexec.
I am using the following command:
F:\jenkins\VMScripts\PsExec64.exe \\WINSU9 -u "WINSU9\administrator" -p mypassword /accepteula -h PowerShell -noninteractive -File C:\Shared\Trial\webappscript.ps1
I am getting the output as:
PsExec v2.2 - Execute processes remotely
Copyright (C) 2001-2016 Mark Russinovich
Sysinternals - www.sysinternals.com
"cloudName": "AzureCloud",
"id": "a7b6d14fddef2",
"isDefault": true,
"name": "subscription_name",
"state": "Enabled",
"tenantId": "b41cd",
"user": {
"name": "username#user.com",
"type": "user"
WARNING: Getting scm site credentials for zip deploymentConnecting to WINSU9...
Starting PSEXESVC service on WINSU9...
Connecting with PsExec service on WINSU9...
Starting PowerShell on WINSU9...
PowerShell exited on WINSU9 with error code 0.
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
Finished: SUCCESS
It is just giving the output of az login command but the output of deployment is not showing. Also if the deployment fails, it will still show success. But it should show failure.
Answering my question so that others facing the same issue can get help here. As #Alex said that powershell is exiting with error code 0, I tried to return the error code 1 whenever any command fails. Since the output of Azure CLI is in json format, I stored that output in a variable and checked if it contains anything. The sample of the code is written below.
$output = az login -u "username" -p "password" | ConvertFrom-Json
if (!$output) {
Write-Error "Error validating the credentials"
exit 1
The Jenkins job succeeded because PSExec.exe returned exit code 0, which means that no errors were encountered. Jenkins jobs will fail if the underlying scripts fail (e.g. returning non-zero exit codes, like 1). If the PSExec.exe application isn't doing what you want it to - I would wrap it in another script which performs post-deploy validation, and returns 1 if the deployment failed.
See How/When does Execute Shell mark a build as failure in Jenkins? for more details.
You can use powershell step, this should hand out the error directly as well.