Patterns for proxying and implementation hiding in Rust? - rust

So I'm an experienced developer, pretty new to Rust, expert in Java - but started out in assembly language, so I get memory and allocation, and have written enough compiler-y things to fathom the borrow-checker pretty well.
I decided to port a very useful, high-performance bitset-based graph library I wrote in Java, both to use it in a larger eventual project, and because it's darned useful. Since it's all integer positions in bitsets, and if you want an object graph you map indices into an array or whatever - I'm not tangled up in building a giant tree of objects that reference each other, which would be a mess to try to do in Rust. The problem I'm trying to solve is much simpler - so simple I feel like I must be missing an obvious pattern for how to do it:
Looking over the various bit-set libraries available for Rust, FixedBitSet seemed like a good fit. However, I would rather not expose it via my API and tie every consumer of my library irrevocably to FixedBitSet (it is nice, but, it can also be useful to swap in, say, an implementation backed by atomics; and being married to usize may not be ideal, but FixedBitSet is).
In Java, you'd just create an interface that wraps an instance of the concrete type, and exposes the functionality you want, hiding the implementation type. In Rust, you have traits, so it's easy enough to implement:
pub trait Bits<'i, S: Sized + Add<S>> {
fn size(&'i self) -> S;
fn contains(&'i self, s: S) -> bool;
impl<'i, 'a> Bits<'i, usize> for FixedBitSet {
fn size(&'i self) -> usize {
fn contains(&'i self, s: usize) -> bool {
FixedBitSet::contains(self, s)
this gets a little ugly in that, if I don't want to expose FixedBitSet, everything has to return Box<dyn Bits<'a, usize> + 'a>, but so be it for now - though that creates its own problems with the compiler not knowing the size of dyn Bits....
So far so good. Where it gets interesting (did I say this was a weirdly simple problem?) is proxying an iterator. Rust iterators seem to be irrevocably tied to a concrete Trait type which has an associated type. So you can't really abstract it (well, sort of, via Box<dyn Iterator<Item=usize> + 'a> where ..., and it looks like it might be possible to create a trait that extends iterator and also has a type Item on it, and implement it for u32, u64, usize and ?? maybe the compiler coalesces the type Item members of the traits?). And as far as I can tell, you can't narrow the return type in a trait implementation method to something other than the trait specifies, either.
This gets further complicated by the fact that the Ones type in FixedBitSet for iterating set bits has its own lifetime - but Rust's Iterator does not - so any generic Iterator implementation is going to need to return an iterator scoped to that lifetime, not '_ or there will be issues with how long the iterator lives vis-a-vis the thing that created it.
The tidiest thing I could come up with - which is not tidy at all - after experimenting with various containers for an iterator (an implementation of Bits that adds an offset to the base value is also useful) that expose it, was something like:
pub trait Biterable<'a, 'b, S: Sized + Add<S>, I: Iterator<Item = S> + 'b> where 'a: 'b {
fn set_bits<'c>(&'a mut self) -> I where I: 'c, 'b: 'c;
which is implementable enough:
impl<'a, 'b> Biterable<'a, 'b, usize, Ones<'b>> for FixedBitSet where 'a: 'b {
fn set_bits<'c>(&'a mut self) -> Ones<'b> where Ones<'b>: 'c, 'b: 'c {
but then, we know we're going to be dealing with Boxes. So, we're going to need an implementation for that. Great! A signature like impl<'a, 'b> Biterable<'a, 'b, usize, Ones<'b>> for Box<FixedBitSet> where 'a: 'b { is implementable. BUUUUUUT, that's not what anything is going to return if we're not exposing FixedBitSet anywhere - we need it for Box<dyn Bits<...> + ...>. For that, we wind up in a hall of mirrors, scribbling out increasingly baroque and horrifying (and uncompilable) variants on
impl<'a, 'b, B> Biterable<'a, 'b, usize, &'b mut dyn Iterator<Item=usize>>
for Box<dyn B + 'a> where 'a: 'b, B : Bits<'a, usize> + Biterable<'a, 'b, usize, Ones<'b>> {
in a vain search for something that compiles and works (this fails because while Bits and Biterable are traits, evidently Biterable + Bits is not a trait). Seriously - a stateless, no-allocation-needed wrapper for one call on this thing returning one call on that thing, just not exposing that thing's type to the caller. That's it. The Java equivalent would be Supplier<T> a = ...; return () -> a.get();
I have to be thinking about this problem wrong. How?

It does certainly seem like you're over-complicating things. You have a lot of lifetime annotations that don't seem necessary. Here's a straightforward implementation (ignoring generic S):
use fixedbitset::FixedBitSet; // 0.2.0
pub trait Bits {
fn size(&self) -> usize;
fn contains(&self, s: usize) -> bool;
fn set_bits<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = usize> + 'a>;
impl Bits for FixedBitSet {
fn size(&self) -> usize {
fn contains(&self, s: usize) -> bool {
fn set_bits<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = usize> + 'a> {
pub fn get_bits_from_api() -> impl Bits {
If you want the index type to be anonymous as well, make it an associated type and not define it when exposing your Bits:
use fixedbitset::FixedBitSet; // 0.2.0
pub trait Bits {
type Idx: std::ops::Add<Self::Idx>;
fn size(&self) -> Self::Idx;
fn contains(&self, s: Self::Idx) -> bool;
fn set_bits<'a>(&'a self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Self::Idx> + 'a>;
impl Bits for FixedBitSet {
type Idx = usize;
fn size(&self) -> Self::Idx {
fn contains(&self, s: Self::Idx) -> bool {
fn set_bits<'a>(&'a self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Self::Idx> + 'a> {
pub fn get_bits_from_api() -> impl Bits {
// ^^^^^^^^^ doesn't have <Idx = usize>
fn main() {
let bits = get_bits_from_api();
// just a demonstration that it compiles
let size = bits.size();
if bits.contains(size) {
for indexes in bits.set_bits() {
// ...
I highly encourage against this though for many reasons. 1) You'd need many more constraints than just Add for this to be remotely usable. 2) You are severely limited with impl Bits; its not fully defined so you can't have dyn Bits or store it in a struct. 3) I don't see much benefit in being generic in this regard.


Fiddling with lifetimes: sanity check on unsafe reinterpretation of lifetimes

Suppose you have two collections (Vec for simplicity here) of instances of T, and a function to compute whether the elements in those collections appear in either or both of them:
// With lifetimes not yet annotated
fn comm(left: &Vec<T>, right: &Vec<T>) -> Vec<(Tag, &T)> {}
enum Tag {
comm(l,r) guarantees that the references returned point to elements of the left collection in both the case that T was present in left only, and T was present in both.
However, because some T might appear in right only, the function's full signature must look like this:
fn comm<'a, 'b, 'c>(left: &'a Vec<T>, right: &'b Vec<T>) -> Vec(Tag, &'c T)
'a: 'c,
'b: 'c,
The actual question, then: I know that, within one of the (tag, &T) tuples returned comm, if tag == Left or tag == Both, then &T will surely point to the left collection.
Is it sane, safe, and legitimate to use mem::transmute or other mechanism to grab one of the references returned by comm and cast it to the lifetime matching the left collection?
For instance:
fn last_common<'a, 'b>(left: &'a Vec<T>, right: &'b Vec<T>) -> &'a T {
let tagged = comm(left, right);
let (tag, ref_to_T) = boring code that picks one tuple from tagged...
assert!(matches!(tag, Tag::Left) || matches!(tag, Tag::Both))
return std::mem::transmute::<&'_ T, &'a T>(ref_to_T);
Yes, it is sound. In fact, the official documentation for transmute() says it can be used to extend lifetimes:
Extending a lifetime, or shortening an invariant lifetime. This is advanced, very unsafe Rust!
struct R<'a>(&'a i32);
unsafe fn extend_lifetime<'b>(r: R<'b>) -> R<'static> {
std::mem::transmute::<R<'b>, R<'static>>(r)
unsafe fn shorten_invariant_lifetime<'b, 'c>(r: &'b mut R<'static>)
-> &'b mut R<'c> {
std::mem::transmute::<&'b mut R<'static>, &'b mut R<'c>>(r)
But I will not recommend it. Instead, I'll recommend you to use an enum:
fn comm<'a, 'b, T>(left: &'a Vec<T>, right: &'b Vec<T>) -> Vec<Tag<'a, 'b, T>> {}
enum Tag<'a, 'b, T> {
Left(&'a T),
Both(&'a T), // Could be `&'b T`, too.
Right(&'b T),
You can also have a method to extract the value with the shorter lifetime, like:
impl<'a, T> Tag<'a, 'a, T> {
pub fn value(self) -> &'a T {
let (Self::Left(v) | Self::Right(v) | Self::Both(v)) = self;

Using higher-ranked trait bounds with generics

I've stumbled upon an interesting edge case: using higher-ranked lifetime bounds to accept closures that return generic parameters, such as for<'a> FnOnce(&'a T) -> R: MyTrait. There's no way to specify that R lives for at most 'a. Perhaps it's best to explain with an example.
Let's define a simple reference-like type wrapping a value:
struct Source;
struct Ref<'a> {
source: &'a Source,
value: i32,
For convenience, let's add a helper constructor. Here I will use explicit lifetimes to make the borrowing self-explanatory:
impl Source {
fn new_ref<'a>(&'a self, value: i32) -> Ref<'a> {
Ref { source: self, value }
This is an extremely fancy implementation of a integer copying routine using HRTBs with a closure over our Ref:
fn call_1<F>(callback: F) -> i32
for<'a> F: FnOnce(&'a Source) -> Ref<'a>,
let source = Source;
fn fancy_copy_1(value: i32) -> i32 {
call_1(|s| s.new_ref(value))
This is fine and is working as expected. We know that Ref does not outlive the Source and the compiler is also able to pick it up. Now let's create a simple trait and implement it for our reference:
trait MyTrait {
fn value(&self) -> i32;
impl<'a> MyTrait for Ref<'a> {
fn value(&self) -> i32 {
And modify our integer copying routine to return a generic type implementing that trait instead of just returning Ref:
fn call_2<R, F>(callback: F) -> i32
for<'a> F: FnOnce(&'a Source) -> R,
R: MyTrait,
let source = Source;
fn fancy_copy_2(value: i32) -> i32 {
call_2(|s| s.new_ref(value))
Suddenly I get an error: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for autoref due to conflicting requirements. Rust playground link for convenience. That actually makes sense from some perspective: unlike with Ref<'a> in the first example I never said that R has to live for at most 'a. could very well live longer and thus have access to freed memory. So I need to annotate it with it's own lifetime. But there's no place to do it! The first instinct is to put the lifetime in the bounds:
for<'a> F: FnOnce(&'a Source) -> R,
R: MyTrait + 'a,
which is of course incorrect, as 'a is only defined for the first bound.
This is where I got confused, started searching and never found anything about combining HRTBs and generic types in one bound. Perhaps more experienced people in Rust have any suggestions?
Upd 1.
While I was thinking about the problem some more, I remembered I could use the impl Trait syntax. This looks like a solution to my problem:
fn call_3<F>(callback: F) -> i32
F: for<'a> FnOnce(&'a Source) -> (impl MyTrait + 'a),
let source = Source;
fn fancy_copy_3(value: i32) -> i32 {
call_3(|s| Box::new(s.new_ref(value)))
That, however does not work because impl MyTrait is not allowed in this place for some reason (probably temporarily). But that made me think of dyn Trait syntax and that indeed does work!
fn call_4<F>(callback: F) -> i32
F: for<'a> FnOnce(&'a Source) -> Box<dyn MyTrait + 'a>,
let source = Source;
let value = callback(&source); // note how a temporary is required
fn fancy_copy_4(value: i32) -> i32 {
call_4(|s| Box::new(s.new_ref(value)))
Here's my solution: with dyn Trait syntax there is a place to put the + 'a! Unfortunately this solution still doesn't quite work for me too well, as it requires object-safety on the trait plus adds an overhead of allocating a boxed value. But at least it's something.

How to write a trait method taking an iterator of strings, avoiding monomorphization (static dispatch)?

I want to define a trait that has a method operating on sequences of strings. At the same time, I want to avoid having generic methods, a.k.a. static dispatch, in the trait, so that I can use this trait as a trait object. The best solution I was given till now was to do it like below:
pub trait Store {
fn query_valid_paths(&mut self, paths: &mut dyn Iterator<Item = &str>) -> Vec<String>;
Unfortunately, it's not perfect:
It works out of the box only for iterators of &str; for iterators of String, e.g. Vec<String>, I have to call it with the following magic map incantation, which is really ugly, and I'd never invent it as a newbie without help:
// `vec` is a std::vec::Vec<String>
store.query_valid_paths(&mut vec.iter().map(|s| &**s));
It takes an Iterator, but I'd love if I could take an IntoIterator. In other words, I'd like to be able to call it just like this:
Is it possible?
Failed Attempt 1
Based on a simpler question about functions taking string iterators, I'd imagine something like this could work:
pub trait Store {
fn query_valid_paths<S>(&mut self, paths: impl IntoIterator<Item = S>) -> Vec<String>
S: AsRef<str>;
but this seems to make it a "generic method", triggering static dispatch...
Failed Attempt 2
I was suggested another idea on Rust discord, specifically:
pub trait Store {
fn query_valid_paths_inner(&mut self, paths: &mut dyn Iterator<Item = &str>) -> Vec<String>;
impl dyn Store {
pub fn query_valid_paths<'a>(&mut self, paths: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a str>) -> Vec<String> {
let mut it = paths.into_iter();
self.query_valid_paths_inner(&mut it)
— but when I try to add AsRef<str> to it, I'm getting lifetime errors, and cannot seem to make it work for both String and &str iterators...
I recommend you read this question, which has lots of good information about why you can't use generics with trait methods if you want to use them as objects.
The short answer is that you can't do what you're trying to do: have a function that takes in an iterator of any type (which is an associated generic function) and still have the trait be object safe.
There are a few tricks you can use, though, that will let you manipulate string iterators with a trait object. I'll go over each method.
1. Use multiple methods in your trait
Rust only has two kinds of strings: String and &str. As you've stated in your answer, you want to work with both. In this case, all you need to do is make two different methods:
pub trait Store {
fn query_valid_paths_str(&mut self, paths: &mut dyn Iterator<Item = &str>) -> Vec<String>;
fn query_valid_paths_string(&mut self, paths: &mut dyn Iterator<Item = String>) -> Vec<String>;
Now, this gets counter-intuitive at a certain point, if you have too many types you're dealing with. But if there's only two, this is the most straightforward option.
If you're wanting to use IntoIterator instead, the function signatures will look like this:
pub trait Store {
fn query_valid_paths_str(&mut self, paths: &mut dyn IntoIterator<IntoIter = IntoIter<&str>, Item = &str>) -> Vec<String>;
fn query_valid_paths_string(&mut self, paths: &mut dyn IntoIterator<IntoIter = IntoIter<String>, Item = String>) -> Vec<String>;
2. Use Box and dynamic dispatch
This approach is much more involved, and probably not worth the effort, but I'll put it here as a proof of concept.
pub trait Store {
fn query_valid_paths(&mut self, paths: &mut dyn Iterator<Item = &Box<dyn AsRef<str>>) -> Vec<String>;
Here, paths is an iterator over a box which owns an AsRef<str> trait object.
This is (as far as I know) the only way to create a truly polymorphic solution. But at what cost? For this to work, you not only need to explicitly declare the list you passed in as a Vec<Box<AsRef<str>>>, it adds a lot of overhead with dynamic dispatch from the box pointers. Just to show how cumbersome this can be:
let mut str_vec: Vec<Box<AsRef<str>>> = vec!(Box::new("string one"), Box::new("string two".to_string()));
some_store_object.query_valid_paths(&mut str_vec.iter());
I do not recommend this method unless you absolutely need this functionality. Use the first method instead.
If you do use this method, but want to use it with IntoIterator, it would look like this:
pub trait Store {
fn query_valid_paths(&mut self, paths: &mut dyn IntoIterator<IntoIter = IntoIter<Box<dyn AsRef<str>>>, Item = Box<dyn AsRef<str>>>) -> Vec<String>;
I don't think there is a nice solution without static dispatch. But the docs for the error about trait objects with methods with generic parameters actually provide a solution for this situation:
First, you mark your method with where Self: Sized – this makes it unavailable in trait objects. Maybe you don't need that method in trait object context – then you're done here.
If you need the method in trait object context, you can make it usable again via a sized type that contains your trait object e.g. Box:
struct MyStruct(i32);
pub trait Store {
fn len_of_first_str(&self, paths: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl AsRef<str>>) -> usize
where Self: Sized{
impl Store for Box<dyn Store>{}
fn myfun(arg: Box<dyn Store>) -> usize {
Besides the Box approach, it is possible to define the generic in the trait definition. This method is limited by the type being implemented and uses static dispatch but your trait won't break the rules of object safety.
trait Store<'a, I>
I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a str>,
fn query_valid_paths(&mut self, iter: I) -> Vec<String>;
impl<'a, I> Store<'a, I> for ()
I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a str>,
fn query_valid_paths(&mut self, iter: I) -> Vec<String> {
iter.into_iter().map(|x| x.to_string()).collect()
// Store is object safe
struct _Bar<'a, I> {
vec: Vec<Box<dyn Store<'a, I>>>,
fn main() {
let vec_of_strings = vec!["one", "two", "three"];
println!("{:?}", ().query_valid_paths(vec_of_strings));
To avoid taking ownership, you can use vec_of_strings.iter().cloned() instead.

Generic function for modifying scalars and slices in place

I don't understand some basics in Rust. I want to compute a function sinc(x), with x being a scalar or a slice, which modifies the values in place. I can implement methods for both types, calling them with x.sinc(), but I find it more convenient (and easier to read in long formulas) to make a function, e.g. sinc(&mut x). So how do you do that properly?
pub trait ToSinc<T> {
fn sinc(self: &mut Self) -> &mut Self;
pub fn sinc<T: ToSinc<T>>(y: &mut T) -> &mut T {
impl ToSinc<f64> for f64 {
fn sinc(self: &mut Self) -> &mut Self {
*self = // omitted
impl<'a> ToSinc<&'a mut [f64]> for &'a mut [f64] {
fn sinc(self: &mut Self) -> &mut Self {
for yi in (**self).iter_mut() { ... }
This seems to work, but isn't the "double indirection" in the last impl costly? I also thought about doing
pub trait ToSinc<T> {
fn sinc(self: Self) -> Self;
pub fn sinc<T: ToSinc<T>>(y: T) -> T {
impl<'a> ToSinc<&'a mut f64> for &'a mut f64 {
fn sinc(self) -> Self {
*self = ...
impl<'a> ToSinc<&'a mut [f64]> for &'a mut [f64] {
fn sinc(self) -> Self {
for yi in (*self).iter_mut() { ... }
This also works, the difference is that if x is a &mut [f64] slice, I can call sinc(x) instead of sinc(&mut x). So I have the impression there is less indirection going on in the second one, and I think that's good. Am I on the wrong track here?
I find it highly unlikely that any differences from the double-indirection won't be inlined away in this case, but you're right that the second is to be preferred.
You have ToSinc<T>, but don't use T. Drop the template parameter.
That said, ToSinc should almost certainly be by-value for f64s:
impl ToSinc for f64 {
fn sinc(self) -> Self {
You might also want ToSinc for &mut [T] where T: ToSinc.
You might well say, "ah - one of these is by value, and the other by mutable reference; isn't that inconsistent?"
The answer depends on what you're actually intend the trait to be used as.
An interface for sinc-able types
If your interface represents those types that you can run sinc over, as traits of this kind are intended to be used, the goal would be to write functions
fn do_stuff<T: ToSinc>(value: T) { ... }
Now note that the interface is by-value. ToSinc takes self and returns Self: that is a value-to-value function. In fact, even when T is instantiated to some mutable reference, like &mut [f64], the function is unable to observe any mutation to the underlying memory.
In essence, these functions treat the underlying memory as an allocation source, and to value transformations on the data held in these allocations, much like a Box → Box operation is a by-value transformation of heap memory. Only the caller is able to observe mutations to the memory, but even then implementations which treat their input as a value type will return a pointer that prevents needing to access the data in this memory. The caller can just treat the source data as opaque in the same way that an allocator is.
Operations which depend on mutability, like writing to buffers, should probably not be using such an interface. Sometimes to support these cases it makes sense to build a mutating basis and a convenient by-value accessor. ToString is an interesting example of this, as it's just a wrapper over Display.
pub trait ToSinc: Sized {
fn sinc_in_place(&mut self);
fn sinc(mut self) -> Self {
where impls mostly just implement sinc_in_place and users tend to prefer sinc.
As fakery for ad-hoc overloading
In this case, one doesn't care if the trait is actually usable generically, or even that it's consistent. sinc("foo") might do a sing and dance, for all we care.
As such, although the trait is needed it should be defined as weakly as possible:
pub trait Sincable {
type Out;
fn sinc(self) -> Self::Out;
Then your function is far more generic:
pub fn sinc<T: Sincable>(val: T) -> T::Out {
To implement a by-value function you do
impl Sincable for f64 {
type Out = f64;
fn sinc(self) -> f64 {
and a by-mut-reference one is just
impl<'a, T> Sincable for &'a mut [T]
where T: Sincable<Out=T> + Copy
type Out = ();
fn sinc(self) {
for i in self {
*i = sinc(*i);
since () is the default empty type. This acts just like an ad-hoc overloading would.
Playpen example of emulated ad-hoc overloading.

Index and IndexMut implementations to return borrowed vectors

I've been working on a multi-dimensional array library, toying around with different interfaces, and ran into an issue I can't seem to solve. This may be a simple misunderstanding of lifetimes, but I've tried just about every solution I can think of, to no success.
The goal: implement the Index and IndexMut traits to return a borrowed vector from a 2d matrix, so this syntax can be used mat[rowind][colind].
A (very simplified) version of the data structure definition is below.
pub struct Matrix<T> {
shape: [uint, ..2],
dat: Vec<T>
impl<T: FromPrimitive+Clone> Matrix<T> {
pub fn new(shape: [uint, ..2]) -> Matrix<T> {
let size = shape.iter().fold(1, |a, &b| { a * b});
// println!("Creating MD array of size: {} and shape: {}", size, shape)
shape: shape,
dat: Vec::<T>::from_elem(size, FromPrimitive::from_uint(0u).expect("0 must be convertible to parameter type"))
pub fn mut_index(&mut self, index: uint) -> &mut [T] {
let base = index*self.shape[1];
self.dat.mut_slice(base, base + self.shape[1])
fn main(){
let mut m = Matrix::<f32>::new([4u,4]);
println!("{}", m.dat)
println!("{}", m.mut_index(3)[0])
The mut_index method works exactly as I would like the IndexMut trait to work, except of course that it doesn't have the syntax sugar. The first attempt at implementing IndexMut made me wonder, since it returns a borrowed reference to the specified type, I really want to specify [T] as a type, but it isn't a valid type. So the only option is to specify &mut [T] like this.
impl<T: FromPrimitive+Clone> IndexMut<uint, &mut [T]> for Matrix<T> {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: &uint) -> &mut(&mut[T]) {
let base = index*self.shape[1];
&mut self.dat.mut_slice(base, base + self.shape[1])
This complains about a missing lifetime specifier on the trait impl line. So I try adding one.
impl<'a, T: FromPrimitive+Clone> IndexMut<uint, &'a mut [T]> for Matrix<T> {
fn index_mut(&'a mut self, index: &uint) -> &mut(&'a mut[T]) {
let base = index*self.shape[1];
&mut self.dat.mut_slice(base, base + self.shape[1])
Now I get method `index_mut` has an incompatible type for trait: expected concrete lifetime, but found bound lifetime parameter 'a [E0053]. Aside from this I've tried just about every combination of one and two lifetimes I can think of, as well as creating a secondary structure to hold a reference that is stored in the outer structure during the indexing operation so a reference to that can be returned instead, but that's not possible for Index. The final answer may just be that this isn't possible, given the response on this old github issue, but that would seem to be a problematic limitation of the Index and IndexMut traits. Is there something I'm missing?
At present, this is not possible, but when Dynamically Sized Types lands I believe it will become possible.
Let’s look at the signature:
pub trait IndexMut<Index, Result> {
fn index_mut<'a>(&'a mut self, index: &Index) -> &'a mut Result;
(Note the addition of the <'a> compared with what the docs say; I’ve filed #16228 about that.)
'a is an arbitrary lifetime, but it is important that it is specified on the method, not on the impl as a whole: it is in absolute truth a generic parameter to the method. I’ll show how it all comes out here with the names 'ρ₀ and 'ρ₁. So then, in this attempt:
impl<'ρ₀, T: FromPrimitive + Clone> IndexMut<uint, &'ρ₀ mut [T]> for Matrix<T> {
fn index_mut<'ρ₁>(&'ρ₁ mut self, index: &uint) -> &'ρ₁ mut &'ρ₀ mut [T] {
let base = index * self.shape[1];
&mut self.dat.mut_slice(base, base + self.shape[1])
This satisfies the requirements that (a) all lifetimes must be explicit in the impl header, and (b) that the method signature matches the trait definition: Index is uint and Result is &'ρ₀ mut [T]. Because 'ρ₀ is defined on the impl block (so that it can be used as a parameter there) and 'ρ₁ on the method (because that’s what the trait defines), 'ρ₀ and 'ρ₁ cannot be combined into a single named lifetime. (You could call them both 'a, but this is shadowing and does not change anything except for the introduction of a bit more confusion!)
However, this is not enough to have it all work, and it will indeed not compile, because 'ρ₀ is not tied to anything, nor is there to tie it to in the signature. And so you cannot cast…), which is of type &'ρ₁ mut [T], to &'ρ₀ mut [T] as the lifetimes do not match, nor is there any known subtyping relationship between them (that is, it cannot structurally be demonstrated that the lifetime 'ρ₀ is less than—a subtype of—'ρ₁; although the return type of the method would make that clear, it is not so at the basic type level, and so it is not permitted).
Now as it happens, IndexMut isn’t as useful as it should be anyway owing to #12825, as matrix[1] would always use IndexMut and never Index if you have implemented both. I’m not sure if that’s any consolation, though!
The solution comes in Dynamically Sized Types. When that is here, [T] will be a legitimate unsized type which can be used as the type for Result and so this will be the way to write it:
impl<T: FromPrimitive + Clone> IndexMut<uint, [T]> for Matrix<T> {
fn index_mut<'a>(&'a mut self, index: &uint) -> &'a mut [T] {
let base = index * self.shape[1];
&mut self.dat.mut_slice(base, base + self.shape[1])
… but that’s not here yet.
This code works in Rust 1.25.0 (and probably has for quite a while)
extern crate num;
use num::Zero;
pub struct Matrix<T> {
shape: [usize; 2],
dat: Vec<T>,
impl<T: Zero + Clone> Matrix<T> {
pub fn new(shape: [usize; 2]) -> Matrix<T> {
let size = shape.iter().product();
Matrix {
shape: shape,
dat: vec![T::zero(); size],
pub fn mut_index(&mut self, index: usize) -> &mut [T] {
let base = index * self.shape[1];
&mut self.dat[base..][..self.shape[1]]
fn main() {
let mut m = Matrix::<f32>::new([4; 2]);
println!("{:?}", m.dat);
println!("{}", m.mut_index(3)[0]);
You can enhance it to support Index and IndexMut:
use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut};
impl<T> Index<usize> for Matrix<T> {
type Output = [T];
fn index(&self, index: usize) -> &[T] {
let base = index * self.shape[1];
impl<T> IndexMut<usize> for Matrix<T> {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> &mut [T] {
let base = index * self.shape[1];
&mut self.dat[base..][..self.shape[1]]
fn main() {
let mut m = Matrix::<f32>::new([4; 2]);
println!("{:?}", m.dat);
println!("{}", m[3][0]);
m[3][0] = 42.42;
println!("{:?}", m.dat);
println!("{}", m[3][0]);
