Use pcl in ROS with python - python-3.x

I'm new to the ROS and i have a problem.
I'm trying to visualize a point cloud using pcl library.
At first i start my ros-realsense camera typing in a terminal "roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch filters:=pointcloud"
Then, i have made a catkin package where i have a script where i subscribe to the realsense and i get the point cloud information that i want. So far so good!
Now i want to visualize this point cloud using the PCL library but when i run my package "rosrun pcl" i get the error
import pcl
ImportError: No module named pcl
So my question is what do i miss?
How do i import the pcl in a ros package?
Do i have to add something on the CMakeLists.txt or/and package.xml?
I include my script.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import rospy
import pcl
import ros_numpy
import sensor_msgs.point_cloud2 as pc2
from sensor_msgs.msg import PointCloud2
def callback_ptclud(ptcloud_data):
pc = ros_numpy.numpify(data)
p = pcl.PointCloud(np.array(points, dtype=np.float32))
def listener():
rospy.Subscriber("/camera/depth/color/points", PointCloud2, callback_ptclud)
if __name__ == '__main__':
rospy.init_node("realsense_subscriber", anonymous=True)
Thank you in advance
Any help is appreciated

About the pcl the most easiest way is to use it with C++. Its easy to install and there are a lot of documentations and examples.
About the python_pcl for some reason its not easy to install (at least for me). What i did to use it was to download the library, put it somewhere in my pc and when i want to use it in my scripts i just import the absolute path of pcl.
By downloading the python_pcl files i mean find and download the,, and all the necessary files of the library.
For example in my python scripts i use:
import sys
sys.path.append('~/path_to_downloaded_pcl') "it will find the"
import pcl


Python to EXE - PySide2 and Custom Modules

I'm trying to create an EXE from a Python project I built and I'm running into some issues. I've done this before with PyInstaller for simpler tools and cx-freeze for tools where I use custom modules but the way I used to set it up doesn't seem to be working anymore.
In this particular case I've tried:
and a few others with no luck
Everything works perfectly fine through the Python 3.8 interpreter. I'm assuming it's either because of the way I'm importing PySide2 here (which I don't normally do but did for this project to see if it would speed up my programming time) or that the EXE modules can't find my custom modules. Here is a mock version of my program (names/paths changed for simplicity):
Example folder of my project ("C:\a\MyProjects\Project1"):
Example folder of the custom module I'm using. Each using various other built-in and/or 3rd party python modules. ("C:\a\path\to\external\modules"):
Example of my main file (C:\a\MyProjects\Project1\ I want to turn into an EXE:
import os
import sys
import colorsys
from PySide2.QtWidgets import *
from PySide2.QtCore import *
from PySide2.QtGui import *
import utils # module in project ("C:\a\MyProjects\Project1\")
sys.path.append(r"C:\a\path\to\external\modules") # custom module location for MyModule
from import module1 as foo_mod1
from import module2 as foo_mod2
from import module1 as bar_mod1
from import module2 as bar_mod2
from MyModule.baz import module1 as baz_mod1
from MyModule.baz import module2 as baz_mod2
class MainDialog(QDialog):
[...use of "dark.stylesheet"...]
[...use of "images\image 1.png"...]
[...use of "images\image 2.png"...]
def main():
global win
try: # try to close existing instances
except NameError:
win = MainDialog()
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = QApplication.instance()
if not app:
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
Can someone tell me the best module and method to make this into a windowed (console-less), if possible, single file application. This is one of the more complicated tools I've had to make into a desktop app so if I can figure this out I should be good for most of the other things I have to do.
Thanks in advance.
Example of cx-freeze file in project I tried (C:\a\MyProjects\Project1\
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
import sys
options={'build_exe': {
'excludes': ["Tkinter"],
'includes': ["utils", "", "", "MyModule.baz"],
'path': sys.path + [r"C:\a\path\to\external\modules"],
'include_files': ["images\image 1.png", "images\image 2.png"],
'packages': ["PySide2.QtWidgets", "PySide2.QtCore", "PySide2.QtGui"]}},
executables=[Executable("", base="Win32GUI")]
Example of pyinstaller cmd command I tried:
cd C:\\a\MyProjects\Project1
pyinstaller -p "C:\a\path\to\external\modules" --onefile -w
# even tried this with a custom spec file like:
# pyinstaller --onefile -w ui.spec
There is a command in PyInstaller to include hidden modules call --hidden-module (You can use multile times). So, you can just do
pyinstaller -p "C:\a\path\to\external\modules" --onefile -w --hidden-module="example module 1" -hidden-module="example module 2"
This seems to have fixed itself after I got a new workstation and installed the latest Python (3.10) and Pyinstaller (5.1) versions.
Also think having your custom Python Libraries in the PYTHONPATH and/or PATH Environment variables may be important for allowing Pyinstaller to find them.

Import implicit namespace package works on one machine not the other

I have project structure as follow
I can't seem to import in using
from tools import
import tools
This doesn't run on VSCode with python 3.7 but it ran on another machine with PyCharm with Conda. Both have the same working directory. at /user/<my_name>/project
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tools'
I expect it works
Okay I found out the answer with a bit of in-depth googling. Turn out it's a known issue with VSCode which explains why it worked in PyCharm.

Can I run a sound file (like mp3) from a Python script (

I made a timer in a Python script using an IDE (its working fine). When the timer ends, I want to open a sound file, like a .mp3 file, so that the user knows that the timer went off. I know I could use google for a timer, but knowing how to do this would help for later projects. Thanks!
First install pygame via pip. Then use:
from pygame import mixer # Load the required library
mixer.init()'e:/LOCAL/Betrayer/. Metalik Klinik1-Anak Sekolah.mp3')
if you're on linux you can use pyglet! pure python:
import pyglet
music ='music.mp3')
if you're on windows its built in:
import winsound
winsound.PlaySound('sound.wav', winsound.SND_FILENAME)
testing with winsound seemed to return nothing substantial so i found a work around using "playsound":
pip3 install playsound
in code:
import playsound
tested this with mp3 and wav and both worked just fine.
Let me know if this helped!

AttributeError when packaging python library

I'm in the process of learning how to package a python library using the official guide. I've started cloning the minimal sample package suggested in the guide here. I've then added the file inside the folder sampleproject storing a simple power function. Another function is also stored in /sampleproject/sampleproject/ The resulting structure of the library is the following
Finally, I've used pip to successfully install the package in the interpreter. The only thing left is to make sure that I'm able to run the functions stored in the subfolder sampleproject.
import sampleproject
# Output
"Call your main application code here"
This is great. The package is able to run the function in However, the package is not able to find
import sampleproject
# Output
AttributeError: module 'sampleproject' has no attribute 'module'
I've tried to add in the main folder and to change the settings in entry_points in without success. What should I let sampleproject to be able to find the function in
Your sampleproject.module is a function you would like to execute?
In this case, do as for the sampleproject, add () to execute it:
Otherwise, you can import your package like this:
import sampleproject.module
from sampleproject import module
To be clearer, you would have to import module in your sampleproject Then, when you want to use the package, import it (is some py file at root):
import sampleproject # is enough as it's going to import everything you stated in
After that, you can start to use what's in the package you imported with maybe module() if you have a function called module in your package. discussions
it seems,
you are in sampleproject->
so you need to try,
from sampleproject import module

Why PyCharm can't import Gtk? [duplicate]

I'm using PyCharm 2.5 on Ubuntu 11.10, trying to develop an application using PyGObject 3.0 on Python 3.2.2. I've installed the Ubuntu package python3-gobject, and when I run my code, it works exactly as expected.
However, PyCharm can not seem to find any of the PyGObject modules. It says Unresolved refrence: 'Gtk' when I hover over Gtk in my import statement, and of course none of the auto-completion works.
This is my code:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from gi.repository import Gtk
win = Gtk.Window()
win.connect("delete-event", Gtk.main_quit)
I've even tried making a python virtual environment and then installing PyGObject from source into it, and then even tried making symlinks from all the .py files in site-packages/gi/overrides to site-packages/gi/repository, all with no luck.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Position the text cursor inside the redlined Gtk in:
from gi.repository import Gtk
hit Alt + Enter and choose "Generate stubs for binary module"
In Gtk+ 3 Python bindings to binary modules are generated dynamically using *.typelib databases. The dynamic importer for accessing all the modules is located in gi.repository. PyCharm cannot detect these modules using its code insight, because they require special handling.
I've filed a feature request for this issue: PY-6932. Feel free to vote for it.
