How to acces output folder from a PythonScriptStep? - azure-machine-learning-service

I'm new to azure-ml, and have been tasked to make some integration tests for a couple of pipeline steps. I have prepared some input test data and some expected output data, which I store on a 'test_datastore'. The following example code is a simplified version of what I want to do:
ws = Workspace.from_config('blabla/config.json')
ds = Datastore.get(ws, datastore_name='test_datastore')
main_ref = DataReference(datastore=ds,
data_ref = DataReference(datastore=ds,
data_prep_step = PythonScriptStep(
arguments=['--main_path', main_ref,
'--data_ref_folder', data_ref
inputs=[main_ref, data_ref],
I would like:
my data_prep_step to run,
have it store some data on the path to my data_ref), and
I would then like to access this stored data afterwards outside of the pipeline
But, I can't find a useful function in the documentation. Any guidance would be much appreciated.

two big ideas here -- let's start with the main one.
main ask
With an Azure ML Pipeline, how can I access the output data of a PythonScriptStep outside of the context of the pipeline?
short answer
Consider using OutputFileDatasetConfig (docs example), instead of DataReference.
To your example above, I would just change your last two definitions.
data_ref = OutputFileDatasetConfig(
destination=(ds, '/data')
data_prep_step = PythonScriptStep(
'--main_path', main_ref,
'--data_ref_folder', data_ref
inputs=[main_ref, data_ref],
some notes:
be sure to check out how DataPaths work. Can be tricky at first glance.
set overwrite=False in the `.as_upload() method if you don't want future runs to overwrite the first run's data.
more context
PipelineData used to be the defacto object to pass data ephemerally between pipeline steps. The idea was to make it easy to:
stitch steps together
get the data after the pipeline runs if need be (datastore/azureml/{run_id}/data_ref)
The downside was that you have no control over where the pipeline is saved. If you wanted to data for more than just as a baton that gets passed between steps, you could have a DataTransferStep to land the PipelineData wherever you please after the PythonScriptStep finishes.
This downside is what motivated OutputFileDatasetConfig
auxilary ask
how might I programmatically test the functionality of my Azure ML pipeline?
there are not enough people talking about data pipeline testing, IMHO.
There are three areas of data pipeline testing:
unit testing (the code in the step works?
integration testing (the code works when submitted to the Azure ML service)
data expectation testing (the data coming out of the meets my expectations)
For #1, I think it should be done outside of the pipeline perhaps as part of a package of helper functions
For #2, Why not just see if the whole pipeline completes, I think get more information that way. That's how we run our CI.
#3 is the juiciest, and we do this in our pipelines with the Great Expectations (GE) Python library. The GE community calls these "expectation tests". To me you have two options for including expectation tests in your Azure ML pipeline:
within the PythonScriptStep itself, i.e.
run whatever code you have
test the outputs with GE before writing them out; or,
for each functional PythonScriptStep, hang a downstream PythonScriptStep off of it in which you run your expectations against the output data.
Our team does #1, but either strategy should work. What's great about this approach is that you can run your expectation tests by just running your pipeline (which also makes integration testing easy).


Can we set task wise parameters using Databricks Jobs API "run-now"

I have a job with multiple tasks like Task1 -> Task2. I am trying to call the job using api "run now". Task details are below
Task1 - It executes a Note Book with some input parameters
Task2 - It executes a Note Book with some input parameters
So, how I can provide parameters to job api using "run now" command for task1,task2?
I have a parameter "lib" which needs to have values 'pandas' and 'spark' task wise.
I know that we can give unique parameter names like Task1_lib, Task2_lib and read that way.
current way:
json = {"job_id" : 3234234, "notebook_params":{Task1_lib: a, Task2_lib: b}}
Is there a way to send task wise parameters?
It's not supported right now - parameters are defined on the job level. You can ask your Databricks representative (if you have) to communicate this ask to the product team who works on the Databricks Workflows.

Am I using switch/case wrong here to control?

I am trying to check the logs and depending the last log, run a different step in the transformation. Am I supposed to use some other steps or am I making another mistake here?
For example, if the query returns 1 I want execute SQL script to run, for 2 I want execute SQL script 2 to run and for 3 I want transformation to abort. But it keeps running all the steps even if only one value returns from the CONTROL step.
The transformation looks like this
And the switch/case step looks like this
It looks like it's correctly configured, but keep in mind that in a transformation all steps are initiated at the beginning of the transformation, waiting to receive the streaming data from the previous step. So the Abort and Execute script steps are going to be started as soon as the transformation is started, if they don't need data from the previous step to run, they are going to run at the beginning.
If you want the scripts to be executed depending on the result of the CONTROL output, you'll need to use a job, that runs the steps (actions) sequencially:
A transformation runs the CONTROL step and afterwards you put a "Copy rows to result" step to make the data produced from the CONTROL step available to the job
After the transformation, you use a "Simple evaluation" action in the job, to determine which script (or abort) to run. Jobs also have an "Execute SQL Script" action, so you can put it afterwards.
I'm supposing your CONTROL step only produces one row, if the output is more than one row, the "Simple evaluation" action won't do the job, you'll have to design one of various transformations to execute for each row of the previous transformation, running what you need.

Submitting multiple runs to the same node on AzureML

I want to perform hyperparameter search using AzureML. My models are small (around 1GB) thus I would like to run multiple models on the same GPU/node to save costs but I do not know how to achieve this.
The way I currently submit jobs is the following (resulting in one training run per GPU/node):
experiment = Experiment(workspace, experiment_name)
config = ScriptRunConfig(source_directory="./src",
arguments=["--args args"])
run = experiment.submit(config)
ScriptRunConfig can be provided with a distributed_job_config. I tried to use MpiConfiguration there but if this is done the run fails due to an MPI error that reads as if the cluster is configured to only allow one run per node:
Open RTE detected a bad parameter in hostfile: [...]
The max_slots parameter is less than the slots parameter:
slots = 3
max_slots = 1
[...] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Bad Parameter in file util/hostfile/hostfile.c at line 407
Using HyperDriveConfig also defaults to submitting one run to one GPU and additionally providing a MpiConfiguration leads to the same error as shown above.
I guess I could always rewrite my train script to train multiple models in parallel, s.t. each run wraps multiple trainings. I would like to avoid this option though, because then logging and checkpoint writes become increasingly messy and it would require a large refactor of the train pipeline. Also this functionality seems so basic that I hope there is a way to do this gracefully. Any ideas?
Use Run.create_children method which will start child runs that are “local” to the parent run, and don’t need authentication.
For AMLcompute max_concurrent_runs map to maximum number of nodes that will be used to run a hyperparameter tuning run.
So there would be 1 execution per node.
single service deployed but you can load multiple model versions in the init then the score function, depending on the request’s param, uses particular model version to score.
or with the new ML Endpoints (Preview).
What are endpoints (preview) - Azure Machine Learning | Microsoft Docs

Azure DevOps Pipeline Test results contain Duplicate Test Cases

If I go to Test results screen after run of my pipeline, it is showing each test case from Java/Maven/TestNG automated test project duplicated. One instance of each test case shows blank for machine name and the duplicate of that shows a machine name.
Run 1000122 - JUnit_TestResults_3662
There are several possibilities. First, if you added multiple configurations to a test plan, if so, the tests cases will be repeated in the plan with the each of the configurations you have assigned.
Another possibility is that when you passed parameters to the test method, did you use multiple parameters, so the test method was executed two times.
The information you provided is not sufficient. Can you share the code or screenshots of your Test Samples?

How to re-try an ADF pipeline execution until conditions are met

An ADF pipeline needs to be executed on a daily basis, lets say at 03:00 h AM.
But prior execution we also need to check if the data sources are available.
Data is provided by an external agent, it periodically loads the corresponding data into each source table and let us know when this process is completed using a flag-table: if data source 1 is ready it set flag to 1.
I don't find a way to implement this logic with ADF.
We would need something that, for instance, at 03.00 h would trigger an 'element' that checks the flags, if the flags are not up don't launch the pipeline. Past, lets say, 10 minutes, check again the flags, and be like this for at most X times OR until the flags are up.
If the flags are up, launch the pipeline execution and stop trying to launch the pipeline any further.
How would you do it?
The logic per se is not complicated in any way, but I wouldn't know where to implement it. Should I develop an Azure Funtions that launches the Pipeline or is there a way to achieve it with an out-of-the-box AZDF activity?
There is a UNTIL iteration activity where you can check if your clause.
Your azure function (AF) checking the flag and returns 0 or 1.
Build ADF pipeline with UNTIL activity where you check the output of AF (if its 1 do something). In UNTIL activity you can have your process step. For example, you have a variable flag that will before until activity is 0. In your until you check if it's 1. if it is do your processing step, if its not, put WAIT activity on 10 min or so.
So you have the ability in ADF to iterate until something it's not satisfied.
Hope that this will help you :)
