Bits Not Shifting - verilog

I want to be able to create a shift from right to left everytime I press a button, but my simulation says my bits is not shifting.
this is the code I wrote:
module Sipo(KEY0, qIN, qOUT, LEDsipo);
input KEY0;
output reg [5:0] qIN;
output reg [5:0] qOUT;
output [6:0] LEDsipo;
assign LEDsipo[0] = qIN[0];
assign LEDsipo[1] = qIN[1];
assign LEDsipo[2] = qIN[2];
assign LEDsipo[3] = qIN[3];
assign LEDsipo[4] = qIN[4];
assign LEDsipo[5] = qIN[5];
assign LEDsipo[6] = KEY0;
always #(KEY0) begin
if (KEY0 == 1)
qIN = 6'b000000;
qOUT[0] <= KEY0;
qOUT[1] <= qOUT[0];
qOUT[2] <= qOUT[1];
qOUT[3] <= qOUT[2];
qOUT[4] <= qOUT[3];
qOUT[5] <= qOUT[4];
if (qOUT == 7'b111111)
qOUT[0] = 0;
qOUT[1] = 0;
qOUT[2] = 0;
qOUT[3] = 0;
qOUT[4] = 0;
qOUT[5] = 0;
qIN = qOUT;
The result I got in the simulation is that LEDsipo[0] was responding to KEY0, but the rest of the LEDsipo was not. I don't see why my bits are not shifting.

It is dificult to test your code without a testbench, which you have not provided, but I thik that you rissue is an extra exposure to python.
Verilog does not understand indentation as scope indicators and requires begin/end to indicats scopes. So, my guess is that you have at least several issues:
missing begin/end: if (KEY0 == 1) begin...end
incorrect mix of non-blocing/non-blocking assignments mix
Incorrect coding of your latch
bad use of veriog syntax
so, though it is corret, you can avoid using separate bits:
assign LEDsipo[6:0] = {KEY0, qIN[5:0]};
do not use sensititivity lists in the latch, it will not synthesize correctly in your case. Use always #* instead. Well, and begin/end.
I do not know why you need qIn, but it makes no sense to initialize it to 0 in the first place. Also, it is not a part of the latch and should be moved out of the always block.
always #* begin
if (KEY0 == 1) begin // need begin/end for multiple statements
// qIN <= 6'b000000; -- why do you need it?
qOut[5:0] <= {qOut[4:0], KEY0};
if (qOUT == 7'b111111) // can omit begin/end for a single statement
qOut <= 6'b0;
assign qIn = qOut;
Since you have not provide any testbench, I did not test the code.


System Verilog Loops

Im currently working on the Shift-Add Algorithm (32x32 bit Multiplication) in System Verilog. System Verilog cant find any error and my code is working correctly according to GTKwave. When I synthesize my circuit with yosys, Latches will be added. And that is the Problem. I dont want Latches in my Circuit. Heres my Code:
module multiplier(
input logic clk_i,
input logic rst_i,
input logic start_i,
input logic [31:0] a_i,
input logic [31:0] b_i,
output logic finished_o,
output logic [63:0] result_o
typedef enum logic [1:0] { STATE_A, STATE_B} state_t;
state_t state_p, state_n;
logic [63:0] fin_res;
logic [63:0] tmp;
logic rst_flag;
integer i;
always #(posedge clk_i or posedge rst_i) begin
if (rst_i == 1'b1) begin
state_p <= STATE_B;
else begin
state_p <= state_n;
always #(*)begin
state_n = state_p;
case (state_p)
STATE_A: if (start_i == 0) state_n = STATE_B;
STATE_B: if (start_i == 1) state_n = STATE_A;
default: state_n = state_p;
always #(*) begin
case (state_p)
STATE_A: begin
rst_flag = 1;
fin_res = 0;
finished_o = 0;
tmp = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 32; i = i + 1) begin
if (a_i[i] == 1'b1) begin
tmp = b_i;
tmp = tmp << i;
fin_res = fin_res + tmp;
STATE_B: begin
result_o = fin_res;
if (rst_flag == 1) finished_o = 1;
if (start_i == 1) finished_o = 0;
default: begin
finished_o = 0;
result_o = 0;
After spending 2 days only with debugging and not finding any mistake I would like to ask if u could help me. I am assigning every output (at least I think so). So where is my mistake? Is it the for loop? But what would be wrong with it? Thanks in advance for your help :)
Some useful Information for the Code-Snippet: start_i is the starting signal. If this is set to 1 the multiplication should be started. finished_o is the finish flag. If this is set to 1 the CPU will know that the computation is completed. a_i and b_i are the inputs which should be multiplied. result_o is the result of the multiplication which can be read when finished_o is set to 1.
According to yosys i get the following latches:
I think something may be wrong with fin_res in the for loop cause that logic variable is exactly 64 bits long as are the Latches
From the comment you have a bunch of variables which are not assigned in the second case statement causing synthesis to generate latches. To avoid it you need to assign all the vars in all branches of the case statement and conditional statements recursively.
However, if there is a default value you can assign to all of them, you can use a pattern similar to the one from the second always block, just assigning default values before the 'case' statement. This way you do not even need the default clause and you can get rid of it in the second always block as well.
always #(*) begin
// set default values
rst_flag = 0;
fin_res = 0;
finished_o = 0;
tmp = 0;
result_o = 0;
case (state_p)
STATE_A: begin
rst_flag = 1;
for (i = 0; i < 32; i = i + 1) begin
if (a_i[i] == 1'b1) begin
tmp = b_i;
tmp = tmp << i;
fin_res = fin_res + tmp;
STATE_B: begin
result_o = fin_res;
// are you sure that you do not need a latch here?
if (rst_flag == 1) finished_o = 1;
if (start_i == 1) finished_o = 0;
// you do not need 'default' here.
My fixes will cause combinational behavior and should get rid of latches in synthesis, but it does not look like they will behave as you expected. It looks like you really need a latches here.
rst_flag must be a latch. You set it in STATE_A and use it in STATE_B. It has to keep the value between states. This is a latch behavior.
In STATE_B you change finished_o only if some of conditions met. What happens if the rst_flag and start_i are both 0. do you want finished_o to be 0 or the previous value? In the latter case you need a latch.
How about fin_res ? What do you want to do with it in other states? keep previous value (latch) or have a default value (no latch).

Blocking assignments in always block verilog?

now I know in Verilog, to make a sequential logic you would almost always have use the non-blocking assignment (<=) in an always block. But does this rule also apply to internal variables? If blocking assignments were to be used for internal variables in an always block would it make it comb or seq logic?
So, for example, I'm trying to code a sequential prescaler module. It's output will only be a positive pulse of one clk period duration. It'll have a parameter value that will be the prescaler (how many clock cycles to divide the clk) and a counter variable to keep track of it.
I have count's assignments to be blocking assignments but the output, q to be non-blocking. For simulation purposes, the code works; the output of q is just the way I want it to be. If I change the assignments to be non-blocking, the output of q only works correctly for the 1st cycle of the parameter length, and then stays 0 forever for some reason (this might be because of the way its coded but, I can't seem to think of another way to code it). So is the way the code is right now behaving as a combinational or sequential logic? And, is this an acceptable thing to do in the industry? And is this synthesizable?
module scan_rate2(q, clk, reset_bar);
input clk;
input reset_bar;
output reg q;
//internal constants/variables
parameter prescaler = 8;
integer count = prescaler;
always #(posedge clk) begin
if(reset_bar == 0)
q <= 1'b0;
else begin
if (count == 0) begin
q <= 1'b1;
count = prescaler;
q <= 1'b0;
count = count - 1;
You should follow the industry practice which tells you to use non-blocking assignments for all outputs of the sequential logic. The only exclusion are temporary vars which are used to help in evaluation of complex expressions in sequential logic, provided that they are used only in a single block.
In you case using 'blocking' for the 'counter' will cause mismatch in synthesis behavior. Synthesis will create flops for both q and count. However, in your case with blocking assignment the count will be decremented immediately after it is being assigned the prescaled value, whether after synthesis, it will happen next cycle only.
So, you need a non-blocking. BTW initializing 'count' within declaration might work in fpga synthesis, but does not work in schematic synthesis, so it is better to initialize it differently. Unless I misinterpreted your intent, it should look like the following.
integer count;
always #(posedge clk) begin
if(reset_bar == 0) begin
q <= 1'b0;
counter <= prescaler - 1;
else begin
if (count == 0) begin
q <= 1'b1;
count <= prescaler -1;
else begin
q <= 1'b0;
count <= count - 1;
You do not need temp vars there, but you for the illustration it can be done as the following:
integer tmp;
always ...
else begin
q <= 1'b0;
tmp = count - 1; // you should use blocking here
count <= tmp; // but here you should still use NBA

Unexpected behaviour using the ternary operator (Verilog)

In the following Verilog module, I'd like to understand why the blocking assignment using concatenation doesn't give the same result as the 2 commented out blocking assignments.
When I run the program on the FPGA, it gives the expected result with the 2 blocking assignments (the leds blink), but not with the blocking assignment using concatenation (the leds stay off).
Bonus points for answers pointing to the Verilog specification explaining what is at play here!
/* Every second, the set of leds that are lit will change */
module blinky(
input clk,
output [3:0] led
reg [3:0] count = 0;
reg [27:0] i = 0;
localparam [27:0] nTicksPerSecond = 100000000;
assign led = {count[3],count[2],count[1],count[0]};
always # (posedge(clk)) begin
// This works:
//count = i==nTicksPerSecond ? (count + 1) : count;
//i = i==nTicksPerSecond ? 0 : i+1;
// But this doesn't:
{count,i} = i==nTicksPerSecond ?
{count+1, 28'b0 } :
{count , i+1};
PS: I use Vivado 2018.2
The reason is because the widths of count+1 and i+1 are both 32 bits. An unsized number is 32 bits wide (1800-2017 LRM section 5.7.1) and the width of the addition operator is the size of the largest operand (LRM section 11.6.1). To make your code work, add a proper size to your numeric literals
{count,i} = i==nTicksPerSecond ?
{count+4'd1, 28'b0 } :
{count , i+28'd1};
A simpler way to write this code is
always # (posedge clk)
if (i== nTicksPerSecond)
count <= count + 1;
i <= 0;
i <= i + 1;

Can't identify unsafe latch behaviour or completeness of case statement in Verilog code

Hey I'm trying to create a small module that reads which button is pressed on a DE2 4x4 matrix board and then display which column and which row is being pressed on the LED's but I'm having a few problems.
Right now the Columns work but not the rows. I think it has something to do with the fact that the LEDS I use to display the row status have "unsafe latch behaviour" but I'm not too sure.
I have also noticed that for my case statement only ever resolves to the default statement and I don't know why and it says it can't check for completeness.
Would anybody be able to help me? If so thank you very much.
module MatrixInput(MInput, MOutput, LEDR);
input [16:10] MInput; //cols
output reg [24:18] MOutput; //rows
output reg [7:0] LEDR;
reg [31:0] counter; //just setting to max size for now
reg [31:0] i;
reg LEDFlag;
initial begin
counter = 0;
i = 7;
LEDFlag = 0;
always#(*) begin
0: MOutput = 7'b0x1x1x1;
1: MOutput = 7'b1x0x1x1;
2: MOutput = 7'b1x1x0x1;
3: MOutput = 7'b1x1x1x0;
default: MOutput = 7'b1x0x0x0;
LEDR[7] = MInput[10];
LEDR[6] = MInput[12];
LEDR[5] = MInput[14];
LEDR[4] = MInput[16];
repeat(4) begin //step through each col
if (LEDR[i] == 1) //set the LED flag on if any of the col LEDS on
LEDFlag = 1;
if (i != 3) //count down from 7 to 3
i = i - 1;
i = 7;
LEDR[counter] = LEDFlag;
LEDFlag = 0;
if (counter != 4)
counter = counter + 1;
counter = 0;
There are a number of issues here, I'll give you some hints to get started. Number one is you need some kind of clock to make the counter actually count in a way that you can observe. Otherwise it just zips around like an infinite loop in software (actually, the synthesis tool is probably smart enough to see this and not synthesize any logic at all). Second, initial works only in simulation, but it is not a synthesizable construct. When you power up the logic, counter is going to be at some random value which will likely not match any of the 0-3 cases you have defined, which is why it always goes to the default case. You need a reset and to specify a reset value.

Verilog Register to output

I am working with an Altera DE2 development board and I want to read an input in on the switches. This is stored in registers. Based on a counter these registers are incremented. The registers are then supposed to be output to the Seven Segment Displays thought a B2D converter. But I can not pass a register to a function.
wire [26:0] Q,Q2,Q3,Q4;
wire [3:0] one,two,three,four;
reg SecInc,MinInc,HrInc;
reg [3:0] M1,M2,H1,H2;
assign one = SW[3:0];
assign two = SW[7:4];
assign three = SW[11:8];
assign four = SW[15:12];
always begin
M1 = SW[3:0];
M2 = SW[7:4];
H1 = SW[11:8];
H2 = SW[15:12];
This is how I get and store the inputs. They come from the switches which we use as a binary representation on Hours and Minutes.
Based on a counter we increment a minute or an hour register.
//increment seconds from 0 to 60
counter seconds (SecInc,KEY[0],Q2);
defparam seconds.n = 8;
defparam seconds.mod = 60;
always # (negedge CLOCK_50) begin
if (Q2 >= 60) begin
MinInc = 1;
M1 <= M1 + 1'b1;
if(M1 >= 9) begin
M1 <= 0;
M2 <= M2 + 1'b1;
end else begin
MinInc = 0;
We want to display the result on the SSD's.
Here in lies the problem. This is not allowed in verilog. I need a way to send my registers to a function which displays numbers from 0 to 9 using some B2D conversion.
I will say I have never had a formal intro to verilog before and I have tried all I can think to do. I even tried to make a new module in which I would pass one,two,three,four and have the module increment them, like it does with Q2 for the counter I have shown. Any suggestions or help is greatly appreciated!
As requested here is the hex module:
module hex(BIN, SSD);
input [15:0] BIN;
output reg [0:6] SSD;
always begin
Thank you in advance!
Your hex module is not a function, it is a module and therefore must be instantiated with an instance name like this:
hex digit0(.BIN(M1), .SSD(HEX4));
hex digit1(.BIN(M2), .SSD(HEX5));
hex digit2(.BIN(H1), .SSD(HEX6));
hex digit3(.BIN(H2), .SSD(HEX7));
In addition to nguthrie being correct, that you need to instantiate your hex converter as a module, you drive M1 from a race condition in your always block. Non-blocking assignments will evaluate simultaneously within a block (or essentially simultaneously). This is not a program, where things happen in order. What might work better is:
always # (negedge CLOCK_50) begin
if (Q2 >= 60) begin
MinInc = 1;
if (M1 < 9) begin
M1 <= M1 + 1'b1;
end else begin
M1 <= 0;
M2 <= M2 + 1'b1;
end else begin
MinInc = 0;
You will also potentially get unexpected results from your blocking assignments to MinInc, but since I don't see where this is read it's hard to know what will happen.
Read up on blocking (=) vs non-blocking (<=) assignments in Verilog. It's one of the trickiest concepts of the language, and misuse of the two operations is the cause of 90% of the most dastardly bugs I've ever seen.
EDIT: In re-reading your question, it seems that you're trying to drive M1-4 from at least three places. You really can't have a continuous always begin block and a clocked (always # (negedge clock) begin) driving the same register. This will send your compiler into a tantrum.
