Ordering data frame column by desc causing Analysis exception [Pyspark] - apache-spark

I have a data frame with 3 columns: journal, abstract, and word count. I'm trying to calculate the average word count of the abstract for each journal and then order them in descending order to show the journals with the longest average abstract.
I've managed to get to a point where I have just the journal and average word count. That was done by doing:
newDF = marchDF.select("journal", "abstract").withColumn("wordcount", lit("0").cast("integer")).withColumn("wordcount", sql.size(sql.split(sql.col("abstract"), " ")))
nonullDF = newDF.filter(col("journal").isNotNull()).filter(col("abstract").isNotNull())
groupedDF = nonullDF.select("journal", "wordcount").groupBy("journal").avg("wordcount")
however, when I try to order it by wordcount, it throws the error:
cannot resolve '`wordcount`' given input columns: [avg(wordcount), journal];;
I've tried:
orderedDF = groupedDF.orderBy(col("wordcount")).desc().show(5)
orderedDF = groupedDF.sort(col("wordcount")).desc.show(5)
but both throw that same error and I don't understand why.

That's because as the error says, there is no column named wordcount. The column you want to order by is called avg(wordcount), so you can do
orderedDF = groupedDF.orderBy("avg(wordcount)", ascending=False).show(5)
Alternatively, you can rename the avg column to wordcount during the aggregation:
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
groupedDF = nonullDF.select("journal", "wordcount").groupBy("journal").agg(F.avg("wordcount").alias("wordcount"))
orderedDF = groupedDF.orderBy("wordcount", ascending=False).show(5)
Note also the correct syntax for ordering in descending order.


why am I getting column object not callable error in pyspark?

I am doing a simple parquet file reading and running a query to find the un-matched rows from left table. Please see the code snippet below.
argTestData = '<path to parquet file>'
tst_DF = spark.read.option('header', True).parquet(argTestData)
argrefData = '<path to parquet file>'
refDF = spark.read.option('header', True).parquet(argrefData)
cond = ["col1", "col2", "col3"]
fi = tst_DF.join(refDF, cond , "left_anti")
So far things are working. However, as a requirement, I need to get the elements list if the above gives count > 0, i.e. if the value of fi.count() > 0, then I need the elements name. So, I tried below code, but it is throwing error.
if fi.filter(col("col1").count() > 0).collect():
TypeError: 'Column' object is not callable
I have 3 columns as a joining condition which is in a list and assigned to a variable cond, and I need to get the un-matched records for those 3 columns, so the if condition has to accommodate them. OfCourse there are many other columns due to join.
Please suggest where am I making mistakes.
Thank you
If I understand correctly, that's simply :
The left_anti already get the records which do not match (exists in tst_DF but not in refDF).
You can add a distinct before the collect to remove duplicates.
Did you import the column function?
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
if fi.filter(F.col("col1").count() > 0).collect():

Spark window function and taking first and last values per column per partition (aggregation over window)

Imagine I have a huge dataset which I partitionBy('id'). Assume that id is unique to a person, so there could be n number of rows per id and the goal is to reduce it to one.
Basically, aggregating to make id distinct.
w = Window().partitionBy(id).rowsBetween(-sys.maxsize, sys.maxsize)
test1 = {
key: F.first(key, True).over(w).alias(key)
for key in some_dict.keys()
if (some_dict[key] == 'test1')
test2 = {
key: F.last(key, True).over(w).alias(k)
for k in some_dict.keys()
if (some_dict[k] == 'test2')
Assume that I have some_dict with values either as test1 or test2 and based on the value, I either take the first or last as shown above.
How do I actually call aggregate and reduce this?
cols = {**test1, **test2}
cols = list(cols.value())
df.select(*cols).groupBy('id').agg(*cols) # Doesnt work
The above clearly doesn't work. Any ideas?
Goal here is : I have 5 unique IDs and 25 rows with each ID having 5 rows. I want to reduce it to 5 rows from 25.
Let assume you dataframe name df which contains duplicate use below method
from pyspark.sql.functions import row_number
from pyspark.sql.window import Window
window = Window.partitionBy(df['id']).orderBy(df['id'])
final = df.withColumn("row_id", row_number.over(window)).filter("row_id = 1")
change the order by condition in case there is specific criteria so that particular record will be on top of partition

How to get specific attributes of a df that has been grouped

I'm printing out the frequency of murders in each state in each particular decade. However, I just want to print the state, decade, and it's victim count. What I have right now is that it's printing out all the columns with the same frequencies. How do I change it so that I just have 3 columns, State, Decade, and Victim Count?
I'm currently using the groupby function to group by the state and decade and setting that equal to a variable called count.
xl = pd.ExcelFile('Wyoming.xlsx')
df = xl.parse('Sheet1')
df['Decade'] = (df['Year'] // 10) * 10
counts = df.groupby(['State', 'Decade']).count()
The outcome is printing out all the columns in the file with the same frequencies whereas I just want 3 columns: State Decade Victim Count
Sample Text File
You should reset_index of the groupby object, and then select the columns from the new dataframe.
Something like
xl = pd.ExcelFile('Wyoming.xlsx')
df = xl.parse('Sheet1')
df['Decade'] = (df['Year'] // 10) * 10
counts = df.groupby(['State', 'Decade']).count()
counts = counts.reset_index()[['State', 'Decade','Vistim Count']]
Select the columns that you want:
counts = df.loc[:,['State', 'Decade','Vistim Count']].groupby(['State', 'Decade']).count()
print(count.loc[:,['State', 'Decade','Vistim Count']])

One Hot Encoding a composite field

I want to transform multiple columns with same categorical values using a OneHotEncoder. I created a composite field and tried to use OneHotEncoder on it as below: (Items 1-3 are from the same list of items)
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
df = df.withColumn("basket", myConcat("item1", "item2", "item3"))
indexer = StringIndexer(inputCol="basket", outputCol="basketIndex")
indexed = indexer.fit(df).transform(df)
encoder = OneHotEncoder(setInputCol="basketIndex", setOutputCol="basketVec")
encoded = encoder.transform(indexed)
def myConcat(*cols):
return F.concat(*[F.coalesce(c, F.lit("*")) for c in cols])
I am getting an out of memory error.
Does this approach work? How do I one hot encode a composite field or multiple columns with categorical values from same list?
If you have categorical values array why you didn't try CountVectorizer:
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from pyspark.ml.feature import CountVectorizer
df = df.withColumn("basket", myConcat("item1", "item2", "item3"))
indexer = CountVectorizer(inputCol="basket", outputCol="basketIndex")
indexed = indexer.fit(df).transform(df)
Note: I can't comment yet (due to the fact that I'm a new user).
What is the cardinality of your "item1", "item2" and "item3"
More specifically, what are the values that the following prints is giving ?
k1 = df.item1.nunique()
k2 = df.item2.nunique()
k3 = df.item3.nunique()
k = k1 * k2 * k3
print (k1, k2, k3)
One hot encoding is basically creating a very sparse matrix of same number of rows as your original dataframe with k number of additional columns, where k = products of the three numbers printed above.
Therefore, if your 3 numbers are large, you get out of memory error.
The only solutions are to:
(1) increase your memory or
(2) introduce a hierarchy among the categories and use the higher level categories to limit k.

subtract mean from pyspark dataframe

I'm trying to calculate the average for each column in a dataframe and subtract from each element in the column. I've created a function that attempts to do that, but when I try to implement it using a UDF, I get an error: 'float' object has no attribute 'map'. Any ideas on how I can create such a function? Thanks!
def normalize(data):
average=data.map(lambda x: x[0]).sum()/data.count()
out=data.map(lambda x: (x-average))
return out
dats = data.withColumn('Normalized', mapSTD('Fare'))
In your example there is problem with UDF function which can not be applied to row and whole DataFrame. UDF can be applied only to single row, but Spark also enables implementing UDAF (User Defined Aggregate Functions) working on whole DataFrame.
To solve your problem you can use below function:
from pyspark.sql.functions import mean
def normalize(df, column):
average = df.agg(mean(df[column]).alias("mean")).collect()[0]["mean"]
return df.select(df[column] - average)
Use it like this:
normalize(df, "Fare")
Please note that above only works on single column, but it is possible to implement something more generic:
def normalize(df, columns):
selectExpr = []
for column in columns:
average = df.agg(mean(df[column]).alias("mean")).collect()[0]["mean"]
selectExpr.append(df[column] - average)
return df.select(selectExpr)
use it like:
normalize(df, ["col1", "col2"])
This works, but you need to run aggregation for each column, so with many columns performance could be issue, but it is possible to generate only one aggregate expression:
def normalize(df, columns):
aggExpr = []
for column in columns:
averages = df.agg(*aggExpr).collect()[0]
selectExpr = []
for column in columns:
selectExpr.append(df[column] - averages[column])
return df.select(selectExpr)
Adding onto Piotr's answer. If you need to keep the existing dataframe and add normalized columns with aliases, the function can be modified as:
def normalize(df, columns):
aggExpr = []
for column in columns:
averages = df.agg(*aggExpr).collect()[0]
selectExpr = ['*']
for column in columns:
selectExpr.append((df[column] - averages[column]).alias('normalized_'+column))
return df.select(selectExpr)
