is it possible to stop/kill Mathematica Frontend from wolframscript? - frontend

I use wolframscript to generate hundreds of images like this
visualization of 4fold symmetry of octahedron
(to be combined in animation videos) like so:
"img" <> IntegerString[# , 10, 6] <> ".jpg",
(* Graphics3D with >300,000 polygons *),
ViewVector -> {#, {0,0,#[[3]]}}& # viewPoints[[#]],
ViewVertical -> {0, 0, 1},
ViewAngle -> 35 Degree,
ImageSize -> Large
] &,
Range[ ToExpression[#[[1]]], ToExpression[#[[2]]] ]& # Rest[$ScriptCommandLine]
Due to the memory leak in Mathematica Frontend 12.1.1 triggered by the rasterizing operation in FE I'm forced to run the script piecewise from a shell script like this
./hp-h+h-bps+ghp-t7-s2-9.wls 1 5
./hp-h+h-bps+ghp-t7-s2-9.wls 6 10
./hp-h+h-bps+ghp-t7-s2-9.wls 11 15
./hp-h+h-bps+ghp-t7-s2-9.wls 191 195
./hp-h+h-bps+ghp-t7-s2-9.wls 196 200
Is it possible to kill the frontend from within wolframscript?
(Run["kill -9 pidOfMathematicaServer"] will not work because this would also kill the kernel which spawned the FE.)

ihojnicki answered on mathematica.stackexchange:
"You can release your copy of the FrontEnd via Developer`UninstallFrontEnd[]."
Works very well and lets me get rid of the shell script.


tkinter animation speed on windows and linux

I was trying to create simple 2d game using tkinter, but faced with interesting problem: animation speed is quite different on various computers.
To test this, I've create script, that measures time of animation
import tkinter as tk
import datetime
root = tk.Tk()
can = tk.Canvas(height=500, width=1000)
rect = can.create_rectangle(0, 240, 20, 260, fil='#5F6A6A')
def act():
global rect, can
pos = can.coords(rect)
if pos[2] < 1000:
can.move(rect, 5, 0)
def key_down(key):
t =
print( - t)
can.bind("<Button-1>", key_down)
and get these results:
i3-7100u ubuntu 20.04 laptop python3.8.5 - 0.5 seconds
i3-7100u windows 10 laptop python3.9.4 - 3 seconds
i3-6006u ubuntu 20.10 laptop python3.9.x - 0.5 seconds
i3-6006u windows 10 laptop python3.8.x - 3 seconds
i5-7200u windows 10 laptop python3.6.x - 3 seconds
i5-8400 windows 10 desktop python3.9.x - 3 seconds
fx-9830p windows 10 laptop python3.8.x - 0.5 seconds
tkinter vesrion is the same - 8.6
How can be it fixed or at least explained?
tkinter.Canvas.after should be used like so:
def act():
global rect, can
pos = can.coords(rect)
if pos[2] < 1000:
can.move(rect, 5, 0)
can.after(1, act)
The after method is not like time.sleep. Rather than recursively calling the function, the above code schedules it to be called later, so this will break your timing code.
If you want to time it again, try this:
def act():
global rect, can, t
pos = can.coords(rect)
if pos[2] < 1000:
can.move(rect, 5, 0)
can.after(1, act)
print( - t)
def key_down(key):
global t
t =
This may still take different amounts of time on different machines. This difference can be caused by a variety of things like CPU speed, the implementation of tkinter for your OS etc. The difference can be reduced by increasing the delay between iterations: tkinter.Canvas.after takes a time in milliseconds, so a delay of 16 can still give over 60 frames per seconds.
If keeping the animation speed constant is important, I would recommend you use delta time in your motion calculations rather than assuming a constant frame rate.
AS you can see from your data it doesent matter which python version. It appears that ubuntu systems can help process python easier. However, im pretty sure its just the processer or how much ram the computer has.

Console Screen Buffer Info shows incorrect X position

I recently found a great short code Why the irrelevant code made a difference? for obtaining console screen buffer info (which I include below) that replaces the huge code accompanying the standard 'CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO()' method (which I won't include here!)
import ctypes
import struct
print("xxx",end="") # I added this to show what the problem is
hstd = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(-11) # STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE = -11
csbi = ctypes.create_string_buffer(22)
res = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hstd, csbi)
width, height, curx, cury, wattr, left, top, right, bottom, maxx, maxy = struct.unpack("hhhhHhhhhhh", csbi.raw)
# The following two lines are also added
print() # To bring the cursor to next line for displaying infp
print(width, height, curx, cury, wattr, left, top, right, bottom, maxx, maxy) # Display what we got
80 250 0 7 7 0 0 79 24 80 43
This output is for Windows 10 MSDOS, with clearing the screen before running the code. However. 'curx' = 0 although it should be 3 (after printing "xxx"). The same phenomenon happens also with the 'CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO()' method. Any idea what is the problem?
Also, any suggestion for a method of obtaining current cursor position -- besides 'curses' library -- will be welcome!
You need to flush the print buffer if you don't output a linefeed:
Then I get the correct curx=3 with your code:
130 9999 3 0 14 0 0 129 75 130 76
BTW the original answer in the posted question is the "great" code. The "bitness" of HANDLE can break your code, and not defining .argtypes as a "shortcut" is usually the cause of most ctypes problems.

OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (_img.rows * _img.cols == vecSize)

I keep getting this error
OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (_img.rows * _img.cols == vecSize) in get, file /build/opencv-SviWsf/opencv-, line 157
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception'
what(): /build/opencv-SviWsf/opencv- error: (-215) _img.rows * _img.cols == vecSize in function get
Aborted (core dumped)
when running opencv_traincascade. I run with these arguments: opencv_traincascade -data data -vec positives.vec -bg bg.txt -numPos 1600 -numNeg 800 -numStages 10 -w 20 -h 20.
My project build is as follows:
|__data/ # where I plan to put cascade
|__ # all samples
|__ # neg images
before I ran opencv_createsamples -img jersey5050.jpg -bg bg.txt -info info/info.lst -maxxangle 0.5 - maxyangle 0.5 -maxzangle 0.5 -num 1800
Not quite sure why I'm getting this error. The images are all converted to greyscale as well. The neg's are sized at 100x100 and jersey5050.jpg is sized at 50x50. I saw someone had a the same error on the OpenCV forums and someone suggested deleting the backup .xml files that are created b OpenCV in case the training is "interrupted". I deleted those and nothing. Please help! I'm using python 3 on mac. I'm also running these commands on an ubuntu server from digitalocean with 2GB of ram but I don't think that's part of the problem.
Forgot to mention, after the opencv_createsamples command, i then ran opencv_createsamples -info info/info.lst -num 1800 -w 20 -h20 -vec positives.vec
I solved it haha. Even though I specified in the command the width and height to be 20x20, it changed it to 20x24. So the opencv_traincascade command was throwing an error. Once I changed the width and height arguments in the opencv_traincascade command it worked.
This error is observed when the parameters passed is not matching with the vec file generated, as rightly put by the terminal in this line
Assertion failed (_img.rows * _img.cols == vecSize)
opencv_createsamples displays the parameters passed to it for training. Please verify of the parameters used for creating samples are the same that you passed. I have attached the terminal log for reference.
mayank#mayank-Aspire-A515-51G:~/programs/opencv/CSS/homework/HAAR_classifier/dataset$ opencv_createsamples -info pos.txt -num 235 -w 40 -h 40 -vec positives_test.vec
Info file name: pos.txt
Img file name: (NULL)
Vec file name: positives_test.vec
BG file name: (NULL)
Num: 235
BG color: 0
BG threshold: 80
Invert: FALSE
Max intensity deviation: 40
Max x angle: 1.1
Max y angle: 1.1
Max z angle: 0.5
Show samples: FALSE
Width: 40 <--- confirm
Height: 40 <--- confirm
Max Scale: -1
RNG Seed: 12345
Create training samples from images collection...
Done. Created 235 samples

Error using writeOGR {rgdal} to write gpx file

I am trying to use writeOGR to create a gpx file of points. writeOGR() will create a shp file with no error, but if I try to write a KML or GPX file I get this error. I'm using R 3.1.1 and rgdal 0.8-16 on Windows (I've tried it on 7 and 8, same issue).
writeOGR(points, driver="KML", layer="random_2014",dsn="C:/Users/amvander/Downloads")
Error in writeOGR(points, driver = "KML", layer = "random_2014", dsn = "C:/Users/amvander/Downloads") :
Creation of output file failed
It is in geographic coordinates, I already figured out that that was important
Object of class SpatialPointsDataFrame
min max
x -95.05012 -95.04392
y 40.08884 40.09588
Is projected: FALSE
proj4string :
[+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0]
Number of points: 20
Data attributes:
x y ID
Min. :-95.05 Min. :40.09 Length:20
1st Qu.:-95.05 1st Qu.:40.09 Class :character
Median :-95.05 Median :40.09 Mode :character
Mean :-95.05 Mean :40.09
3rd Qu.:-95.05 3rd Qu.:40.09
Max. :-95.04 Max. :40.10
Formal class 'SpatialPointsDataFrame' [package "sp"] with 5 slots
..# data :'data.frame': 20 obs. of 3 variables:
.. ..$ x : num [1:20] -95 -95 -95 -95 -95 ...
.. ..$ y : num [1:20] 40.1 40.1 40.1 40.1 40.1 ...
.. ..$ ID: chr [1:20] "nvsanc_1" "nvsanc_2" "nvsanc_3" "nvsanc_4" ...
..# coords.nrs : num(0)
..# coords : num [1:20, 1:2] -95 -95 -95 -95 -95 ...
.. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
.. .. ..$ : NULL
.. .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "x" "y"
..# bbox : num [1:2, 1:2] -95.1 40.1 -95 40.1
.. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
.. .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "x" "y"
.. .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "min" "max"
..# proj4string:Formal class 'CRS' [package "sp"] with 1 slots
.. .. ..# projargs: chr "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"
can anyone provide any guidance on how to get around this error?
Here are the files I used and the code.
you already figured out these formats will only accept geographic coordinates (lat-long, not projected) and at least for GPX files there are very limited fields allowed, like "name" for the name, "ele" for elevation and "time" for date-time information. The #data fields in your file do not match those and thus cause an error.
It is possible to write those extra fields using
in that case they will be added as subclasses in an "extensions" field, but many simple gps receivers will not read or use those fields though. To create a very simple waypoint file with names use the following procedure.
#I will use your dataset points
#if not already re-project your points as lat-long
ll_points <- spTransform(points, CRS("+proj=longlat + ellps=WGS84"))
# use the ID field for the names
ll_points#data$name <- ll_points#data$ID
#Now only write the "name" field to the file
writeOGR(ll_points["name"], driver="GPX", layer="waypoints",
for me this executed and created a working gpx file that my gps accepted with displayed names.
I had some problems implementing the code for input from a simple data.frame and wanted to provide the full code for someone working with that kind of data (instead of from a shapefile). This is simply a very slightly modified answer from #Wiebe's answer, without having to go search out what #Auriel Fournier's original data looked like.Thank you #Wiebe - your answer helped me solve my problem too.
The data look like this:
name Latitude Longitude
1 AP1402_C110617 -78.43262 45.45142
2 AP1402_C111121 -78.42433 45.47371
3 AP1402_C111617 -78.41053 45.45600
4 AP1402_C112200 -78.42115 45.53047
5 AP1402_C112219 -78.41262 45.50071
6 AP1402_C112515 -78.42140 45.43471
Code to get it into GPX for mapsource using writeOGR:
dat <- structure(list(name = c("AP1402_C110617", "AP1402_C111121", "AP1402_C111617",
"AP1402_C112200", "AP1402_C112219", "AP1402_C112515"), Latitude = c(-78.4326169598409,
-78.4243276812641, -78.4105301310195, -78.4211498660601, -78.4126208020092,
-78.4214041610924), Longitude = c(45.4514150332163, 45.4737126348589,
45.4560042609868, 45.5304703938887, 45.5007103937952, 45.4347135938299
)), .Names = c("name", "Latitude", "Longitude"), row.names = c(NA,
6L), class = "data.frame")
dat <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(data=dat, coords=dat[,2:3], proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
dsn="TEST3234.gpx", layer="waypoints", driver="GPX",

Export a matrix to Excel

I made a matrix and I want to export it to Excel. The matrix looks like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 0.4069264
3 0.5142857 0.2948718
4 0.3939394 0.4098639 0.3772894
5 0.3476190 0.3717949 0.3194444 0.5824176
6 0.2809524 0.3974359 0.2222222 0.3388278 0.3974359
7 0.2809524 0.5987654 0.3933333 0.4188713 0.4711538 0.3429487
8 0.4675325 0.4855072 0.4523810 0.4917184 0.3409091 0.4318182 0.4128788
9 0.3896104 0.5189594 0.4404762 0.2667549 0.5471429 0.3604762 0.3081502
10 0.4242424 0.4068878 0.3484432 0.2708333 0.4766484 0.3740842 0.4528219
11 0.3476190 0.3942308 0.2881944 0.3228022 0.4711538 0.2147436 0.3653846
12 0.6060606 0.3949830 0.2971612 0.3541667 0.5022894 0.3484432 0.4466490
13 0.4675325 0.5972222 0.6060606 0.3670635 0.4393939 0.3939394 0.3695652
14 0.4978355 0.4951499 0.4480952 0.4713404 0.3814286 0.3147619 0.4629121
15 0.4632035 0.4033883 0.4508929 0.3081502 0.4728571 0.3528571 0.4828571
16 0.3766234 0.5173993 0.4771825 0.4734432 0.5114286 0.3514286 0.4214286
17 0.3939394 0.5289116 0.3260073 0.3333333 0.5663919 0.2330586 0.3015873
18 0.3939394 0.3708791 0.2837302 0.4102564 0.3392857 0.2559524 0.4123810
19 0.3160173 0.5727041 0.4885531 0.3056973 0.4725275 0.3827839 0.3346561
20 0.3333333 0.5793651 0.4257143 0.4876543 0.4390476 0.2390476 0.3131868
21 0.5281385 0.3762755 0.4052198 0.2997449 0.4180403 0.2898352 0.4951499
22 0.3593074 0.3784014 0.4075092 0.2423469 0.4908425 0.3113553 0.3430335
23 0.5281385 0.5875850 0.4404762 0.4634354 0.6071429 0.3763736 0.3747795
24 0.3549784 0.6252381 0.5957341 0.4328571 0.4429563 0.4429563 0.3422619
25 0.4242424 0.4931973 0.5054945 0.2142857 0.4670330 0.4285714 0.4312169
26 0.3852814 0.5671769 0.4954212 0.4073129 0.3736264 0.4890110 0.4523810
27 0.5238095 0.3269558 0.5187729 0.4051871 0.5412088 0.5155678 0.5859788
28 0.3160173 0.1904762 0.3205128 0.3384354 0.3429487 0.3173077 0.5123457
29 0.2380952 0.4468537 0.5196886 0.4536565 0.4491758 0.4491758 0.4634039
30 0.4545455 0.4295635 0.4080087 0.4791667 0.3474026 0.3019481 0.4627329
31 0.2857143 0.3988095 0.3397436 0.3443878 0.4294872 0.2756410 0.3456790
32 0.3636364 0.3027211 0.3772894 0.3452381 0.4413919 0.3388278 0.3818342
33 0.3333333 0.4482402 0.4080087 0.4275362 0.2888199 0.4047619 0.4301242
34 0.5411255 0.4825680 0.4043040 0.4417517 0.4748168 0.3850733 0.3708113
35 0.3160173 0.5476190 0.4230769 0.3979592 0.3653846 0.3397436 0.2283951
36 0.4603175 0.4653209 0.4778912 0.5170807 0.3928571 0.4508282 0.4254658
37 0.3939394 0.1955782 0.2490842 0.4047619 0.2490842 0.3516484 0.4559083
38 0.3463203 0.4660494 0.4300000 0.4157848 0.3833333 0.2233333 0.2788462
39 0.5844156 0.4668367 0.3809524 0.3843537 0.4803114 0.3008242 0.5026455
40 0.5454545 0.4902211 0.3740842 0.2946429 0.5279304 0.2971612 0.3293651
41 0.5800866 0.3758503 0.5073260 0.5136054 0.3598901 0.5393773 0.4823633
42 0.4458874 0.3937390 0.3785714 0.4686949 0.3768315 0.3127289 0.4954212
43 0.6536797 0.5740741 0.5533333 0.4453263 0.4866667 0.5400000 0.4358974
44 0.5887446 0.5548469 0.4308608 0.3949830 0.5462454 0.3411172 0.5136684
45 0.4069264 0.4357993 0.4308608 0.3830782 0.4308608 0.3795788 0.4025573
46 0.5974026 0.3826531 0.3672161 0.3954082 0.4441392 0.3159341 0.5141093
47 0.2554113 0.4196429 0.4262821 0.4961735 0.2788462 0.3301282 0.3055556
I tried the command:
WriteXLS("my matrix after i converted it to data.frame", "test.xls")
but I got this error:
The Perl script '' failed to run successfully.
I googled it but I couldn't find a solution.
Thanks in advance.
Any reason why you can't just use write.csv?
write.csv(mymatrix, "test.csv")
Import it in Excel and you're set!
PS: I assume you're not putting quotes around your variable name in the WriteXLS call, right?
One other option on Windows (which seems a reasonable assumption given that you are using Excel):
You can write a matrix (or data frame) to the clipboard using a command like:
write.table(mymat, 'clipboard', sep='\t')
Then just go into Excel, click in the cell that you want to be the top left cell, then do a paste and your matrix is there (the sep='\t' is important for Excel to interpret it correctly).
This is similar to other answers, but you don't need an intermediate file on disk.
You could also check xlsx if you do not mind the Excel 2007 format, as xlsx does not depend on Perl (though depends on rJava).
After loading the packge via library(xlsx) just try the following:
write.xlsx(USArrests, "/usarrests.xlsx")
It's hard to see what is going on here exactly. Might be several things.
I think the easiest way to write a matrix to excell is by using write.table() and importing the data in excell. It takes an extra step but it also keeps your data in a nice format.
If foo is your matrix:
If you get an error maybe trie coercing the object to a matrix:
Does the matrix contain values in the upper triangle as well? Perhaps making a full matrix works:
But these are all just random shots in the dark since I don't have a matrix to work with.
EDIT: In response to the other answer, you can remove the column and rownames with col.names=FALSE and row.names=FALSE in both write.table() and write.csv() (which are the same function with different default values).
I have met the same problem, after reinstalling strawberry perl : after debugging the WriteXLS function in R, I found out the the perl module Text::CSV_XS was missing from my fresh new install. I installed this module from the DOS command line :
perl -MCPAN -e shell
install Text::CSV_XS
After this, WriteXLS was working fine.
upper # matrix name
write.xlsx2(upper,file = "File.xlsx", sheetName="Sheetname",col.names=TRUE, row.names=TRUE, append=TRUE, showNA=TRUE)
