Sheet relationship that changes it's value? - excel

I’m currently creating an bigger excel sheet as a storage management tool. To be precise, it’s an hobby project I just wanted to start doing. I worked all Saturday night to do it, but I’m stuck really badly and I can’t figure out how to solve this one problem!
I have two lists:
Material Overview – this is an overview of all the material and it’s total quantity
Log – this is the log, where I can enter if we sold material or bought material
But now that’s where it gets tricky:
I want the log sheet to automatically change the material overview depending on how you entered the forms. I attached some screenshots as an example:
This is the log-File. It logs the changes done to the quantity of the product.
This is the material overview. This should change to 1 now considering we entered +1 in the log sheet.
I have no idea how I have to implement this. Also, there are multiple Articles on the material overview and the log sheet that can be changed.
Could you please help me out on this matter? Would be really nice.
Thank you in advance


Finding the price of a product with sub-variables and giving it as a link?

I have got a sheet.
Like This :
This list includes the products, the main features of the products and their prices according to these basic features.
What I want to do is; when they click on these essential features, they go to the price of their own feature. I don't want to do this manually one by one because there are too many products. I want to create it by writing a formula.
Anyone help this? Thank you :)

How to create exact same thing in Ms Access?

First of all i'm new to Ms Access, i have created small database of School, with students fee details in one excel sheet and the Fee Bill print template in other sheet, and linked them both so that i can print Fee Bill of each student. But at the end of each month i want to carried forward the fee details and remaining fee of each student, i have done it in excel also, but it got corrupted easily, and if i have to delete one student then i have to go through many things, So i want to create the same thing in access, i'm attaching the excel sheet for full explanation.
Excel Worksheet sample
Things i wanna do..
I want to create the same data base as the excel.
I want to create a template for printing fee bill for each student.
After every month next fee bills should be ready.
Any help will be really appreciated.
you really need to learn a bit of access first and foremost your question is extremely broad and difficult to answer, many things would go into such a task. the below should get you started.
You should first import the data you have into Access, this will give you somewhere to start with number 1.
look into a tutorial on how to produce reports in Access this will resolve number 2
look into a tutorial on how to produce forms in Access this will allow for easier input and progress towards your 3rd objective.
Hope this helps.

Trying to set up a summary sheet for data validation

I've created a workbook for a friend who owns her own business. The workbook includes a sheet for each month, with Data Validation to determine the service, price, products, etc. It also indicates a method of payment.
She's asked that I update the summary sheet to not only show the totals per month, but to also show the total for each method of payment.
I'm having a hard time finding the right way to do this. Since this could change for each client, I imagine I'll have some sort of If statement, but I don't have enough experience to be able to successfully write this out (at least not in excel).
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

how to call and sort data in a view?

I have two view, one is sorting 2011 data and the other one is sorting the 2012,
2013 is coming and I think, create another view is not good. Then I tried to code a formula to call the data in my database and send to view but it's not working .
please help me :)
I think your best option is to create another view. Notes doesn't do well with dynamic view selection formulas.
Another alternative to consider is to use categories to group data by year. You could then set up an embedded view that shows only a single category, which could be determined by a drop-down field that shows the available years.
A solution I have used when dealing with weekly or monthly date is to use an agent to create a new folder every week and to put the correct documents in the folder. But this is a lot of work and if there is a high volume of data you can run into problems with some of the internal limits of the Notes database structure. Someone with expert level knowledge of Notes can probably manage this, but I do not recommend it as a general solution -- and certainly not for yearly data.
Adding a view once a year is really not that bad. It's two minutes of work every 12 months, just copying and renaming the previous year's view and changing the selection formula.

Need to delete old SKU# and enter new SKU # onto a master sheet

This project keeps throwing new and exciting things that I am having a good deal of trouble with.
I am hoping that there is an easy solution but I am starting to suspect it may be a macro problem.
What I have is...a master list of products, 10,000 of them. It is now end of season and we are moving a range of products to a discontinued section.
So what I need to know is how can I delete all the SKU's I need to...and then as an added bonus feature...add the NEW SKU's for this season into the master list.
What I am hoping to do is create something that when we have to do this again in six months...we dont have to enter the data individually and just add a discontinued list...and a new list and it will auto update the main list.
I will have to add SKUS and the data they contain and my only knowledge of this is using Vlookup.
There are a lot of ways to tackle this, but you haven't given enough info to get a specific answer.
For example, if you have that list of discontinued product numbers somewhere, you could easily run a vlookup formula against that data source to the master data source. Then, just sort out the stuff you want and delete it or move it or whatever.
It also begs the question of why you have a 'discontinued' section. I loathe 'sections' in a database. If it's a real DB table, there shouldn't be any breaks'd deal with 'discontinued' versus 'active' with an additional field (column) and mark things as such there.
If the table and the data is organized well, you can easily do these tasks you are talkign about.
