OPL how to iterate each element in a set to trait in execute field - opl

i want to traite the datas in execute, and I have to iterate elements in a {string} Donnnes defined before. That looks like:
{string} Donnnes = ...;
//how can i iterate each element in set to trait
for(){//please help me to fill all

ok I found it:
{string} Donnes = ...;
range indices = 0..card(Donnes);
//how can i iterate each element in set to trait
for(var i in indices){//please help me to fill all
var ele = Opl.item(donnes,i);
//for traiting each ele......


How can I sort an object by two unique fields in NodeJS

I need to sort an array of objects by the two fields. I need it to be as least computationally heavy as possible.
This is how the array of objects looks
let arr = [
name: 'Liate',
surname: 'Tsek'
This is how I am doing it
let unique = [...new Set(arr.map(item => item.name))]
This only works for the 1st field, how can I get it to work with both?
let seen = new Set()
let uniArr = arr.filter(entry => {
** Create unique key of code and segment
const key = entry.name+ "-" + entry.surname
** Check if the key does not exist in the SET
const keep = !seen.has(key)
** If keep doesn't exist, add it to the set
if (keep)
** Return
return keep
This works given that the delimiter you use to join the fields will never appear in either fields. Hope it helps

How to instantiate a object with a variable key-value pair in Javascript?

I want to instantiate a object with its key being a variable. Something along the lines of this:
var deleteDuplicates = function(head) {
let dict = {
`${head.val}`: 1
Is something like this possible besides having another line write to it:
let dict = {}
if (head) dict[head.val] = 1
The syntax for throwing a variable in as a key is:
let dict = {
[head.val]: 1
Source: ES6

How to use dot(.) to MongoDB(Mongoose) schema as a parameter [duplicate]

It's difficult to explain the case by words, let me give an example:
var myObj = {
'name': 'Umut',
'age' : 34
var prop = 'name';
var value = 'Onur';
myObj[name] = value; // This does not work
eval('myObj.' + name) = value; //Bad coding ;)
How can I set a variable property with variable value in a JavaScript object?
myObj[prop] = value;
That should work. You mixed up the name of the variable and its value. But indexing an object with strings to get at its properties works fine in JavaScript.
myObj['name']=value (Quotes are required)
Both of these are interchangeable.
Edit: I'm guessing you meant myObj[prop] = value, instead of myObj[name] = value. Second syntax works fine: http://jsfiddle.net/waitinforatrain/dNjvb/1/
You can get the property the same way as you set it.
foo = {
bar: "value"
You set the value
foo["bar"] = "baz";
To get the value
will return "baz".
You could also create something that would be similar to a value object (vo);
function SomeModelClassNameVO(name,id) {
this.name = name;
this.id = id;
Than you can just do;
var someModelClassNameVO = new someModelClassNameVO('name',1);
simple as this
myObj.name = value;
When you create an object myObj as you have, think of it more like a dictionary. In this case, it has two keys, name, and age.
You can access these dictionaries in two ways:
Like an array (e.g. myObj[name]); or
Like a property (e.g. myObj.name); do note that some properties are reserved, so the first method is preferred.
You should be able to access it as a property without any problems. However, to access it as an array, you'll need to treat the key like a string.
Otherwise, javascript will assume that name is a variable, and since you haven't created a variable called name, it won't be able to access the key you're expecting.
You could do the following:
var currentObj = {
name: 'Umut',
age : 34
var newValues = {
name: 'Onur',
Option 1:
currentObj = Object.assign(currentObj, newValues);
Option 2:
currentObj = {...currentObj, ...newValues};
Option 3:
Object.keys(newValues).forEach(key => {
currentObj[key] = newValues[key];

Is there any way to create matrix items using suite script?

Basically my requirement is to create a matrix item through the script. I'm wondering if is there any way to create a matrix item through Restlet or any Workflow. I succeeded creating the parent item with some specific attributes but it seems after submitting the record there is no child items getting created.
Bellow is the code snippet what I'm using right now.
var record= nlapiCreateRecord('serviceitem');
record.setFieldValue('name', 'Matrix Parent Record');
record.setFieldValue('matrixtype', 'PARENT');
record.setFieldValue('custitem_matrix_op1', '2');
record.setFieldValue('custitem_matrix_op2', '3');
var id=nlapiSubmitRecord(record);
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank You.
Little example:
var parent = nlapiCreateRecord('noninventoryitem');
parent.setFieldValue('matrixtype', 'PARENT');
parent.setFieldValue('itemid', 'zzz ttt');
parent.setFieldValue('subsidiary', 2);// internalid for subs.
parent.setFieldValue('taxschedule', 4);// internalid for N/A in my account
parent.setFieldValues('itemoptions', ['CUSTCOL_LLL_EVENTLOCATION_OPT']);//option to be shown at PDP
parent.setFieldValue('custitem_event_location', 11);// particular option id (see in your list)
var parentid = nlapiSubmitRecord(parent);
var child = nlapiCreateRecord('noninventoryitem');
child.setFieldValue('matrixtype', 'CHILD');
child.setFieldValue('parent', parentid);
child.setFieldValue('itemid', 'zzz ttt child');
child.setFieldValue('taxschedule', 4);// internalid for N/A in my account
child.setFieldValues('itemoptions', ['CUSTCOL_LLL_EVENTLOCATION_OPT']);// same as in parent record
child.setFieldValue('matrixoptioncustitem_event_location', 11);// same as in parent record
var childid = nlapiSubmitRecord(child );
It will create a matrix with one child item.
Do not forget to set up additional fields like price and "display in web store" (isonline field).
After creating the parent item, you need to create child item as well,In the child item set the parent item internal ID & submit the record.
but here there is a drawback. because of static sub list, am not able to append the child items to parent in the Matrix sub list.
Using Suite Talk you could do something like this
/** Create Sweaters as matrix items.
* First create the parent - no matrix properties except "Matrix Type" is Parent
* Second create the matrix children with a combination of sizes and colors.
* This can be done in a single addList (as shown).
//Define mrr method
public static RecordRef mrr(String internalId)
RecordRef toRet = new RecordRef();
return toRet;
// Define makeListOrRecordRef method
public static ListOrRecordRef makeListOrRecordRef(String sTypeId, String internalId, String sName)
ListOrRecordRef toRet = new ListOrRecordRef();
return toRet;
public void testMatrixSample() throws Exception
// Color is a Custom List of TypeId/RecType 1 that has already been created. 1,2,3 represent the
// internalIds of Red, Green, Blue
ListOrRecordRef[] colorArray = new
ListOrRecordRef[] {makeListOrRecordRef("1","1","Red"), makeListOrRecordRef("1","2","Green"),
makeListOrRecordRef("1","3","Blue")}; // Representing red, green and blue
// Size is a CustomList of TypeId/RecType 2 that has already been created
ListOrRecordRef[] sizeArray = new ListOrRecordRef[]{makeListOrRecordRef("2","2","Large"),makeListOrRecordRef("2","3","Small")};
//Representing large and small
InventoryItem[] toSubmit = new InventoryItem[1+colorArray.length*sizeArray.length];
toSubmit[0] = new InventoryItem();
// set other fields on the Parent
for (int i=0;i<colorArray.length*sizeArray.length;i++)
toSubmit[i+1] = new InventoryItem();
// mrr Creates a recordRef given an internal and externalId, the latter of which we specify.
// This makes it so we can submit all the records at once
// "sweater-large-red","sweater-large-green"...
toSubmit[i+1].setItemId("sweater-"+colorArray[i%3].getName() + "-" +
sizeArray[i % 2].getName());
// set externalId so it's easier to find later
// CUSTITEM_COLOR,SIZE are the names of the Item Custom Fields, applied to
//InventoryItem that were setup as a Matrix types.
SelectCustomFieldRef colorRef = new SelectCustomFieldRef();
SelectCustomFieldRef sizeRef = new SelectCustomFieldRef();
toSubmit[i+1].setMatrixOptionList(new MatrixOptionList(new
// Set other matrix item child files
WriteResponseList wr = c.getPort().addList(toSubmit);

Raphaeljs: Copy element or set to another paper

Is there a possibility of adding an element or set that exists within a paper to another paper, without creating each element twice from scratch?
Background for this: I visualize a large node graph and want to create an "overview map" in a separate paper.
The following set of codes adds a nw function to Raphael Set and Raphael Elements. The usage is to simply call .cloneToPaper(targetPaper) on any set or element.
(function (R) {
var cloneSet; // to cache set cloning function for optimisation
* Clones Raphael element from one paper to another
* #param {Paper} targetPaper is the paper to which this element
* has to be cloned
* #return RaphaelElement
R.el.cloneToPaper = function (targetPaper) {
return (!this.removed &&
* Clones Raphael Set from one paper to another
* #param {Paper} targetPaper is the paper to which this element
* has to be cloned
* #return RaphaelSet
R.st.cloneToPaper = function (targetPaper) {
this.forEach(cloneSet || (cloneSet = function (el) {
return targetPaper.setFinish();
For a sample implementation, you may check out this fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/shamasis/39yTS/
Note that if you have events on the source elements, they will not be cloned to the target paper.
Raphael don't allow to move element from one paper to another directly.
So it is better to create a new element with same property in the target paper.
I have created following sample method. you can add the code in your page and use cloneToPaper function to clone a element or a set to another paper.
function extractJSON(element) {
var attr = element.attr(),
newNodeJSON = {type: element.type},
for (key in attr) {
newNodeJSON[key] = attr[key];
return newNodeJSON;
* #param {Object} element: raphael element or set
* #param {Object} paper: Target paper where to clone
* #return {object}: newly created set or element
function cloneToPaper(element, paper) {
var isSet = element.type === 'set',
elementJSONArr = [],
i, ln, newSet;
if (isSet) {
ln = element.items.length;
for (i = 0; i < ln; i += 1) {
else {
newSet = paper.add(elementJSONArr);
return isSet ? newSet : newSet[0];
