Is it possible to store Cytoscape.js layout data directly to a file format in app/web server and re-launch the same layout to minimize re-computation? - position

Some of the cytoscape layout is randomize where the position is not fix every time we launch it. I understand from multiple stack overflow questions where we can save the layout data (i.e. including its position x and y) into browser local storage or session storage so that we can display the same layout using the same data.
However, the problem with local storage or session storage is good for one users. But, imagine if there are thousands of users using the same app, the server will undergo mass computation for each user to store respective data to individual browsers. Can we save the data into a file format directly into app/web server so that 1000 users will see the same layout and this reduces the computation of different data set as well.
Thank you. Would like to know the possibility to convert data into a file and store in the web/app server.

Yes, you can store position data. Actually, there are 2 options in my mind.
Use cy.json(). You can store the elements as JSON like JSON.stringify(cy.json().elements) and then save this JSON string.
cy.json().elements is something like the below image
You can restore this data easily like cy.json({elements: JSON.parse(jsonStr));
As you could see cy.json().elements is a bit big thing. Position data is just a small object like {x: 0, y: 0}. Additional to position it contains many other data. So if you only need to restore the positions, you could store them manually easily with a code like below. You can use and node.position() functions.
function storePositions() {
const nodes = cy.nodes();
const nodePositions = {};
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
nodePositions[nodes[i].id()] = nodes[i].position();
return nodePositions;
You can also restore node positions easily. You can use getElementById and node.position() functions.
function restorePositions(nodePositions) {
const nodes = cy.nodes();
const nodePositions = {};
for (let k in nodePositions) {
const node = cy.getElementById(k);
if (node && node.length > 0) {
return nodePositions;


How can I send selected comps in After Effects to AME via extendscript?

I've been trying to figure this out for the past day or two with minimal results. Essentially what I want to do is send my selected comps in After Effects to Adobe Media Encoder via script, and using information about them (substrings of their comp name, width, etc - all of which I already have known and figured out), and specify the appropriate AME preset based on the conditions met. The current two methods that I've found won't work for what I'm trying to do:
Both of these options more or less rely on the output module/render queue, (with the first option allowing sending it to AME without specifying preset) which, at least to my knowledge, won't allow h.264 file-types anymore (unless you can somehow trick render queue with a created set of settings prior to pushing queue to AME?).
Another option that I've found involves using BridgeTalk to bypass the output module/render queue and go directly to AME...BUT, that primarily involves specifying a file (rather than the currently selected comps), and requires ONLY having a single comp (to be rendered) at the root level of the project:
Now as far as code goes, here's the relevant, non-working portion of code:
function render_comps(){
var mySelectedItems = [];
for (var i = 1; i <= app.project.numItems; i++){
if (app.project.item(i).selected)
mySelectedItems[mySelectedItems.length] = app.project.item(i);
for (var i = 0; i < mySelectedItems.length; i++){
var mySelection = mySelectedItems[i];
//~ front = app.getFrontend();
//~ front.addItemToBatch(mySelection);
//~ enc = eHost.createEncoderForFormat("H.264");
//~ flag = enc.loadPreset("HD 1080i 25");
var bt = new BridgeTalk();
bt.appName = "ame"; = "ame";
//var message = "alert('Hello')";
//bt.body = message;
Which encapsulates a number of different attempts and things that I've tried.
I've spent about 4-5 hours trying to scour the internet and various resources but so far have come up short. Thanks in advance for the help!

Creating Node.js enum in code to match list of values in database

I have a list of valid values that I am storing in a data store. This list is about 20 items long now and will likely grow to around 100, maybe more.
I feel there are a variety of reasons it makes sense to store this in a data store rather than just storing in code. I want to be able to maintain the list and its metadata and make it accessible to other services, so it seems like a micro-service data store.
But in code, we want to make sure only values from the list are passed, and they can typically be hardcoded. So we would like to create an enum that can be used in code to ensure that valid values are passed.
I have created a simple node.js that can generate a JS file with the enum right from the data store. This could be regenerated anytime the file changes or maybe on a schedule. But sharing the enum file with any node.js applications that use it would not be trivial.
Has anyone done anything like this? Any reason why this would be a bad approach? Any feedback is welcome.
Piggy-backing off of this answer, which describes a way of creating an "enum" in JavaScript: you can grab the list of constants from your server (via an HTTP call) and then generate the enum in code, without the need for creating and loading a JavaScript source file.
Given that you have loaded your enumConstants from the back-end (here I hard-coded them):
const enumConstants = [
const temp = {};
for (const constant of enumConstants) {
temp[constant] = constant;
const PlaceEnum = Object.freeze(temp);
// Or, in one line
const PlaceEnum2 = Object.freeze(enumConstants.reduce((o, c) => { o[c] = c; return o; }, {}));
It is not ideal for code analysis or when using a smart editor, because the object is not explicitly defined and the editor will complain, but it will work.
Another approach is just to use an array and look for its members.
const members = ['first', 'second', 'third'...]
// then test for the members
members.indexOf('first') // 0
members.indexOf('third') // 2
members.indexOf('zero') // -1
members.indexOf('your_variable_to_test') // does it exist in the "enum"?
Any value that is >=0 will be a member of the list. -1 will not be a member. This doesn't "lock" the object like freeze (above) but I find it suffices for most of my similar scenarios.

Get the label of a MathJax equation

How can I get the label of an equation? I'm attempting to reprocess an equation with a label, but I have to delete the label from MathJax.Extension["TeX/AMSmath"].labels first, for which the label must be known...
I know I can scan through the source text for the label MathJax.Hub.getAllJax("mathDiv")[0}.SourceElement().find("\label(") (...), but this seems needlessly complicated. Is there a better way?
There's no built-in API for this.
If you don't need to keep labels, then the reset in the comment above is probably the best way to go about it:
MathJax.Extension["TeX/AMSmath"].labels = {}
A quick and dirty way to get the IDs is to leverage the fact that they end up in the output. So you can just get all the IDs in the output, e.g.,
const math = MathJax.Hub.getAllJax()[0];
const nodesWithIds = document.getElementById(math.root.inputID).previousSibling.querySelectorAll('[id]');
const ids = [];
for (node of nodesWithIds) ids.push(;
A cleaner and perhaps conceptually easier way would be to leverage MathML (which is essentially the internal format): the \label{} always ends up on an mlabeledtr. The trouble is that you'd have to re-parse that, e.g.,
const temp = document.createElement('span');
temp.innerHTML = math.root.toMathML();
const nodesWithIds = temp.querySelectorAll('mlabeledtr [id]');
const ids = [];
for (node of nodesWithIds) ids.push(;
This will make sure the array only has relevant IDs in them (and the contents of the nodes should correspond to \label{}.
I suppose with helper libraries it might be easier to dive into the math.root object directly and look for IDs recursively (in its data key).

take multiple array fields as parameter

I am trying to refactor some code. All along the code base, I have code that stores user-related informations like this :
this.users[user][field] = data ;
Note that there could be an arbitrary number of subfields (including none), like this:
this.users[user][field][subfield1][subfield2] = data ;
Theses informations are retrieved like this :
var result = this.users[user][field] ;
In production, the actual data will be stored into Redis.
To prepare for this, I would like to refactor those access into two functions, say function storeUserData(user, fields, data) and function retrieveUserData(user, field).
I can do it trivially if there is only one field. But how can I write those two functions to allow for an arbitrary number of subfields (ideally none as well) ?
Edit : the long-term goal is to blur the difference between redis keys and node.js arrays.
That way I could for instance access a node subfield like this : '' and also have it in redis like this :users.user.*.id. Does that seem feasible ?
You can pass the fields argument as an Array. Then in your read function do something like
function retrieveUserData(user, fields) {
// imagine fields is ['field', 'subfield1']
var fieldVariable = this.users[user]
for (f = 0; f < fields.length; ++f) {
fieldVariable = fieldVariable[fields[f]];
// in this line fieldVariable will point to this.users[user]['field']['subfield1']
return fieldVariable;
Hope it helps!

Dynamic data structures in C#

I have data in a database, and my code is accessing it using LINQ to Entities.
I am writing some software where I need to be able to create a dynamic script. Clients may write the scripts, but it is more likely that they will just modify them. The script will specify stuff like this,
Dataset data = GetDataset("table_name", "field = '1'");
if (data.Read())
string field = data["field"];
while (cway.Read())
// do some other stuff
So that script above is going to read data from the database table called 'table_name' in the database into a list of some kind based on the filter I have specified 'field='1''. It is going to be reading particular fields and performing normal comparisons and calculations.
The most important thing is that this has to be dynamic. I can specify any table in our database, any filter and I then must be able to access any field.
I am using a script engine that means the script I am writing has to be written in C#. Datasets are outdated and I would rather keep away from them.
Just to re-iterate I am not really wanting to keep with the above format, and I can define any method I want to behind the scenes for my C# script to call. The above could end up like this for instance,
var data = GetData("table_name", "field = '1'");
while (data.ReadNext())
var value = data.DynamicField;
Can I use reflection for instance, but perhaps that would be too slow? Any ideas?
If you want to read dynamically a DataReader context, it's a pretty easy step:
ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
SqlDataReader dataReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader();
if (dataReader.HasRows)
while (dataReader.Read())
string[] fields = new string[datareader.FieldCount];
for (int i =0; i < datareader.FieldCount; ++i)
fields[i] = dataReader[i].ToString() ;
This will return an array list composed by a dynamic object based on the number of field the reader has.
