Clicking checkbox on an intranet web page not working in VBA using Internet Explorer 11 - excel

I am stuck at a specific point in coding VBA. Using VBA I am logging onto an Intranet portal which is a file management system and opening a series of dynamic web pages one after the other. Using VBA I am trying to get a checkbox element checked. Once this element is checked, all sub-elements appearing in a table below get checked automatically. After this I need to initiate download of all the selected files. However, I cannot get the checkbox element "checked".
Here is the HTML as it appears on the web-page. I cannot share the link as it is intranet and confidential.
Link to the HTML as I am not allowed to post images yet
Here is my VBA code:
Set inpute = objIE.Document.queryselector("div[id=gridx_Grid_2] div div div table tbody tr td span[aria-checked=false]")
inpute.setAttribute("aria-checked") = True
When the above code is run, the "aria-selected" attribute changes to "true" in the HTML but Click has no effect on the checkbox.
I have tried using the getElementbyClassName method and using Click after that to no avail.
Please help me out on this issue. Do let me know in case you need any other information.

This solution from Zwenn worked perfectly:
First of all, a checkbox has no click event. On topic: Because the whole List of other checkboxes will be marked by marking the one in question, I'am pretty sure the one in question triggers a HTML event like change when you mark it manually. You must check which event it is and trigger it with VBA. You can look for the event with FireFox or Chrome, but not with the IE. Look here how to do that and how to handle with events:
Automate IE via Excel to fill in a dropdown and continue
– Zwenn 14 hours ago


Edit sharepoint page items e.g. required text boxes

I am new to sharepoint and will need you to explain how to with steps.
I have a sharepoint server running and I'm trying to edit the way the page works. I want to make text boxes not required so I can save without having to fill the text boxes. But I can't figure out how to edit the code for these in sharepoint to make that change.
I tried going to that page and looking for an edit button somewhere but there's no edit page or edit html anywhere.

Outlook web addIn dropdown menu

I have created the Outlook Web Add-in project and trying th create the dropdown menu by following the link under
It seems that dropdown menu just take static list. What i want to do is i have webservices which is returning some destination and link of that destionation . I want to display the list of all those destination under the dropdown and by clicking one of it, it opens the link into task pane.
Any tips ? how to display from webservice in dropdown menu.
It is not currently possible to dynamically populate the dropdowns, your best bet would be to have a single taskpane action, then render a selector page that dynamically shows the available options, then navigate to the page associated with that option. Feel free to upvote this User Voice suggestion to let us know that this feature is important to you.

Excel VBA internet explorer automation to create a Google Calendar event

I'm trying to automate the process of booking appointments into Google calendar through excel VBA.
I can open internet explorer but I can't get it to click on the (RED) "CREATE" button to allow me to enter my data and variables from excel.
I was trying to use GetElementByID() but couldn't find the ID in the source code.
Hope to hear from someone as this has really stumped me this time and I don't like being beaten by a challenge.
I just figured this out for myself today after two months of trying to figure it out. For some reason, looping through the div elements to find "Create" innerText and then click it doesn't work. However, the item index of the div container is 180 and if you specify that, then you can click it.
So here's the code that will click the "Create" button.

Javascript Calendar popup from ribbon button

Does anyone have any examples of a calendar popup that can be triggered using a ribbon button on a form?
I'm looking to have a popup where the user can select a date from the calendar which will then pass the value back to the javascript that launched it. I've seen that this can be done from a html popup but my efforts to create this so far haven't really been successful, so was hoping someone could advise me on the best solution.
I've managed to find a good calendar that I have used for this solution. It can be found at
With this I put it into a html popup that had a text box on it (which would store the selected date) and had the javascript on my ribbon button show the popup.
The download includes the js files for the calendar to function and with a little tweaking of these you can make the calendar appear immediately on opening of the popup and not hide when a date is selected. Plus the text box can have its options changed so that it isn't visible to the user.
All put together this creates a rather pleasant looking calendar popup
You can use the date parameter type from html without using javascript
<input type=date >

sharepoint 2010 dataformwebpart drop down list filter

I have two connected DataFormWebparts on a site page, with one web part filtering the data in the other, and this works fine as long as the design style allows the options to be clicked on i.e. the information is laid out in text format.
However If I change the style to be a drop down list then the filtering no longer works. I'm assuming this is because there is no longer a hyperlink to trigger off the event, but is there a way to make it work in this format?
jquery to the rescue. hide the links. show the dropdown and with jquery or javascript, trigger the link click on dropdown index change. try to google out. hope these hints help
faced same issue. i did this as i had less time
