tensorboard images are not getting updated - keras

I have the following code for my reinforcement learning program:
tbCallBack = callbacks.TensorBoard(log_dir = log_dir,
histogram_freq = 1, update_freq = 'epoch', write_graph = True, write_images = True)
The model fits data soon after getting data for training:
model.fit(x = np.vstack(x_train),
y = np.vstack(y_train),
callbacks = [tbCallBack],
verbose = 1, sample_weight = s_t)
I see my SCALARS, DISTRIBUTIONS, and HISTOGRAMS all getting updated but not the IMAGES in the tensorboard...
I see only one image, but no updates....Can you please let me know where the problem is ?
Here is the version information:
tensorboard 2.3.0 pyh4dce500_0
tensorboard-plugin-wit 1.6.0 py_0
keras 2.4.3 0
keras-base 2.4.3 py_0

I am not sure if my answer will help, but as far as my experience is concerned,
Tensorboard doesn't seem to update images well when using Windows, regardeless of the web browser being used.
Such issue seems to exist even in the latest version (2.6.0) of Tensorboard and latest version (2.6.0) of Tensorflow.
Please check the OS upon which you are running your reinforcement learning model. If you were using Windows, I suggest you port the Python code to Linux-based OSes like Ubuntu.


Failed to construct interpreter TensorflowLite

I am using `
Cuda 10.1, cudnn 7.6, Tensorflow 2.3.0, keras 2.4.3
When training model I use save_weights_only=True, and a folder is saved including:
assets, variables and saved_model.pb
When i am converting the model to a tflite model using:
converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_saved_model('x/210126_Test')
tflite_model = converter.convert()
# Save the model.
with open('model.tflite', 'wb') as f:
I get no errors of any kind, though when i am trying to use the model in an iPad appliacation, it only returns following:
"Exception Error: Failed to construct interpreter"
Have anyone experienced this or know a possible solution?
Problem resolved through changes of packages versions.
Tensorflow = 2.0.0 & Keras = 2.3.1

CUDA Illegal Memory Access on PyTorch 1.3

def backward(ctx, grad_output):
grad_label = grad_output.clone()
num_ft = grad_output.shape[0]
# grad_label.data.resize_(num_ft, 32, 41)
lin_indices_3d, lin_indices_2d = ctx.saved_variables
num_ind = lin_indices_3d.data[0]
grad_label.data.view(num_ft, -1).index_copy_(1, lin_indices_2d.data[1:1 + num_ind],
torch.index_select(grad_output.data.contiguous().view(num_ft, -1),
1, lin_indices_3d.data[1:1 + num_ind]))
# raw_input('sdflkj')
return grad_label, None, None, None
This is the code snippet I am trying to run on PyTorch. However, I strangely keep getting the error of Illegal Memory Access. When I tried to use a Debugger and try and find the culprit, I would see
As such I am not certain what is wrong here. The same code was running on PyTorch 0.4 and now I am trying to run it on PyTorch 1.3 and it does not work. The same error remains on versions 1.4 and 1.5 which are the latest versions for the framework. Any help shall be highly appreciated.
It turns out this was an error with PyTorch framework itself. They are going to correct it with the version 1.6
Here is the github link

TF2 - hub.text_embedding_column still to be implemented

I'm migrating an old TensorFlow 1.x training script and I got some problem with hub.text_embedding_column function. At the moment, the following code does not work
# Python 3.6.9
import tensorflow as tf # tf.__version__ 2.1.0
import tensorflow_hub as hub # hub.__version__ 0.7.0
module_spec = hub.load_module_spec('https://tfhub.dev/google/universal-sentence-encoder/4')
text_column = hub.text_embedding_column(key='test_col', module_spec=module_spec)
The error that I got is:
RuntimeError: Missing implementation that supports: loader(*('/tmp/tfhub_modules/29abffb443cb0a0ca9c72e8e3863b76d85028490',), **{})
I tried help(hub.text_embedding_column) and the help returns me
TODO(b/131678043): This does not work yet with TF2.
Do you know any workaround to use text_embedding_column with TF2? I'm able to load the model using hub.load('https://tfhub.dev/google/universal-sentence-encoder/4') but then I don't know what to do with it.
Thank you all (:
Following this github issue I was able to solve my problem, at least for now. It's still based on tf.compact.v1.placeholder but at least I can use hub.text_embedding_column.
# Python 3.6.9
import tensorflow as tf # tf.__version__ 2.1.0
import tensorflow_hub as hub # hub.__version__ 0.7.0
def build_module_fn(model_url):
def module_fn():
text_input = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(dtype=tf.string, shape=[None])
embed_layer = hub.KerasLayer(
input_shape=[], # Expects a tensor of shape [batch_size] as input.
dtype=tf.string) # Expects a tf.string input tensor
embeddings = embed_layer(text_input)
hub.add_signature(inputs=text_input, outputs=embeddings)
return module_fn
module_spec = hub.create_module_spec(build_module_fn('https://tfhub.dev/google/universal-sentence-encoder/4'))
hub.text_embedding_column(key='text', module_spec=module_spec)
Hope that this can help other people!

Tensorflow serving: request fails with object has no attribute 'unary_unary

I'm building a CNN text classifier using TensorFlow which I want to load in tensorflow-serving and query using the serving apis. When I call the Predict() method on the grcp stub I receive this error: AttributeError: 'grpc._cython.cygrpc.Channel' object has no attribute 'unary_unary'
What I've done to date:
I have successfully trained and exported a model suitable for serving (i.e., the signatures are verified and using tf.Saver I can successfully return a prediction). I can also load the model in tensorflow_model_server without error.
Here is a snippet of the client code (simplified for readability):
with tf.Session() as sess:
host = FLAGS.server
channel = grpc.insecure_channel('localhost:9001')
stub = prediction_service_pb2.beta_create_PredictionService_stub(channel)
request = predict_pb2.PredictRequest()
request.model_spec.name = 'predict_text'
request.model_spec.signature_name = 'predict_text'
x_text = ["space"]
# restore vocab processor
# then create a ndarray with transform_fit using the vocabulary
vocab = learn.preprocessing.VocabularyProcessor.restore('/some_path/model_export/1/assets/vocab')
x = np.array(list(vocab.fit_transform(x_text)))
# data
temp_data = tf.contrib.util.make_tensor_proto(x, shape=[1, 15], verify_shape=True)
request.inputs['input'].CopyFrom(tf.contrib.util.make_tensor_proto(x, shape=[1, 15], verify_shape=True))
# get classification prediction
result = stub.Predict(request, 5.0)
Where I'm bending the rules: I am using tensorflow-serving-apis in Python 3.5.3 when pip install is not officially supported. Various posts (example: https://github.com/tensorflow/serving/issues/581) have reported that using tensorflow-serving with Python 3 has been successful. I have downloaded tensorflow-serving-apis package from pypi (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/tensorflow-serving-api/1.5.0)and manually pasted into the environment.
Versions: tensorflow: 1.5.0, tensorflow-serving-apis: 1.5.0, grpcio: 1.9.0rc3, grcpio-tools: 1.9.0rcs, protobuf: 3.5.1 (all other dependency version have been verified but are not included for brevity -- happy to add if they have utility)
Environment: Linux Mint 17 Qiana; x64, Python 3.5.3
A github issue (https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/google-cloud-python/issues/2258) indicated that a historical package triggered this error was related to grpc beta.
What data or learning or implementation am I missing?
beta_create_PredictionService_stub() is deprecated. Try this:
from tensorflow_serving.apis import prediction_service_pb2_grpc
stub = prediction_service_pb2_grpc.PredictionServiceStub(channel)
Try to use grpc.beta.implementations.insecure_channel instead of grpc.insecure_channel.
See example code here.

Python cv2.boost() error

I was working on Computer Vision in Python. I have to use the AdaBoost algorithm for a purpose.
OpenCV has a function :
cv2.Boost([trainData, tflag, responses[, varIdx[, sampleIdx[, varType[, missingDataMask[, params]]]]]])
which I used like this: model = cv2.Boost(X,cv2.CV_ROW_SAMPLE,Y)
where X is the training data and Y is the response
This is the error which shows up: module 'cv2.cv2' has no attribute 'Boost'
I tried searching for relevant documentation which indexes the function Boost but this error keeps showing up which make no sense
I'm using OpenCV version 3.2.0 and Python version 3.6.1
