Upload file to Sharepoint from Data Factory - sharepoint

We are generating an extract file in Data Factory(blob) that we need to upload to a SharePoint location. Is there any service available in azure to do this activity?

We were able to do this via Logic Apps.

since your source is blob and destination s sharepoint , HTTP is not available as a sink in ADF . SO unfortunately you cannot use the REST API and also there is no direct connector to sharepoint.
So you can use Logic app or Azure function for the copy task from blob to sharepoint


ADLS Gen 2 to Sharepoint via Logicapps

Is there a way to transfer files between ADLS Gen 2 storage to Sharepoint via Logic Apps, i can manage to transfer files between sharepoint and adls but struggling with the reverse way..
Yes, you can transfer files from ADLS to Sharepoint through Logic Apps. Below is how you can do so.
Considering the below files in my container
Here is the flow of my logic app
I'm iterating inside my container seeking the path and then sending the content from Blob storage to Sharepoint.
You can delete the same files from the blob storage using the below connector at the end of the flow.
You can automate this flow by replacing When a HTTP request is received with When a blob is added or modified (properties only) (V2).

Microsoft Sharepoint and Snowflake integrations and automations

I'm trying to integrate the Sharepoint site with Snowflake. Read the data from SharePoint files and upload it to the snowflake.
We are not looking to use a separate integration tool.
One option that i can think of is loading these files into external stage object, external stage object is Blob Storage In case of Azure Cloud Service Or S3 Bucket in Case of Azure Cloud Service and then using Snowpipe to load continuously using these files into Snowflake. This is link you can refer to know more about Snowpipe.
Other option i can think of is , You would have to write dot net code in Share point to read the data files in sharepoint and using Snowflake Connector/Driver to Connect to Snowflake and load the data into it.

Azure Data Factory and SharePoint

I have some Excel files stored in SharePoint online. I want copy files stored in SharePoint folders to Azure Blob storage.
To achieve this, I am creating a new pipeline in Azure Data factory using Azure Portal. What are possible ways to copy files from SharePoint to Azure blob store using Azure Data Factory pipelines?
I have looked at all linked services types in Azure data factory pipeline but couldn't find any suitable type to connect to SharePoint.
Rather than directly accessing the file in SharePoint from Data Factory, you might have to use an intermediate technology and have Data Factory call that. You have a few of options:
Use a Logic App to move the file
Use an Azure Function
Use a custom activity and write your own C# to copy the file.
To call a Logic App from ADF, you use a web activity.
You can directly call an Azure Function now.
We can create a linked service of type 'File system' by providing the directory URL as 'Host' value. To authenticate the user, provide username and password/AKV details.
Note: Use Self-hosted IR
You can use the logic app to fetch data from Sharepoint and load it to azure blob storage and now you can use azure data factory to fetch data from blob even we can set an event trigger so that if any file comes into blob container the azure pipeline will automatically trigger.
You can use Power Automate (https://make.powerautomate.com/) to do this task automatically:
Create an Automated cloud flow trigger whenever a new file is dropped in a SharePoint
Use any mentioned trigger as per your requirement and fill in the SharePoint details
Add an action to create a blob and fill in the details as per your use case
By using this you will be pasting all the SharePoint details to the BLOB without even using ADF.
My previous answer was true at the time, but in the last few years, Microsoft has published guidance on how to copy documents from a SharePoint library. You can copy file from SharePoint Online by using Web activity to authenticate and grab access token from SPO, then passing to subsequent Copy activity to copy data with HTTP connector as source.
I ran into some issues with large files and Logic Apps. It turned out there were some extremely large files to be copied from that SharePoint library. SharePoint has a default limit of 100 MB buffer size, and the Get File Content action doesn’t natively support chunking.
I successfully pulled the files with the web activity and copy activity. But I found the SharePoint permissions configuration to be a bit tricky. I blogged my process here.
You can use a binary dataset if you just want to copy the full file rather than read the data.
If my file is located at https://mytenant.sharepoint.com/sites/site1/libraryname/folder1/folder2/folder3/myfile.CSV, the URL I need to retrieve the file is https://mytenant.sharepoint.com/sites/site1/libraryname/folder1/folder2/folder3/myfile.CSV')/$value.
Be careful about when you get your auth token. Your auth token is valid for 1 hour. If you copy a bunch of files sequentially, and it takes longer than that, you might get a timeout error.

how to load file from share point online to Azure Blob using Azure Data Factory

Can any one help me how to load csv file from share point online to azure Blob storage using Azure Data Factory.
I tried with Logic apps and succeed however logic app will not upload all file unless we made any change to the file or upload new.
I need to load all the file even there is no changes.
ADF v2 now supports loading from sharepoint online by OData connector with AAD service principal authentication: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-factory/connector-odata
You probably can use a Logic App by changing to a Recurrence Trigger.
On that interval, you List the files in the Library then take any action on them you want.

Azure Blob Storage as Source and FTP as destination

Is there anyway I can transfer txt files from my Azure Blob Storage to a FTP directly, going serverless?
If possible using SSIS or Azure Data Factory.
you can use Azure Logic App:
Connectors to blob storage
Connectors to FTP
A simple logic app to push a blob to a FTP would be:
SSIS has a lot of connectors that can talk directly to AZURE storage. As for FTP, you may have to use a third party software (WinSCP) that can accomplish uploading of the file to FTP (if the built in FTP Task doesnt accomplish it already). If you are looking to go directly from Azure to FTP, you may have to rely on custom C# code. I am not even sure if that is possible.
You could use SSIS. Azure data factory copy activity doesn’t support ftp as sink.
