Pipe filter is not expanding on a vanilla install of Sublime Text 3 with Emmet - sublimetext3

Updating my Sublime Text 3, Emmet's comment filter (|c) is no longer expanding in HTML files.
Typing .div_class and hitting tab will expand to:
<div class="div_class"></div>
But typing .div_class|c and hitting tab will result in:
.div_class|<!-- -->
This has meant that I've been using VS Code for templating recently, but as VS Code doesn't have the option of full or partial word selection if the word uses underscores as separators, I'd rather stick with Sublime Text.

Pipe filters are no longer supported in new Emmet version. Instead, you should features like tag commenting in preferences. In Sublime Text, go to Preferences > Packages Settings > Emmet > Settings and set "comment": true.
Alternatively, you can enable "tag_preview" instead to display tag info when caret is inside closing tag: https://github.com/emmetio/sublime-text-plugin#tag-preview


How to disable Emmet entirely for a specific syntax in Sublime Text 3?

I have the Emmet package installed for Sublime Text 3 via Package Control. I do a lot of Markdown editing in Sublime, and I've noticed that as Markdown files get larger, inserting a tab by pressing my keyboard's Tab button gets slower and slower. However, when I disable Emmet, inserting tabs is snappy and quick again. This leads me to believe that Emmet trying to parse what I'm writing and searching for ways to expand it is slowing tabbing down significantly.
Things I have tried:
"ignored_packages": ["Emmet"] in my syntax-specific user settings.
"tab_completion": false in my global Sublime settings.
"disable_tab_abbreviations_for_scopes": "text.html.markdown" in my Emmet settings.
To be clear: I still want Emmet to run for other syntax/filetypes. I just want Emmet, or at least whatever part of Emmet's behaviour is slowing down my tabbing, to be disabled when I'm writing in Markdown (*.md) files, or whichever files have the markdown syntax selected.
You can try new Emmet 2 extension (still in development): https://github.com/emmetio/sublime-text-plugin
It should work much faster and better

How to load default HTML file in sublime text 3?

Am using Sublime Text 3 and have seen some people loading default HTML content / template just by typing words like html5or doctype. Which package do i need to use for getting same control ?
The html snippit is included in Sublime Text 3 by default.
From an empty file, set the syntax to HTML (either by saving the empty file with a .html extension, or by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P to open the command bar, and searching for "Set Syntax: HTML").
Then type html into the file, and press tab. Sublime Text should expand the snippet, giving you a basic HTML file with doctype, head, and body tags.
Try emmet plugin. It provides this sort of functionality. https://emmet.io/

sublime text 3 and emmet not completing

I have sublime text 3 and emmet and am trying to use Emmet but a few things are broken/ I am using completion.
ul+< tab >
Is sublime hijacking the the completion.
If I remember correctly, Sublime Text hides the completion popup by default when working in the text scope. The scope for HTML is text.html, so that behaviour is inherited. Add the text (or text.html) scope to auto_complete_selector in your user settings. Now, when you type code, you should see a completion popup, that allows you to select different types of completion. Personally, I have Emmet and the HTML5 package installed, so when typing ul I'm seeing two completion entries to choose from. I suspect that you're triggering the wrong completion.
The HTML5 package completes ul to <ul>|</ul>, while Emmet completes to <ul><li>|</li></ul> (over multiple lines.)
So, theree might indeed be another package interfering with Emmet. The completion popup should make it easier to see if that's the case. Otherwise, you will have to disable all your packages to narrow down the problem.

White text in Sublime Text

I downloaded Sublime text from them website and my code still white, I don't know why. I unistalled and reinstalled it 3 times, tried to install themes packages etc I don't understand what is wrong.
This happens when Sublime Text doesn't know which syntax highlighting to choose. First of all Sublime Text guesses the syntax from the file extension. E.g. if you have a file named my_file_name.php Sublime Text assumes that the PHP syntax highlighting is the best.
In your picture the file name is script_connection without any file extension so Sublime Text doesn't know which syntax it is. You can select a syntax from the menu View ยป Syntax or press Strg + Shift + P and type Set Syntax. Another way is to click the syntax name (probably Plain Text) on the right bottom corner of Sublime Text and select a syntax format.
Sometimes when we insert Html and css and php codes in one file and as a default Sublime highlight the html and css codes because sublime knows just know html and css codes so we should open sublime application and select view from navigation bar and select syntax and then select php it will knows all types of tags and elements and highlight all.
Sublime => View => Syntax => PHP

How to enable brackethighlighter plugin in sublime text 3?

I am using sublime text 3 build 3059 , brackethighlighter plugin is installed but not working how to make it work ? i tried several solutions but no effect.
here is screenshot:
The plugin is working - you'll notice in your screenshot that the opening and closing {} brackets are bold underlined in white (the default style), and are also shown in the gutter, next to the line numbers. If you want to customize the display more, first open Preferences -> Package Settings -> Bracket Highlighter -> Bracket Settings - User. It will be blank at first. Next, open ... -> Bracket Settings - Default. Copy the entire contents of Default to User, then close Default (you can't edit it in Sublime Text 3).
Next, check out the Bracket Highlighter Sublime Text 3 docs and read all about how to customize the plugin to your heart's content. Good luck!
