if collection does not exist create otherwise update in mongodb node js - node.js

I am new to mongodb. How to create a collection if not exists otherwise update.
try {
const { data } = Visit.findByIdAndUpdate(
{ $inc: { counter: 1 } },
{ new: true }
} catch (err) {
return err;
This is my code to update a only one object Id. In that collection only one Object Id is present. When run this for first time, the collection is empty. So I want to check the collection exists. If exist update otherwise create a collection.

You want to use upsert, like so:
const { data } = await Visit.findByIdAndUpdate(
{ $inc: { counter: 1 } },
{ new: true, upsert: true }
Upsert will:
If document(s) match the query criteria, db.collection.update() performs an update.
If no document matches the query criteria, db.collection.update() inserts a single document.
And the insert behavior if no collection exists is:
If the collection does not exist, then the insert() method will create the collection.


Mongoose updateOne with parameter {new:true} not showing actual updated value

I am struggling for a couple of hours to show the final value of an updated document (via mongoose updateOne). I successfully modify it as I can see "nModified: 1" when I call the endpoint on Postman, but I am not able to output the actual final document - even when using the parameter {new:true}
This is the code for the route:
// 3. We check if blockid is in this project
.then(block => {
if (!block) {
errors.noblock = "Block not found";
return res.status(404).json(errors);
// 4. We found the block, so we modify it
{ _id: req.params.blockid },
{ $set: blockFields }, // data to be updated
{ new: true }, // flag to show the new updated document
(err, block) => {
if (err) {
errors.noblock = "Block not found";
return res.status(404).json(errors);
.catch(err => console.error(err));
Instead, this is the output I am getting (Mongoose is on debug mode)
Any ideas?
Many thanks
{ new : true } will return the modified document rather than the original. updateOne doesn't have this option. If you need response as updated document use findOneAndUpdate.
Below are the mongoosejs function where you can use { new : true }
Thank you #sivasankar for the answer. Here is the updated working version with findOneAndUpdate
And here the expected result:
you should give second param as object of keys value paris of data,
don't pass as $Set : blockfields, just add like below, if it is object containing parameters,
{ $set: blockFields }
Because code should be like this
{ _id: req.params.blockid },
blockFields, // if blockfields is object containing parameters
{ new: true },
(err, block) => {
// lines of code
For more detail here is link to updateOne function detail updateOne

MongoDB find an object in DB and update its field

I have a NodeJS app connecting to a MongoDB. I am tracking how many times something occurred. So, what I want is:
Check if my constructed object is in the database (excluding field with number of occurrences)
If so, update its occurrences +=1
If not, set occurrences = 1 and insert it
I have a working code:
const isInDb = await collection.findOne({
// match all other fields except for the occurrences field
if(!isInDb) {
parsedElement.occurrences = 1;
await collection.insertOne(parsedElement);
} else {
await collection.updateOne(isInDb, { $inc: { "occurrences": 1 } });
My question
Isn't there a better way? Ideally, it'd be something like collection.findAndUpdate or with upsert or something similar. What I wrote is functional, but seems inefficient to me, since I first have to query the DB for a look-up, and then query it for update.
updateOne takes a third parameter for options. Set upsert: true.
collection.updateOne({ /* match properties */ }, { $inc: { "occurrences": 1 } }, { upsert: true })
collection.updateOne({ /* match properties */ }, {
$set: parsedElement,
$inc: {
"occurrences": 1
}, {
upsert: true

Mongodb findAndModify query [duplicate]

Following code gives me an exception in node js saying: "need to remove or update"
var args = {
query: { _id: _id },
update: { $set: data },
new: true,
remove: false
.findAndModify(args, function (err, results) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
} else {
callback(null, results);
Not able to figure out the issue as I have specified the update operation.
The syntax is different in the node driver than for the shell, which is the syntax you are using.
{ _id: _id }, // query
[], // represents a sort order if multiple matches
{ $set: data }, // update statement
{ new: true }, // options - new to return the modified document
function(err,doc) {
There is a separate function for .findAndRemove()
As the documentation for the remove parameter of the findAndModify function states:
remove: <boolean>:
Must specify either the remove or the update field. Removes the
document specified in the query field. Set this to true to remove the
selected document . The default is false.
The default value is false so you don't have to provide it at all.
I believe the issue is that you are supplying both update and remove parameters. Try removing the remove parameter.

Mongoose: how to check if document is modified via model.findOneAndUpdate()

In mongoose, we can check if an update operation has modified the document with model.update():
model.update(query, update, function(err, raw){
if (raw.nModified >= 1) console.log('document is modified!')
Is there a way to do the same with model.findOneAndUpdate()?
model.findOneAndUpdate(query, update, { new: true }, function(err, doc){
if (doc) {
// So MongoDB found the document, but is there a way
// to know the document was indeed modified?
You can pass the option { passRawResult : true } to mongoose to advice mongoose to pass the raw result of the underlying mongodb driver, in this case mongodb-native, as a third argument to the callback.
mongodb-native documentation for findOneAndUpdate
model.findOneAndUpdate(query, update, { new: true, passRawResult : true }, function(err, doc, res){
// res will look like
// { value: { _id: 56a9fc80a7f9a4d41c344852, name: 'hugo updated', __v: 0 },
// lastErrorObject: { updatedExisting: true, n: 1 },
// ok: 1 }
In case the update did not succeed due to no matching document was found a null res will be passed to the callback. In case a document matched but field values where the same as before the update res object will not give you enough information to figure out if values were updated for the matching document.

How to properly do a Bulk upsert/update in MongoDB

I'm trying to:
Find a document according to a search criteria,
If found, update some attributes
If not insert a document with some attributes.
I'm using a Bulk.unOrderedOperation as I'm also performing a single insert. And I want to do everything in one operation againast DB.
However something it's causing nothing is being inserted for the update/upsert operation.
This is the insert document:
var lineUpPointsRoundRecord = {
lineupId: lineup.id, // String
totalPoints: roundPoints, // Number
teamId: lineup.team, // String
teamName: home.team.name, // String
userId: home.iduser, // String
userName: home.user.name, // String
round: lineup.matchDate.round, // Number
date: new Date()
This is the upsert document:
var lineUpPointsGeneralRecord = {
teamId: lineup.team, // String
teamName: home.team.name, // String
userId: home.iduser, // String
userName: home.user.name, // String
round: 0,
signupPoints: home.signupPoints, // String
lfPoints: roundPoints+home.signupPoints, // Number
roundPoints: [roundPoints] // Number
This is how I'm trying to upsert/update:
var batch = collection.initializeUnorderedBulkOp();
batch.find({team: lineUpPointsRoundRecord.teamId, round: 0}).
$setOnInsert: lineUpPointsGeneralRecord,
$inc: {lfPoints: roundPoints},
$push: {roundPoints: roundPoints}
batch.execute(function (err, result) {
return cb(err,result);
Why wouldn't it be upserting/updating?
That is JS code using waterline ORM which also uses mongodb native driver.
Your syntax here is basically correct, but your general execution was wrong and you should have "seperated" the "upsert" action from the other modifications. These will otherwise "clash" and produce an error when an "upsert" occurs:
LineupPointsRecord.native(function (err,collection) {
var bulk = collection.initializeOrderedBulkOp();
// Match and update only. Do not attempt upsert
"teamId": lineUpPointsGeneralRecord.teamId,
"round": 0
"$inc": { "lfPoints": roundPoints },
"$push": { "roundPoints": roundPoints }
// Attempt upsert with $setOnInsert only
"teamId": lineUpPointsGeneralRecord.teamId,
"round": 0
"$setOnInsert": lineUpPointsGeneralRecord
bulk.execute(function (err,updateResult) {
Make sure your sails-mongo is a latest version supporting the Bulk operations properly be the inclusion of a recent node native driver. The most recent supports the v2 driver, which is fine for this.
I recommend use bulkWrite exemplary code with bulk upsert of many documents:
In this case you will create documents with unique md5. If document exists then will be updated but no new document is created like in classical insertMany.
const collection = context.services.get("mongodb-atlas").db("master").collection("fb_posts");
return collection.bulkWrite(
posts.map(p => {
return { updateOne:
filter: { md5: p.md5 },
update: {$set: p},
upsert : true
{ ordered : false }
Typically I have always set upsert as a property on update. Also update should be able to find the record itself so no need to find it individually.
Depending on the environment the $ may or may not be necessary.
{team: lineUpPointsRoundRecord.teamId, round: 0},
$setOnInsert: lineUpPointsGeneralRecord,
$inc: {lfPoints: roundPoints},
$push: {roundPoints: roundPoints},
$upsert: true
