i am getting below error while i am tring to open file from output of cscope command
error detected while processing /etc/vimrc
line 39
e609 cscope error:invlib.c:566 invopen:assertion 'invcntl-aram.sizeblk==sizeof(t_logicalblk')failed.
I am using bash terminal and in my .vimrc I have the following lines:
set number
"set tags+=/users/vinod/ctags_related/tags
imap 2s <SPACE><SPACE>
When I save and then try to source my .vimrc, I get the following errors:
bash: /users/vinod/.vimrc: line 2: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
bash: /users/vinod/.vimrc: line 4: syntax error: unexpected end of file
The line number shown in the second error doesn't exist in my .vimrc
Why am I getting these errors? How can I fix them?
If you are doing source ~/.vimrc from the terminal prompt, then you are getting errors you should expect. The .vimrc file contains vimscript, which only the vim program understands. Bash is giving you errors because it is not supposed to source that file. When you start vim, normally by just typing vim and hitting enter, vim will automatically source your .vimrc
I'm having an issue with vim while I'm trying to remotely edit a sqlrpgle file in AS/400. I'm using the next command to open the file in vim:
:e ftp://myusername#mydomain/mylibrary/mymember.myfile
The file opens up but is filled with # characters instead of source code. Am I calling it the wrong way?
I tried writing the command this way but it failed:
:e ftp://myusername#mydomain/mylibrary/mymember.myfile.sqlrpgle
The "#" characters (0x40) are EBCDIC spaces.
Enable ASCII transfer mode with the following netrw option:
:let g:netrw_ftpmode="ascii"
Edit files using the following format:
:e ftp://user#host/library/file.member
I am in a Mac OS and I just added some scripts to get new functionality from my vim editor and when I go back into the vimrc file I continue to get this error:
vim ~/.vimrc
Error detected while processing /Users/danale/.vimrc:
line 12:
E117: Unknown function: pathogen#infect
E15: Invalid expression: pathogen#infect()
I have looked at similar posts here that are not very helpful. Ultimately, I would like to use nerdtree configuration so I can use VIM as my IDE.
If I hit enter anyway, I get this error:
Error detected while processing VimEnter Auto commands for "*":
E492: Not an editor command: NERDTree | endif
and it does not take me to a nerdtree type of view just an empty welcome to vim view.
You need to install pathogen.
Using Vim, is there a way to automatically go the next line you had a compile error? Is there a way to bind that to a key? I believe this feature exists in emacs.
Let's say you compiled on the command line and now know which lines of your code have errors so you go back to editing your code using Vim. You remember the first line that had an error, so you jump to that line and fix your typo. How do you go to the next error line without exiting vim and looking at the command line again?
I understand you could use a terminal multiplexer like tmux to aid this process, but that's not really what I'm going for here.
If your compiler generates a file containing a list of errors (let's call it errorfile) you can simply do:
$ vim -q errorfile
and then use the following commands:
:cn[ext] " jump to next error
:cp[revious] " jump to previous error
:cc 12 " jump to error number 12
:copen " open the quickfix window
See :help quickfix for the complete list of quickfix commands.
Alternatively, you can compile directly from Vim:
and use the quickfix commands above.
See :help :make for setup/usage instructions.
I'm trying to install Syntastic for Vim using Cygwin. After completing step 2.1 and the cloning part of step 2.2 in the installation guide of Syntastic, I find that now when I run vim I get the following errors:
Error detected while processing /home/rjw08/.vim/bundle/syntastic/plugin/syntastic/autoloclist.vim:
line 1:
E15: Invalid expression: exists("g:loaded_syntastic_notifier_autoloclist") || !exists("g:loaded_syntastic_plugin")^M
line 39:
E171: Missing :endif
Error detected while processing /home/rjw08/.vim/bundle/syntastic/plugin/syntastic/balloons.vim:
line 1:
E15: Invalid expression: exists("g:loaded_syntastic_notifier_balloons") || !exists("g:loaded_syntastic_plugin")^M
line 67:
E171: Missing :endif
Error detected while processing /home/rjw08/.vim/bundle/syntastic/plugin/syntastic/checker.vim:
line 1:
E15: Invalid expression: exists("g:loaded_syntastic_checker") || !exists("g:loaded_syntastic_plugin")^M
There were a few more errors, but they follow this basic format. From what I understand, file endings in the listed files are incorrect (i.e. ^M). However when I open these files in Vim, there does not seem to be any ^M endings to delete.
How do I fix this problem?
Load the file into vim, then :set fileformat=unix and :wq should fix it.
PS: you don't see the ^Ms because vim thinks it is a dos file (it probably says [dos] in the status bar after loading).
This command will transform every file to a unix file in the ~/.vim/bundle directory.
find ~/.vim/bundle -type f -follow -print|xargs dos2unix