Can I use Chrome declarativeNetRequest to completely replace Chrome webRequest? - google-chrome-extension

I found chrome.declarativeNetRequest only supports static rules, What I want is to call some custom methods before actions like redirect/request. I haven't found a solution so far. I'm not sure if I can still do this under the Manifest V3.
There are two usecases for my extension.
Before the redirect, I need to execute custom method.
function(requestDetails) {
// I can get id from requestDetails.url,
// then do some custom business logic.
return {redirectUrl:"javascript:"};
{urls: [ "url_pattern?id=*" ]},
Before some request, I want add/modify requestHeaders according to the user's browser.
function (details) {
"name": "User-Agent",
"value": navigator.userAgent + "version_1.0.0"
return {requestHeaders: details.requestHeaders};
urls: ["*://url_pattern"],
types: ["xmlhttprequest"]
["blocking", "requestHeaders"]
#wOxxOm Thank you very much for your patient answer !
I prefer to spinner.html. But I have another problem.
I can't set the regexSubstitution to the extension address,
I can use the extensionPath, but the corresponding capture groups doesn't work here.
"regexFilter": "*"
The following are all incorrect:
can't use the corresponding capture groups.
"extensionPath": "/spinner.html?url=\\0"
can't use the extension's address.
"regexSubstitution": "spinner.html?url=\\0"
Is my configuration incorrect?

Adding/deleting headers can only accept static values and it's shown in the official example.
Conditionally adding/deleting/modifying headers based on response headers is tracked in
Nontrivial transformations that exceed the functionality of the actions listed in the documentation naturally cannot be re-implemented.
When is fixed we will be able to define a declarativeNetRequest rule to redirect to a page inside your extension via regexSubstitution or extensionPath and append the original URL as a parameter. This page will act as an interstitial, it will display some kind of UI or a simple progress spinner, process the URL parameters, and redirect the current tab to another URL.
In many cases this approach would introduce flicker and unnecessary visual fuss while the interstitial is displayed shortly, thus frustrating users who will likely abandon using such extensions altogether. Chromium team members who work on extensions seem to think this obscene workaround is acceptable so it's likely they'll roll with it, see also
Use the observational webRequest (without 'blocking' parameter) and chrome.tabs.update to redirect the tab. The downside is that the original request will be sent to the remote server. And this approach obviously won't work for iframes, to redirect those you'll have to inject/declare a content script, to which your webRequest listener would send a message with a frameId parameter.
Keep a visible tab with an html page from your extension, and use the blocking chrome.webRequest inside its scripts. It's a terrible UX, of course, even though endorsed by the Chromium's extensions team, with many extensions using this kludge the user's browsers will have to keep a lot of such tabs open.
P.S. The blocking webRequest will be still available for force-installed extensions via policies, but it's not something most users would be willing to use.


why chrome.runtime undefined by http but work fine by https

When i debug javaScript on devtool.
see "",it show:
chrome.runtime is undefined. see http preview.
But when i debug it on https site ( ).it work fine. see https preview.
tips: all script run on top frame.
Can i change "chorme:flags" to enable it ?
i got why now.
"chrome.runtime.sendMessage" not exist when no extension installed.---since chrome 66+.
Comment 29 by, Apr 25 For at least some of
these cases from the duped bugs, I think this was caused by revision
39f8939309fe39bccc17fa1280b6c7f25c411947. This modified the
externally_connectable property of the cryptotoken component extension
(automatically built into Chrome) to only accept incoming connections
from https URLs, whereas previously it was all URLs. When it was set
to all URLs, chrome.runtime.sendMessage would always be available
because any URL could potentially send a message to the cryptotoken
component extension.
However, this is working as intended. The cryptotoken extension only
accepts connections from https origins (so any others would be
ignored), and sending a message to any other extension would require
the receiving extension to list the URL in the externally_connectable
options. Additionally, this means that before, any extension relying
on this behavior would likely have failed to send the message, but
done so asynchronously (once the message failed to find an appropriate
receiver) rather than synchronously (since runtime is undefined). If
the extension lists the URL in externally_connectable, then
chrome.runtime should still be present. If the extension does not
list the site in externally_connectable, then chrome.runtime not being
available is intended behavior.
Is there any case in which chrome.runtime is undefined for
non-sandboxed chrome-extension:// pages, or for web pages where an
installed extension specifies that web page's URL in the
externally_connectable field of the manifest? If so, please attach an
extension that demonstrates this issue. If not, this sounds like it's
fix: add one extionsion with:manifest.
"externally_connectable": {
"ids": [
"matches": [
thinks all.

Optionally inject Content Script

Content Script can be injected programatically or permanently by declaring in Extension manifest file. Programatic injection require host permission, which is generally grant by browser or page action.
In my use case, I want to inject gmail, and yahoo mail web site without user action. I can do by declaring all of them manifest, but by doing so require all data access to those account. Some use may want to grant only, but not gmail. Programatic injection does not work because I need to know when to inject. Using tabs permission is also require another permission.
Is there any good way to optionally inject web site?
You cannot run code on a site without the appropriate permissions. Fortunately, you can add the host permissions to optional_permissions in the manifest file to declare them optional and still allow the extension to use them.
In response to a user gesture, you can use chrome.permission.request to request additional permissions. This API can only be used in extension pages (background page, popup page, options page, ...). As of Chrome 36.0.1957.0, the required user gesture also carries over from content scripts, so if you want to, you could add a click event listener from a content script and use chrome.runtime.sendMessage to send the request to the background page, which in turn calls chrome.permissions.request.
Optional code execution in tabs
After obtaining the host permissions (optional or mandatory), you have to somehow inject the content script (or CSS style) in the matching pages. There are a few options, in order of my preference:
Use the chrome.declarativeContent.RequestContentScript action to insert a content script in the page. Read the documentation if you want to learn how to use this API.
Use the webNavigation API (e.g. chrome.webNavigation.onCommitted) to detect when the user has navigated to the page, then use chrome.tabs.executeScript to insert the content script in the tab (or chrome.tabs.insertCSS to insert styles).
Use the tabs API (chrome.tabs.onUpdated) to detect that a page might have changed, and insert a content script in the page using chrome.tabs.executeScript.
I strongly recommend option 1, because it was specifically designed for this use case. Note: This API was added in Chrome 38, but only worked with optional permissions since Chrome 39. Despite the "WARNING: This action is still experimental and is not supported on stable builds of Chrome." in the documentation, the API is actually supported on stable. Initially the idea was to wait for a review before publishing the API on stable, but that review never came and so now this API has been working fine for almost two years.
The second and third options are similar. The difference between the two is that using the webNavigation API adds an additional permission warning ("Read your browsing history"). For this warning, you get an API that can efficiently filter the navigations, so the number of chrome.tabs.executeScript calls can be minimized.
If you don't want to put this extra permission warning in your permission dialog, then you could blindly try to inject on every tab. If your extension has the permission, then the injection will succeed. Otherwise, it fails. This doesn't sound very efficient, and it is not... ...on the bright side, this method does not require any additional permissions.
By using either of the latter two methods, your content script must be designed in such a way that it can handle multiple insertions (e.g. with a guard). Inserting in frames is also supported (allFrames:true), but only if your extension is allowed to access the tab's URL (or the frame's URL if frameId is set).
I advise against using declarativeContent APIs because they're deprecated and buggy with CSS, as described by the last comment on
Use the new content script registration APIs instead. Here's what you need, in two parts:
Programmatic script injection
There's a new contentScripts.register() API which can programmatically register content scripts and they'll be loaded exactly like content_scripts defined in the manifest:
matches: ['*'],
js: [{file: 'content.js'}]
This API is only available in Firefox but there's a Chrome polyfill you can use. If you're using Manifest v3, there's the native chrome.scripting.registerContentScript which does the same thing but slightly differently.
Acquiring new permissions
By using chrome.permissions.request you can add new domains on which you can inject content scripts. An example would be:
// In a content script or options page
document.querySelector('button').addEventListener('click', () => {
origins: ['*']
}, granted => {
if (granted) {
/* Use contentScripts.register */
And you'll have to add optional_permissions in your manifest.json to allow new origins to be requested:
"optional_permissions": [
In Manifest v3 this property was renamed to optional_host_permissions.
I also wrote some tools to further simplify this for you and for the end user, such as
webext-domain-permission-toggle and webext-dynamic-content-scripts. They will automatically register your scripts in the next browser launches and allow the user the remove the new permissions and scripts.
Since the existing answer is now a few years old, optional injection is now much easier and is described here. It says that to inject a new file conditionally, you can use the following code:
// The lines I have commented are in the documentation, but the uncommented
// lines are the important part
//chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((message, callback) => {
// if (message == “runContentScript”){
file: 'contentScript.js'
// }
You will need the Active Tab Permission to do this.

Updating a wiki page with the REST API

How do you update a SharePoint 2013 wiki page using the REST API?
Three permutations:
Reading an existing page (content only)
Updating an existing page
Creating a new page
For reading an existing page, of course I can just to a "GET" of the correct URL, but this also brings down all the various decorations around the actual data on the wiki page-- rather than fish that out myself, it would be better if there was a way to just get the content if that is possible.
Are there special endpoints is the REST API that allow for any of these three operations on wiki pages?
As stated in GMasucci's post, there does not appear to be a clean or obvious way of instantiating pages through the REST API.
You can call the AddWikiPage method from the SOAP service at http://[site]/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx. This is an out of the box service that will be accessible unless it has been specifically locked down for whatever reason.
To read the content of a wiki page through the REST API, you can use the following endpoint:
The content is contained within the WikiContent field. You may want to add a select to that URL and return it as JSON to reduce the amount of data getting passed over if that is a concern.
As for updating the content of an existing wiki page, it is not something I have tried but I would imagine it's just like populating another field through the REST API. This is how I would expect to do it:
Do a HTTP POST to the same endpoint as above
Use the following HTTP headers:
Cookie = "yourauthcookie"
Content-Type = "application/json;odata=verbose"
X-RequestDigest = "yourformdigest"
X-HTTP-Method, "MERGE"
If-Match = "etag value from entry node, returned from a GET to the above endpoint"
Post the following JSON body
"__metadata": { "type": "SP.Data.SitePagesItem" },
"WikiField" : "HTML entity coded wiki content goes here"
The interim answer I have found is to not utilise REST, as it appears to not be
fully documented
fully featured
supported across Sharepoint 2013 and On-line in the same way
So my current recommendation would be to utilise the SOAP services to achieve the same, as these are more documented and easily accessible.

Is it possible to rewrite url (with extra parameters) with a Chrome extension

I am trying to append few extra parameters to the url that user typed (before the page gets loaded). Is it possible to do?
For example, if user types, I would like to append ?q=query to url (final:
The webRequest API might be what you need. This code goes in your background page:
function(details) {
if( details.url == "" )
return {redirectUrl: "" };
{urls: ["*"]},
This is an extremely specific rule that redirects visits to with, but I think you can see how to expand it to include more functionality.
Note that this will reroute all attempts to reach, including Ajax requests and iframes.
Per the documentation, you will need to add the webRequest and webRequestBlocking permissions, along with host permissions for every host you plan to intercept:
"permissions": [
This is an old question still I am answering it for future readers.
Modification of query parameters is a little tricky because you can endup in an infinite loop and Chrome/Firefox may detect it and process whatever is the current state of the request URL.
I have faced this situation in my chrome extension Requestly where Users used Replace Rule and replaced with or did something similar.
The problem with this approach is browsers intercept the request URL after adding query parameter so the parameter will be added multiple times and corrupt the URL. So you have to ensure either of the following:-
Do not intercept a request once it has been redirected.
Check if the parameter already exists, then do not redirect it.
As correctly pointed out by #apsillers in his answer, you have to use webRequest API to perform any modifications to the URL. Please have a look at his answer
and write your code accordingly.
Just in case, you are looking for an already available solution, consider trying Requestly's Query Parameter Rule. Here is a screenshot of how it looks like:-
For Firefox, you can download Requestly from its home page.

Best practice: How to track outbound links?

How do you track outbound links for your web site, since the request is logged on the destination server, not yours?
You can add a quick JQuery script to the page that will track external links and can either redirect them to a file on your server that will track the link and then forward to it, or add an ajax request that will submit on click for external links, and track them that way.
Method #1: target="_blank", onclick and Google Analytics Events
Format your outgoing links with the following attributes:
Define a javascript tracking function (requires google analytics to be loaded already):
function trackOutgoing(el) {
ga('send', 'event', {eventCategory: 'outbound',
eventAction: 'send',
eventLabel: el.getAttribute('href'),
eventValue: 1});
Does NOT interfere with normal link behavior
Does NOT require redirecting to another url
The onclick is not guaranteed to execute (user or browser could terminate the main window)
Method #2: Redirecting with Javascript and Google Analytics Callbacks
Format your outgoing links with the following attributes:
Define a javascript tracking function (requires google analytics to be loaded already):
function trackOutgoingAndRedirect(el) {
var url = el.getAttribute('href');
ga('send', 'event', {eventCategory: 'outbound',
eventAction: 'send',
eventLabel: url,
eventValue: 1,
hitCallback: function() { document.location = url; }});
Does not require target="_blank"
Higher chance of your event being registered with Google Analytics (compared to Method #1)
Overrides the default behavior of links with return false;
Cannot open outgoing links in a new window
Method #3: Using a Redirect URL
Format your outgoing links with the following attributes:
On your site you will need to implement a redirect script which is beyond the scope of this answer.
Your redirect script would most likely track the outgoing link and then redirect to the provided url.
No Javascript required
Does NOT require Google Analytics
Does NOT interfere with the normal link behavior
Harder to trigger Google Analytics Events
Links do not link to their original URL. Which may have negative SEO implications.
Add an onclick or onmousedown handler to the anchor tag. You can see many sites doing this, such as Google.
I don't like the redirect as described by Eric Tuttleman, as you unfortunately lose the 'search engine friendliness' of the link.
I handle this on a site I own by adding an onClick to my outgoing links, which fires a function which sends the link URL and a timestamp to my database. I then wrote a backend which retrieves the data, and lets me view it by such categories as 'Most clicked / 24h', 'Most clicked / 1w' etc.
I hope this helps.
On one system I've worked on, we ended up storing redirects in a database table and creating a redirect page that takes an id as an input. On our content pages, we link to the redirect page with an unique id from this table. Once the redirect page looks up the url via the id from the table, it then sends the client a redirect response, sending them to the ending page.
This does give us logging of external links, and as an added bonus, it makes mass changes to external urls a bit easier in some cases.
Some newer options that work without any hacks as explained in are Fetch with the keepalive-flag or navigator.sendBeacon.
keepalive is not yet (Aug. 2022) supported by Firefox (Can I Use), but navigator.sendBeacon works in all modern browsers (Can I Use).
// normal fetch, not guaranteed to work
someLink.addEventListener('click', function(event){
// fetch + keep alive (not working in Firefox as of 103, Aug. 2022)
someLink.addEventListener('click', function(event){
fetch('http://www.testing.local/?origin=fetch-keep-alive', {
keepalive: true
// navigator.sendBeacon (all modern browsers)
someLink.addEventListener('click', function(event){
