When using PowerShell on Linux, is there a way to set the shell $PWD on exit of the PS script? - linux

When running a PowerShell script from bash, is there a way to have PowerShell set the current directory of the calling shell up exit?
I have tried the following things (independently, not all at once)
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
# myscript.ps1
$desiredPath = "/the/path/I/Want"
& cd $desiredPath
& Set-Location $desiredPath
& zsh -c 'cd ${clonePath}'
Unfortunately, the end result always ends up being back at the prior $PWD.
I am sure I could return the path from the script and then pipe it to another command, but I am trying to find out if there is a way to accomplish this without having to do that, as I have the scripts folder on my path so I can simply call myscript.ps1 arg1 arg2.

There is no way for a subprocess to modify the environment of its parent process without cooperation from the parent; but if you can get the parent to cooperate, you can pass back an expression for it to evaluate.
(I'm not very conversant in PowerShell so I am putting a simple Python script here instead; but you should easily see how to replace it with PowerShell.)
cd "$(python -c 'print("/tmp/fnord")')"
or more generally
eval $(python -c 'print("cd /tmp/fnord")')
but you really should avoid eval in most circumstances if at all feasible, and then make really sure you can completely trust its output if you can't avoid it.
Needless to say, the subprocess could do something a lot more complex, as long as it prints the expression you want to pass back to the parent (and nothing else) to standard output during its execution.

You can have a script before calling other scripts, which sets up the environment for the PowerShell session window temporarily while this window is still open running the scripts you would like to run. With environment variables to be set temporarily in the PowerShell session, and to change the $PWD variable, and then afterwards the file would call each of the scripts and should keep the $PWD after the first script was run and finishes, and the script to run after.


incrementing an environmental variable

I need to increment an environmental variable by these steps:
export envar
sh script_incrementation
echo $envar
where script_incrementation contains something like this:
#! /bin/sh
envar=$[envar+1] #I've tried also other methods of incrementation
export envar
Whatever I do, after exiting the script the variable remains with its initial value 1.
THanks for your time.
A shell script executes in its own shell, so you cannot affect the outer shell unless you source it. See this question for details of that discussion.
Consider the following script, which I will call Foo.sh.
export HELLO=$(($HELLO+1))
Suppose in the outer shell, I define an environmental variable:
export HELLO=1
If I run the script like this, it run inside its own shell and will not affect the parent.
However, if I source it, it will just execute the commands in the current shell, and will achieve the desired affect.
. Foo.sh
echo $HELLO # prints 2
Your script can not change the environment of the calling process (shell), it merely inherits it.
So, if you export foo=bar, and then invoke sh (a new process) with your script, the script will see the value of $foo (which is "bar"), and it will be able to change its own copy of it – but that is not going to affect the environment of the parent process (where you exported the variable).
You can simply source your script in the original shell, i.e. run
source increment_script.sh
. increment_script.sh
and that will then change the value of the variable.
This is because sourceing a script avoids spawning a new shell (process).
Another trick is to have your script output the changed environment, and then eval that output, for example:
echo "counter=$counter"
and then run that as
eval `increment_script.sh`

How to run a csh script from a sh script

I was wondering if there is a way to source a csh script from a sh script. Below is an example of what is trying to be implemented:
source script2
#!/bin/csh -f
setenv TEST 1234
set path = /home/user/sandbox
When I run sh script1.sh, I get syntax errors generated from script2 (expected since we are using a different Shebang). Is there a way I can run script2 through script1?
Instead of source script2 run it as:
csh -f script2
Since your use case depends on retaining environment variables set by the csh script, try adding this to the beginning of script1:
if [ "$csh_executed" -ne 1 ]; then
csh_executed=1 exec csh -c "source script2;
exec /bin/sh \"$0\" \"\$argv\"" "$#"
# rest of script1
If the csh_executed variable is not set to 1 in the environment, run a csh script that sources script2 then executes an instance of sh, which will retain the changes to the environment made in script2. exec is used to avoid creating new processes for each shell instance, instead just "switching" from one shell to the next. Setting csh_executed in the environment of the csh command ensures that we don't get stuck in a loop when script1 is re-executed by the csh instance.
Unfortunately, there is one drawback that I don't think can be fixed, at least not with my limited knowledge of csh: the second invocation of script1 receives all the original arguments as a single string, rather than a sequence of distinct arguments.
You don't want source there; it runs the given script inside your existing shell, without spawning a subprocess. Obviously, your sh process can't run something like that which isn't a sh script.
Just call the script directly, assuming it is executable:
The closest you can come to sourcing a script with a different executor than your original script is to use exec. exec will replace the running process space with the new process. Unlike source, however, when your exec-ed program ends, the entire process ends. So you can do this:
exec /path/to/csh/script
but you can't do this:
exec /path/to/csh/script
However, are you sure you really want to source the script? Maybe you just want to run it in a subprocess:
csh -f /path/to/csh/script
You want the settings in your csh script to apply to the sh script that invokes it.
Basically, you can't do that, though there are some (rather ugly) ways you could make it work. If you execute your csh script, it will set those variables in the context of the process running the script; they'll vanish as soon as it returns to the caller.
Your best bet is simply to write a new version of your csh script as an sh script, and source or . it from the calling sh script.
You could translate your csh script:
#!/bin/csh -f
setenv TEST 1234
set path = /home/user/sandbox
to this:
export TEST=1234
export PATH=/home/user/sandbox
(csh treats the shell array variable $path specially, tying it to the environment variable $PATH. sh and its derivatives don't do that, they deal with $PATH itself directly.)
Note that a script intended to be sourced should not have a #! line at the top, since it doesn't make sense to execute it in its own process; you need to execute its contents in the context of the caller.
If maintaining two copies of the script, one to be sourced from csh or tcsh scripts and another to be sourced or .ed from sh/ksh/bash/zsh script, is not practical, there are other solutions. For example, your script can print a series of sh commands to be executed; you can then do something like
eval `./foo.csh`
(line endings will pose some issues here).
Or you can modify the csh script so it sets the required environment variables and then invokes some specified command, which could be a new interactive shell; this is inconvenient, since it doesn't set those variables in the interactive shell you're running.
If a software package requires some special environment variables to be set, it's common practice to provide scripts called, for example, setup.sh and setup.csh, so that sh/ksh/bash/zsh users can do:
. /path/to/package/setup.sh
and csh/tcsh users can do:
source /path/to/package/setup.csh
Incidentally, this command:
set path = /home/user/sandbox
in your sample script is probably not a good idea. It replaces your entire $PATH with just a single directory, which means you won't be able to execute simple commands like ls unless you specify their full paths. You'd usually want something like:
set path = ( $path /home/user/sandbox )
or, in sh:

Why calling a script by "scriptName" doesn't work?

I have a simple script cmakeclean to clean cmake temp files:
#!/bin/bash -f
rm CMakeCache.txt
rm *.cmake
which I call like
$ cmakeclean
And it does remove CMakeCache.txt, but it doesn't remove cmake_install.cmake:
rm: *.cmake: No such file or directory
When I run it like:
$ . cmakeclean
it does remove both.
What is the difference and can I make this script work like an usual linux command (without . in front)?
I am sure the both times is same script is executed. To check this I added echo meme in the script and rerun it in both ways.
Remove the -f from your #!/bin/bash -f line.
-f prevents pathname expansion, which means that *.cmake will not match anything. When you run your script as a script, it interprets the shebang line, and in effect runs /bin/bash -f scriptname. When you run it as . scriptname, the shebang is just seen as a comment line and ignored, so the fact that you do not have -f set in your current environment allows it to work as expected.
. script is short for source script which means the current shell executes the commands in the script. If there's an exit in there, the current shell will exit (and e. g. the terminal window will close).
This is typically used to modify the environment of the current shell (set variables etc.).
script asks the shell to fork itself, then exec the given script in the child process, and then wait in the father for the termination of the child. If there's an exit in the script, this will be executed by the child shell and thus only terminate this. The father shell stays intact and unaltered by this call.
This is typically used to start other programs from the current shell.
Is this about ClearCase? What did you do in your poor life where you've been assigned to work in the deepest bowels of hell?
For years, I was a senior ClearCase Administer. I haven't touched it in over a decade. My life is way better now. The sky is bluer, bird songs are more melodious, and my dread over coming to work every day is now a bit less.
Getting back to your issue: It's hard to say exactly what's going on. ClearCase does some wacky things. In a dynamic view, the ClearCase repository on Unix systems is hidden in the shell's environment. Now you see it, now you don't.
When you run a shell script, it starts up a new environment. If a particular shell variable is not imported, it is invisible that shell script. When you merely run cmakeclean from the command line, you are spawning a new shell -- one that does not contain your ClearCase environment.
When you run a shell script with a dot prefix like . cmakeclean, you are running that shell script in the current shell which contains your ClearCase environment. Thus, it can see your ClearCase view.
If you're using a snapshot view, it is possible that you have a $HOME/.bashrc that's changing directories on you. When a new shell environment runs in BASH (the default shell in MacOS X and Linux), it first runs $HOME/.bashrc. If this sets a particular directory, then you end up in that directory and not in the directory where you ran your shell script. I use to see this when I too was involved in ClearCase hell. People setup their .kshrc script (it was the days before BASH and most people used Kornshell) to setup their views. Unfortunately, this made running any other shell script almost impossible to do.

How to make declare in a Linux shell script?

I want to put below declare in a shell script: proxy_set
declare -x https_proxy=""
And then I execute it like below.
$ ./proxy_set
But "export" shows nothing happened.
And in another way if I execute it like this:
$ source proxy_set
Then "export" shows it works!
My question is how can I make it work without additional "source" cmd?
You can't. Setting variables in the environment only affects the environment of that shell and any future children it spawns; there's no way to affect the parent shell. When you run it without the source (or .), a brand new shell is started up, then the variable is set in that shell's environment, and then that shell exits, taking its environment with it.
The source reads the commands and executes them within the current shell as if you had typed them.
So if you want to set environment variables in a script, you have to source it. Alternatively, you can have a command generate shell commands as output instead of running them, and then the parent can evaluate the output of the command. Things like ssh-agent use this approach.
Try just adding:
export https_proxy=""
Then execute your script normally.

How do I import environment settings into my Perl program?

I have a script whose content simply exports a variable in linux.
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=....
I want to run this script in my Perl script so whoever is running my Perl script will have their LD_LIBRARY_PATH set. Can i just do this in the beginning of my Perl script:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
system(". /myfolder1/myfolder2/myScript.sh");
. /myfolder1/myfolder2/myScript.sh
exec perl -wxS "$0" "$#"
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# .. the rest of your script as normal
When you run this, it will first be executed by /bin/sh, which is capable of loading myScript.sh into the local environment. sh then execs Perl, which is told to continue from the following line.
This won't work. To change the environment inside your Perl script (and to change the environment that will be passed on to commands run from inside your Perl script), change the %ENV variable.
This won't work. There is no way for a subshell to manipulate the environment of the parent process.
But you could make your script echo the string you want to set as LD_LIBRARY_PATH and then from within your Perl script you could do something like that:
$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} = `path/to/your/script.sh`;
Of course, a bit of error checking might also be a good idea.
No. Your environment changes made in a child cannot affect the parent. This means running a script will not affect perl. Also perl will not affect the shell from which it was called. You can edit the environment inside perl by changing the special variable %ENV. If there's some kind of unreproducible calculation done in that script, maybe the script should just echo the setting and perl can pick that up on STDOUT and use it.
I {changed directory, modified my environment} in a perl script. How come the change disappeared when I exited the script? How do I get my changes to be visible?
Unix In the strictest sense, it can't be done -- the script executes
as a different process from the shell
it was started from. Changes to a
process are not reflected in its
parent, only in its own children
created after the change.
I had a similar problem a few years ago and whipped up a little module, Env::Sourced, that should do the trick.
use Env::Sourced qw(/myfolder1/myfolder2/myScript.sh);
Another option (other than making the changes directly in Perl's %ENV) is to make the changes you want a Perl module, so that you can say:
use MyEnvironment;
and have it modify your environment in all your scripts. It would make it simple to make changes after the fact that will not require editing every script.
The module itself will be simple, something like this:
package MyEnvironment;
$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} .= ":/some/path/you/want/appended";
# Any other changes you want here.
That won't work. An (unpleasant) alternative might be to replace /usr/bin/perl with a shell script that first executes your script and then executes the perl executable.
This can't be done in the way you're trying to do this.
It either needs a wrapper shell script that sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH and then calls your perl script, or any user executing the script needs to have LD_LIBRARY_PATH set correctly in the first place.
If doing the latter, then this can be managed globally by editing /etc/profile and /etc/cshrc (for ksh, sh, bash, csh and tcsh) shells. You can then test for the value of LD_LIBRARY_PATH in your script and if not set/set incorrectly then print a friendly message to the user. Alternatively individual users can set this in their local .profile/.cshrc files.
Note: you haven't given any information about the environment or useres that might run this, so there's also the possibility that users may set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to something they need. If you do check LD_LIBRARY_PATH for a "good" value in your script, then keep in mind that several paths may have been specified, so you will need to parse this environment variable properly.
If you can find the right place in your perl script, this works as in my example:
$ENV{"LD_LIBRARY_PATH"} = "/oracle/product/10g/lib";
And it didn't require me to call another script to set the env var.
The Env::Modify module addresses this issue, at least for POSIX-y platforms:
use Env::Modify 'source';
... environment settings from myScript.sh are now available to Perl ...
