How to mirror the video and add wotermark in node js - node.js

I wanted to find it here,but I found a similarity to this,but it wasn't for the node.js
how to mirror + add logo to video?
Here we can see a code:ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -i logo.png -filter_complex "hflip[flipped];[flipped]overlay=x=10:y=10" out.mp4
But i didn't understand how i can use it in Node.js

you'll need to spawn FFMPEG from your node app:
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var ffmpeg_process, feedStream=false;
var ops = [-i, input.mp4, -i, logo.png, -filter_complex, "hflip[flipped];[flipped]overlay=x=10:y=10", out.mp4];
ffmpeg_process=spawn('ffmpeg', ops);
//in this bit I was writing FFMPEG data to a socket, so I commented out those bits
console.log('child process error'+e);
//socket.emit('fatal','ffmpeg error!'+e);
console.log('child process exit'+e);
//socket.emit('fatal','ffmpeg exit!'+e);
a working example can be seen at GH:


Option loop not found in video input using ffmpeg

I'm trying to merge a image to a video using ffmpeg.
This command works to me: ffmpeg -i merged-video.mp4 -loop 1 -i resized-image.png -shortest -c:a copy out.mp4
But it's not working when I do it in node.js, using fluent-ffmpeg.
My code is like this bellow:
const ffmpeg = require('fluent-ffmpeg');
'-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p',
.on('error', err => reject(err.message))
.on('end', resolve)
But it's getting error ffmpeg exited with code 1: Option loop not found.

FFMPEG command works in shell ! but not in my node.js

When my ffmpeg command is built by my node.js application it does not run.
Unrecognized option 'ss 3.2 -t 1.9 -i videoplayback.mp4 -vf fps=15,scale=240:-1:flags=lanczos,palettegen palette.png'.
ffmpeg -ss 3.2 -t 1.9 -i videoplayback.mp4 -vf \ fps=15,scale=240:-1:flags=lanczos,palettegen palette.png
this is my code
var child_process = require('child_process')
function recordVideo() {
var spawn = child_process.spawn;
var args = [
'-ss', '3.2',
'-t', '1.9',
'-i', '../getback/bin/videos/videoplayback.mp4',
'-vf', ' \\ ',
'fps=', '15',
'scale=', '320:-1',
'flags=','lanczos,palettegen palette.png',
var ffmpeg = spawn('ffmpeg', args);
ffmpeg.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
ffmpeg.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
console.log('grep stderr: ' + data);
ffmpeg.on('close', (code) => {
console.log('child process exited with code ' + code);
what is this error?
I think.. 'fps=', '15', In the following code
'=' options a problem.
I am still learning English.
I'm sorry if it was hard to understand.
Node will put a space between every argument in the array you give to child_process.spawn function, as the second argument, when it's building your command. Try replacing the argument pairs like "fps=" and "15" with a single argument: "fps=15".
For future reference one can view the spawned arguments by reading the spawnargs property from the created child process.

ffmpeg jpeg stream to webm only creates a file .webm with 1 frame (snapshot) or empty .webm file (mjpeg)

my problem is that when i try to turn a series of jpegs into a webm video. I either get a webm file with a single frame or a webm file with nothing in it (0 kb).
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var outStream = fs.createWriteStream(__dirname+'/output.webm');
var ffmpeg = require('fluent-ffmpeg');
this one is a mjpeg stream URL. it produces a file with nothing.
//var proc = new ffmpeg({source:'',timeout:0})
this one is a snapshot URL. it produces a file with a single frame.
var proc = new ffmpeg({source:'',timeout:0})
I have tried to use pipe instead but no dice :(
any help is appreciated.
at this point i am up for using a basic shell command with exec but when i try that i just get errors also. Yes, it goes without saying I am a noob.
Side note:
I have tried things like zoneminder but it just breaks with our cameras and the number of cameras. so i am making a bare bones solution to record them. With our current cloud service we are missing very important moments and its costing more in energy and time.
thanks everyone that had a look and tried to figure it out :)
i have had some success with this method. It essentially works off a snapshot URL instead of the MJPEG. this uses request. but you could technically use anything since the method is using a pipe. image2pipe.
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var request = require('request');
var args = '-f image2pipe -r 1 -vcodec mjpeg -i - -f webm -r 1 test3.webm';
var encoder = spawn('ffmpeg', args.split(' '));
var interval = function(){
i could have used setInterval but i only wanted it to try again after it finished the request.
it turns out my camera was down when i was trying to use the method in the initial questions so im not sure if it works... but i know this does for MJPEG
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var args = '-f mjpeg -framerate 1 -i -vcodec libvpx -framerate 1 -bitrate 256k video_file.webm -y';
var encoder = spawn('ffmpeg', args.split(' '));

Fluent-ffmpeg and complex filter in Electron (node)

I want to use fluent-ffmpeg module to call ffmpeg with complex filter from Electron but have no success. The error '[AVFilterGraph # 0xb8.......] No such filter " Error initalizing complex filters . Invalid argument' is the same as in this question Error : Running FFmpeg command in Android ,splitting command in array not working but the context is different.
What is needed?
Run this ffmpeg command using fluent-ffmpeg:
ffmpeg -i safework-background-0.mp4 -i image1.png -i image2.png -i
image3.png -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v]
overlay=1:1:enable='between(t,5,8.5)' [tmp]; [tmp][2:v]
overlay=1:1:enable='between(t,8.5,12)' [tmp]; [tmp][3:v]
overlay=1:1:enable='between(t,12,15)'" test-video-safework3.mp4
It uses a complex filter to overlay three images on a video in sequence and exports a new video.
What doesn't work?
Obviously fluent-ffmpeg chokes with required quotes for complex filter, that is my conclusion (and is the same as for the Android variant question above).
What works without fluent-ffmpeg in Electron?
As you can guess I have to resort to calling ffmpeg directly. To help others, the following command, with input and output video filenames parametrized, translates to Electron as:
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn
var fargs = ['-y', '-i', sourceDir.path() + '/' + inVideoName, '-i', tempDir.path() + '/' + 'image1.png',
'-i', tempDir.path() + '/' + 'image2.png', '-i', tempDir.path() + '/' + 'image3.png',
'-filter_complex', '[0:v][1:v]overlay=1:1:enable=\'between(t,5,8.5)\'[tmp];' +
'[tmp][2:v]overlay=1:1:enable=\'between(t,8.5,12)\'[tmp];[tmp][3:v]' +
'overlay=1:1:enable=\'between(t,12,15)\'', targetDir.path() + '/' + outVideoName]
var ffmpeg = spawn(ffmpegc, fargs, { cwd:jetpack.cwd(app.getPath('home')).path() })
// some code ommitted
ffmpeg.on('close', (code) => {
console.log(`child process exited with code ${code}`)
webContents.send('notify-user-reply', 'Video processing done.')
The above command already has removed spaces between various filters (in complex filter) for each image or it would also choke.
I would really love to use fluent-ffmpeg in Electron, not just for the convenience of calling ffmpeg more elegantly but also for some additional features like easy progress reporting.

FFmpeg Stream RTSP input and save to file at the same time using nodejs

I am using node-rtsp-stream module to stream RTSP to web with nodejs.
I am streaming RTSP source with ffmpeg, for example RTSP SOURCE - EXAMPLE
I know that I can save one or many inputs to many outputs but I dont know if there is option to stream the input and save it to file at the same time without executing two process of ffmpeg.
With the following example I am able to stream the RTSP source
ffmpeg -i rtsp-url -rtsp_transport tcp -f mpeg1video -b:v 800k -r 30
On the module is look like that: = child_process.spawn("ffmpeg", [ "-i", this.url, "-rtsp_transport", "tcp",'-f', 'mpeg1video', '-b:v', '800k', '-r', '30', '-'], {
detached: false
ff =child_process.spawn("ffmpeg", [ "-i", this.url, '-b:v', '800k', '-r', '30', '1.mp4'], {
detached: false
this.inputStreamStarted = true;'data', function(data) {
return self.emit('mpeg1data', data);
});'data', function(data) {
return self.emit('ffmpegError', data);
As you can see I am using two process of ffmpeg to do what I want but
If anyone faced with this issue and solve it with one command ( process ), I would like to get some suggestions.
How to stream RTSP source and save it to file at the same time.
for more information about the module I use:
try the code: (it will read RTSP and save to a jpg file (overwrite it every 3 seconds))
var fs = require('fs');
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var rtspURI = 'rtsp://';
var fps = 1/3;
//avconv -i rtsp:// \
// -r 1/3 -an -y -update 1 test.jpg
var ffmpeg = spawn('avconv', ['-i',rtspURI,'-r',fps,'-an','-y','-update','1','test.jpg']);
// var ffmpeg = spawn('avconv',
// ['-i','rtsp://',
// '-r','1/3','-an','-y','-update','1','test.jpg']);
ffmpeg.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
console.log('stdout: ' + data);
ffmpeg.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
console.log('stderr: ' + data);
ffmpeg.on('close', function (code) {
console.log('child process exited with code ' + code);
